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She ruined his life. Now he wants his revenge.
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People underestimate the power of words. Words can make and break lives. Things said in one moment can feel right, only to be regretted later. This is the way of words. And this is a story about the effects of one small statement...


Rehearsals were always entertaining, to say the least. Especially when Pony was there. Ok granted, I did have a boyfriend... But Pony was really cute, and fun to flirt with. Something that day didn't go so right though... We were sitting on the couch back stage, and there were only a few of us there, so Pony and I were alone. The flirting lead to touching, which lead to kissing, which lead to... Well, nothing. Pony started to take it further than I wanted him to, so I slapped him and told him to get off.

The slap lead to some yelling, and when I came out from back stage my friend Cris wanted to know what had happened. Not thinking about the fact that Cris's dad was a sheriff, and that Cris was a really good guy, I told him that Pony had pretty much tried to force himself on me. Cris told his dad, the cops came to the school, and it all got worse from there. Pony got arrested and left town. I switched schools because I couldn't walk the halls without people glaring at me or saying things as I walked by.

But time passed, and I moved on.

It was the summer after our graduation when Pony came back...


"Ugh, this food sucks." I picked through the really nasty looking teriyaki beef that was slopped on top of under-cooked rice. Served me right for eating at a non-chain fast food joint in the mall food court. My friend AJ laughed, setting down her fruit smoothie. AJ was such a health nut some times, it was kind of irritating, but I had to love her.

"That's what you get."

I just glared at her and set my fork down. There was really no point in trying to eat, it was probably made out of dog or something nasty like that anyway.

"Mari!" I looked around the food court, trying to figure out who had yelled my name. Finally I saw Andre, a guy who had graduated the year before me, sitting a couple of tables away. He was with a bunch of guys I didn't know, but most of them were pretty cute, so I didn't have any problem getting up and walking over there. I hugged him across the table. "Hey Mari, I haven't seen you in a while. What's up?"

"Not much, you?" Even though I was talking to Andre, I couldn't keep my eyes off the guy sitting next to him. Tall, built, dark skin. Exactly my type. His eyes were completely unreadable, so I couldn't tell if he thought I was cute or not. But when he talked, I sort of forgot all about that. There was something threatening in his tone.

"So do you know the story of the little boy who cried wolf?"

I nodded slowly.

"What happened to the little boy at the end?"

"He um... He got eaten by the wolf because no one believed him when he called for help..." I started to push my chair back, but he pushed his back like he was going to stand up. I figured I was probably safer sitting down for now anyway. The guy nodded, as if he'd made his point.

"Do you know what happens to little girls who cry rape?"

Ok, now I definitely got it. "I have to go now..." I stood up. "Later Andre." As I started to turn around I smacked into another guy, Pony. I sidestepped around him, not wanting to look him in the eyes. "Sorry," I muttered.

I rushed back to my table, trying not to look too conspicuous, and sat back down.

"What was that about?" AJ said with a mouthful of smoothie.

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"Ok, well I gotta run now. Later chicky." She slung her purse over her shoulder and weaved between tables towards the doors out to the parking lot. I couldn't even say anything. I just had to sit there for a while. When I got up to leave, I realized I had to walk past the guy's table to get to my car. I walked as quickly as I could, staring down at the floor, but I could still feel all of them staring at me...

There was a note on my car when I got out. 'Beware the big bad wolf.' That was a sick joke. If it was a joke at all... I crumpled up the note and threw it to the ground as got in, praying that Pony had forgotten where I lived. He hadn't been over in a really long time, so hopefully he wouldn't be able to find me...


I had been living with my sister when Pony left, but I lived on my own now since my sister had gotten married. The apartment was pretty safe, and I had never really worried about break ins or anything like that. Still, I locked the door just to be safe. My bedroom window was open, and there was a black Impala outside that I hadn't seen before, but I figured it was just one of the neighbor's friends. It didn't look like there was anyone in the car anyway. It had been a long day, so I fell asleep pretty quickly.

As I woke I went to stretch, but I couldn't move my arms. I could feel something biting in to my wrists, and looked up to find them duct-taped to my wrought-iron head board. I was still wearing what I had worn to bed, which wasn't much. It was summer and my A/C wasn't very good, so all I slept in was a pair of little black boy-shorts.

"What the-!" I started to yell, but a hand was put over my mouth.

"Shhh. If you're not quiet, I'll gag you." It was too dark to see the face, but I knew the voice well enough. He removed his hand and I spat curses at him.

"Fuck you Andre!" But before I could say anything more, a bandana was shoved in my mouth. Strong hands lifted my head and tied it in back. I yelled through the makeshift gag, but it was muffled and there didn't seem to be much point in it, so I stopped. My eyes still burned with hatred though. Then the lights went on. There were three guys in my room. Andre, who was leaning over me, the guy from the mall was standing at the foot of the bed, an then Pony, who leaned against the wall by my door glaring death at me with everything he had. "Nghhhh." It was supposed to be a no.

