Regaining My Life


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Wendy whipped off her t-shirt exposing her pert breasts. She had small areolas with large nipples. She stripped off her shorts. Her pubes were light brown in contrast to her almost entirely grey head. She had trimmed them so that her labia were clean-shaven, but her mons was covered with a lovely triangle of hair. It was a very attractive sight. She came over and took my knapsack.

My two lovers stripped. Seeing their amazing naked bodies made me feel so blessed to have them as my intimate friends. Asha pulled her t-shirt over her head. Her ample, brown breasts had a lovely, ever so slight sag with dark, upturned nipples. Her areolas were about half-dollar sized. When she dropped her shorts, I saw that she only trimmed to keep her pubes from showing beyond a swimsuit. The sight brought me back to my college days when women were proud of a full bush.

I had pulled my shirt over my head and quickly dropped my shorts. Even with all the beautiful, exposed female flesh around me, I doubted whether I could get an erection going. I certainly couldn't maintain one.

Wendy came over and handed me a water bottle. "You're about the age of my husband. Since we're looking for you to be in satyr mode, take one of these." She handed me a yellow pill. "Better living through chemistry."

I looked at the pill. "Ah, Cialis."

Wendy said, "I'm hoping in about a half hour or so, you will have a serious hard-on."

I looked at my pasty white skin, "I think I need sunscreen. Would any of you lovely colleagues like to help me?"

Quickly I had eight hands applying sunscreen. I was surprised that Asha went for my penis.

Asha smiled at me, "We don't want you getting sunburned here."

In a few moments I was fully covered. Zoë took Asha's knapsack and kept back with Asha and me.

Asha said, "Quinn and I have been discussing the finer points of cunnilingus."

Zoë observed, "Quinn is an expert."

I asked, "Asha, do you know about our arrangement?"

"Yeah. Zoë filled me in. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity for all involved."

Zoë laughed, "Wonderful is downplaying it a bit. I get to have amazing sex with a delightful, caring man twice a week. Short of being married, I don't things could be any better."

As we continued walking, I felt my cock become more and more erect.

I noticed that Chris and Wendy would wait for us. I don't know if they were checking me out, or they wanted me to check them out. After about twenty minutes my cock was at more than half-mast, horizontal to the ground and swinging from side to side.

I noticed that Zoë and Asha had fallen farther back and I was actually closer to Wendy and Chris. I was pretty sure what Zoë was talking to Asha about, so I caught up to the leaders.

Wendy turned around and saw me close behind, "Quinn, what do you think?"

"The scenery is wonderful. The forest is nice too."

Chris laughed, "Flattery will get you everywhere Dr. McMullen."

Wendy stopped and turned, "You really like seeing us naked?"

"Are you kidding me? The four of you are so beautiful."

"I can see you liking Asha, she's got those great boobs."

"Wendy, you are just as beautiful. Chris, how do I feel about small breasts?"

Chris stopped walking, "Quinn actually prefers small breasts."

Wendy laughed, "I'm liking you more and more. Plus, that erection is really looking good."

"Thanks. I have to say that it is a little weird walking around with a hard-on."

Chris said, "I like the way it is bouncing back and forth. Yum."

The forest canopy was keeping out much of the sunshine and you could see quite a way up the trail. We were about two miles into the woods when we saw two couples approaching. Wendy was giddy with excitement and hurried ahead to greet them.

As the couples approached us one woman engaged Wendy, "This looks so cool!"

One man grimaced, "Linda, are you nuts!"

Linda grabbed her breasts, "No! I would love to free these girls!"

The woman was quite buxom. She wore a baggy shirt that hid most of her figure.

The rest of us came up alongside Wendy. Linda and the other woman were eying my cock. The gents were fixated on the breasts of my colleagues.

Wendy said, "You should join our hiking club. We do this regularly."

Linda reached down and pulled her shirt over her head exposing her breasts. Large areolas were centered nicely on her ample mounds.

The gentleman who must have been with Linda cried, "What the fuck Linda!"

Linda laughed, "My girls need to be free. This feels great."

Wendy dug into her knapsack for her purse and handed Linda a business card, "Let me know if you would like to come with us on our next hike."

"I'd love it. What do you think Sarah?"

The other woman made a face, "Let me think about it."

Asha chimed in, "We only get naked on this side of the stream. Hardly anyone comes up this far."

