Resident Evil Rebirth Ch. 02


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"Hey...Hey..." She finally said, "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." She tried to sound soothing however the sight of her seemed only to agitate the bound woman further and her struggles seemed only to intensify as Alice slowly lowered herself down to her captive's level.

Not wanting to agitate her delirious friend any more than she had to, Alice just smiled warmly as she waited for the woman to relax in her presence. It took some minute but eventually Claire began to relax and let her arms go slack in their bonds, but her eyes continued to burn furiously as she glared up at her jailor with obvious mistrust. Clearly she hadn't forgotten their earlier meeting but Alice refused to let it get her down a. s she directed her gaze towards the fresh set of puncture marks that adorned her friend's chest.

"Yea, look I'm sorry about that," Alice confessed, sincere in her apologies as the woman realised what she meant and turned down to look at the open wounds that had been left by the Scarab's anchoring talons. She had done what she could to treat the injuries but they had still reddened and were blistering painfully. "But I had to get this thing off of you and that was the only way."

Watching Claire's reaction with a scrutinizing eye, she brought the Scarab up into the light and held it out to her in offering. For a moment, the bound woman only looked blankly at the device, but then a spark of recognition lit up her eyes with fright and she began pulling at her bonds again in an ill thought out escape attempt. So she did recognise something.

"What is this? Who did this to you? Where are the others?" She asked, unable to keep the sense of urgency from her voice. Yet Claire only looked up at her blankly, there was no sign of recognition or even understanding as her eyes darted from Alice to the Scarab as she bore her teeth in a feral threat. It was as though she were a dog that had been backed into a corner by a pair of thugs and was now preparing to defend itself. "Do you even know who I am?" There was no response, only a malevolent stare that made Alice glad looks could not kill and in resignation she decided it was time to go to plan B.

Rising to her full height, she put the scarab somewhere out of sight before climbing up into the cockpit of her plane and retrieving a bottle of water and a handful of paper tissues. Claire watched her mistrustfully, not sure what to make of the strange items the woman had produced from her dirty brown bird so she just watched balefully as her captor soaked one of the tissues in water before leaning over her. She thrashed violently when the sodden fabric touched her skin, but Alice didn't relent and instead she began wiping away the mixture of blood and dirt that masked the face of the woman beneath.

It required a lot of patents on Alice's part but after a few moments, Claire's struggles ceased and she felt a great surge of elation at the realisation that her plan was working.

"My name is Alice," She said, in an almost offhand fashion while dabbing at a particularly stubborn mark across her friend's brow. "We meet in the Nevada desert eighteen months ago. You were the leader of a convoy of survivors searching for a safe haven and you came here by Helicopter when we heard radio messages about a place called Arcadia." Using a dry tissue to quickly add the finishing touches, she couldn't help quirking her eye brow as she took in the startling transformation that had taken place before her with just a few pieces of cloth and some water.

Not wanting to undo the vital progress she'd just made with more questions, Claire forwent the interrogation and discarded the soiled fabrics before taking a swig from the bottle of water. Taking one last look at her captive, Alice was surprised to see an almost look in Claire's eyes. Quickly realising what she wanted, she held the bottle to her friend's lips and tilted it slightly so that she could drink.

"Well, at least we're making progress."


After the frozen veldts and howling winds of Alaska, the western coasts of Canada were a godsend for Alice. The skies were heavy with grey, rain laden clouds and the waters battered the spectacular coastline with violent swells of white surf, but at least it wasn't quite so cold.

Soaring as low as they were over the roaring waters of the Pacific, she was content after a turbulent morning to just watch the white capped swells of dark water crash against the brilliantly carved cliff faces that rose almost 100metres above the rolling costal depths. Indeed, this was the first part of her day that had gone according to plan.

Waking before dawn, she had hoped to of taken flight at sunrise but a quick inspection of revealed that under the new circumstances, they'd have run out of fuel before they even reached the boundaries of Sitka. In desperation, she'd spent the following hours scavenging the graveyard and siphoning off all the good grade fuel she could find until the tanks were full and only then could they finally could take off. After that had followed a bitter hour of battling ferocious winds as they flew above the Alaskan Gulf and its encircling coastline.

