Reflections Pt. 01


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"I will never refuse you sex unless I am ill," she rarely did anyway, so no big deal there.

"I'll take it up the arse."

"Anytime," I asked, she said yes. We'd done that a few times, but it didn't do anything for us; it was quite uncomfortable for Julia. There is a perfectly good purpose designed hole right next door to the shit chute, but I might give it a go again.

"Full BSB anytime, anywhere as long it doesn't humiliate me." Sounds good, but not startling.

"In fact, I will do anything sexually for you."

My turn, "Ok then, role playing, anything, anytime, anywhere?"




"Masturbate in front of me?"


"A Threesome, two women, and I get to choose the woman?" That shocked her.

"No, never," got her!

"Ok, it's off then, you sleep with him, I divorce you. You said anything."

"Bollocks I did, then yes, threesome, as long as I am one of the three." Fuck, I thought that might tip the scales. I was used to getting disappointed.

I told her. "Don't worry, as good as it sounds, that's not on my cards just yet. But I might change my mind." I did want to say that I don't share, but that would have been cruel, actually I was saving that up for later.

I told her that I was worried she had the answers straight off the bat. She replied that if we went ahead with this that she knew I would want something back, and it had given her time to think about what I would like. She wasn't expecting my next demand.

"I want all that just to keep talking about it, all those things forever, just to keep talking, say 'No' and this conversation stops right now."

I didn't hold out much hope that that would change her mind, there was nothing really radical in there, I know she wasn't keen to Jill herself off in front of me, wasn't particularly keen on getting caught by doing it outdoors, these were a couple of things in there that were outside her comfort zone, especially the threesome, but I had to try. "Except one," she said. "If I don't sleep with Andrew, you don't get another woman, apart from that OK."

Got her! "Nope, that stays in, you want to sleep with another man, that violates our vows, so I get to do the same thing." I could see she was thinking, my smug feeling was slipping away inversely proportional to the time she was taking to answer.

"Ok, I agree." she leaned forward, looked at me and said, "Only because you love me and I don't think you will go through with it."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Was the only thing going round my head. Because she was correct, I struggled not to let the disappointment show.

"One more thing," I said, "I get the final say on all big decisions, next car, holidays, visiting your sister. I get the final say," before she could answer I got up and walked to the lounge and came back with a car magazine and a holiday brochure. I opened the page of the magazine at a picture of an Aston Martin and dropped it in front of her, "our next car." I opened the brochure at a Norfolk Broads sailing yacht, as I dropped that in front of her, I said, "your next cruise."

She leaned forward and took my hand. I let her. "You drive a hard bargain, but yes, and only because I know you love me, and you'll think about what I want as well. I don't think you will go through with most of it."

Shit, she did it again, she knows me all too well. Although she may be surprised, I had some plans.

I looked her in the eye and told her I would give her an answer on Monday before we went to work, I was tired, all this had worn me out, but now I had to come up with a set of rules that Shithead would not be able to cope with, but I didn't think they would do the job, Plan 'A' looked like it was going to fail, Plan 'B' it would have to be.

I finished coming up with Shitheads rules then went and cut the grass, it didn't need it, but I needed something to do, the evening was lack lustre to say the least, we had a mediocre take away, watched shit on the telly, I didn't even bother to light a fire. Knowing I would have to drive to work some time the following day I couldn't even have too many beers.

At about 10 o'clock Julia got up and as she walked past stroked my arm smiled at me and said. "Time for a little BSB?"

My reply was quite harsh, "What offering me another guilty fuck, and what did I say yesterday?" That startled her.

"Lots of things," she said.

"The one that went 'I am not sleeping with my wife that wants to get fucked by another man'," with that she stormed off, I grabbed my quilt and pillows and failed to get a good night's sleep.

The courier arrived Sunday with the package in a plain brown wrapping from the spy shop, Julia accepted it and popped it into the garage and told me it had arrived. I managed to slice it open, remove the four smoke detectors, a Co2 alarm, power supply socket all with Wi-Fi video camera and sound recorder plus two wi-fi audio recorders, I linked them all to my personal laptop and mobile phone. I resealed the package and left it in the garage.

