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Danielle smiled again. He was such a gentleman.

"I live just 10 minutes away." She said "I'll be fine."

"Well, be careful, doll." Jack nodded "Think you'll be back to finish those hours soon?"

"I just might." She said, feeling a little ashamed that she'd had such a good time and was doing it for somewhat selfish reasons.

"Well, I'm in here every day for lunch around noon." He said warmly.

She leaned in to hug him, something that caught him by surprise but that he warmly accepted. It was a tight little hug that tried to say how much she'd liked meeting him and how much she appreciated everything he'd done for her and her family. The hug broke and Danielle waived goodbye and turned. She hadn't thought much of it at the time and gave no indication of it during the hug but as Danielle walked out, waving goodbye to the receptionist as well, she couldn't help but smile. There had been an unmistakable hardness that nudged her stomach during their hug. Hey really had liked her.

Even late that night, in bed, she thought about it. Everything he'd done for her and how smitten he seemed to be with her. And Danielle thought about him and all he'd said and done for her family and an idea came to mind. One she at first dismissed as silly and weird but one that stuck with her, keeping her up. One she soon decided was not silly or weird but exactly what she was going to do tomorrow. It would involve cutting school and doing a little shopping and research in the morning but one that she absolutely was going to do. She got up from her bed and went to her computer, beginning her preparation.

The next day

Danielle walked past the guard at the gate again and he waved her through. It was a slightly colder day and Danielle had on a long, black, woolen winter's coat bundled tight against her. She made the same walk to the big central building. The same receptionist was working at the desk and gave her the same friendly hello.

"Back so soon? Must really want those hours" She smiled. Danielle just smiled back. "I love your hair like that by the way."

Danielle smiled. Her blonde locks no longer hung down to the middle of her back as they'd done the day before, instead they were pulled behind her head in a soft bun.

"He's in the same place, as always." The receptionist gestured, "So nice of you to keep him company when everyone else is gone."

Danielle smiled again and made her way back to the room. As soon as she was out of sight of the receptionist, Danielle reached into her pocket and produced a small white hat. She placed it over her bun and removed her coat entirely. Underneath was a crisp, fresh linen Nurses uniform. Halloween had just ended so she'd gotten a good rental price on it, even though she had to go to several costume shops to find a nurses costume that wasn't particularly slutty. The skirt hung down past her knees and below that was white stockings and flats. The top was loose, only letting her ample curves have even the slightest shape beneath it. Despite the beautiful girl wearing the get-up it wouldn't have struck many people as being a particularly sexy ensemble but it was as close to the pictures she'd found as she could get. She walked into the Community room and there was Jack, sitting in the same seat. He looked up to her as she entered and his eyes bulged before he laughed.

"Jesus, kid, what do you think you're doing?" He asked as he put his book down. Danielle walked up to him hurriedly.

"Shhhh, Corporal" She said, easily transforming her voice into the soft, French accent of her Grandmother. "Docteur Laurent will be making his rounds any minute now and I had to see you before you were released tomorrow."

"Come to tease an old man, because..."

Danielle walked towards him and leaned over him as he sat back in his chair.

"Shhh, Jack." She said. Danielle had heard her grandmother use her heavily accented voice to speak English her entire life and certain things, like using the soft J in his name so as to almost pronounce it like Jacques, were ones she assumed would have been universal. She leaned into him and whispered "I simply wanted to do some thing to say merci for what you've done for my nation."

As she did that, Danielle's hand reached between his legs, and began lightly stroking the erection that she could already see creating a bulge along his thigh. It felt impressive and, she was pleased to say, already quite hard. Jack just looked at her for a few seconds.

"Kid, your 18." He said, although, he made no attempt to stop her.

"But so are you, non?" Danielle whispered cheerfully "A l'hopital en Belgique. And with your own bravery at such an age, surely I, at the same age, can do something like this to express my gratitude."

"You don't have to do this, you know?" He said, stiffening both in his chair and in Danielle's hand

"Mmmm, I know." Danielle moaned "But I want to, Corporal. So very, very much."

"I've died and gone to heaven." Jack said, apparently needing no further convincing.

"Au contraire." Danielle said as she lightly squeezed the now fully stiff cock in her hand "You seem very alive to me. And definitely strong enough to do what I wanted to do since you were first brought to us."

"And that is?" Jack asked, hopefully, his hand coming up to rest on Danielle's firm backside. In response to his question she simply giggled and leaned in towards his mouth, giving him a soft and tender kiss, before pulling back and removing the pins in her hair, letting her very much 40's ish hair down around her shoulders before getting on her knees in front of him, her hands going to his zipper.

"What if they catch you?" Jack asked, for a second making Danielle question whether he was referring to the retirement community staff or the fictional Dr. Laurent. Either way, her answer was the same.