"Shut the fuck up." Pony's voice had lost all the laughter it used to have, before... It dripped with loathing.

Andre's hands moved roughly down my sides, catching the waistband of my shorts and dragging them down. I kicked wildly, but the other guy grabbed my ankles. His eyes were dark with something, like a combination of lust and mirth. I didn't know him, he hadn't been friends with Pony before, so I assumed that Pony had picked him up after moving away. My eyes burned with tears. I wished like hell that I could scream, fight, anything... All I could do when my legs were released was lie there, limp, and regret all that had happened between Pony and me.

The guy whose name I didn't know leaned over the bed, sliding his hands across my breasts, then down my stomach to my thighs. I tried to squeeze my legs together, but he pulled them apart easily. "Don't make us tape your ankles, too." Tears were dripping down my cheeks now, I looked across the room to Pony, my eyes begging him to call them off. He just stared back at me, his eyes offering no mercy. God I wanted to tell him that I was sorry, to beg his forgiveness... I relaxed my legs, not wanting to fight any more.

"Good. You want her first, Pony?"

"She's all yours, Alex."

Alex's hands trailed back up my inner thighs, brushing against my sex. I jerked as if his touch had burned me. His fingers dipped between my lips, circling my hole. Almost as if he was surprised, he pulled his hand back.

"Shit, she's wet. Little slut."

No! Why was my body responding? I didn't want this at all. I didn't want to be raped, I just wanted them all to go away and leave me alone.

"She has rape fantasies." Pony uncrossed his arms and walked towards the bed, never looking away from me. My face flushed, burning with embarrassment. He'd sworn he'd never tell anyone about that... Alex chuckled, it was a harsh sound, threatening. I shook my head quickly, wishing that I hadn't told him that. I did have rape fantasies, but I didn't want it to happen like this...

Alex climbed on top of me, pulling his shorts down as he did. I twisted my hips, trying to move away from him, but he pinned me down. It only took one hand to hold me still, and he gripped his dick with his free hand. Just the tip of him pressed against my opening, I tried to jerk my hips back, but it was no use.

"Take the gag out, I want to hear her." This came from Pony, who was now sitting in the arm chair next to my bed, watching the scene before him with a cold, calculating gaze. As if he wanted to see me break. Andre untied the gag, and I couldn't say anything for a minute, and then "No!"

My words didn't do anything. Almost at the same time as they left my mouth, Alex drove his manhood into me, to the hilt. My words died out in a moan, half pained. Tears still flowed freely and I closed my eyes against the flood. Please just let it end soon...

Alex pounded my cunt, which got wetter and wetter with every thrust. I was being betrayed by my body. Against my will, I heard my own moans coupled with his grunts as he thrusted. It didn't take long before he pulled out and jumped off the bed, I opened my eyes and watched him move to my head as he stroked himself. I knew what was coming and closed my eyes as he released himself on my face. His cum mixed with my tears and dripped down my face to my neck.

"Andre, you want a go?" Andre had moved to the chair by my door, he looked like he didn't really want any part of this. He shook his head, and met my eyes, almost like he was saying sorry. I wondered how he'd gotten involved. But then, he had been close friends with Pony. "Your loss man." Alex pulled up his pants and walked out of the room, down the hall towards my bathroom.

"Get out, Andre." Pony's voice was dark, heavy with something. Andre stood and walked out, locking the door as he went. We stared at each other, my eyes full of terror, his eyes full of something I couldn't grasp.

"Pony, I'm sorry... I didn't mean for it to happen like it did."

He stood over me, his arms crossed. "Too late for that now."

"Please don't do this..."

He didn't answer me, just undressed slowly. Agonizingly slowly. I couldn't help but stare at his body. He'd obviously spent a lot of time working out, and he was bigger than I had remembered. "Pony..."

"Just stop." He slid on to the bed between my knees, sitting on his knees and staring down at me. His hands traveled my body, invading every square inch, making me feel like I was just here for him to use. Powerful hands closed around my hips, lifting my lower body up to rest on his legs so that I was at an angle.

Back when we'd been messing around, this was the position he'd used when he was angry. It penetrated the deepest, and always left me aching for days. When he fucked me from this angle, he filled me completely. I wished that we were back in time, on one of the nights when he'd been fighting with his girlfriend and just needed to let his aggression out... It wasn't, though. Tonight, he wanted to destroy. And I was the target of that destruction.

His fingers dug in to my hips as he thrust in to me. I couldn't help the half-scream, half-moan that escaped my lips.

