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Beautiful girls shouldn't underestimate college geniuses.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/31/2005
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"No really. That's what it is." I said to Marcie trying to convince her.

"You can't make someone want something they really don't or make them gladly do something that they normally wouldn't! It's impossible."

I had to laugh at that one. "What do you think advertisers have been doing for decades? Believe me Marcie, it's possible. You just have to 'normalize' the right part of the brain with...." Marcie cut me off.

"What you are talking about is not the same thing as advertising Kurt. Advertising doesn't..." I cut her off.

"Listen for a moment, really I'll make the connection." I looked at Marcie silently to see if she was going to let me explain. She folded her arms across her chest cradling her breasts.

"Advertisers..." I began. "...make a commercial knowing that a certain percentage of people won't be open to the idea right away, I mean really if everyone were open to it they would just say 'Buy product X the next time you shop if you want your pants to be cleaner. What they do is make a commercial that gets your guard down, they make it cute, funny or something you can relate to."

"The human mind translates this to trust, THEN at the end of the commercial they say 'Buy product X.' The makers of Product X know that they can only gain so much ground each time someone sees the commercial so when a new product comes out they show the commercial several times in every half hour segment that has programs for their target market."

"After the target market sees the commercial a hundred times they are more likely to buy it. Even though people have been happily using another product for years they will still buy the new product."

"I see it but how does that relate to what you say you have done?" Marcie asked.

"The commercials make the viewer go through a change. At first the viewer may not respond but after several viewings, mentally they are neutral, you know, the 'It's all the same anyway.' Mentality so the viewer is now neutral about both products. After several more viewings a viewer may now argue that this product is in fact better because it has crystals even though it's just a bigger version of the same thing that was in the last product."

"What I have done artificially neutralizes the 'opinion' of the mind. It doesn't matter what the opinion is about. If I mention it to you, you will automatically be neutral about it."

"Yea, but even then I'm still making a decision, plus or minus, I could go either way so it's not as you say. You just get to suggest it knowing that you aren't combating a pre-existing opinion." Marcie countered.

"That is exactly right!" I said excitedly. "That's where the other part comes in. This other section of it stimulates this other part of the brain. This causes the 'feel good' chemicals to be released into the mind. So when I suggest something to you AND trigger the release of chemicals such as serotonin into the will not only agree to the suggestion... you'll want it."

I could see the understanding cross Marcie's face. I didn't know what her reaction might be though.

"I understand what you are saying Kurt but I can't believe that you can do it. The mind is the most complex machine known to man. I may not be in the top three students of this university like you but I did get enough to know that what you are talking about is all but impossible."

That sounded like a challenge to me and Marcie was just the one I would like to have as a test subject. I wouldn't unknowingly push it on her, but if she agrees... This is as good as having a magic genie.

"So you would be willing to try it out?" I said with my best effort not to sound excited.

"Hell no I'm not going to try it out. Yea, I need some scientist wiping my brain of eighty thousand dollars worth of Ivy League education by sticking probes on my head and zapping my mind."

I laughed. "It's not like that. It's no different than what's going through your mind right now."

"What's going through my mind right now?" Marcie asked with some confusion.

"Radio waves. Every radio station you could pick up with that spectrum analyzer right now is traveling through your mind and body right now. If I sewed a radio inside of you wouldn't it still be able to pick up a signal and play?"

Marcie nodded her head. "Yea. I never thought of it that way but I know it's all traveling through me."

"Well that's all I'm doing." I began. "I'm transmitting a plain old low power radio signal. It has less power than that cell phone that you stick against your head."

"So what about when it stops? How does it affect the way the mind was prior to the stimulation?"

"Another good question. You remember what you did but it has a neutral bias. If you did something that you would not normally do, you would soon just forget it. The extreme plus and minus registers of the mind would wipe it out as superfluous information and reset the open slot that the mind uses for weighing new ideas."