Sarah pointed at me, "What's up with your guy friend? Pun intended."

Wendy laughed, "Oh we're the wood nymphs and Quinn's a satyr. Traditionally they have to have an erection so we gave him some Cialis."

Linda clapped her hands and made her breasts jiggle a bit, "I love it! I'm so coming with you next time."

Linda's man friend started walking, "I'm done."

Linda wasn't, "So you just hike around naked?"

Chris laughed, "Yeah. It's pretty arousing when you run into someone like this. I would bet that the four of us girls are pretty wet right now having these male eyes on us."

Linda nodded, "Hell, I can feel my lady parts dripping already." She looked to her male friend walking in the distance. "We should probably get moving. This has been so cool running into you. I'll send you an email so you can tell me when you go hiking again."

We started on our way and the three of them on theirs.

Asha spoke up, "Wendy, how big should we let our club get?"

Wendy said, "I don't know. But I would be thrilled to have Linda join us."

Asha smiled, "I know I'm going to love having her. She has a beautiful body."

_ _ _ _ _

We hiked up to an exposed ridgeline and had our lunch. For some reason, I was expecting there to be some sex involved, but I was disappointed. It was quite a rush having all these female eyes constantly checking me out and I'm pretty sure they enjoyed the attention I provided them.

By the time our lunch break was over the effects of the Cialis had worn off. Since the label recommended only one dose per day, Wendy didn't give me another. On the way back we ran into a group of three middle-aged gentlemen who were very polite and attentive.

Zoë dropped me off my house around 3:30 and I told Chris I would pick her up at 6. My first chore once I got home was some ibuprofen. The second was a short nap.

_ _ _ _ _

Chapter 16

I showed up at Zoë's house about 6. I called in through the screen door, "Hello!"

I heard Zoë's voice, "Come on in!"

I found Zoë in the kitchen cleaning some dishes. I came up behind her and gave her a hug. I kissed her neck and she squealed.

"Oh, you gave me shivers!"

I cupped her breasts, giving her nipples a little pitch and took her earlobe into my mouth. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are Dr. Maisano?

She turned around, put her hands behind my neck, and kissed me. "Thank you. I didn't tell you. Asha is in. Probably tomorrow."

"How do you feel about that?"

"A little nervous. A little excited."

I smiled and kissed her again, "Where's Chris?"

I heard her descending the stairs. "I'm coming!"

I turned around and Chris came through the doorway. She wore a sundress with a red and white floral pattern with red flats. She had curled and colored her hair so that all trace of grey was gone.

"Christina, you look lovely."

She came over, hugged me and gave me a kiss, "Thank you my handsome friend."

"Princess Zoë, I promise to have Princess Christina home sometime Sunday."

Zoë asked Chris, "What time do you pick up Johnny tomorrow?"

"4:30 so he can be in bed by 7."

"Well, you two have fun."

I gave Zoë another kiss.

_ _ _ _ _

Chris and I drove the short distance to the new Asian restaurant. She was going to practice her Japanese until she found out that the owners were Korean. We had a very nice dinner sharing stories from our respective times in Japan. The entire time was spent gazing into each other's eyes.

We were in a corner booth and the place was noisy enough that we couldn't be overheard. Chris still whispered. She reached over and touched my hand. "I am wondering if you would help me with some research."

"What kind of research?"

"Creative writing research."


"Ever since that wonderful Friday evening, I have been thinking about making love with you again. In the evening after Johnny goes to bed I go online. The whole idea of porn and the objectification of women repulses me. But I have found a guilty pleasure -- erotica."

"Cool. So how does that involve research?"

"Well, I'm thinking I am going to write my own stories. I will change the names, places, and stuff like that. But I need some first-hand research."

"I would be happy to help you as much as I can. So how erotic is this erotica?"

"Some of it is really good. Some of it sucks which is why I want to write. I know I can do better. I really get off on the good stuff. There is a real lack of stories written from a woman's perspective."

"So in the interest of research, what happens when you get a really good story?"

Chris smiled impishly and lowered her voice further. "I told you that I have a dildo, right?"


"Well, I also got myself a nice vibrator."

"Perhaps the writer in you should paint the scene for me."

