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What will a cheater do to earn back her man.
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The Rescue

I sat quietly. It was early evening, the restaurant was filling up around me. I had a glass of port that I was sipping, looking at everybody around me. Then a collective gasp sounded. I looked at the door. A slim well-built brunette with piercing blue eyes had entered. Her body was flawless, perfect. She was dressed in deep blue lingerie only, a shade that matched her eyes. I drew a sharp breath. She wore a pair of three-inch heels, which accentuated her perfect legs. She walked in slowly, and muted conversations erupted around me. I could not help it, I stared. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

She walked through the restaurant, straight to me.

"Hi, Art," she said to me, her voice trembling with excitement.

"Hi, Bianca," I stood up, walked to her, and touched her breast. It could see her extreme arousal in her face, "Cum for me."

"Yes, Master."

She gasped and the restaurant watched her spasm as she orgasmed. I stepped back and opened the bag on the chair next to me. I pulled a chair out, made her sit down as I pulled out her slacks. I loved this pair because they accentuated her beautiful butt and hips. I took her shoes off, then put her legs through the slacks. I made her stand up again, and pulled them up, fastening them. I threaded a belt through the loops next.

I then pulled a white silk blouse out, and she held her arms so I could dress her in it. I left it out, she loved it like that, though it often got her in trouble. Then I kissed her softly, and she followed my lips as I pulled back. I stepped back and picked the box up, opened it. I took her earrings out of her ears, and picked the new ones I had bought her, and put them on. Then I took her old necklace off and put the new one on.

"Perfect," I said as I looked at her.

She blushed brightly, not hiding her appreciation. I open the side pocket of her bag and pulled the Glock 9mm side-arm out. I put my arms around her and clipped the pistol into the small of her back. Then I pulled her credentials out and hooked the badge to her belt in front. I looked at my wife, FBI Special Agent Bianca Snow.

"I love you, Kitten," I whispered, overwhelmed by the depth of the emotion.

"I know master, not as much as I love you."

"Insubordination? That will be punished."

"Promise me, Master."

"I promise, Kitten."

We sat down, not a word had been spoken for ten minutes at any of the other tables, and food everywhere was getting cold. Donald, the restaurant manager approached us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Snow, what an incredible pleasure, and may I say, Mrs. Snow. You look as radiant as ever."

"Thank you, Donald."

He smiled as she flashed her heart-melting smile. I have never loved Bianca as much as now.

"I will let the other patrons know why this happened," Donald offered.

"Please do Donald, we are not ashamed, we are proud. Today is a very special day Donald, so some champagne, and then the seafood menu," I requested. Donald knew our history, but it was for Bianca, and my spoken words affirmed her value to me.

"As you wish sir."

Donald knew what day it is, he had been part of three anniversaries already. He came with the champagne and poured. Then he walked to each table, and we saw the usual reaction, thumbs up, husbands and wives taking hands and nodding to each other in affirmation and some tears from muted conversations.

"Happy third anniversary," I said to my wife of six years.

Wait, you might ask. Six years married and this is the third anniversary? The truth is simple, today is the anniversary of the day she found out the utter devastation she had caused to my soul, the day I caught her red-handed with her lover. For that, we should go back four years and three days.


My name is Arthur Snow or Art. My amazing wife of two years had been cheating on me for almost six months, with her boss, Supervisory Special Agent Dan Brock. He was the quintessential G-man, squared-jawed, alpha male. I knew his type well. They used to beat down on guys like me.

See, I stutter, and for the life of me, I could not fathom what Bianca saw in me initially. To her type, the beautiful and perfect people I was fodder, someone to entertain them as they humiliated me or others like me. I owned a small server farm, which I started fresh out of the marines. I trained hard and stayed fit, but I was a nerd to the world out there. I was locked inside with my servers most days, and some nights. Not even Bianca knew at the time that I was a decorated soldier when she met me, the day she served a subpoena for information on one of my servers.

I complied, and three days later she called to arrange for a statement, informally. It happened at a coffee shop. She gave me her card, and two days later I stuttered through a lunch invitation. Three months later we made love, her touching the six scars where I had been shot as I carried part of my platoon out one by one under heavy fire. One scar for one man, received every time I went back for the next man.

Now, two years later my life was again at peril, but this time my heart had been pierced fatally. I drove home, Bianca was ready.

