Revelations Ch. 03


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James got to his parent's house. All the lights were off. Using his copy of their house key he opened the door, turned on the living room light and looked around. He thought, 'Yeah it was bad, worse than he imagined. The old pictures were still there, but all trace of dad had been removed. He went downstairs. Dad's hideout was barren; there wasn't anything there. He went back upstairs and checked the garage; all the tools and all the garden supplies were gone.

He went back inside. So far he hadn't heard anything, but mom's car was in the garage. He started up the stairs. As he ascended the stairs he thought he heard something. He checked the guest room, his old room, Karen's. He checked the main bathroom. Nothing!

He'd put it off long enough. The sounds he heard were coming from his parent's bedroom. He walked in. It was dark. He switched on the overhead lights; the ceiling fan his dad had installed started to whirl. He'd installed one in all the bedrooms years ago. That was the kind of man his dad was; a fixer. God he was proud of him. At first he saw nothing; then he saw a closet door; it was slightly ajar. He slowly opened the door.

James almost burst into tears, but he managed to hold himself together, "Mom?"

She was curled up in the corner of dad's empty closet rocking back and forth, her arms clasped around her knees. All she had on was her bra and panties. Her body was nothing but scratches, and her nails bore witness to the proof the scratches were of her own making. She appeared to be weeping, or at least she had been weeping. He heard her faintly, but couldn't understand a thing she said.

James stepped out and away from the closet. He momentarily broke down. After a deep gasp and a few tight hiccoughs he re-gathered his composure. Having looked about the house, reflecting on his dad's visit to his and Karen's houses the other day, and Karen's phone call it was pretty clear his mom had suffered a complete collapse.

He pulled out his cell phone and tapped the button for 911. After he gave them the vital information he went back downstairs.

He had to think this through. OK, dad saw the video. He responded emotionally; then he probably went deep like mom, but instead of cracking up as mom had done dad had probably put all his organizational skills to work on a plan of vengeance. Yeah, that made sense, dad, instead of floundering around in a closet like mom, had crazily gone in a direction he could understand and manage.

The question he had to ask himself though was, 'Had dad gone so far as to plan his own suicide? He might have, but James didn't think so.'

He picked his cell phone up again and called his sister back. After two rings she was on the line, "Hello sis?"


"OK listen, but don't panic. Mom's had a nervous breakdown," he heard his sister gasp on her end of the line, "Look Karen, sugar, don't you go bonkers. Mom will be all right. I've called emergency. She'd be at Sam Houston General. Meet me there in an hour."

He heard his sister crying. He gifted her with a few words of reassurance. He knew he'd need her further down the line, "Not to worry Karen, we'll work it out."


Karen's angry words had driven her mother to and the over her limits of endurance. Vanessa exclaimed, "I don't know what to do! All my life I've provided for my husband. All my life he's been there for me. Oh what I did was awful. I didn't know what I was doing. I thought I was helping. I don't remember a lot of things. Harry said he needed me. Everybody at work said it was my duty. I know now that Victor would never have allowed it, but at the time I almost even told him. Karen hates me. James will kill me. I want my husband! I need my mother! I'm so scared. I'm all alone. Victor where are you? Victor please don't be dead. Oh I've killed the only person I ever truly completely loved.'

Shortly thereafter Vanessa slipped inside herself.


About seven hours later Karen and James were seated in a private room in one of the special areas of the hospital. It wasn't emergency care. The nurse called it surgical step down. It was a place where patients in need of close observation could get it, but it wasn't as exacting as intensive care. Their mother was strapped to a bed. A variety of tubes and objects were inserted in her body. Neither Karen nor James understood everything. They did know their mother seemed to be getting decent care.

James spoke softly to his sister, "I want to watch that video again."

"Why? Haven't you seen enough?"

"You went to college Karen. You remember what went on?"

Karen gave him a confused look, "Well I..."

James impatiently interrupted, "You remember the date rape drugs, the fraternity parties, the sorority initiations."

"Yeah, so what?"

"I want to look at mom's face again. She was just too damned happy. She looked too pleased."

"You mean?"

"Karen there's Ecstasy, roofies, GHB, Ketamine, Sedure, all kinds of hallucinogens. What if mom was high on something? I mean I'm not trying to excuse what I saw, but I'm thinking there might be more to the story."

"Why didn't dad think of that?"

"Dad went to college at a different time. When he went to college they were putting marijuana in the brownies, and gin was probably the drug of choice."

"Mom wouldn't..."

He cut her off, "Mom wouldn't take it. Probably not, but what if she were told what she was given was supposed to do one thing and it did something else. What if she was given something and didn't know it? Look I'm not excusing anything, but I knew girls, good girls, who were terribly abused through almost, I say almost, no fault of their own."

"That's hard to believe James. Mom wasn't some college sophomore."