"Oh, good idea. So, the first thing I do is lock the door. The last thing I need is Johnny walking in on me at the height of an orgasm. I strip down to nothing and settle in on my bed with some pillows behind my head. I get my laptop out and I begin searching for some highly rated erotica. I am usually playing with my nipples or fingering my clit while I'm doing this."

"So what are you looking for?"

"Usually something from a woman's point of view, or something that is sympathetic to how women experience sex."

"I take it a lot of the stories are guys pounding pussy?"

"Now, don't get me wrong. Some days a girl really needs to have rough sex."

"But that wouldn't relate to present company or today's date."

Chris had a shit-eating grin on her face. "Oh, no. I'm a fragile as a gal can get. I would hate to have you slam into me. To pound me into orgasm after orgasm. To use me like a wanton whore filling me with your huge member. Be filled with so much cum that it runs like a river down my legs. To have you fuck me until I can barely stand. To be fucked so hard that I ache for days."

I laughed, "It sounds like you have some of the language down. Do they actually use terms like 'huge member'?"

"Sometimes, but not a lot. I used it because it is such a cliché. I will need to avoid clichés in my actual writing."

"So you would hate if I were to treat you like that."

Chris got a serious look on her face, "Quinn, please don't take this the wrong way. I absolutely adore that you are such an attentive, caring lover. But sometimes a woman needs rough sex. Sometimes I need rough sex."

"Duly noted. Zoë enjoys it too. You were talking about what you like to read."

"One turn off is that size plays a big part in a lot of the stories -- huge cocks, triple D boobs. I mean how many people are at the extreme size end. I want something that I can relate to. Normal sized breasts. Normal sized penises. When I find something good, I like to tweak my nipples to get me started. When I get my juices flowing I get my dildo and start fucking myself as I read the story. As I start getting close, I put the vibrator on my clit. That will usually send me over the edge. I feel myself contracting on the dildo. The warmth and pleasure flows up through my body."

"It doesn't sound like you need me to help you."

"Solitary sex is actually very boring. There is nothing like feeling warm skin-to-skin contact. Of feeling your mouth on my mouth, on my body. Feeling your tongue probe into my vagina. Feeling you tease me, bring me to the edge and pull me back. Of feeling your penis slip into my warmth and wetness. Feeling you sustain my orgasm beyond what I am capable of doing."

"Chris, if I can share something -- you have me leaking pre-cum all over my leg."

"I'm so wet right now."

"So is this the research you need to do?"

"Actually I was hoping for more of a hands-on approach."

"In that case, we probably need to renegotiate our agreement. This probably isn't a good place to do that."

I paid the bill, then drove us to the park downtown. It was a balmy evening with a gentle, warm breeze rustling the trees.

As we were getting out of the car, Chris asked, "Why the park?"

"You suggested it last night."

"Please don't let me drink like that again."

I put my arm around her shoulder and she put hers around my waist. We began strolling down the path that circles the lake. The sun had just set and twilight was settling in.

Chris broke the silence, "So what did I suggest last night?"

"I told you. You want to be my sex slave."

She slapped my butt, "I did not. Although, on second thought being your sex slave would have a very nice benefits package. Maybe we should discuss me being your sex slave."

"Because you don't have any other obligations, like motherhood or teaching."

"You're right. What did we discuss?"

"Mostly, you were demanding that I fuck you."

"Remember our discussion at the restaurant?"

"Where you told me you were a fragile flower?"

"When I said I needed rough sex. But back to last night."

"Mostly you were discussing a hypothetical renegotiation."

"Well, let's not be hypothetical. What do you think about being friends with benefits?"

"So first, what happened to your idea that you and I shouldn't be lovers?"

"Quinn, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that first Friday evening with you. That was the best orgasm I have ever had. Every time I had sex with Mr. Asshole I faked the orgasm. He was clueless and didn't know the difference. He was really good at pounding me, but not a lot more. With you it was completely different. You actually cared about me."

"I still care about you, but you need to know that bringing a woman to an orgasm for me is just as pleasurable as having one myself."

"See! I don't know very men like that. In fact, I know a total of one: you. You gave me an insight into what my life could be and what my life has been missing."

"So, before we negotiate, what is it you are looking for in this arrangement?"

