Returning Home Ch. 03


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The cookout was fun. I do have to say that me and dad teaming up in horseshoes were near unbeatable. It was funny that the only one who never was my partner was Chrissy. I treated her I thought with respect but not any closeness. I played a few games with Molly, Robbie and my niece Kimmie. They had their own kid games. I did pretty well at beating them.

It was getting hot and the kids asked if they could go in the pool. I looked over at Chrissy and she told me if I would help them with their swimsuits that they could go in. Sue said she would help me by putting on Kim's. Sharon put RJ's suit on him.

We did get their suits on and I sat by the pool and watched them. I guess I was the designated baby-sitter. The pool was too small for the older kids to get in so I set up a sprinkler for them to run through. After a while, the little ones played in the sprinkler too.

Sue said, "That's looks like fun. I think I'll join the kids. Come on Chrissy, I don't want to be the only adult here."

The two girls went inside to put their swimwear on. I couldn't believe Chrissy was going to wear that blue suit. I was almost getting jealous; I didn't want the other guys to see her.

They both came out in one-piece suits. I would swear that Chrissy looked over at me and smirked. I'm sure she did. They moved the sprinkler hose over in the shade. Chrissy explained that she and Molly burned instead of tanned since they were redheads.

It was fun watching them all playing. Dan went to the car and brought back some type of plastic slider mat. He hooked the hose to it and everyone would try sliding on it. The little ones kept falling but were having fun. The older kids did pretty good. Both Sue and Chrissy took a running start and fell on their butt. Everyone laughed including the girls themselves.

I kept thinking to myself that this was what family was all about.

Everyone helped clean up the yard and we put everything away. It was getting late and everybody headed for home. Chrissy got Molly and Robbie ready for bed. They both came and kissed mom, dad and me goodnight. It was funny but I could see the love in my parents' faces. I was very fortunate to have parents like them.

I told dad that I didn't sleep well the night before and was heading up to bed myself. All I could think about was Chrissy. What the hell was the matter with me? I tossed and turned all night.

I got up in the morning and helped dad with the rabbits and mom with gathering up eggs. I couldn't believe little Mollie was out there in her pj's helping gather eggs. Mom told me she liked to help. She was a lot like her mother.

I didn't reply to what mom said but told Molly I'd see her later. Mom pulled me aside and told me Molly had marked off the calendar and hoped I didn't forget I was supposed to take them to the zoo Saturday. I told her I remembered and I always honored my promises.

Monday and Tuesday, I stayed gone most of the day. I was still trying to keep a low profile. Wednesday I was sitting on the porch when a car pulled up. It was Brenda.

"Hi Jess, I saw you on the porch and thought I'd come and see you. I heard you were making the rounds but didn't come and see me. Why's that?"

"Brenda, you were my girlfriend at one time. You hurt me bad whether you realize it or not. I wouldn't be comfortable sitting there with you and your hubby."

"Who said he would be there. He hardly ever touches me since I've become pregnant again." She put her hand on my thigh. "I'm home alone every day till around five if you want some company."

About that time, the door opened and Chrissy was standing there. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company. Hi Brenda, where's David?" asked Chris.

"Oh, he's at work. I was going over to visit mom and dad's when I saw Jess sitting here and thought I'd say hi." " Well Jess, it was nice seeing you again. Don't forget what I said," Brenda said with a smile as she went to her car.

As she pulled out of the drive, Chrissy looked at me. "Don't do it Jess; you're a better man than that. She's married and no good can come from it."

I knew Chrissy was probably there all the time. It was like a spying game; I spied on her and she spied on me.

"You're not exactly the one to tell me about a bad love life," I said in haste. I regretted it the minute it came out.

"I never cheated on my husband. I hate you sometimes, Mr. Jessie Brown," said Chris as she slammed the door shut.

We didn't speak to each other the rest of the night. I got up early on Thursday and left the house. I got back in the early afternoon and when I walked in the house, there was Chrissy sitting on the sofa and a man I didn't know sitting on the chair next to her. I don't know why but it pissed me off royally.

I walked in and Chrissy looked at me. "Jess, this is..."

I said hello to the both of them and kept walking upstairs as if I didn't hear her. I didn't own her; what was my problem? I guess I didn't see the same Chrissy that everyone else saw and it bothered me.