"I know, but there's something else too."

"What's that James?"

"Did you see that old man's cock? Did you see how big it was? Man it was huge. He looked like a horse, and he was hard as rock. Listen, he wasn't hard just for a while. He was hard for a long time. Karen I'm young. I don't have that kind of stamina, and his dick was a whale!"

"What do you mean?"

"Look Karen; you know the magic number in the porn industry?"


"It's eight. You've got to have an eight inch cock, and you've got to stay hard for eighty minutes. Well that old man had a lot more than eight inches, and I'd say that was at least a three hour hard on in one of those scenes."

"You think he was taking something?"

"Karen probably two thirds of the men in Congress have had penile implants, and I bet a lot of the women have had vaginoplasties. Damn Karen they do it on our dime! That old man Wolman had money. You think that old son of a bitch Rupert Murdoch can keep his young Asian wife happy without help, and I don't just mean the blue pill. I'm not saying Murdoch can't get it up, but Karen he's an old man! Hell I'm not blaming him; I'm just saying age takes a toll. Wolman was an old man. A few years ago they say they caught Sylvester Stallone trying to get into Australia with a whole suitcase full of special drugs; you know sexual enhancers. Maybe it was true, maybe not, but men age, and as they age life takes a toll, things get harder, or in this case softer."

"You want to study the video to see if mom was drugged."

"I want to look first, but I'm no expert. I'll get someone who knows what they're doing to look it over. Karen mom's to blame, but there could be more to it than mom just turning into a whore."

"What about daddy."

"I'll go see his lawyer. We'll start to call around. He had friends, and he had old friends. I think we'll find something out. I just don't see our dad checking out, not suicide."

"I hope so James. I hope it's not just wishful thinking."

"Karen we've got to get mom straightened out too. She certainly has a lot of the answers we need."


"Yes sweetie?"

"What about the DNA?"

"We won't worry about that right now. Dad was just pissed at us for not looking at the pictures. He knows we're his. I'm glad you brought that up though. While we might need to get the DNA evidence someday, I want an expert to look at dad's letter."

"Really, why?"

"I don't think it sounds like a man about to kill himself. I'll explain that later. We've got enough on our plate with mom right now."

Karen was so glad she had James for a brother. He was like dad; he was a problem solver. She smiled and looped her arm in his, "You're my big brother."

James wasn't so sure her confidence was justified, but he still leaned down and kissed the top of her head, "It'll be all right sis."


A few weeks later down in the Cayman Islands Gary and Jim were seated at a bar.

"Victor, I mean Gary, I'm thinking about getting married again."

"You mean that pretty Belgian saleslady has finally proposed?"

Jim chucked his friend's arm, "Fuck you asshole. No I'm going to ask her."

"She's a great kid. I like her."

"Well if I do. I want you to be my best man."

"Glad to my friend," Gary waved at the bartender for another Jim Beam.

Jim paused; an expression of concern crossed his face, "Gary you've got to slow down. Look I'm drinking coffee, and you're already on your third drink."

"I'm thirsty."

"Gary it's 11:00 a.m.!"

"Jim it's my liver."

"You've been crying again. You've heard something."

"Good news," was Gary's reply.

"Yeah? What?"

"The whore bitch who used to be my wife had a nervous breakdown. She's in some nuthouse up in Houston."

Jim smirked, "So those have been tears of joy."

Gary hiccoughed back a tear. If he wasn't careful he'd be crying again. He'd cried all night as it was, "I hate the whoring bitch. I hope they give her electro-shock therapy. I hope they lobotomize the bitch. I hope she rots in hell!" He started crying again, "God Jim why did she do it to me?"

Jim shook his head, 'Damn it Gary get it together. She thinks you're dead! Every day you get one over on her. That should make you feel good!"

Gary wiped his face, "You're right Jim. Fuck the bitch. I feel good. She's suffering man, she's really suffering. Yeah I feel good, real good," he didn't though. He was miserable, "Come on let's get in some golf."

Jim stood up and smacked his old friend on the back, "Good idea. Let's swat some balls."

The two men got up, dropped a miserly gratuity, and left for the public golf course.

A note to our readers, if there are any. First thank you for continuing to follow this story. Second, as always your constructive criticism is very important. Leave a comment. Thanks again to Alex for allowing me to continue with Vanessa and Victor. Thanks to Harryr for his proofreading and guidance.

Believe me this tragic tale is far from over.