For what it was worth, she seemed to be making good time, already they had ventured into Canadian airspace and she had high hopes to be verging on what remained of California before nightfall. However the day was drawing on and with the surrounding storm clouds promising trouble ahead, she decided to take advantage of this brief moment of clarity to update her flight log and she turned her sights on the mounted camera.

"May 4th, 12.00 Hours. Now plotting a course via Prince Rupert and British Columbia down to Vancouver and then, if our luck holds, Seattle. After that, it's on to San Francisco and the rest of the western seaboard." Glancing back over her shoulder, she looked to the rear of the cabin and was unsurprised to find Claire where she had left her, jammed between two fuel tanks in the rear of the cabin. Her hands were still securely tied but after the late night wash and a changing those rags for a set of clothes that Alice had found while rummaging through some of the cars for anything they could use, she was starting to look more like the Claire Redfield she remembered. "My passenger is still as talkative as ever. She seems to be making progress but seems has no idea who I am. Whatever that thing attached to her chest was; it has completely wiped her memory. She doesn't remember who did this to her or what became of Kmart and the others. I only hope that the effects are not permanent." She ended the log entry without another word.

With her attention torn between watching the gathering storm clouds on the horizon and monitoring the control panel, the day seemed to pass by in moments and it wasn't long before Alice was searching the landscape for a place to land. By her calculations they were flying along a stretch of coastline that was somewhere along the border where the counties of Ventura and Los Angeles meet.

She knew it would only be a short flight to the greater city area of Los Angeles, an easy enough place to find a landing spot, but the storm clouds had been growing steadily worse and she couldn't risk going any further before night fall. Landing a plane in bad weather was one thing, but landing it in the middle of the night with no landing lights to guide her was another.

Pulling the stick around, she turned the craft inland and the roaring grey seas quickly vanished beneath the rolling hills of the Santa Monica Mountains as she searched for a landing site that wouldn't prove fitting for the term, suicidal. Unfortunately, while the Santa Monica range might not have been the tallest of southern California's mountain ranges, it was far from a barren plane. Stretching from the Channel Islands to over forty miles inland, the rocky peaks were more ancient than the European colonials and had formed a vast network of treacherous canyons and sedimentary outgrowths that threatened the destruction of any aircraft daring to land nearby. To that end, after twenty minutes circling the snaring peaks, Alice had never seen a more welcome site than the U.S. Route 101.

Stretching across the dusty landscape like a great grey serpent, the 101 was the only carriageway in California that spanned the entire length of the state's shoreline, reaching all the way from its northern coast down to the Greater Los Angeles Are, and conveniently cut straight through the Santa Monica Mountains. Smiling gratefully as she flew over the abandoned stretch of roadway and spotted a petrol station, she banked the plane hard and brought it around in preparation to land; her heart racing with terrified excitement as she aligned the aircraft with the road before taking it down.

"Hold on!" She yelled at Claire one moment before a violent jerk almost threw them both from their seats. Started, Claire lurched forward and hugged the back of the pilot's chair in fright as the plane touched down in the centre of the 101. Fighting to remain in control, Alice felt her teeth grating as the craft jarred and bounced thrice over the sun dried tarmac before setting down and beginning to slow.

Letting out a breath she hadn't known she was holding, Alice killed the engine and waited for it to roll to a stop before unbuckling her chair's harnesses and pushing the canopy back. Compared to the biting chill of Alaska, stepping out into the Southern California air should have been much like walking into an oven, yet there was an unseasonal chill on the wind that made her feel uneasy. A storm was defiantly coming.

Fortunately, a curious quirk in fate had allowed them to roll to the mouth of the service stations driveway so they needn't worry about finding shelter. Jumping out of the cockpit on onto the wing, she turned to find her passenger still clutching the seat in a death grip, obviously not as pleased with the landing as she was. It would take a lot of coaxing to get Claire back into the plane in the morning.