I told Julia I was off to the pub, she told me to be home at five as dinner would be ready and not to be too pissed. I went to work, I put one smoke detector in Shitheads office over his desk, I should be able to see everything he did. I replaced the two normal ones in the stair wells and the one in the kitchen with my spy ones. The Co2 alarm went into the entrance so I could see when Shithead was in the building. The power socket in the girl's office was replaced, fortunately it was at waist level and had a good view of the whole office. I popped the two audio recorders in my desk and went to the Rose and Crown hoping to find some relief with my mates. But I couldn't get in the mood, in fact one of my mates asked what was wrong, I said I had things on my mind, work and shit. The rest just called me a miserable bastard, which was probably true. I got home just before five, sober, well sober ish.

Julia looked absolutely lovely, little bit of make-up, nice hair, lovely dress with lots of cleavage and I suspect stockings. "Nice try, you do look very lovely, call it off and I will give the best loving I have ever done, otherwise my 'I am not sleeping with my wife that wants to get fucked by another man' still stands. Of course, you could be dressed like that to convince me to say 'Yes'."

She was aghast at that suggestion, I could see that hadn't crossed her mind that it was going to come across like that, "No, No I want to go to bed and make love to you, or just fucking if that's what you want, please sweetheart."

"As I said before I am not your sweetheart, I am just the poor fool you want to cheat on."

Dinner was quiet and exceptional with all my Sunday roast favourites; we spent the evening sitting close watching telly. She went to bed at about half past ten, as she left, I said, "I'll see you at breakfast at seven with my decision. There is one thing I want you to consider, instead of Shithead I will purchase for you, for one night an escort, call it a gigolo if you wish, think about it, he will be clean, almost certainly good at what he does and there will be no romantic involvement, just sex and no work conflicts." Plan D.

"Sweetheart, you may not like that name at the moment, but that's what you are to me so get over it. You really have thought about this and if you let me do this thing, I promise it will be just the one night. I'll think about your suggestion." I let her give me a kiss on the cheek.

Well, that's it, plan 'A' halfway through, probably on the way to failure and plan 'D' out in the open. Plan 'B' will start tomorrow. But still with the option of plan 'C', but gaol time didn't attract me.

I didn't sleep well, only one beer as it was a school night and work early in the morning. And I was wondering with everything in place what mayhem I could cause Shithead, I was certain he was behind this but what opportunities might raise their ugly heads. There will be some!

I find it quite funny when commenters try to tell me what my characters are thinking. They are my characters I do know what they're thinking or in some cases what they are not thinking.

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NitpicNitpic8 days ago

What a load of long drawn out crap.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

What he hasn't realized is that he told her if she loved him she wouldn't ask him what she did... well she asked him so she must not love him anymore... then he should never have even given it any consideration, just divorce her and get it all over with... move on, she obviously has, she's already committed adultery.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

All this at a family owned company? if informed what was happening, the owners would no doubt fire for cause the two C'S and the salesman. Encouraging a fellow employee to commit adultery, especially one married to another employee of the company, is clearly grounds for dismissal. By encouraging the affair, all three were undermining the work of the company and showing reckless disregard for its reputation and future. Whether the wife could salvage her employment would depend on their view of her culpability after an investigation.

NitpicNitpic4 months ago

What a wimp,he should already have had her served with divorce papers.

NitpicNitpic4 months ago

What a wimp,he should already have served her with the divorce papers.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

"I have to." That is just an admission that she is akin to a child and can't control herself. There is a deeper issue at hand and it's being ignored. Such a shame when morons like this risk throwing away everything because they refuse to get the help they need.

None of her reasoning to want to have sex with this other guy make any sort of real sense. If she's missing something why can't her husband do it? Just explain what it is and they'll do it. They're apparently very kinky in the bedroom so what could she possibly get from "another tool" (as she so eloquently put it) that her husband can't give her? Just makes no sense. Then again, it's evident her head is fucked up so there's that. Another possible explanation is that this Andrew tool has something over her and it's blackmail but then that kind of goes against the one-time thing. Not looking good.

The threats about a divorce got stale real quick. They lost all effectiveness after like the third mention. At that point no one is believing he's going to go through with it.

The things she was agreeing to in exchange, even letting him have threesomes and shit. Christ how mentally damaged is this bitch? Just divorce her and let her go. She's not the woman you married any more. Fuck knows how she got THAT fucked up so quickly but it's a lost cause if anyone is really at this point. The damage is too deep to be reversed. I can understand listening to the sluts and the asshole at the office combined with feelings of missing out, but even that isn't enough for me to believe she went from a loving, loyal wife of 21 years to essentially begging to let her husband try another cock and compromising to extremes for it. No matter what happens, I can't see how he could ever trust her again or even look at her the same way, and how could a marriage continue without trust?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Load of crap story

He keeps changing his mind over her wanting to cheat

Too wishy washy

deependerdeepender6 months ago

"I find it quite funny when commenters try to tell me what my characters are thinking. They are my characters I do know what they're thinking or in some cases what they are not thinking."