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AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Consequences and truth. Do the two kids have to suffer also? Victor is like Tom Sawyer watching his own funeral? Apparently Paula, the Psychologist, did not get through to Victor. (You get what you pay for?)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

After reading the original Alex_ something I am in total appreciation of this continuance. Not because of the wives breakdown, although I have no sympathy, but just some action taken against a delusional spouse. A person not paying attention to the details, Christ Stevie Wonder could see that her actions weren't medicinally motivated. I am not going to read the next part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The original story was much better written, though I think the original author lost it in the third chapter when Victor finds the emails that howbher being in "love" with her old boss. That seemed like bullshit and just a plot device to move Victor off center and get going. Like that should have ever been needed. And while the wife was a slut for her boss, the idea that she really loved her boss was just dumb. She might have developed affection for him, but he was 20 years older. Nah the original author took a story that started well and slowly degenerated over the the three chapters. So when this author picks up the story, it winds up being a dumpster fire. The MC leaving is of course the appropriate response. But why not divorce? Why all the silly destroying everything. He leaps to she has been fucking behind his back forever. Huh? Yeah there is nontrust and her concepts about fidelity are horseshit but thinking his kids are against him and not his is just dumb and overly dramatic. In the original story, Victor was thoughtful though enraged and hurt and betrayed. But he was not irrational. Here in these chapters, Victor just loses it completely. Fine there are some BTB aspects and I can see why he would send the DVD to his grown kids. But really, that they are not his kids? And why does Harry the old fart, suddenly have a monster cock and an implant with unbelievable stamina? What? That wasn't in the original. He was thicker than Victor but thr same length at 6.5 inches. Surprising vigor for his age and certainly on Viagra. But really? Of course seeing all their many video editing traits would always destroy any marriage. Period. The original author didn't need the revelations in the third chapter to end the story. But here ghr revelations are she is drugged all the time? Hehe wouldn't she fail the company drug test? Anyways this turns out to be a huge mess built on a story that deteriorated in the original arc as the story unfolded.

Reader2071Reader2071over 1 year ago

The original story very plainly made her out to be a whore. Not sure why the new writer is changing her story to be date rape drugs. It's like a different story. Think I'll just stop reading here.

DreddrasDreddrasover 1 year ago

This looks to be heading down the reconciliation path, which is great, if done skillfully/plausibly. But it also appears to be headed down the path to a major retcon in order to justify the reconciliation. The justification that the wife may have been drugged throughout the entire affair is simply not plausible. I'll finish reading, but honestly alex_lover's story was already complete as written and this addendum subtracts from rather than adding to it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A different story than alex_lover told. First, the boss was in his late 50s or maybe early 60s when banging Vanessa so old but not 80 years old. Next, Victor said his own cock was 61/2 inches but thin; he said when he saw the DVDs that the boss was same length but "much thicker." So not porn star size. Third and most important, date rape drugs wipe out memories, Vanessa was completely coherent about her affair with Harry. And drugs like Ecstasy have definite effects such as euphoria, lowered inhibitions, strong feelings of wanting to please others, but they don't turn people into ravening lunatics. So mild aphrodisiacs but people are coherent and in enough control unless they don't want to be (i.e. Vanessa wanted to fuck Harry and was proud she had "saved Harry and the company." One drug is a mind numbingly strong aphrodisiac and that is crystal meth; people have virtually no inhibitions and can have sex for days without stopping if continuing t ingest it; of course, men have a problem getting a firm erection while on crystal meth and crystal meth destroys people physically and mentally faster than any other drug including heroin.

There are lots of other enormous differences which in effect rewrite alex_lover's original story to the point that this is no longer a sequel but rather a new story. Just sayin'

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 3 years ago
The Assholes final letter wasn't a letter of an absolute user needing drugs to seduce the woman.

There were plenty of flowery words and emotional language. The $1 million payment. The friendly emails for several years afterwards. None of that suggests the Monster used extensive drugs, extortion, or physical or emotional exertion to force the affair. So all this other stuff being brought up by carhovi does not follow through on that.

Now, if there was no letter and/or $1 million payment, I can see carhovi’s storyline.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So sad that some of your readers/commenters are such dip-shux that they comment on that what you have not written. That they don't like where they think you are going so they admonish you for what is not written and may never get written. So I ask, why do they read what you authors write when they know in their mind what you are going to write. Why do they go to the trouble to read?

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 3 years ago

I have to agree with several of the other commentators, I can see where you're going but the previous dialogue and "evidence" presented during the previous story arc doesn't support it. There's no way Vanessa had a long term affair with multiple sexual encounters and was under the influence of drugs each time. I enjoyed the diversion where Victor hacked her emails. It was a great plot line but it added more depth to her betrayal as she was continuing to communicate with him while he was sharing sexual exploits and pictures about others. Again, the point is those ongoing communications and implied liaisons make drugs a mute point. On to the next chapter, I suppose, but slightly disappointed in this series when compared to some of your other work. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great shame.

Disappointing direction of travel. This was stepping up to being a really good and different tale. Sad to say the drugged her is a waste of an excellent story line so far

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
R u fkin serious

You're going on the drugged trope, seriously it's crap

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