About half an hour later Chrissy came walking into my room.

"Aren't you supposed to knock before coming in?" I asked.

"I dare you mean person," Chris said. "Couldn't you have at least had the common courtesy and let me introduce you to..."

"I don't care to meet your latest date."

"He wasn't my date. He was my ex-boss and stopped by to offer me a job. For what it's worth, he's gay, as if it's any of your business." She turned around and for the second day in a row slammed the door.

I screwed up royally again. The door opened and Chrissy came back in. "Here's the sixty-five dollars I owe you. I gave the other twenty dollars to Molly since she bought my dinner. She said she was going to buy something for her and Robbie when they go to the zoo. You are still taking us aren't you, or are you afraid I might attack one of the zoo employees?"

"Yes, we're going and I'm sorry that I didn't wait for your introduction of your boss. Did you take the job?"

She hesitated before answering. "Yes, I'm a cosmetologist which you already know. Sharon told me she told you. Raymone owns three salons. I'm going to work part time in the one near town here. I figure five hours, four days a week. I want to be with my kids but I need to support us as well."

"Well, congratulations on your new job. I wish you the best," I said as she walked back downstairs.

Friday went by rather normally except when Molly crossed off Friday on the calendar. She ran and dragged Robbie into the kitchen to let him know we were going to the zoo the next day. I never saw two happier kids. Of course, Robbie I think was jumping because his big sister was.

We all got up early on Saturday. Molly ran into the kitchen and crossed off the last day. We decided to eat breakfast first but the kids were rather anxious so they really didn't eat very well. We had to take Chris's car since she had the car seat for Robbie and my truck wouldn't have been big enough. Chrissy did tell me I could drive.

We had over an hour and a half drive. We heard from Molly about four times, "Are we there yet? Are we almost there, Mommy?" I had to admit it was funny but at the same time a bit annoying.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I yelled out, "We're here, we're finally here!"

Molly and Robbie yelled out "Yay" but Chrissy gave me one of those, "did you have to do that looks?" I just smiled at her.

To say we had a good time would have been an understatement. The kids just made me laugh. They literally made my day. They even went in the bird sanctuary to feed the birds. They were around mom's chickens so the birds didn't scare them. Even little Robbie laughed as the birds landed on his shoulder.

We went to the restaurant in Safari Land and got something to eat. The kids wanted chicken nuggets and I wanted some kind of jumbo sandwich. While we were eating and laughing, I looked over and saw an elderly couple watching us. I smiled at them.

"You have a beautiful family," she stated. "I love to see young families having fun."

I just told the woman thank you. Of course, I got a smile from Chrissy. We finished our tour of the zoo and were ready to head home. Molly said she had to spend her money. We went over to the souvenirs booth and Molly bought a stuffed elephant for Robbie. He actually picked it out. She got herself a dolphin. She was just short of having enough money so I gave her what she needed.

They were both asleep in about five minutes after entering the car. It made the ride home a lot quieter. Chrissy was telling me about how she and my sister met at school. She also talked about going to the cosmetology classes. It was something she always wanted to do.

After her husband entered the service, she worked in the salon full time. Her mom took care of Molly, and Robbie wasn't born at the time. When her husband went back after his leave she continued to work until Robbie was born. She said she took a short leave until Robbie was about six months old. That was when she said she went back to work. It was when Robbie was about a year old that her husband was killed.

She said it was quite a loss for her. I made the mistake of asking her how she got hooked up with Kyle? I told her he was a real asshole. I honestly couldn't understand what she saw in him.

"Jess, I had a wonderful time today. I don't want to ruin it by talking about Kyle. Maybe another time."

She pretty much clammed up on me after that. I just drove home and helped her carry the kids in the house. She thanked me for a nice time and got the kids ready for bed.

In the days and weeks that followed, I gave Chrissy her space. I just wasn't sure about her. I got the job at the mill the following Monday and started work on Wednesday. I worked the afternoon shift and since Chrissy worked at the salon during the day, we didn't cross paths very often. I was on salary in the computer room and handled all electronic problems that occurred on the second shift.

One Monday I had a talk with mom. She was babysitting the kids while Chris went to work. I asked her if she thought that Chrissy might be taking advantage of her and dad. After all, she had been living here and now mom was always watching the kids when she was gone.