'L..l..l..looking forw...w...ward the w..w..w.w.."

"Yes Art, I am." She said.

She sometimes interrupted me, but she never did it to degrade me. I could not fathom why she would humiliate me by cheating on me. We flew to California, then into the wine region. I had decided to turn up my passion, and she responded. We made love all over, sneaking away during cellar tours to make love in a wine cellar or any other place we could find. She could not get enough, and neither could I. On our last night, I spoke to her.

"W...w...would you p..p..p..promise me s...s..suh.."

"Something?" She asked, I nodded.

"Sure Art, ask."

"Prom...m..m..ise me n..n..n..ever chuh..chu.cheat on from t..t..t..t..od.duh..duh..ay ...forw...w..ward."

"Promise you I will not cheat on you from today forward? Art, I would never cheat on you. Jesus my love. I love you more than anything."

"Puh...puh..please?" I begged.

"Okay Art, I promise, now please come and make love to me again, tomorrow we have to go back to the offices, and I will miss having you all to myself."

I did make love to her, my very best effort, and she moaned out her pleasure. She fired me up in the middle of the night and again it was amazing. We flew back, and I had a glitch on a server three days after we got back. I rushed in, and it was easily solved. I checked my home security and I saw his car in the driveway.

I left the cleanup for one of my IT specialists and went home. I heard them upstairs. They spoke, her telling him of the week.

"Well, as long as you keep stutter boy happy he will never find out of our love," Dan said.

"No, I just hate this. How can I love him so much, and you as well?"

"You love me, I am not sure what your deal with the cripple is," I heard her giggle at this, each little sound felt like my soul was whipped with a cat-o-nine-tails.

"Dan, he is so sweet, but the stutter thing."

"Yeah, listen, we are going away for ten days in two weeks, training convention. I have our hotel booked."

"Nice, I could use another week of good sex."

I waited in the dark kitchen as they walked down.

"I will divorce my wife soon, then you can divorce"

"I will get things in order, he has some wealth," Bianca said after she laughed at his joke.

"Yes, that would be nice to have," Dan added.

I heard them kiss, the revolver in my hand. Tonight my pain ends. I heard her close the front door and stepped into the hallway. Bianca turned and her face drained of all color. She knew she was caught. Then her fear appeared as she saw the gun in my hand.

"Oh god, Art, jesus baby. Please,"

She eyed the gun. I pulled the rounds out, bar one, and spun the cylinder, snapping it close. I put it against my head and pulled the trigger. She started wailing.


"Y...y..ou p..p..promised," I said softly, as I spun the cylinder again, slamming it shut.

"Art please no, not this way. I know, jesus. Not like this."

She was on her knees, reaching out for me.

'Click' the sound ripped through her.

"W..w.w.." I felt powerless, I cannot even express myself. She looked at me, pleading as she cried.

"Please Art, no. I cannot lose you, please. Oh god."

She watched as I spun the cylinder again, slam it shut. I pulled a pocket knife out and flicked it open, then I stabbed myself in the leg. I had found out purely by accident that physical pain stopped the stutter.

"What do we do, Bianca?"

"Anything you want, please Art."

"I don't want to live," I said, my feelings numb.

"Please Art, no. Please live, please my love. I cannot live without you, right now I know that. Please put the gun down, I will change everything I can,"

She was pleading, begged, crawling closer, and I stepped back, knowing what the distance is she required to take me down.

"I will do anything Art, even if you put the gun down. I am not trying to get you to put the gun down. I am trying to get you to stay with me forever. Please, Art, god. Please," she barely got the words out as she sobbed. I put the gun against my head again.

"You humiliated me," I twisted the knife slightly, feeling the comfort from the pain.

"I know."

"I knew, almost to that day you started. This last Saturday evening you made a promise."

"I did. You knew then?"

"Yes Bianca, I knew then. I wanted you back, but now I just want out of my life. You have made me worthless, Bianca. You fucking perfect beautiful people whom I have spent my life shying away from because guys like me entertain you."

"Please Art, we have to find a way. I married you for everything you are."

"And the jokes about the stutter with Dan?"

She started sobbing again, putting her face to the floor as she clawed in my direction.

"I am sorry. Please, Art. I will do anything, even divorce."

"That is a given Bianca, divorce."