"The only side effect that it has is that you feel really good after doing it because of the residual chemicals in the brain. That goes away in about fifteen to thirty minutes."

"Okay science wiz. So what do you want to do as a test?"

I smiled. "Will you go out with me?"

"No, I've told you before I don't date guys in my classes...especially you. Not to mention I'm still dating Eric. What's that got to do with this anyway?"

"That's something you feel strongly about right?"


"So that's the test. I'll ask you out. If you don't agree then I am a spoof. If you do agree then it's a scientific breakthrough of epic proportions and you'll go out with me to celebrate."

"I'm going to enjoy this. When it doesn't work, you have to agree to never ask me out again... and you have to stop looking at my ass."

"It's a deal. I won't ogle you ever again."

That would be the worst part of the bargain. Marcie was drop dead gorgeous. I'm six feet tall, I would say that she is five eleven and all legs. Marcie is majoring in genetics. If that doesn't work out she could be a model or something. The first time I saw her I thought that she looked like Nicole Kidman on the Stepford Wives poster. The one where she's saying 'Shhhhh'. Yea. I look at her ass, her breasts her body in general and her face. There's not a guy and only maybe a few women in the department that don't ogle her.

We were in one of the labs doing research for a test. I happened to be Marcie's tutor from the tutor pool. This story began only a little while after we had finished studying and she asked what that object was next to me on the table. I had only removed it to get some books out of my bag when she saw it and asked about it. It was the little gem that proved what I told Marcie was true... Mind control.

You may wonder about my mind while all of this is going on. The answer is simple and anticlimactic. I have a transducer that is around my wrist. It looks like a watch. That is it's round and has a black elastic strap. It puts out a signal through the surface of my skin that cancels out the other device's signal. Just like noise canceling headphones, just a different frequency. That was by far the easiest part of the project.

"You don't need to be anywhere do you?" I asked Marcie before beginning.

"No I opened my schedule just in case studying went later, so I'm good for..." Marcie looked at her watch. "I'm good for another hour and a half. Long enough to debunk your research I should think."

"Okay. Are you ready?" I said.

"Yep." Marcie said leaning onto the desk.

I set the object in the center of the table and turned it on. Marcie just kept smiling her smug smile. "I don't feel anything yet."

She's not going to FEEL anything. I thought.

I maintained my posture and disposition when I began to speak. "Oh shoot the batteries are out. It's nothing anyway."

"On the box?" She asked.

"Oh no, that box is just junk. It's not even working anyway."

"Okay." Marcie said with a tone so matter of fact that it was doubtless."

"What were we doing?" I asked Marcie with a forgetful tone.

"You were going to ask me out. I'm waiting." Marcie said still sounding resolute. Somewhere in the back of her mind she still had a feeling that she was going to turn me down when I asked her out but that would be completely gone in a few minutes.

"We don't have to get to that just now do we? I think visiting would be nice. Talking is good." I said.

"Talking is good." Marcie said. "I think it is good for people to sit down and share ideas and their feelings."

"It also gives me a chance to just look at you Marcie. You are so beautiful. Do you realize how beautiful you are?"

"Thank you." Marcie said. "I think you are handsome too Kurt."

"Well thanks Marcie." That was interesting. Marcie added that without influence.

"It almost feels perfect in here don't you think Marcie?"

"Yes. Very nearly perfect."

"I think it's a little warm though. Don't you think?"

"Yea, it is a little warm. The thermostat is on the wall over there, I'll lower it a little." Marcie stood up and started walking to it.

"Don't bother with that Marcie. That thermostat controls the whole campus. Since it is so hot just in here, you could just take off your clothes. That would cool you off."

"I didn't think about that Kurt. That's a good idea. I wouldn't want to freeze the whole school by turning down the thermostat."

"You always wanted to undress in the lab anyway didn't you Marcie?"

Marcie giggled. "I have."

"You could undress really sexy and show me how sexy and beautiful you are."

"I really am sexy and beautiful Kurt. I can take off my clothes and show you."

