Responsibility Ch. 19

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A conversation in the woods.
5.4k words

Part 19 of the 34 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/21/2020
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Author's Note: A reminder, I recently got a new job. My new schedule might have me updating my stories slower than normal. I'm sorry about that.


Rahela had her clothes changed for the ride.

She put on a dark orange gown with fitted sleeves and a plain but high quality surcoat of pale green. She even put on a white wimple that was draped above her bosom. Above her nape, a few pins had been used to help secure the wimple, going through her veil and a bit in her hair, which she still kept in visible plaits.

Ureche was in good health and humor. She seemed to encourage Rahela light petting and even nuzzled her face. Such a warm, gentle creature!

Something interesting had been hooked on one side of a certain horse, the Emperor's. Rahela thought it might be a wide bag of emergency supplies, but she couldn't be sure.

When the group was riding off to the woods, the Emperor started telling one of his stories again, which meant Rahlea had to translate for Gabi's sake. Rahela disliked this. She thought her husband was a braggart sometimes. It wasn't attractive. Still, if she refused to translate, that would only insult him.

He was starting a second story when they were just entering the hunting grounds.

Rahela didn't think Gabi was paying enough attention. Ammas and Borys were paying the most attention. The story did involve some daring war tactics. Rahela couldn't criticize them even if she wanted to.

The Emperor eventually told everyone they should stop and walk around a particular clearing. Rahlea thought that was odd.

Everyone dismounted there and stretched their legs out. Yana and Oksana chatted with Borys. Keeping one eye on Rahela, Ammas kindly tried to have a basic conversation with Gabi. He was very patient. The child didn't understand most Yahsin verbs, let alone any tense other than present! The Emperor spent some time giving his horse some cubes of sugar, which was nearly mind-blowing in Rahela's eyes. That was an expensive treat for a horse!

Rahela took a carrot from her pouch and played a little chasing game with Ureche. It was an innocent activity. Rahela smiled and even laughed at it. She almost tripped on her skirts, but that was fine. When Ureche caught up to her, she took the carrot, snorted, and let Rahela trace lines around her nostrils with a fingertip. Then Rahela used two fingers to stroke up and down her face's midline. Ureche wouldn't normally like to be touched that way, but she let Rahela do it.

Rahela saw this mule as a creature even more innocent than Gabi. Gabi would one day mature into an educated woman while this mule would always be concerned with the most wholesome, uncomplicated things, no matter how old she was.

Some minutes went on, and the Emperor approached Rahela with a slightly outstretched palm. "Come have a conversation with me," he said. At Ammas' concerned jerk of his head, the Emperor said, "I'll protect your Madam well. I'm not a weak, raw piece of dough."

When Rahela obediently put her hand over his, he led her off to his horse.

"Majesty, shouldn't I keep to my mule?"

His nose wiggling a bit, the Emperor said, "You'll be with me, and my lands are heavily monitored. Nobody will disturb us." He went to his horse and mounted, but he also moved back and reached down, as if he wanted her to ride the same horse with him.

Narrowing her eyes and making a slight huff in her throat, Rahela looked away. "A stable worker attacked me on this land."

"Yes, and I've increased the amount of men to keep watch at the walls," the Emperor countered.

"I'm certain Your Majesty has heard of bribery," Rahela softly argued.

The Emperor had another counter. "There would be no political advantage to sending men to you while I'm here. I'd see how blatant the attacks are and expose any plots. Now come." His fingers flicked at her.

Rahela couldn't think of anything else to say. She took his hand and accepted the help. She was soon seated, although not very comfortably, ahead of the Emperor, and they went off on a path Rahela had never explored before.

When the Emperor finally bade his horse to stop, Rahela couldn't see the group they'd left behind. Her worried fingers yanked on her surcoat's skirt. After the Emperor dismounted, he reached up to help Rahela. She had to put a hand on his shoulder to keep stable.

When she was secure on the ground, the Emperor went to the wide bag he'd attached to the horse's tack. Rahela wanted to question him, but she only watched him take certain things out of the bag. Some rods that made her think of tents. Some tough fabric that made her think of tents. Some cords that also made her think of tents.

She frowned.

Was he setting up a tent?

He was soon brushing and kicking leaves and such out of the way. Then he used a tree for support as he seemed to be arranging a wall of cloth. He was humming too.

