Reformation Ch. 06


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Veronica would not be brushed aside and had no intention of letting her mother up at that moment. Quite the opposite, actually, as Veronica quickly straddled Karen and pinned her mother down. While sitting square on Karen's lap and pinning Karen's arms straight out out to the sides, along the back of the couch, Veronica had her mother completely at her mercy. Before she knew it, Karen found herself pinned to the couch with no way to get up or fight back. For a few minutes Karen squirmed and failed her arms as best she could, struggling to get free from Veronica's grasp. After struggling for as long as she could, eventually it sank into Karen's petrified mind that she was not going anywhere, unless Veronica let her. "Are we done?" Veronica asked in a superior and snippy tone as she glared down at her frightened mother.

"Yes," Karen meekly replied, ashamed at having to admit it.

"You are here, at my mercy, because I have decided to take what I want, rather than waiting for it to come to me. Thanks to our lovely chat this evening it seems that we both want the same thing, don't we mother?" Veronica said in the same superior and firm tone of voice.

"We do?" Karen asked in a quiet and shocked tone of voice, fear still living in her eyes.

"Yes, we do. For years now, I've dreamed of making you mine, of finally taking my rightful place as your Mistress! Yes, mother, I want to make you my Slave and it is clear that you want to be my Slave. Isn't that right, mother?" Veronica said with a demanding and firm tone of voice while she sneered at Karen, bringing her face so close their noses almost touched.

"NO! That's not true!" Karen sobbed out as she shook her head from side to side as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Don't try to deny it, you have already said that you missed being dominated! You clearly enjoy having sex with women! Why not submit to a strong woman whom you already love and trust? Why not give yourself to someone who has been there with you through thick and thin for years? Who better than me to make your deepest fantasy come true? Don't you love me, Mom?" Veronica said in a loving and tender yet confident voice as she petted and stroked Karen's hair in a soothing manner.

"I do love you, just not like that! We can't do that!" Karen sobbed out as she shook her head while she looked at Veronica with pleading eyes.

"You will learn to love me, you will soon see that this is best for the both of us. You have been so lonely since dad left, I have seen your pain, I can and will take that pain away from you. You will know a greater love with me than you have ever known. I will take care of you, you have nothing to worry about any more. Your Mistress is here now and she will guide and protect you from now on, you'll see," Veronica said in a loving and tender tone of voice as she continued to stroke Karen's hair.

"No! Let me go!" Karen whimpered pitifully as Veronica grasped a clump of Karen's hair. Veronica moved up and positioned herself so that Karen was looking right up into her face which hovered over the horrified, captive woman.

"I, Veronica Basilone, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Karen Basilone and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Veronica said in a commanding and booming voice that made Karen shake with fear and excitement.

"No!" Karen replied in a half-hearted, whimper.

"You know you want to! You know it's for the best! Do you submit?" Veronica repeated in a commanding yet angry tone of voice as she tugged on Karen's hair.

"Y . . . No!" Karen sobbed out as she tried to turn her head to the side.

"SUBMIT, BITCH! YOU ARE MINE AND YOU KNOW IT!" Veronica screamed an inch from Karen's face and Karen closed her eyes as she cried the hardest yet.

"Yes, fine, I submit! I place myself in your care. I will serve you faithfully and do anything you ask, Mistress!" Karen managed to say in amongst the crying and sobbing.

"There, there, don't you feel better? Don't you feel a weight off of your shoulders now? Do you not feel at peace to know that you have a Mistress to serve?" Veronica said in a soothing tone as she embraced Karen and hugged the sobbing woman until her cries had finally stopped.

"I don't know what I feel," Karen replied as she wiped the tears from her eyes once the crying was over. Veronica just looked at Karen with a raised eyebrow and an unimpressed look, in response, Karen quickly added, "Mistress." Veronica grinned broadly and nodded in approvingly, Karen smiled a weak smile at Veronica.

"Since I am the only woman in the room whose breasts you have not sucked on, and I am your Mistress, I say that means it's time you played with my breasts, don't you?" Veronica said as she sat up straight and looked down at Karen expectantly.

"Well . . ." Karen started to protest.

"We know you know how and that you like to play with breasts," Veronica said as she got off Karen and sat down on the couch beside her. "I will say this one last time, please my breasts, NOW!" Veronica said in a commanding tone of voice.

"Yes, Mistress," Karen said in a defeated tone of voice and sighed heavily.