"Mom, I know you love the kids but are you sure she isn't taking advantage of you?"

Mom smiled at me. "Jess, it was my idea that she move here. As I told you, Sue just didn't have the room and we did. As far as Molly and Robbie, I love them as though they were my own grandchildren."

Mom walked over to a cupboard door and opened it up. She pulled out an envelope and told me to look in it. I did and counted its contents; it contained two hundred dollars. "Where did this come from?" I asked mom.

"Every Monday morning when I get up, I find an envelope with money in it. In the beginning, it was a hundred and twenty-five dollars. The last couple of weeks since I've been watching the kids it has increased to two-hundred. I asked your dad the first time I saw it and he said it wasn't his. Then I asked Chrissy and she told me she didn't want to take advantage of me and was contributing to the household.

"She also cleans and cooks. Jeff, she's a wonderful person. I don't think she's out to use anyone. To us she is family."

Well, I was wrong again. For some reason I didn't think Chrissy was ready for sainthood. I was trying to convince myself that she wasn't that good of a person. At the same time, I knew I was slowly falling in love with her and it bothered me. I needed to know what she was hiding, if anything.

For the next month, I tried to stay away from her. Anytime she was near me, I felt myself giving in. It was good that we were on different shifts. In the morning, after she left for work I would enjoy time with the kids. I watched the kids TV shows with them and mom would make us all breakfast. There was no doubt in my mind that I loved these kids as much as mom and dad did. They brought so much laughter into our lives.

Weekends were hard for me. Chrissy would be playing in the yard with the kids and when they wanted to go in the pool, she always wore her blue bikini. Whenever we had company, she wore her one-piece swimsuit. I had to believe that she was doing it to tease me.

Almost every Sunday we had relatives or friends over and grilled out. Everyone in our family thought Chrissy was wonderful. It was driving me nuts, especially when dad would say that Chrissy would make someone a wonderful wife. I knew he was talking about me but never said it to me. It was dad's way of saying she was a good catch. My brother asked Chrissy if she was dating anyone special.

"I've been asked out a few times but I'm not the dating kind. I guess if the right person asked, I'd go out with him. Until that day I will just enjoy my time here," she said with a smile, avoiding looking at me.

I have to ask myself if I'm paranoid or is everyone working against me? Should I be mad that someone asked her out? What if she actually goes out; where does that leave me? How would I react? I haven't gone out with any women since the weekend with Bear. For some reason I wasn't interested in any other women.

I knew that one day it was all going to come to a head. It happened sooner than I had expected.

It was Saturday night and I got home about eight. The house was quiet and mom and dad were watching TV. They told me that the kids were in bed and Chrissy was out with a friend. I know my parents wanted Chris and I to get together, and weren't real happy about her going out on a date.

I guess I wasn't very happy about it either. She said she would only go out with someone if she was interested in them. My jealousy was beginning to show. About a half hour later, I heard a car pull up. Chrissy was home already. I looked out the door to see who her date was. Oh, shit! She went out with Allen Drake. I never could stand the guy. What on earth did she see in him? I listened by the front door as they were talking.

Allen took her arm and pulled her toward him. She pushed him back. "Allen please leave, I should have never gone out with you."

"Come on Chris, not even a kiss after a date?" said Allen.

"No, I'm sorry but I'm not interested in you. Please leave now," asked Chris.

"Not till I get my kiss," he said as he pulled at her. "Damn! You're a feisty redhead aren't you?"

I had enough. I opened the door and looked at the two of them. "Oh, I didn't know you two were out here?" I said as I walked over and sat on the swing. I had no intention of leaving.

Allen stared at me. He had let go of Chris's arm but stood there.

"Allen, I may be mistaken, but I think the little lady asked you to leave. I think you should go now before someone gets hurt."

Allen looked at Chrissy. "It's not over by a long shot," he said as he started to walk off the porch.

"Allen," I called out. "If you ever bother Chris again, I'll kick your fucking ass into next week. All she has to do is tell me that you bothered her and I'll be on you like flies on shit. This isn't a warning, it's a fact. Have a nice evening."

Allen left quickly. I think he knew better than have a run in with me.

Chrissy looked at me. "Jess, we need to talk. Do you have the time right now?"

"Sure, sit down and we'll talk. What's on your mind?" I asked.