"Fucking bitch. I'm going to destroy your perfect little life." Even though he didn't say it, I knew he was thinking it: 'like you destroyed mine.' Fair was fair, wasn't it? It didn't seem so fair at the time though. He pulled out almost all the way, only to slam his full length back in to me. I whimpered, it was a small and pathetic sound, defeated and breaking. I was still crying, staring up at him and silently praying for him to stop. He stared back down at me, his eyes still cold, as if they were completely detached from the act he was committing.

"God, no. Please. Please!" His hand landed heavily across the side of my face, snapping my head to the side. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to, but the hand that had slapped me came to rest on my throat. Not hard, but just hard enough that it was difficult to breathe. The message was pretty clear. Either I shut up, or he made me shut up.

I lost track of time as he thrusted in to me, every swing of his hips driving him into my core. Punishing, destroying with every movement. The hatred was so obvious in his eyes... Eventually I couldn't cry any more. I just lay there still, wincing every time he pushed his length in to me, hitting my cervix. There was almost complete silence between us, except for his heavy breathing and my sharp intake of breath that came with every thrust.

Despite the lack of sexual energy in the act, I eventually saw the waves of pre-orgasm washing over him. His eyes became glazed, his hips lost their steady rhythm, blindly seeking release. I felt him twitch inside me and knew that he was about to cum. Shock and terror flooded me as I realized two things. First, he wasn't wearing a condom. Second, he had no intention of pulling out. He came deep inside me, looking down at me as though he wanted me to understand his purpose. I couldn't, except that he'd violated the one rule we'd held sacred above all else. But what was sacred between us any more?

I couldn't help the sobbing gasp of that escaped me as he came, but I could only manage to squeeze out one word. His name. "Pony...!"

Stuck in the intensity of post-orgasm, he rolled off of me, his quickly softening member sliding out as it did. I could feel his cum beginning to drip out of my hole, probably torn up from the fucking I had just received. I started sobbing, I couldn't help it.

"God... I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. Please... please..."

"Please what? Forgive you?" He didn't look over at me, but somehow I knew he was watching me out of the corner of his eye, so I nodded. "Fuck you."

I recoiled as if struck, but knew I didn't deserve his forgiveness.

"I'm going to destroy your life, Mari. It starts tonight."

He sat up and got off my bed, picking up his clothes as he walked to the door. He unlocked it and walked out. That was it. He didn't release me, didn't look back over his shoulder to see the destruction he'd caused... I had a feeling he knew. All I could do was lay there and cry, and pray for sleep.

In the morning, I'd find a way to disconnect myself from the headboard.

In the morning, I'd get up and change the sheets.

In the morning, I'd get in to the shower and try to scrub the feeling of rape away.

In the morning, I'd panic about what was still to come.

But not tonight.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The guy is a rapist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Agreed call cops

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

These stories puzzle the hell out of me surely the way to get away with rape is to leave no evidence he says he’s going to ruin her life is that before or after he gets out of prison for rape as he left a load of fresh evidence against himself but then the girls in these stories never do maybe il just be glad it’s fiction

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

If this topic bothers you you're in the wrong category

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Pathetic sick crap!!!

Call the cops and destroy him!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Doesn't seem like much of a problem

Get loose, call the cops, have a rape kit done and send him to prison for life. End of poorly told story.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago

"When he fucked me from this angle, he filled me completely." - I'm confused, the beginning didn't seem to indicate that they had already had sex before the "rape" incident.

Now he obviously didn't rape her that day, the most they could charge him with was sexual assault, MAYBE attempted rape, either of which would probably have meant jail time, but unless I mis-read it doesn't appear that he did, he just left town. And why, once he got arrested didn't she just tell them that nothing happened, that she was just upset?

seandulacseandulacover 8 years ago
what is equal in "wrongness" to rape?

If we give the crime of rape a score from 1-10 for how bad it is, then would this score be larger or lesser to the crime of false rape accusation?

This is the key point. Did the revenge match the crime? I would say depending on what happens to the victim of false rape accusation, then that could be an even larger crime.

It is a crime of silence, where the criminal has the power to stop the abuse to the victim at any point. As the innocent victim sits in prison, the criminal is free to live her life knowing the fate of her victim every single day.

This can go on for years. This is clearly worse than a single rape which happens in a day. The damage from these crimes of course last years so the judgement is not easy to make.

I feel the crime of false rape accusation is similar to the crime of rape in the severity of damage it can potentially do to the victims. The real difference between these horrendous crimes is that society has support for the victims of one, but not the other.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What a dummy.

This time he's going to prison for years and years. He's spread his DNA all over her. He toast. What an incredibly stupid story.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 10 years ago

Rape is violence. She was a spoiled cunt but did not deserve this. No matter what. We have a sequel. Let's check it out...

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