Without saying another word, Karen leaned over and brought her face in front of Veronica's large breasts. Karen paused for a moment and admired them, drinking them in with her eyes. Slowly she reached up and touched the far side of the opposite breast from where she was sitting. Gently she traced the swelling curve of that breast down to the underside and up the other side, she kept going until she completely circled the breast. Giving that breast's nipple a tweak, caused Veronica to shudder in pleasure. With the same hand Karen traced a trail up and over to Veronica's other breast and traced the same pattern around the outside of it, when she tweaked the nipple this time, Veronica moaned again and Karen giggled. Karen reached out and took one breast in each hand and pushed them together while nestling her face in the abundant cleavage of the massive DD cup breasts.

"They're beautiful," Karen said with wonder as she looked up at Veronica while her face was still pressed up against Veronica's breasts. "I have seen them many times but I never really saw them before. I never appreciated just how beautifully massive they are," Karen said with amazement and at that both she and Veronica shared a chuckle. "I mean to say that they are massive," she said as she lifted each breast in her hands as if she were weighing them. "But they are exquisitely shaped and absolutely beautiful!" Karen said as she gazed over the breasts in question, carefully examining them, as if trying to find any flaws.

"I'm glad you like them, my Precious Slave, for you will get to know them quite well!" Veronica said with a loving tone which she ended with a giggle.

"Then it's about time I got acquainted with them, Mistress," Karen said without taking her eyes off of Veronica's breasts.

As soon as Karen stopped talking, she reached out with her tongue and licked across her Mistress's breast. Veronica let out a moan and flopped her head back as she revelled in the sensation and satisfaction that her mother was eagerly sucking on her breasts, as her Slave! Karen started to slowly trace a trail of saliva around Veronica's over-abundant bosom, while keeping at least one finger caressing the breast she was not kissing at the moment. With the extremely limited experience that Karen had sucking on and playing with breasts it was amazing how good she was beginning to get at it. Karen and Veronica lost all track of time as Veronica strived to please and serve her Mistress as best she could.

Veronica's wet pussy ached for some release and all this attention to her breasts, while delightful, was not helping the situation any. Veronica looked down at Karen who was at that very moment, licking the underside of Veronica's right breast, expertly tracing its contours with her eyes closed. Veronica was proud, content and excited as she watched her mother, her Slave, licking her breasts and happy to do it.

"You have done and excellent job, Slave, and I am very pleased. You can stop now," Veronica said in a firm tone of voice, with a smile on her face.

"Yes, Mistress, Thank you," Karen replied submissively as she sat back up and bowed her head, resting her hands in her lap.

"You have done such a good job that my pussy is dripping, since you got me so hot, it is only fair that you deal with the consequences of your actions. Eat my pussy, Slave!" Veronica said in a stern and husky tone of voice.

"Wha . . . I . . . I . . . don't know, M . . .M . . . istress, I . . . C . . . Can't," Veronica said as her eyes widened up and confusion and terror gripped her and she got up and began to run out of the living room.

The reality of what had happened and what was about to happen hit Karen at that moment. She was confused and mortified that she had been playing around with Veronica's breasts. What Karen wanted right now was space to calmly think things through before things went too far. Clearly she couldn't trust herself around her daughter, and feared what may happen if she spent another minute in her presence that night. Perhaps in the morning she could calmly talk to Veronica and make things like they should be, but for now she needed the solitude of her room.

Veronica was quick and caught up with Karen before she rounded the corner. Karen never made it to even the entrance of the dining room before Veronica had caught her. With a firm grasp on Karen's shoulder and a large clump of Karen's hair in her other hand, Veronica clearly had control of Karen. Karen screamed as she was pulled by her hair back to the couch. At first Karen tried to swing at Veronica or break free of her grip, but that proved fruitless. Veronica sat down in the middle of the couch and pulled Karen over her lap by her hair. In the end, Karen was horrified to find herself bent over her daughter's lap in obvious preparation for a spanking!

"NO! LET ME UP! I AM YOUR MOTHER AND YOU WILL LET ME GO THIS INSTANT, YOUNG LADY!" Karen screamed as she hit and kicked up a storm, trying to get free from Veronica's grasp.

"WHEN I MADE YOU MY SLAVE, YOU CEASED TO BE MY MOTHER AND I CEASED TO BE YOUR DAUGHTER! I AM YOUR MISTRESS AND YOU ARE MY SLAVE!" Veronica screamed into Karen's ear after pulling up on Karen's hair to bring Karen ear close to her face.

"But . . . But . . . But . . ." Karen sputtered incoherently in protest.