"That's a good idea. Take off your clothes and show me how sexy and beautiful you are. You'll like making me really horny. You'll like it even more when I touch your naked body."

"I like making people horny. They never touch me but sometimes I want them to. Having you touch me will make me really horny."

Marcie began seductively unbuttoning her shirt and swaying her hips. She let the shirt slide from her shoulders and then let it fall from her arms where she caught it and tossed it into my lap. I raised it to my face and let her fragrance engulf my face. "You smell so good Marcie."

"Thank you." She said without stopping her movement.

I took the shirt and laid it out flat on one of the lab desks so that it wouldn't be wrinkled when all of this was over.

Marcie kicked off her trendy sandals.

"It won't be so hot in here when you get your pants off will it Marcie?"

"No." She said shaking her head slowly to some beat she was listening to in her head.

Marcie unbuttoned the tight jeans and slid them to the floor. She kicked them off in my direction. I caught them by the leg and laid them out flat next to her shirt. Marcie was moving and grinding her whole body to the unheard beat. Five feet away from me she was moving slowly in only her bra and panties.

Marcie pulled the straps of her lace bra from her shoulders and then unsnapped the clasp in the front and tossed it to me. Her breasts were perfectly gorgeous.

"Your breasts are beautiful Marcie. Are they all real?" I asked.

"Umm hmm." She said nodding her head. "They're all real. You can touch them and see."

Marcie moved toward me and bent over me in the chair letting her breasts hang in my face. I caressed her nipples and held her full breasts in my hands. They were real alright. Perfectly real. I drew one of them to my mouth and sucked at it. Marcie's nipple was hard. I moved to the other breast and sucked at it gently biting that hard nipple.

"Doesn't it feel good having your nipples bit Marcie?"

"Yes it does. It makes me wet."

"Your pussy is really wet right now isn't it Marcie?"

"Yes it is. My clit is hard like my nipples."

"You should show me how beautiful your pussy is when it's wet. It is beautiful isn't it?"

"Oh yes it is. It's smooth. I shave it so it isn't hidden, see?"

Marcie raised her foot to a chair and slid her panties to the side so that I could see her pussy. It was wet indeed. Her pussy lips and hole were deep pink and glistening with her fluid.

"You should just take your panties off so you don't have to mess with them." I suggested.

Marcie put her foot back on the floor and slid her panties to her ankles. There she caught them in her toe and lifted them to my lap. I placed them on the counter as well.

"Doesn't that feel better Marcie? The temperature is perfect now and you are beautiful. It is nice looking at you."

"I am comfortable now, I'm not hot. I am horny because you like looking at me naked though."

"I'm horny too." I said. That seemed like the understatement of the year. "Wouldn't you like it if I licked your wet pussy?"

"I would like that Kurt." Marcie said.

"Well here then." I said standing up from my chair. "Bend over this chair. You can put your hands on the arms to hold yourself up."

Marcie did just that. She bent over the chair with her hands on the arms and spread her legs. I sat on the floor between her legs and buried my face in her pussy. My tongue slid into her wet body and lapped at it, tasting and feeling every inch I could touch. I raised my hands to her hips and pulled myself closer like a hungry animal. Marcie bent her knees and lowered her crotch onto my face harder.

I let go of her hip with one hand and slid it over her ass. My fingers settled in her tight crack and traced downward to her puckered hole. "Having someone touch your ass like this makes your pussy even wetter doesn't it?"

"It does Kurt. It makes me so horny when someone touches me like that."

"You probably want more don't you?"

"If you bent over on the floor Marcie, I could lick your ass while I finger your beautiful pussy. That would feel really good wouldn't it?"

"I can't stand waiting for it Kurt. Here..." She said lowering herself to the floor on her knees and bending over. I licked Marcie's ass and slid three fingers deep into her wet pussy. My tongue pressed and probed her tight ass hole.

"Your ass is too tight Marcie, I can't get my tongue in."