Rahela sighed and looked to the horse. That great creature looked so noble and regal even as he curiously moved his head down to sniff at a leaf. She petted his shoulder and said sweet things to him. Just because he was a huge, warrior's beast didn't mean he didn't like sweetness. She didn't try to pet his face. He probably wouldn't have liked that.

The horse moved his head up and turned it to look at Rahela. He didn't seem particularly upset about anything, but Rahela didn't think he was accepting her voice very well. He might not have taken her very seriously. Why is this tiny thing touching me? Why is this tiny thing talking to me? Whatever. Master had her ride on me with him. Master likes her, so I must tolerate her.

After a few more minutes, in which the horse put up with Rahela's harmless nonsense, and the Emperor had a structure of three fabric walls and a lining on the ground. He waved his hand, letting her know she had to come.

She left the horse and walked over to him. His hands went to her shoulders and he guided her right on the lining, having her kneel. Then he went over to the horse to tell him to take a few steps away from the structure.

It was at that moment when any curiosity Rahela might've had died.

She assumed His Majesty didn't want to talk at all.

Shrugging and fiddling with one of her plaits, she told herself that she should've known that. There had been many examples before they were even married of him demanding a chat but not really chatting. Why would marriage change that?

Perhaps the Emperor was trying to make her feel more comfortable by setting up at least an illusion of privacy?

Still humming, the man returned to Rahela. He crouched down and then crawled into the space. He sat down beside her, and looking ahead with a confidence posture, he put an arm around Rahela's shoulders.

He didn't have a perfume. If anything, he smelled like himself. Rahela couldn't complain.

Apparently, he changed his mind. He didn't want her to kneel. He used his free arm to pull her legs out from under herself, and he even smoothed her skirts out, likely to have a more romantic appearance.

Fine, all fine. But please don't take forever, as it did the first time!

She sighed and put her cheek on his chest.

"Little Empress."

"Yes, My Lord?" She closed her eyes.



He'd shoved something into her mouth!

Rahela spat the thing onto her palm.

A bar with rounded corners, held in partially unwrapped waxed linen ... it was slightly firm gelatin! Gelatin full of dried fish! There was also a slice of a hard boiled egg in there!

Rahela held the treat with both her sets of fingers and put the thing to her mouth.

She chewed, quietly chewed as she kept close to her husband.

"You're like a chipmunk," he said. Then his chest shook with a low chuckle. Rahela bounced from it, but she didn't mind. She had a snack. "I'm not used to seeing you eat this way," he went on as his fingers tapped on her shoulder. "Are you showing me a piece of your true face?"

She swallowed and asked, "Does Your Majesty believe I've been deceitful?"

"No more than you need to be," he told her.

She took a few more bites of her fishy gelatin, filling up her cheeks.

His words turned hazier, gentler. "I've managed to place some fervor in your eyes."

"Hm?" Her mouth was still full of food. She wouldn't speak in that state. A sound with closed lips was all she'd give. A mild breeze came. It was blocked by one of the sheets of fabric, but Rahela watched some leaves roll along the ground.

The man's breath swelled up again. Rahela wanted to call it a tired and sad exhale, but she didn't know if that would be accurate. His voice was perky, soft but perky. "You didn't try to bow nor thank me in any way for your little gift. That's peculiar."

Well, he had her in a one-armed embrace and he was the one to force the thing past her teeth!

But still, Rahela wiggled out from under his arm and moved to face him, getting back to a kneeling position and ruining the pretty shape her skirts had been in. She made a kneeling bow and said, "Thank you, My Lord."

He smiled, but his eyebrows were uneven. "I wasn't making any demands." He leaned forward to take her sleeve and drag her right back to him. She was put in a position similar to before, her cheek and upper body hugged to him, although this time her skirts were messy. Rahela didn't really care.

Half of her gelatin treat was gone when he said, "My wife truly is a human."

"Is there a reason to assume I'm not a human?" Rahela took a small flask of water from her belt.

She was drinking when her husband gave a sharp laugh and said very, very pointedly, "I'm not certain. Is there a reason?"

She looked up at him, but she was slow about it. Her blinking speed remained unchanged. There was no nervous blushing on her cheeks. Behind her closed lips, she licked a piece of food off of her teeth.

Was he expecting something from her?