The storm had arrived just before sun down. Thick grey thunderclouds that darkened the sky with an impenetrable canopy as heavy torrents of rain drenched the Santa Monica Mountains and screaming gales howled like Banshees. Safe and dry within the petrol station however, Alice could allow herself to relax. The doors were locked tight and she had set up a perimeter wire that encircled the station's boundaries, nothing was going to come near the site without her knowing about it.

Leaning back in one of the chairs that she'd found hidden in the station's back room, Alice tried to ignore the hate filled stare that her companion was shooting at her and instead sought to lose herself mentally in the merrily crackling fire she had ignited within a rubbish bin. Much to Claire's contempt, she had used the pretence of making a fire to once again try and connect with her memory challenged friend, but she may as well have talked to the wall for all the good it did. Now all she did was watch her closely and with no small hint of malice, having rejected the back room's second seat she sat cross legged on the floor with her hands still bound. A bottle of water was resting by her feet, but she would only drink from it when she was sure Alice wasn't watching.

Tired and still aching from her confrontation with the bear the day before, she felt herself sinking into a state of sleep as she listened to the merry crackling of the fire and the rhythmic patter of rain hitting the petrol station's roof. It was getting harder to think, harder to keep her eyes open as she watched the flames lick and dance in the low light. Darkness descended and she felt all her cares and woes leaving her and everything seemed so peaceful that she wished it could stay that way forever. She lay there for hours, carefree and blissful until she heard the ringing song of the bells she'd hung on the perimeter wire sing out.

It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over her head and she bolted upright, her concealed pistols already in hand and drawn. Her stomach tightened when she saw them, dozens, no hundreds, of infected, all crowding around the opposite side of her fire. There were so many, she didn't have enough bullets to kill them all, and without even the wall of glass to defend her, she would only have time to kill a couple before they would descend upon her. But how had they have gotten in? She had been so careful, what could have gone so terribly wrong?

A pair of figures stepped out of the crowd and came around the campfire to stand before her, making Alice gasp with shock as she saw just who they were. The taller of the pair was Claire, her hands unbound with the feral madness burning bright within her eyes' pale blue light. On her left stood K-Mart, just as young and beautiful as Alice remembered.

"Oh...My God...K-Mart what are you doing here?" Alice asked, lowering the guns as her terror became momentarily forgotten in a shock of delight at the girl's miraculous appearance. Then the moment was shattered as before her very eyes, the pair's skin drew tight across their bone structure and the light of life vanished from their eyes. They were infected with the T-virus. Knowing what she had to do, Alice made to raise the guns, only her hands wouldn't move so Claire came forward, pouncing on her like a tigress ambushing a deer, and they both went tumbling back onto the chair's embrace...

Alice woke with a start, her heart racing as she looked up at the station's dirt smeared ceiling and realised it had all been just a bad dream. With a guttural moan of displeasure, she made to sit up; only her arms were trapped beneath an enormous pressure and wouldn't move. Confused, she looked down to find Claire Redfield crouched over her with a wild eyed look that was reminiscent of the one she'd held back at the airfield. She was using her knees to block her arms at her side, rendering Alice powerless as she leant forward...

...and seized her lips in a devouring kiss.

As fierce and demanding as its instigator, the kiss stole Alice's breath away. Trapped beneath her former captive, she could neither protest nor escape and was forced to just endure the embrace with mixed feelings of brooding horror and distrust. Yet Claire took advantage of her surprise by sweeping her tongue past the barrier of her lips and feasting on her mouth's heated cavern.

The embrace was anything but gentle and Claire eagerly pinned Alice against the chair, pushing her willowy form against her in as rush of primal passion as her tongue eagerly ran along her victim's teeth and the roof of her mouth, seeking out her tongue. Despite her reservations, Alice couldn't help admiring how soft Claire's lips felt against her own and her toes curled as a flood of wicked sensations ran hot and molten down the length of her spine when their muscles became intertwined.

