Rent Wives Ch. 05

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Wives in an apartment building get a rent discount!
5.1k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/12/2021
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This story deals with themes of adultery and extramarital sex. All characters are over the age of consent.


Rent Wives, Chapter Five

"NOW?" Amrita gasped, her thin eyebrows raised high.

Steve smiled at the dark beauty, standing in her skimpy blue bikini, despite being heavily pregnant. The two were in the pool cabana building on the roof of the building in which Steve was the landlord.

"Well, sure, why not?" he grinned. "I can lock the door here real quick." Steve had been doing a few jobs in the cabana when Amrita had stepped into the warm room.

"B-but, husband and family are playing in the pool!" she stammered. "I just came into cabana to look for paddleboards."

"Well, it's called a 'quickie,' when people just have some fun sex really, er, quickly..." Steve explained.

Amrita knew that her arrangement with Steve was a bit fluid, in the way that she was supposed to see him a time or two per week, but sometimes that meant being "on call"...

"Ooooo you are bad man, Mr. Steve, Maybe husband or kids come in to see me. If they catch us, we both get dead..." Amrita whispered. Her smile told Steve she was thinking of his suggestion. He held his hand out to her. She slowly took it, and moved closer to him.

"You make me a bad girl," she whispered foxily, holding his hand. Steve reached around her to snap the lock closed on the cabana door, then led the slender woman over to the wide shelf placed underneath the window overlooking the pool.

"Heh, yes, you're a bad girl" he joked. [You're so bad, you've been carrying around my kid in your belly for months].

Steve moved Amrita, positioning her right in front of the large, plate glass window which faced out onto the pool, and bent her over the shelving unit. He ran one hand up her supple back, shoving gently to indicate that she should tilt her hips up to ready herself for him. Steve slipped his shorts and underwear down.

"!" Amrita gasped. "Right in front of window! We get caught!!"

"Relax," Steve reassured her. "The blinds are down and closed. See? Someone in our position can peek out of them and see outside, but people outside are too far away to see what's happening in here! Don't worry, Ravi and your kids can't see us."

Amrita noticed it was true. Moving her eyes up to a thin slit in the blinds, she saw her husband frolicking with their kids in the pool, and other building tenants lounging on deck chairs and splashing about in the water. No one could see through the blinds, and the cabana lights were off, anyway. Suddenly, the dark beauty felt Steve slide the crotch of her bikini bottom to one side and a cold dollop of something like a lube was smeared against her sex.

"Ooooooofffff!" Amrita gasped in surprise as she felt a rock hard pole pierce her labia, and Steve carefully shoved himself forward, the slick lube easing his way in, until his groin mashed up against Amrita's pert ass. "Uuufff...oh you are bad man..." she murmured softly, feeling Steve's mushroom-shaped head buried deep in her body.

Despite Amrita's surrendering herself, she kept a firm upper body, propping herself up on the shelves as her landlord began sawing in and out of her, probing to her depths and pulling back. She kept glancing furtively through the blinds, making sure she could see her husband and kids, in case they began to move towards the cabana. Her family played happily though, short yards away from where their wife and mother was being taken. They could not see Amrita's head and shoulders lashing forward and back, her hair rippling with the movement, as Steve prodded strongly into her.

"Uuuufff...uuuuffff....uuuffff," panted the pregnant woman.

Steve kept hammering into Amrita's depths, focusing on the sensations her soft internal skin was giving his member. It seemed to come alive as it was massaged by a teasing, hot wetness, and Steve could swear he almost felt a pulling suction gripping him, inviting him to plunge into the woman's recesses.

Steve gripped Amrita's shoulder with one hand, and her taught hip with the other, holding her prone to his thrusting.

"Ohhh, you feel amazing," the landlord groaned into Amrita's ear. "So hot..."

"Silly...I feel too big to be pretty," the wife and mother huffed.

"Oh, no, honey, you're gorgeous," Steve assured her in a low voice, sidled up to her. "I'm gonna let go in a minute..."

Steve lost himself in the rhythmic thrusts, focusing on the addictive sensation that came with being buried in the married woman. Amrita's little gasps and moans did much to push him towards his release.

"Huuuhhhh!" Steve groaned as he came, a flood of semen cascading up into the woman he held down in front of him. Steve gave in to the primal urge to pump as much seed as he could, as deeply as he could into the prone woman, and with a giant thrust, and a quiet cry of surprise, Amrita was pushed forward, her face and hands thumping up against the blind-covered windows before her!