Marcie reached back with her hands and pulled her ass apart. "You can slide your wet finger into me."

"Okay I said. I pulled my come soaked fingers from her pussy and slid one into her ass.

Marcie moaned. "Finger my pussy too. I slid my dry hand into her gaping pussy and then added another finger to her ass.

"You can relax your ass Marcie. I can slide my fingers into you and it won't be tight."

Just like that I felt Marcie's ass relax and I stretched my fingers apart to open her body. She relaxed even more so I slid a third finger into her. I had three fingers in her pussy and three in her ass. I pressed my fingers deep into her ass while the fingers in her pussy probed and danced. I felt her pussy tighten and she moaned. Liquid ran from her pussy onto my fingers and to the floor. Marcie actually ejaculated.

"This feels so good Kurt. Will you fuck me?"

"You would like to suck me first though right?" I asked.

"Oh god yes. Can I suck you before you fuck me?"

"I would like that."

Marcie turned and pulled open my pants. She took my whole cock into her mouth and rammed it to her throat. I think I could have begun ejaculating into her mouth right then.

"You don't want me to come Marcie. I'll fuck you and then you can suck me when I come."

Marcie rolled over and spread her legs. I couldn't believe Marcie Evans was lying in front of me naked with her legs spread. She guided my cock into her and then grabbed the legs of the lab table behind her head to hold on.

"Fuck me Kurt." I rammed my cock into her wet body and she moaned.

Over and over I rammed into her deep and pulled back out. The sound of her sloshing pussy on my cock made me throb even more. I held Marcie's legs and rammed into her with all of my strength. Her full breasts bounced with every thrust and her tongue licked her lips with every moan.

I fully intended to fuck Marcie in the ass but I just couldn't hold it any longer.

"You like sucking a cock with the come squirting out don't you Marcie?"

"I love it Kurt. Are you about to come?" She asked breathlessly.

"Yes. I'm about to. You better hurry."

I pulled out of Marcie and lay back on the cold floor. She sat up and hungrily took my swollen cock into her mouth. Marcie sucked and sucked while she stroked my shaft with her hand until the first spurt shot into her mouth and then exploded with a forceful pulsing ejaculation. Marcie slurped and swallowed with every pulse of my shaft until I was drained.

By the same process of suggestion I had Marcie clean up and get dressed. She took a big gulp of her soda and rinsed her mouth out. I didn't want anything lingering that she would notice. I had her sit back down and we began talking about her studies again. I talked about how long we had been studying and how tired she must be. Marcie did begin to look more tired. I had placed the device in my bag and then reached down and turned it off.

"I think we got a lot accomplished Marcie. At least I hope we did, I'm bushed."

"Yea, me too." She said "I feel pretty good though even though I'm tired."

"Well I hope I helped. If you need anymore help just call me."

"Oh I will. You should just come over to my place. That way all of the girls can sit in on the tutoring and benefit. We all have this class.

"I could do that. Just let me know so I can schedule it."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Reads like

it was written by a low level Jr. h/s kid, at best.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great sex

Keep the story going. He nails all the girls in her frat house.

cowbullscowbullsalmost 9 years ago

In the next chapter he gets that ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

It started out promising to be very erotic but ended as crude low-class crap

doneharddonehardover 15 years ago
Great read!

As a nerd I can understand the main character and loved the idea of how the device worked.

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

it wasok, a little more detail though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very Good

I like the way this story flows... I cant wait for the next addition.

bulldbulldalmost 19 years ago
Very hot!

I enjoyed your story greatly and hope you will take it to the next level. The thought of him in a room full of women eager to do his bidding is really hot. I am sure it would make a great sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

I enjoyed, but want more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Good, Erotic

Why don't you write more of this story? I think it has potential. Explore their relationship a little more, the possibilities. She gradually becomes aware of what he is doing, resents it, but cannot deny the pleasure she gets from their encounters. Does he love her? Does she love him? What happens?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

As my title says, it is an unusual story and well told!

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