"I don't understand the question, My Lord."

His eyes were definitely a combination of amused and suspicious. He thought he knew something. Rahela could tell.

"Are you a fairy?" he asked.

"Your Majesty is teasing me. I'm not a fairy."

"Are you a demon?"

"No." She bit into her snack and chewed.

"Are you an angel?"

Rahela wished he'd stop. This was boring and foolish. She swallowed, took more water, and said, "No."

Some of the Emperor's hair fell out from the cord he'd used to tie it back. He blew it away with a puff from his lips. "Are you a goddess?"


"Is there anything you'd like to tell me?"

"Yes." She closed the wrapping over what was left of her gelatin snack. "It's in my best interest to become pregnant soon. Now's a fine opportunity to plant the seed." She put the snack in the pouch at her belt. "I won't hinder you." She took a last swallow of water, and then she rinsed her mouth out, moving away to stick her head out of the tent-like structure and spit onto the ground.

When she looked back, she saw that the Emperor's face had changed to something bored and maybe a little angry. It was as if he thought she'd ended a fun game. One of his legs bent, making a tall lump in his gown's skirt. He stretched out an arm to rest on his knee, his hand limp. "You were keen for the food, but now your eyes are cold."

Were they supposed to be warm?

Rahela shuffled on back to him, leaned onto him again, and said, "I can only assume you brought you brought me here for your own pleasure."

He sighed.

He nudged her away and put some distance between each other. Then he reached up and started taking his carefully made structure apart. Rahela knew he was displeased, perhaps even disappointed, but she didn't know why. When she tried to ask him why he'd lost his cheer, he only shrugged and told her to get out of the way so he could get the lining off of the ground.

Even when she was with him on his horse, he was quiet, hardly ever gave a word.

Rahela was certain he'd wanted to tangle with her, absolutely! But something went wrong, something had him losing his heat. Why? She'd have received him well. He knew that.

Back with the rest of the group, the couple found that the girls were watching Ammas and Borys have a card game. Politely, the Emperor let them finish. Then he announced that he wanted to go back to the castle. Everyone seemed to notice the Emperor's chilly attitude, but they'd never ask about it.


Rahela changed her clothes again after lunch.

It was a fairly Testoan outfit. A bright red gown with hanging sleeves, overall more loosely fitted than a fashionable Yahsin gown. White braiding on the borders. A woven girdle twice wrapped and then knotted around her waist. A moment of boredom had her removing her wimple, and she didn't want to put on a Yahsin headdress. A veil with a circlet was enough for her at this moment.

The weather was still quite lovely. Rahela admitted that she was enchanted by the sky. The white clouds were so large and puffy, and they seemed to be in multiple layers. As the gentle wind moved, some of the clouds moved too, gradually so. It was like a whimsical version of a mysterious machine. Rahela wanted to admire it for a few minutes. With her retinue, she stayed on one of the verandas.

To help keep the time more entertaining for those that weren't enthused, Rahela had everyone take on a little activity. Yana and Oksana played board games. Gabi sat next to Rahela and talked about whatever sprouted in her brain while she darned some of Rahela's clothing in her lap. Ammas was told to sit down too, but he didn't take up anything distracting. He sat on Rahela's other side and munched on syrup coated nuts from a tin. Rahela had given him the nuts as a present some time ago.

The rich blue behind the clouds had Rahela thinking of wonderfully happy things. Combined with Gabi's almost bird-like tones and occasional laughter, this put a tiny smile on Rahela's face. The air turned hotter, but they were in the shade, and some servants came soon to help them. They placed bowls of ice on little tables and fanned the ice to push cool air in the group's direction. It was very luxurious. Rahela even pulled her sleeves over her fingers to hide her skin from the cold, but after a time she had to tell the servants to put the ice away. Their lighter and thinner summer clothes were no match for the ice.

Some time went on this way. Eventually, Rahela happened to see a tiny scene some distance off, on a different veranda. Prince Jalil was with his boy attendants, not doing anything particularly offensive.

A woman suddenly approached. Rahela assumed it was one of the Tashkilan dancers. She wasn't wearing her dancing outfit. She had on a modest gown with full sleeves. Her hair was hidden by a black headscarf that had been wrapped and pinned even around her throat. She moved in to apparently whisper something to the prince. The man only shrugged and made a negative waving gesture. After bowing, the dancer walked away.