"Then I would be in big trouble, oui, and so would you." She said, looking up at him with those big, almond, honey coloured eyes full of mischief while her hand again grasped the large, thick cock in his pants. "But I simply cannot help myself, Jack."

After a little ministration, Jack's cock came into view. Much to Danielle's interest, like the rest of him it looked younger than she'd thought it would. Slightly longer than Alex's had been but much, much thicker and as hard as possible. Jack gave her one last look of doubt and then, seemingly, all reservations washed away.

"I had you pegged as too good a girl to do something like this." He smiled as she resumed idly stroking him. Danielle looked up to him with a wicked smile.

"Verteux, moi?" She said with a giggle as she leaned in to him "Mais non."

"Je suis tres," She licked around the head of his cock, causing him to groan

"Tres," Another lick, letting her saliva coat the head

"Mechante" She completed, enveloping the thick head of his cock into her mouth completely. Jack groaned again. He knew where he was, knew what he was doing, but the ruse was good enough to let get lost in the moment and believe he was a young soldier in Europe and, between his legs, sucking on him was a pretty, young, blonde, Belgian nurse. He simply leaned back and enjoyed. Danielle was not the most experienced in the world at what she was doing, and his size was making it somewhat of a challenge, but it was not her first time and she was doing more than adequately, slow bobs of her head down his shaft before letting her tongue run all over his head while her hand stroked. She didn't mind going slow and Jack was inclined to let her. He'd waited a long, long time for this.

Danielle seemingly was inclined to get every possible inch of his cock good and wet. She couldn't take the whole thing inside her so she occasionally would lift it slightly and let her tongue run all the way up and down both the top and bottom of his shaft. Soon it was a very slick, very stiff cock she was sucking on, getting as much into her mouth as she could with every bob. It had been a long time since Jack's last blowjob and he felt himself close to getting there. He wasn't sure if Danielle wanted him to finish in her mouth so he tapped her on the shoulder.

"I'm going to get there." He choked out, clearly trying to contain himself. Danielle slowed down. In fact, she came to a complete stop. She removed the heavy cock from her lips and stood back up. Jack was disappointed but understood. Lots of girls didn't like it in their mouths. But he'd misunderstood Danielle's intentions, something that became clear when she started hiking up her skirt. Underneath was her stockings, clipped to a lacy white garter belt, and lacy white panties in addition. This was not, Danielle knew, particularly authentic to the period or the situation but the look on Jack's face told her what she'd expected, that this was an anachronism they'd both let slide.

"You sure?" Jack said, knowing what she was getting up to. Danielle nodded as she slid the panties down over her hips and stepping out of them, revealing herself to him, only a small patch of neatly trimmed blonde curls above her pussy.

"Tout a fait." She said as she straddled him. She looked down into Jack's eyes and gave him another tender kiss and giggle as she sank down onto him, letting that big cockhead part her lips. She sighed as he groaned. She'd seen his size but hadn't expected it to feel as thick as he did. Jack also moaned. She was wet, hot and as tight as anything Jack could remember feeling. Danielle was wet. There was something so good about what she was doing but knew the taboo of it and the danger of being caught. It turned her on to a surprising degree. She began rocking her hips, her hands coming up to the buttons on the uniform's top.

"Yes, yes." She moaned as the buttons came undone and the shirt fell away. Danielle's breasts were somewhat on the large size for a girl her size and in a bra to match the rest of what she'd worn underneath the bulky uniform. She kept rocking on him, kept taking more and more of his cock inside her, kept groaning as she undid the last of the buttons on her uniform, letting it fall away completely. She kept her eyes locked onto his as she lowered one bra strap, then the other, before reaching behind her to undo it at the back. It fell away from her too. Her teardrop shaped breasts sat high on her chest, capped with two extremely stiff, small pink nipples. When Danielle felt his large, strong hands grope at them she moaned, feeling the nipples spike his palm. She'd really enjoyed the idea of her plan, had liked watching Jack's face brighten. She had not expected to get this turned on. To be this into it. She brushed some stray strands of hair from her face as she picked up speed in her rocking. She had planned not to go too hard, she didn't know what Jack would be up for, but to her surprise soon into their coupling it was Jack doing most of the work. His hands were gripping her tight butt, lifting her off and onto him hard, fucking her as hard as she was fucking him.

"Oh....Jack." She moaned, not dropping the accent even though she was starting to feel her pleasure building, a kind she'd never experienced previously. Jack was an expert, knowing what to do with his cock and hands and mouth, currently kissing and bitting at her ear, and not letting up for a second, displaying no signs of age or weakness. Danielle didn't know what French speakers said during sex and that was a question she certainly wouldn't have asked her grandmother so she simply sighed and cooed and moaned as she felt his thick, hard cock pushing deeper and spreading her wider than she'd ever been. As she lost herself in the sex, she lost herself in her fantasy too. She was in Belgium, there was a terrible war nearing an end and she was rewarding a young man who'd risked so much for her freedom. That she was in Canada, the war long over and the man far older than her did not intrude on this as she felt herself losing control, felt her leg start to shake, felt her hips buck and her insides clench like a fist before bursting.