The muted thump was heard from the pool deck outside! Some swimmers, including Amrita's husband and kids, stopped tossing a ball back and forth and looked over, seeing the blinds pressed up against the inside of the cabana window. They froze, clearly considering whether they should check on Amrita.

"Oooohhh..." Steve murmured, pulling out of Amrita. "Sorry, honey, you drove me wild. anyone coming?"

"Ahhh..." Amrita panted, giving a start at the sudden void after Steve withdrew. "Fast, move back!" she said. Steve took a step to the side, and the married woman opened the blinds just enough to frame her face to the people outside. She smiled to her husband and kids, waved and laughed a little, letting them know she was ok. They shrugged and went back to their game as the blinds fell closed again.

"Sorry!" Steve said, abashed. "Next time I'll try to contain myself..." he smiled at Amrita and ran his hand down her large belly, slipping his fingers between her legs. He deftly snapped her bikini bottom-crotch back into place, closing her up.

"Ooooo, you...." Amrita pretended to look mad, but her sly grin betrayed her. "So what am I supposed to do now, go for swim with family with your sperms swimming up in me?"

"Um..." Steve smiled, giving the pretty lady a once-over. "Well, hold the pile of paddleboards in front of you until you get in the water," he suggested, noticing a telltale wet spot seeping into her bikini bottoms.

Amrita coyly winked at Steve as she scooped up the light stack of small paddleboards. "You don't come right out," she ordered. "You stay here. Ravi will kill us."

"I'm gonna stay right here..." Steve said, tired from his little workout, and moved over to the cabana's sofa. Amrita unlocked the door and left. Steve could hear her call to her family, "Sorry, I slipped, but everything ok. Here are paddleboards..."

The next day, Steve opened the door to the empty apartment unit in his building and let two young women in, followed by an older Asian couple. "Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Xiao..."

"Thanks for showing this to us again," the mother said, a slim, 40-something woman who entered, holding her husband's hand. "And please, call me Susie."

The two younger women immediately fanned out and raced through the apartment. Samantha, the Caucasian with long brown hair "oooohed" in delight seeing the open concept kitchen-family room layout. Jia Li, the young Asian woman more quietly examined the room, but the big smile on her face revealed her feelings for the apartment.

"These two ladies will be attending the university in town starting in a few weeks," Mr. Xiao said proudly. "Since they're best friends, they wanted to share a place to split the cost. Money doesn't go as far as it used to..." he joked to Steve.

"Oh my gawd, mom, this place is amazing!" Jia Li gushed. It's sooooo much better than the roach-infested holes we saw so far..."

"Well, don't get used to it..." Susie admonished her daughter. "When we found out the price tag that goes along with it, we're not sure you two can afford it..."

"Awwww, MOM" Jia Li complained. "it's PERFECT. My vanity fits just right in the second bedroom, and Sam wants the closet in the other bedroom for her mountain biking stuff...and it's right near a Mickey's!" the youth said, referring to the pub across the street.

"Girls!!" Mr. Xiao smiled.

" is a hundred times cleaner than those other places," Susie quietly confided in her husband. "I'd worry about the girls being in any of those places..."

"The cost...." Mr. Xiao frowned at her. The couple turned to Steve. Susie piped up, "It''s a beautiful place Steve, but, it might be a bit more than we counted on..."

"Um, yeah, it lists that way with the building corporation..." Steve said apologetically. "I could look over the rent loan documents with you if you want, they're just down in my apartment..." Steve glanced at Susie.

"Um, ok sure," she responded. "Alan, are you going to stay with the girls?"

"Yeah, I'd like to check out all details of this place..." Mr. Xiao responded.

Steve led Susie out of the apartment and down the hall to the elevator. Walking behind her, he enjoyed stealing glances at her confident walk, her slim, pert frame, and her very long dark hair. [She's really pretty] Steve thought. [Her hair cascades to her ass. Maybe, the "rent discount" offer?]

Steve escorted Susie into his apartment, where they stood in the family room.

"Does the building have a particular interest rate on a rent loan program?" Susie asked.

"No, nothing like that," Steve said.

"Look..." Susie said suddenly, almost cutting Steve off. "You need to understand something. We've been looking at what seems like hundreds of places in this town. We live a little ways out of town, just far enough that the girls can't commute every day. Do you know the average price of a small hovel in this burg? Even the roach infested pits? These university towns seem to charge whatever the hell they want for rent, and we need a place. The girls like this place. There must be something..."