"No, please. I will come back to you Art, I will walk back to you, to my only true love. You are my only true love, I never realized how much I love you till now, knowing that losing you was inevitable."

"But you promised on Saturday, how can I believe you now?"

"I have no way, but I am at your mercy, please."

I faltered, her submission, if real could make a way back. I pointed the gun at the back door and pulled the trigger, and it went off. Bianca collapsed and started retching. I stepped over her and went to the spare room and lay down. I did not sleep and heard her pass, then return.

"Art, I was serious. Think about it. You are the love of my life, I will do anything," she said through the door. I heard her footsteps leave. I clearly heard her make a call.

"Dan, it is over. You and I are done. He knows, and I choose him," she was quiet, probably listening.

"Do what you have to, threatening my career will not change it," She hung up, "Fucking useless asshole," she sobbed, and I was sure she just realized who he really was.


I slept alone for two weeks, and I was sure she could hear me cry at night. She kept apologizing, doing things for me, but I barely spoke to her, feeling utterly ashamed of my stutter now. My whole world was teetering on the edge of collapse. The one who made me safe had now destroyed my world because she had issues.

Bianca also commented on the fact that I had lost twenty pounds, begging me to eat, to choose to live. I could see her concern was real and that her remorse was true. If it had been false she wouldnot have been this concerned about my well-being. I started to formulate a plan and I knew it would be very hard for her. I had a new clarity now. Part of it was that I still loved Bianca desperately, and the last two weeks she showed me that she loved me.

Dan would be easy and he was a liability both to the government and Bianca. I sent an email to the liaison at the NSA, requesting a meeting through him with the deputy director of the FBI, James Cartwright. I had a few servers that held highly classified information so a regular visit by an ABCI returned to my state of susurration, trying to work out what to do because I have to be sure.

She would need to be humiliated and choose to take it for me, for our marriage. I did not sleep most nights and opted for early runs. I came back one morning after the plan was made, and she looked at me from the kitchen. She looked terrible, almost hungover. I was sure I wore the same look.

"Art, please Art, just talk to me again."

Her eyes followed my hand as I pushed the knife into me again.

"Why do you do that Art, do you really want to make me suffer?"

"I do not stutter when I do it."

I watched her brow wrinkle in compassion and hurt.

"I have a plan, but it will be very hard for you, Bianca."

"Anything," she pleaded and I saw hope in her. It was real.

"I will humiliate you."

"Yes, if you need to."

"No, I have to. You will understand if you stay the course."

"Okay. What do I have to do?"

"Everything I tell you, you will be completely obedient. For the near future, you have no decisions, except my orders?"

"A slave?"

"Yes. Do you agree?" She looked at me and I saw her face contort as she saw the pain I was not hiding anymore.

"Yes," she answered, her tone convincing.

"Yes, Master." I corrected her, and she frowned, "You will address me as Master at all times, and you will only speak if spoken to, clear." I saw the defiance in her face, then the sadness.

"Yes, Master."

"Thank you, Kitten."


"Rules, Kitten, but I will allow it."

"Why Kitten, why not Bitch, Whore, or Slut?"

I watched as she searched my eyes, looking for the answer.

"You are none of those," I saw the implication sink in as she realized what I meant.

"Make me coffee, Kitten."

"Yes, master," I was positive that she sounded happy, but I knew I had to stay the course, she cannot get off easy. I showered and dressed, then walked to the kitchen. She had made me coffee and toast.

"I wanted coffee, Kitten, not toast. Listen to my instructions."

"Yes, master." She said softly, and I saw I had hurt her feelings. I ate the toast, saw her understand that I did not reject her.

"Are you not going to work, Kitten?"

"No, master."

"Why not?"

"It has been terrible, I took a personal day."

"I order you to go, Kitten." I saw her panic. She will face another bad day, but she needed to face it.

"Yes, master."

I got up and kissed her forehead. She jerked in shock, but I had turned and was walking out the door. I worked half-heartedly, but my staff performed well. The email came back. Quantico, eleven the following Tuesday. I called her.

"Art." She answered almost immediately.


"Master, I apologize."

"H..h...ow a...are."

"I am fine, but it is hell, Master."

"T..t..t..ake l...l...le..eave n..n..e..ext"

"Yes, master." I hung up.