Thank you to LadyCibelle and Mistress Lynn for editing my story.

Comments are welcome and appreciated.

DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Women like Chrissy who go out with a man like Allen to make a Jessie jealous are simply sluts!! Jessie is another weak army man with no balls....he should get the fuck out

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I still cannot stand Chrissy. I my view, she is a conniving actress with a very manipulative streak. I hope Jessie can see through her actions before he gets caught in her web of deception. She probably has some housewife abilities but she is still unreliable love wise. A real family is much more than aptitudes in cooking, cleaning and putting the kids to bed. Proof of her deception, manipulation? She has a date with Allen Drake to piss off Jessie. I just hope that Jessie moves out to his own place and the sooner the better before he gets to be a total wuss.

To me, this chapter is hardly worth 4*.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Baby maker chrissy is a slut....guess having a man is the only ambution

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Lucky Americans

I think Americans are born for fun and enjoyment in life with a wealthy life style. Getting many pussies for sex from the teenage with a lot of alcohol and weed around and finally settle with one pussy to make love. Get divorce if the spark is lost after a few years, and then fuck as many pussies as he can until he finds another pussy to make love. The cycle goes on and on. Lucky American bastards.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
DG; You did it again didn't you??

Your character development is great like always. Your story line is keeping us in suspence looking out each day to see if there is a new addition to this great story. Please, please keep this going. Some of the other great writers haven't given us any offerings lately. Its only just a couple of you left. I saw KK left a message (KK we need u), where are all of the others that we have grown fond of? The new writter Jack Pickman has a good one with "Thunder struck". Now we have to look around at these new people to see if they hit on a great story like we have all gotten used to. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am sorry to hear about Techsan, please give my heartfelt sympathy. The name Techsan has been attached to some of the best story lines on these great pages. Great writter, great editor, will surely be missed.


lancewmlancewmalmost 16 years ago
Short or long chapters does not matter

It is a great read and you let us know a chapter a day is the plan.

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Fine Story

It is nice to be able to play it with a physical advantage and have the gal and her children entranced by your qualities. Now if Jessie had to really convince Crissy that he was preferable, things would be a lot tougher. Of course,

as always you have the old saw. You have to communicate with the other person. Oh well, that is where the chapter ended, was it not?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
good writing!

This story just gets better and better.

-- KK in Texas

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 16 years ago
Great romantic tale of people with value and honor

DG you really have the gift of a romance story. I am fortunate to have read all of this story and I just want to say thank you for a great job and the wonderful entertainment.


jrj777jrj777almost 16 years ago

Long chapters or short chapters, it would not matter if the story wasn't a great read! The way you posted this one lets me know that I will have at least five days of great reading. Many days there is not a story that want to read. I check out the new posting each day and try sample each news poster. I have found writers to read but not many. DG HEAR your skill at story telling is outstanding and I thank you for sharing. jrj

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Love It

Can't make a good story too long, your writing is great, one of the best. Thanks for your effort and I'll look foward to the rest.

DG HearDG Hearalmost 16 years agoAuthor
Length of story

I understand where some of you are coming from. I've posted both long stories and chapter stories. I seem to get a better reception on the shorter stories. Some readers have a short attention span and don't want to read one story for a half hour or more.

Whenever I post a chapter story, I always ask for it to be posted each day. I don't like waiting either if I'm interested in the story.

This is my longest story to date and would have been over ten Lit pages long; a long time for one sitting.

Sorry to make anyone wait. One suggestion is to wait until the total story is posted and read it all at once if you prefer the longer read.

Thank you all for taking the time to read it. 2 chapters to go and they have both been submitted.

With respect

DG Hear

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
ok you brought a long story to a point and dropped

it. For that I almost gave you a 1/00 but some of it was good enough I gave you a 3/50. I know you and some of the writers on here like short choppy chapters but a bit longer with some meat might make a better story. You wasted a lot of words, do you get paid by the word, on showing her distrusted her but was drawn to her. Sort of the moth with the flame thing. Have to remember the moth dies in the flame. Put another way, I dont want to have to remember short segments the next time a writer decides to add a new chapter. If a story is worth writing and isnt a Shakespearian play it is worth putting out in one piece. Let the axe fall and get on with it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Loved it

O wow come on dg u left us hanging,i love da story

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