Right on. Reading some comments you can hear the gears grinding as the commenter interprets what they read in terms of their own personality, in accordance with their own personal experience. I suppose that it can be positive if it helps a person to work things out. Some authors write for therapy, some commenters do as well.

BigDee44BigDee446 months ago

I can see he is being true to himself, but is doing some self-destructive things. Counsel with someone he trusts.

inka2222inka22227 months ago

Regarding the author's last line - one one hand, it's correct, the author is the only one who knows what the characters are thinking. On the other hand, there's things that most sane people would think in a specific situation, so unless the author elaborates that the character is insane, them thinking (or not thinging) an expected thing, becomes extremely unrealistic, and strongly detracts from the story readability.


As a random example, anyone who actually loves their spouse, would FIRST think about how cheating will harm the spouse. NO EXCEPTION. That's pretty much definition of "love". So, make up your mind. Either cheater actually loves the spouse - but then they WOULD have considered the harm in their thinking. OR, they don't love the spouse - but then if your story claims they do, it immediately looks like "bleh quality unrealistic garbage about non-real people". Now, it's the author's right to write "bleh quality unrealistic garbage about non-real people" - but the reader's right to asses the work as such if it is. Just to be clear, this was a theoretical example, not directly talking about this story (I didn't read past part 1 and therefore didn't form an opinion yet)

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I had to stop reading this somewhere in the 3rd page. Everything seemed to be dragged out, some of the dialogue repeated too many times, that I lost interest. I can't put myself into reading yet 3 more parts. A huge tightening of the story's called for, which's unfortunate as I like this writer. The husband moves all over the place about the divorce. Just tell her that if she does screw this other man, it's over between them.

That includes telling him that there won't be any after working "fun" & the 2 C-women, that their advice almost cost her the marriage. If that's the friendship they're giving, count her out. And give her a recorder to secretly record the conversations while also secretly putting taps on the house & her mobile phone & even possibly putting something in her pocketbook to record any conversations, just to be safe.

She wanted sex with another guy & admitted to being tempted in doing it behind hubby's back, so the secret (to her) recorder would ensure that she's not saying one thing just to turn around & do/ say something different. At least until there's a bit more trust in the marriage. I'm giving this 2 stars, just can't do more. Bob

moultonknobmoultonknob7 months ago

Too much talk about divorce, just do it and why would you ever consider saying yes.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Nothing about this train wreck makes the slightest bit of sense. That a supposedly happily married woman would be prepared to risk her entire future over curiosity about having sex with someone other than her husband is simply beyond belief as are the vacuously stupid responses this allegedly intelligent woman gives to her husband's objections. That the MC is even considering tolerating this nonsense is also beyond belief and the way he ties himself up in knots resembles a poor attempt at imitating the old Ealing comedies of the 1950s and 60s.

Four pages of utter drivel, although at least we know where smug character of Andrew comes from; it's the author himself. The anon further down who referred to the author's vanity, arrogance and hubris absolutely nailed it and the author's afterword read like a self indulgent knobhead whose success has gone to his head sticking a giant middle finger up to his readership and grandly informing us that our views, our enjoyment or otherwise of his work means nothing to him. All this coming from someone who thinks the problem can be solved with anal sex. I won't waste any more of my valuable time on this waste of space.

gprevgprev8 months ago

Husband constantly contradicts himself. A terrible read.

26thNC26thNC8 months ago

Can’t believe he would let her do. She should be out the first time she brought it up.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Interesting thought exercise. He should have stayed with his first response; No. After what she started with, he can't trust her anyways. The "best" path forward from his perspective is to monitor and hope she doesn't kill the marriage. The last thing I would do is to mark any kind of path forward in any way that shows this is acceptable.

If this was me, I would divorce her straight up regardless, because she obviously has a screw loose. She is valuing one time with another person and another dick over their marriage and future together, disregarding his pain. Is the experience of one strange dick, so much that you would put at risk your family and future? Is a ride at Disney World so much better than a ride at Euro Disney that someone would pay with their marriage, and cause this excruciating pain to the person they supposedly love? Completely nonsensical, but that is her attitude.

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