"Ahh, well, as to that..." Steve said, "it's really more of an informal agreement. Um, I don't want to be inappropriate, but a few of the tenants benefit from a bit of a rent discount program with me, personally..."

"Personally?" Susie asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Well, ah, sometimes, if a lady would like to drop by my place here, it might be possible that a roll of bills from their rent money finds a way, to, uh, end up back in their purses..."

"And this is all for free, I'm sure?" Susie smirked, catching on immediately. "Or do they also, ahh, enjoy some private time with their landlord? Naked?"

"Ha, well, um, that might be part of the arrangement. Of course, everything is strictly voluntary, no worries if either party wants to say no or whatever..."

"...or whatever," Susie smiled. "Listen, it's not that that doesn't sound good," she humoured Steve, sounding like the idea would be anything but good to her. "But Jia Li is NINETEEN and I'm not having my daughter stay in a place where the landlord wants to get her in bed..."

"Oh, well, um, no, you have this all wrong. I sort of thought....I thought YOU'D be paying the rent..."

Susie's eyes widened. "ME?? You want ME know I'm married, right?"

"Well of course, but, you know, an arrangement would just be private, between only the two of us..."

Susie bit her lower lip. "Uh...I've...I've got to get back up there. Why...why don't I think about it for a bit and...uhh....get back to you? Today is what, Wednesday? Maybe we can come back Friday to take another quick look at the place, there are a few more apartments we're seeing tomorrow and Friday, but they don't bode well. One's in that shitty McCallion building across town. We'll....drop by to see this place again and I'll....I'll think about it. We need a nice place..."

"Whatever you want, sure!" Steve complied. He walked Susie back up to her husband and the girls.

The next day, the Xiao family and their daughter's friend Samantha were checking out a dingy, run down, vermin-infested dump of an apartment a few blocks away. Steve was in his own apartment.

Squeltch....squeltch....squeltch...Steve sat back on his sofa, his face pointed up to the ceiling. He did not see it, though, since his eyes were closed. Squeltch....squeltch....squeltch...the sound came from Steve's lap, where a pretty, pony-tailed redhead had her face buried, her similarly red lips creating a vacuum suction around Steve's shaft, and her head bobbing up and down in a regular, if reluctant, rhythm. The woman's wedding ring sparkled on her hand as she gripped the cushions on either side of them. Steve gently held Maddie's head in his hands and gave little thrusts with his hips, probing deeper into the married mother's drooling orifice.

"GAAAAAAKKKKK!" Maddie gagged hard, hunching her shoulders to help her hold Steve in her mouth. She didn't want his eruption to soak her clothing, that would be difficult to explain to her husband.

"Huhh...huhhh.....HUUUHHHH!!" Steve panted, finally yelling into his climax. His right foot shot up in the air with the force of his explosion, and a generous dollop of his semen raged into Maddie's mouth.

GLLLAAAAKKK! Guuuuullllpp! Maddie hard-swallowed, lurching her shoulders as the heavy pulse of Steve's load dropped down her throat. She followed it up with many smaller, panting gulps around Steve's shaft to help rid her mouth of the taste of semen.

"Gaaaahhh.." Maddie moaned, popping off Steve and looking up with teary eyes. "Gahhhh...I.....I don't even give my husband''re lucky it's my time of the month..."

"Well, thanks for the offer then!" Steve said breathlessly. "If it's not a good week to, you know, have me take you, then this is a treat too! At least we know you're not pregnant!" Steve dropped one hand to the sofa, a roll of bills falling out of it.

"Not....not so far," Maddie huffed, looking like she wanted to retch. She scooped up the bills, glancing at them quickly to make sure of their amount, and swept them into her pocket. "But if you keep cumming in me like you have been, it won't be long..."

" want a coffee or a bite to eat?" Steve asked her politely.

"No thanks. You already gave me a drink. I'm digesting your semen!" Maddie looked balefully at her landlord.

The next day in the late afternoon, Steve again showed the empty apartment to the Xiaos and Samantha. The two young ladies were still raving about it, and about how much better it was than all the others they had seen so far. Mr. Xiao was smiling a little smile, but his wife Susie was looking a little strained. It seemed that their apartment hunt had not gone well over the last couple of days. As the girls spoke about how they would set up the apartment if they managed to get this one, Susie turned to her husband and said,

"Sweetie, I've got to go look at these rent-loan forms again. I think my friend Cathy, you know, the one in insurance, can help me get a better loan agreement. I'll just pop down to the landlord's to see the forms again.