Chris thought for a while, "Trust. I need to be with someone I can trust. I think I miss the intimacy of a lover. Skin-to-skin contact. Being held after making love. Being regularly brought to the heights of ecstasy. I miss being able to share things with my lover. Being treated like a person and not a life support system for a vagina that only exists for the other person's sexual gratification. I also would like to have some freedom to explore like Zoë has been doing. That doesn't mean I haven't loved our semi-sexual time together, but I need real sexual time together. I have this hunger to have an orgasm again like you gave me."

I nodded. "Anything else?"

"The reality of being a single mom is starting to dawn on me. I said that you and I should date other people so we wouldn't be rebound lovers, but so far this is my only date. How about you?"

"This is my second. Although, I wouldn't even call the first a date."

"Why not?"

"I went down to the state university library and this very nice research assistant did a shitload of work for me. I took her out to dinner on Wednesday at a new Greek restaurant as thanks. There can't be anything between us. I'm old enough to be her grandfather."

"Well, you're old enough to be my father."

"Chris, there a substantial difference between twenty and thirty-eight years."


"I had a nice dinner with Violet, that's her name, and nothing more. Oh, she kissed me twice before she ran into her house."

"Hopefully, with this date there will be something more."

"Back on task. Now I will have two friends with benefits. How do we make sure this doesn't get awkward?"

Chris thought some more. "Well, I guess there are two ways to go. Complete openness or complete secrecy."

"I almost feel like Zoë should be part of this conversation."

Chris whipped out her phone, "Let's call her."

I pointed to a park bench and we sat down.

Chris put the phone on speaker.

Zoë answered, "Hey."

Chris said, "Hey, so Quinn and I are discussing a friends with benefits arrangement and we decided that you need to be a part of the discussion."

Zoë called out, "Hey Quinn!"

I responded, "Hi, Zoë! So how would you feel about Chris and I having an arrangement like ours?"

The phone was silent for a moment, "I guess I would be good with that."

I said, "We thought there could be two ways to go. Completely open or complete secrecy. I think we are leaning towards the former."

Chris added, "Zoë, you are my best friend. Is there anything I haven't shared with you?"

Zoë said, "No. We share everything."

I asked, "Now, you two aren't going to start getting jealous of one another are you?"

Chris smiled, "I was getting of jealous of you Zoë, but I think if I know I will have my turn, I won't be jealous."

Zoë said, "I'm good. This has been the most amazing part of my entire life."

I asked, "So we can talk about what happens between the three of us now?"

Chris touched my arm, "Zoë has been telling me just about everything that the two of you have done. I think maybe that's why I'm so damned horny. Well, that and seeing you naked all the time."

Zoë laughed, "Maybe we should think about the three of us doing things together."

I looked at Chris, "How would you feel about that?"

"I don't know. I don't think I'm bi."

Zoë said, "It can be part of our experimenting. I am finding all sorts of things about myself."

Chris shrugged, "Sure. I guess."

I interjected, "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I think we need to talk about days."

Chris turned to me, "If my memory serves, Sunday and Thursday evenings are your times with Zoë."

I asked Chris, "What's your class schedule?

"Tuesday and Thursday mornings are completely free. My first class isn't until 3:30."

I pondered, "I'm wondering whether or not I would be recovered by Thursday evening. What does Friday look like?"

"I don't have anything. Well, we always have meetings or training on Friday afternoon, but no classes."

I thought for a moment, "Zoë, how would you feel about moving from Thursdays to Wednesdays?"

"That would work."

I stated, "Chris, then you and I could have Tuesday and Friday mornings. My old man body will be completely recovered for both of you."

I looked at Chris, "Anything else we need to talk to Zoë about?"



Zoë answered, "I'm good. Talk to you tomorrow."

Chris pushed 'End'.

I asked, "What time would you show up in the morning?"

"The earliest I can drop Johnny off at kindergarten is 8. I could be at your house by 8:15."

"If your mom isn't there I could go to your house."

"Oh, that's an option. Let's wait until Mr. Asshole is in jail though. It would still be around 8:15 though. I really think I'm going to ask my mom to come out. I was also thinking I would make you and Zoë emergency contact people for Johnny's school. Would you be cool with that?"


Chris took my hand, "Can I say something?"


"Don't get me wrong, I love Zoë more than you could ever know. But the idea of you and me having sex with her does not sound appealing in the least."

"I can understand that. I have zero interest in anything with another guy. If it comes up again I will steer Zoë toward another person."