Rahela assumed that dancer had experienced more difficulty in seducing the Emperor and she was reporting the matter. She wondered what the prince's second plan was now that the first had been such a disaster.

More time went on. Some of the clouds darkened and the air cooled only by a few dashes. The Tashkilan prince soon left Rahela's sight, his boys following him. Rahela didn't think much of it. She started a card game with Gabi to pass more time.

Eventually, Borys Chaika appeared from behind a wall. He ran over to the steps up to the veranda Rahela and company sat on. He put his hands on his knees and panted to the ground. He barely squeaked out, "Majesty!"

Rahela stood up. "Dear child, are you unwell? Take a cup of water."

"No! Hahh!!" He straightened up, but his face was pink. "Your ... Your Majesty! The Emperor has ... has requested your presence in the throne room!"

"The throne room?" Rahela put a hand to her bosom. "There isn't a court meeting. There isn't a ceremony. Why would he be in the throne room?"

Wiping some sweat from his hairline, the boy said, "It's extremely important! We've just learned that Tashkila had sent a fleet of ships to the islands near Testoa! Prince Jalil has been summoned to explain, but The Emperor has said you must come!"

A sweet nut fell from Ammas' fingertips and bounced on the veranda's tiled floor. It finally stilled between two colorful squares. The man's face was angry. He got up with a light groan.

Yana wrapped her arms about herself and stammered out, "N-no! Ano-another war?"

Some finger-joints at her chin, Oksana said something unusually wise, considering her fanciful personality. "Those islands are very important. They have fine resources and they're in a prime location for naval warfare. If we lose them to Tashkila, it would be a heavy blow."

Clearly not understanding the situation, Gabi kept on with her stitching, but she did ask Rahela, "Is something wrong?"

Rahela nodded down to her and said in Testoan, "Another war might be coming. I must go to the throne room." Then she switched to Yahsin and spoke to Borys. "I'll go immediately."

Holding a palm up, his voice much easier, Borys said, "His Majesty has asked that you dress close to how a Yahsin woman would at a court meeting, headdress and veil and surcoat, but keep your plaits hanging out."

Her eyes flaring, Rahela asked, "Is this not urgent?"

His lips jerking as if he was trying not to smile, the boy said, "His Majesty said that if that prince is forced to wait for you to dress appropriately, then it would please him."

Rahela blinked three times.

The Emperor was apparently going to insult the prince a few times while he could.

"Very well, Child. Go to your Master and tell him I'll arrive soon, and I'll be certain to examine every piece of jewelry I have to be certain that they'll be appropriate for such an important meeting."


The gown was of metal shot silk, a lilac color, and very shiny. The neckline was wide with a thick, white border with images of blue butterflies and dark pink flowers. The fitted sleeves had cuffs that matched the neckline's design. A black surcoat was placed over this, complete with open sides and ermine trimming, although not lining the inside because the weather certainly wasn't cold. Against the black base, gold and silver embroidery formed a diapered pattern with circles and flowers filling in the diamonds. Down the thin plackard, there were several jewels and pieces of metal meant to represent fruits.

A white veil was put over her head. It draped all the way down to her surcoat's hem. Little blue and gold beads were sewn onto the edges. The black headdress seemed to mainly be formed of five huge circles that imitated encrusted flowers, the rest of the space filled in by leaves and even some bees. Strings of beads that matched the veil's hung under her chin and from each side of her face. Attached to the headdress' back and against the long veil, there were was a net of finery that seemed to have more stones than metal chains.

There was a necklace of roughly sixteen inches, roughly because it was made of multiple strings of pearls. Groups of three strings would had their gathered points met at golden squares. There was also a second necklace, maybe twenty-four inches in length, made of several coin-like medallions. Several rings were on her fingers. The belt under her surcoat was heavy with more jewels.

Her plaits were undone and put into complex, four strand braids. Black and white ribbons were weaved in with the strands. Gold and silver clasps with actual jewels were put at the braids' ends and roughly in the braids' centers.

Of course, Rahela was reminded of her wedding, because it was such an intense outfit.

Possibly out of spite for that prince, wanting to seem as important as possible, she dared to have rouge put on her lips and cheeks. It was a subtle, light pink rouge, but it was there.