"Ok, honey," Mr. Xiao said. "I'll watch these two brats" he joked.

As Steve again escorted Susie to his apartment, he noticed that she was watching him like a hawk. More like a hawk examining a mouse it wanted to dive on. She remained silent until they got into Steve's place.

"Um, do you think you'd like to talk about getting the apartment?" Steve asked in a small voice.

"Listen," Susie said, staring straight at Steve. "I've been.....thinking....about your little agreement plan for a couple of days. It might be possible that it....has certain, ahh, attractions for me. I'd need to get more particulars and such, but, um, you know, I would never normally think about something like this. I'm not that kind of woman, to go around cheating on my husband."

"Of course not!" Steve assured her, but thought, [Yeah, I've heard THAT before. NO one cheats on their spouses until they DO].

"Now, you listen to ME, mister," Susie commanded, walking right up to Steve's face so that he backed up, thumping into the wall behind him. Susie tapped a long-nailed index finger into his chest.

"I've got an "agreement" for YOU. YOU will rent that apartment to my daughter and her friend. YOU will provide me with that rent "discount" you mentioned. And I," she said firmly, "will direct our little....what did you call them? 'Sessions'? I will direct our little 'sessions.' I'm looking for something specific, and it just might be that you can provide it. You WILL provide it."

"Uhhh...provide what now?" Steve stammered.

"I've, I've got, shall we say, a strong sex drive," Susie grinned mischievously. "My husband, I love him, but he's basically a twice-a-monther. I....I find myself needing more. And I need to be in charge. And....and to be told nice things. Lots of nice things." Susie murmured, looking down coyly.

"Um, I...I guess so!" Steve stuttered. "Ok, sure, why not? The only problem is, there WAS this other family that expressed interest in the apartment..."

"Well, they're NOT getting it," Susie stated. She grabbed Steve by his lapels and began to push him down the hallway towards the closed doors. "Now, which one is your room?"

"Th-this one," Steve managed to whisper, grabbing the doorknob and twisting it open. Susie kept pushing him backwards, into his bedroom. "Are...are we going to have a, um, session, now?"

"Oh, we're sealing this deal NOW," Susie said. "No other family is taking this apartment." With that, she bumped Steve up against his bed and gave him a hard shove, knocking him down onto his back on his mattress. He tried to sit up, but Susie, relentlessly, shoved him back down as she straddled his waist, sitting down on his hips so he couldn't move.

"Do you have an unopened toothbrush?" she asked.

"You want to sleep over?" Steve asked with surprise.

"Don't be stupid," she replied. "I need an excuse."

"Um, yeah I've got a few..."

Susie pulled out her cell phone and thumbed a quick text message to her husband.

{Looks like we might get the apartment. I'm just walking over to the drug store, get a few things for the girls. I'll be back in a bit...}.

{Ok,} came her husband's response. {I'll check out the pool and gym room with the girls.}

"Stay down. We have to be quick this time," Susie ordered. Steve lay there as she quickly yanked his shorts and underwear off, then his t-shirt. Laying there naked, Steve felt like he was being prepared like a pork roast for dinner. For her part, Susie quickly stripped down, revealing small but firm shapely breasts and a small patch of hair at the intersection of her shapely legs. She jumped back on top of Steve, perched once again on his waist. She stared balefully down at him, like a predator eyeing her prey.

"Wha...?" Steve asked.

"You're not ready for me...." Susie growled, eyeing his soft member.

"Well, give me a-WOAH" Steve gasped as the pretty Asian woman swooped down on him, scooping up his flaccid cock with her mouth, and biting down a little, reared back on all fours, sucking Steve deep into her mouth as if eating him up. With a powerful suction and perhaps a little too much teeth for Steve's liking, she yanked him deeper into her mouth and started to pull and suck. Her powerful movements reminded Steve of a bird he saw on the lawn, yanking a worm out of the ground.

"Gaaaahhh!!" Steve moaned. Susie maintained the strength of her ministrations, but now added a gush of warm saliva to the friction that repeatedly ran up and down his pole, causing it to stand at a rigid attention that Steve was unused to not being able to control.

"Mmmmmff....Gluuk gluuk gluuk," came the panting, rapid sounds from Susie's throat.

For Steve's part, he tried to just lay back and let the determined woman handle things, although he felt a little roughed up by her vehement ministrations. He was surprised by her ferocity, but couldn't deny that her eagerness had caused his member to throb with a hardness that he couldn't control. "Gluuk gluuk gluuk....."