I started to research domination, and soon made an order for some gear. I had decided to use some aspects of the BDSM culture in my approach. That evening I found her waiting for me, I had a pin under my belt now, for the pain I needed to talk. It stabbed almost half-an-inch into my side.

"Hi, Kitten."


"What do you plan for dinner?"

"Pasta, master, will it suffice?"

"Yes, Kitten."

She tried her best to follow the rules. It was clear she had a very hard day. We ate in silence. She wanted to talk, she had always loved to talk. Now she will understand what it is like to not be able to talk. I poured her wine, saw her appreciate it. She will also learn that I am not shunning her.

"Go shower, Kitten, bring the arnica, Master will massage your feet," I said after dinner.

She flew up the stairs, and I was not sure how, but ten minutes later she flew down having showered, with the bottle. I sat on the floor, where I always sat when I massaged her feet.

"Sit there, Kitten," I pointed to where she always sat. I then had her lift her feet as I put a small foot bench under her legs. This was the way it always happened, but I made sure she knew it was my decision now. I started with her left foot, keeping eye contact.

"What did Dan do to you today?"

"He treated me badly, master, called me a whore, master."

"Are you a whore, Kitten?"

"Yes, master."

"Do you think you are a whore?"

"Yes, master."

"Did you ask Master's permission to think you are a whore?" I had stopped, looked at her.

"No, Master."

"Bend over the side of the couch Kitten. I will not be disobeyed."

I pulled out the switch, and her eyes grew.

"You are going to give me a hiding?" she asked, scared.

She came from privilege, and I suspected she rarely got punished. But Bianca was also a good person, so she rarely needed to be punished. Infidelity was completely out of character for her.

"Anything?" I asked her, feeling the need to move the pin under my belt as my body got used to the pain.

"Anything master," She said submissively realizing what she needed to do. She knelt on the couch, her amazing butt in the air. I lifted her nightshirt, then pulled her panties down.

"Do you trust me, Kitten?"

"Yes, Master," I swung and she screamed. I swung five more times, and she was weeping now. I took some of the oil and rubbed it into her angrey red butt, gently soothing the pain. Then I pulled her panties up and pointed to the seat where she was sitting. I started with her feet again, looking into her eyes. I could see that nothing as making sense to her now. She eyed the switch, then me, then the switch again.

"Master, can I ask a question?"

"You know the price, Kitten."

"Yes, Master"

"Then you may ask." I moved the pin in my side again and groaned softly. I saw her compassion. Then she looked at the switch, and I saw her calculating which question she feels warrants the switch.

"Will master forgive me?"

I sighed, that was the question that mattered.

"I will, soon." She started to move.

"Kitten, I did not give you permission to move, did I."

"No, Master."

She sat down again and I moved to her other foot. I took my time, as I always did, for her pleasure.

"Bend over the couch, Kitten," She did, and I pulled her nightshirt up again, then her panties down. Her pussy was sopping wet, and I barely stopped myself from plunging my fingers into her. I swatted her four times, she was weeping bitterly when I finished. I rubbed her with the oil, this time taking it slow, and gentle. This was care, not pain.

"Do you trust me, Kitten?" I asked, my mouth right at her ear, so she could feel my breath,

"Yes, Master." She turned her head to me and I touched her lips with mine.

"Go to bed Kitten, and sleep."

"Yes, Master."

She eyed the switch again, then nodded and got up. She eyed the switch again, then took a chance and hugged me, before walking out slowly. Everything in me wanted to call her back or follow her. But I knew the time was not right. She was not ready. I cleaned up the kitchen, having left it intentionally for me to do. I removed the pin, and then tended to the small wounds, disinfecting the pin too. Then I went to bed, after looking in on her now sleeping form. I realized that it was going to be a lot harder for me than I thought, and I considered counseling. I shook it off.

The next morning, she had made me coffee and toast, having it ready for me.

"T..t..thank you k..k..kitten. you sleep wuh..wuh..well?"

"Yes, Master, I did."

"G...g...go dress," She walked up the stairs, and twenty minutes later came down, dressed as the formidable FBI agent she is. She looked at me, her gun on her hip.

"K..k..kiss ffuh...feet." She knelt down and kissed my feet, the got up and I saw the fear in her eyes. I reached for a kitchen knife and saw her horror as I penetrated the skin on my thigh.