"Oh...ohhhh....." Was all that left her lips, and that a whisper, as she came. As she felt him cumming as well. Jack's cock roared to life and burst inside her, his own groans muffled by biting down on her shoulder. Danielle rode him as best she could as he filled her with his cum, trying to prolong the experience. But it was only a few more thrusts and then he was done. Spent. Breathing heavy and gripping her young frame close to his. The two lovers came to a slow grinding halt. Jack chuckling a bit as Danielle sighed contentedly.

Six months later

Jack and Danielle sat at the card table, a familiar game of Gin Rummy going on between them. Danielle had long since completed her community service requirement but still came by from time to time. Their meetings were less intimate now, however, as most days the room was filled with some of the other residents of Maple Valley and Danielle, true to the spirit of her community service, had spent time with each of them. Most of them were nice, a little younger than Jack. The women would fuss over how pretty she was and the men would make flirty remarks and Danielle enjoyed hearing all of their stories and learning about them. She'd remained closest with Jack though. Even though they'd never repeated what they'd done that one day they still spent as much time as they could together. Jack never even brought it up, still the same gentleman he was on that very first day. She'd even met one of his daughters and granddaughters, a redhead only a few years older than she was, and gotten along great with each other, exchanging numbers and promising to call.

But now it was June. And she was going away for the summer before school in the fall.

"So you're off tomorrow for....what is it?" He asked as he picked up a card.

"Port Dover. My folks rent a place there every summer. Made a big deal about this being the last one before I'm gone."

Jack nodded.

"They're right. Take it from someone who misses being a kid and a parent in that situation." Jack said, discarding another. "Should enjoy these moments."

Danielle nodded.

"I will. But I'll miss all of you guys."

"That happens." He agreed "You meet people, get to know 'em, like 'em and then you miss them. Just the way it goes. Trick is to make sure you get the most of the moments you have."

Danielle nodded. Then thought for a second, then looked up at him and smiled as she dropped back into her soft, French accent.

"You know, Corporal. I couldn't help but notice all of the little farmhouses along the way. Surely you must know of one where the two of us could be safe and warm for the next few hours."

If Jack heard her, or understood her intentions, he didn't show it. He drew another card, rearranged it carefully and then discarded one, face down, declaring Gin.

"Dang." Danielle said, looking at her own hand. He'd win a lot of points. He looked up at her and smiled, before getting up and offering his hand to her.

"Allons-y." He said as she took his hand.

The end

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

It's hard to believe so many in that generation I grew up respecting so much are now gone. The number must be a tiny, relative handful now. That war ended 79 years ago now and the youngest enlisted men and women were 18 years old. That means the youngest vets still alive (if there are any) are 97 and the rest older than that. That crushes my heart. They did so much for us and for the world. These young generations just don't realize what has gone before. It's just dry history to them rather than young men and women giving there lives, their effort, their blood, sweat and tears to free the world from tyranny. When the fate of the world hang in the balance, these brave ones responded. The GREATEST generation, indeed. If you number among these still alive and are reading this, I salute you. Thank you from my heart.

S9808S9808over 1 year ago

ery good, I did not expect that type of story but I am very new to the genre. tres bien, cet toujour un plaisir

Runner4069Runner4069almost 2 years ago

It's a hoot, such a great story though and I love it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great story, well told.

Crusader235Crusader235about 7 years ago

Just a wonderful story about giving a great gift to an aging veteran. Thank you for it. We have lost almost all those D-Day veterans that have given so much for us and Europe those many years ago. God bless them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
kudos author:

to you and all those no longer hear to sing

Underneath the lantern

By the barrack gate

Darling I remember

The way you used to wait

T'was there that you whispered tenderly

That you loved me

You'd always be

My Lili of the lamplight

My own Lili Marleen

daddy1950daddy1950about 8 years ago
Great story

Well crafted, beautifully written realism. 5 stars

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassabout 9 years ago
Je suis prĂȘt

Talk about community service--Danielle definitely went above and beyond what was expected of her. And Remembrance Day won't ever be the same for Jack.

Thanks for a memorable little story about an old veteran and a young teenage girl, even if it is a fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Have to thank them all

Whenever I see a veteran I take my children up and we all say thank you to them for their service. It is amazing to see the smiles we get back for this little bit of effort. Thanks for a great story.

fanfarefanfareabout 10 years ago
naughty nurse!

Pin a medal to that soldier.

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