Never in her life had Alice Abernathy ever experienced such passion. It was like an inferno that had been sent alight inside her, ravenous and unquenchable, it swept up everything in its path and left her swimming in a pool of exquisite ecstasy. Her protests vanished the moment their tongues touched and it suddenly didn't matter that she wasn't a lesbian, she only wanted to feel more of the intense sensations the kiss sent dancing along her nerves. And it was in that moment, years of pent up desire exploded to the surface.

Although she was relatively sure she had no romantic attraction to the other women, the heat that Claire was stirring in Alice's loins made it hard for her to care as, growing tired of just being on the receiving end, she slid her leg between those of the ravenous blonde. She could feel the heat of her friend's desire as her thigh pressed against the other woman's covered core and couldn't resist rubbing it, grating her strong, denim clad limb against the warmth in a back and forth motion that actually made Redfield purr against her lips.

Not to be outdone so easily by so simple a gesture however, Claire snaked her hands down between their bodies to push open the flier's jacket and reveal the dark tank top Alice wore underneath. Feeling the swells of her prey's bosom beneath her fingers, she reluctantly ended the kiss and drew back just enough to admire the way the cotton garment was stretched across the gorgeous woman's torso, struggling to contain her heavy breasts within without the aid of a bra.

Alice involuntary whimpered in protest at the loss of contact but that quickly turned into a surprised gasp as her top was suddenly pushed up to expose the pale skin of toned midriff. She shivered as the chilled night air touched her, its icy caresses causing goose bumps to spread across her milky skin as her assailant forced her bunched-up top over and past her cleavage.

Still rolling her hips against the other woman's leg, Claire stared down at the objects of her primal desire with unmasked hunger. Perfectly rounded with a milky white completion that was accentuated wonderfully by her pert and rosy nipples, Alice's breasts were works of perfection and as natural as they were beautiful. With this feast laid out before her, the temptation to taste one of the full orbs was too great for Claire to resist and she eagerly leaned forward to satisfy her hunger before it consumed her entirely.

"Oh Fuck!" Alice gasped as the sensation of Claire's mouth on her breast sent a foreign jolt of pleasure rippling along her nerves and down to her burning sex. It was strange to feel another woman's lips on her skin, strange but also wonderful and her whole body shuddered with delight when she felt her friend's hot breath wash over her nipples.

Grinning wickedly as she watched her prey's eyes almost roll back in pleasure, Claire leaned down and trailed her tongue around the nipple of the woman's right breast, tracing deliciously slow circles around the aroused pebble before taking it into the hot cavern of her mouth. Letting her hunger be her guide, she wantonly sucked and licked the hardened nub before gently catching it between her teeth and tugging it gently.

Alice gasped and moaned at the surprisingly pleasurable feeling of Redfield's tongue teasing the tip of her captured breast one last time before she suddenly released her painfully hard teat and switched to its neglected twin; repeating her ministrations eagerly. Against her sexually tantalised flesh, Claire's mouth felt deliciously hot and she relished in the feelings the other woman's touch sent shooting through her breasts. It was maddening and so terrifyingly wonderful that she began to dread what might happen if she let this continue. If Claire's mouth could feel so tantalising on her breast, how much pleasure could it bring her when she moved down to that place which just ached to be touched?

The suspense was maddening and some small part of her agitation must have shown as it wasn't long before she felt feather light digits rolling down the flat of stomach, tickling her senses and making her shiver with delight as they circled her belly bottom. They unfastened the bindings of her jeans in an instant and before she could utter a word of protest, had slip beneath the waistline of her underwear to find the core of her desire.

Rotating her attentions between the two glistening orbs while wantonly grinding her covered sex against the other woman's thigh, Claire felt a primal sense of pride swelling inside of her as she felt how wet her attentions had made her lover become. Eager to continue, she teasingly traced the soft folds of her lover's slick entrance before plunging both digits into the nectar coated channel.

Alice's mouth fell open in a silent cry of ecstasy as she felt the spindly digits penetrate her and her legs seemed to be acting of their own accord as they spread wider, accepting the appendages all the way to the knuckles. The Redfield's fingers flexed inside her, probing and teasing her inner walls and coaxing a wanton moan from her lips as she reflexively rolled her hips, trying to attain more of the blissful sensation.