"Stop squirming!" Veronica commanded and much to Karen's horror, she did stop squirming instantly. "Now, put your hands, palm down on the floor in front of you and leave them there," Veronica ordered and Karen complied with this order too, despite what her brain was telling her to do. "Do you know why you need to be punished?" Veronica asked in a demanding tone of voice.

"I ran?" Karen asked meekly, not sure of what answer to give.

"You refused to carry out a direct order, and you left without permission! That is two offences and I think we need to teach you a lesson so you will get ten swats!" Veronica said in an commanding and angry tone.

"TEN!" Karen shouted in shock.

"Would you like to go for twenty?" Veronica snapped as she tugged on Karen's hair.

"NO!" Karen replied in fear .

"Then mind your attitude! You are starting to get disrespectful!" Veronica growled in an aggravated tone.

"Sorry, Mistress," Karen replied and for some inexplicable reason she did feel sorry at that moment.

"Here is how it will go, for each spank I give you, you will count it off and thank me for it. If you fail to count it off or thank me for it, it won't count. Understood?" Veronica said in a commanding tone of voice.

"Yes, Mistress," Karen replied and mentally prepared herself for the humiliating spanking that she knew was coming but was powerless to prevent.

Karen raised her hand and brought it down hard on Karen's right but-cheek. Karen squealed in pain but managed to count off and thank Veronica for the spank. Again, Veronica spanked Karen, this time on the left but-cheek and again Karen said what she was supposed to. So it was for each of the ten spankings that Karen received. The strangest thing to Karen was not the fact that she was being spanked by her daughter, but the attitude change that took place within her during that spanking. Karen realized that she had disobeyed her Mistress and disgraced herself. She had been a bad Slave and she was now being punished for it, this spanking was well deserved and by the end of it she was ashamed of herself for her behaviour.

"There, it is done and over with. Do you now understand why you needed to be punished?" Veronica asked in a firm and confident tone of voice.

"Yes, Mistress, I have disobeyed you and therefore disgraced myself. I am sorry, it won't happen again," Karen said in a sorrowful tone of voice with a pitiful expression on her face.

"Exactly, I am glad you understand. Let's try this again. Eat your Mistress's pussy," Veronica said in a firm yet loving tone of voice.

"Yes, Mistress," Karen replied in an eager tone of voice.

Karen slipped off of Veronica's lap and knelled before her Mistress while Veronica scooted forward and spread her legs wide. Karen looked at the dripping wet pussy spread before her and licked her lips in anticipation. This time she wanted to eat that pussy, she wanted to please her Mistress and show her that she could be a good Slave. Karen wasted no time before she leaned in and licked the pussy from bottom to top. Karen made love to that pussy with her mouth, desiring to somehow make up for her disobedience. Karen licked, flicked and fingered that pussy with all she was worth with the lust that was steadily building up within her.

For her part, Veronica was in seventh-heaven as she grasped two handfuls of her mother's hair and pulled that mouth hard against her pussy. She didn't know what it was but nobody had ever ate her pussy like her mother was. Veronica was beside herself with pleasure that continually washed over her body, centring on her pussy. It wasn't long before Veronica screamed as her orgasm hit her and she bucked her hips off the couch wildly. Karen kept with her and continued licking up the delicious pussy-juice that she was now addicted to. When Veronica was spent she slumped down on the couch and breathed heavy, while not moving.

Karen took the cue and sat back on her knees with head bowed, while waiting for her next command. The moan from across the room brought Karen and Veronica out of their personal little world. They glanced over to where the noise was coming from and saw in an open portion of the floor Taryn and Rosina in a sixty-nine position. Taryn was on top and Rosina was on the bottom. Taryn and Rosina were well into the mutual pussy-licking by now. Karen was stunned to see Taryn eagerly eating her daughter's pussy while her daughter ate her pussy. Taryn felt someone watching them and looked up to see the shocked expression on Karen's face.

"What? You don't think that you're the only one who appreciates her own daughter's pussy, do you? Rosie and I have been doing this for years!" Taryn said with a wicked smile on her face, a face smeared with Rosina's pussy-juice.

"Almost as long as we have been Slaves to Master," Rosina chimed in as she briefly paused from eating her mother's pussy.

"Master?" Karen asked with a shocked, low tone of voice.

"Owen," Taryn replied with a wink and returned to eating Rosina's pussy.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
good segway

very good transition , from the original series, thru the reformation and soon to be another sequence.. keep it up.

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