Revenge, Inc. Danny Jenkins

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Son needs special help.
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Revenge, Inc. Danny Jenkins. a loving wife can be a goose to be plucked By H20wader * * * * * the ravings of a lunatic. Copyright by h20wader my editor is out of town so I to blame for all errors. * * * * *

Harold Stasson was always the first in the office. He placed the bagels he had pick up on his way to the office. He liked the calm and the quiet. He had just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Probably Judith, she would want coffee too. The button was pushed . The door would now open. He poured her a cup added the sugar and cream and waited for her smiling face. What he heard was a lost voice.

"Hello, anyone here? Where are you?"

Harold hurried out in to the lobby and saw a young boy.

"May I help you?"

"This is Revenge Inc. right?"

"Yes it is. How can we be of service?" Harold was thinking maybe some one bullied this kid and he wanted a little help or maybe some dude has taken his first love away.

"Cam we sit down somewhere?" The boy was carrying a paper sack.

Damn, he thought, I am being ill-mannered to a child, "Yes, right this way. I am sorry I did not suggest it earlier."

In the office, Harold was behind the desk, the kid sat in the large leather chair. His feet did not touch the floor. The paper bag was placed on the floor.

"Would you like a drink? I have water, OJ and milk."

"No, thank you. One of my friend's father had a problem. My friend said you were able to fix it. I have a problem that needs fixing."

Okay, a potential client. Harold looked him over. Male, age 12? Small built, brown hair, blue eyes, no visible scars, he could have anyone's son.

The kid looked back. Harold was a 30 to 35 year old male, thinning black hair, sad green eyes, maybe five ten and carrying 25 pounds in extra weight with a good start on the old spare tire, bifocal glasses. He could be anyone's father.

"We do take some cases to fix but mostly we deal in Revenge. We get even. We make the bad people pay. Sometime fixing a problem is the same as revenge. We will do everything we can that is legal, if we something that is not legal, you will never know about it. I think I need to make some notes and you need to tell me all about your problem."

Harold got his notebook and a pen, prepared to listen and looked a the boy.

"Three years ago my father and mother were hit by a drunken semi-truck driver. Dad was killed and Mom was severely scared in the fire. The insurance settlement was 35 million dollars tax free. Just over a year ago, Milton D. Rowan met my Mom. He was very nice to her and told her the scars did not matter. She fell totally in love. She married him in less than three months. There was a pre-nuptial agreement but I think he is after the money."

"Why do you think that?"

"He became her financial advisor. He went from Sears suits to Armani suits, from a Honda to a big Mercedes. He belongs to the best country club. He has a girl friend. I have tapes of their phone conversations."

Hey, this kid was smarted than he looked, or maybe he was just dumber than he looked. The Boss was always telling him to never jump to any conclusions.

"I will need the tapes you have. I will make copies and return the tapes to you. If you will just fill out the form."

The kid just looked at Harold, "I did not have time for that, I have to get to school. Today I get to dissect a frog. I will give you what I have, but I have to go."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, it is a short walk."

Okay, Harold may be an ass, but not a dumb ass. The only school with in walking distance was the George Thomas School for Gifted Children. If he went there this kid was a bloody genius.

"That will work. Do you need a receipt for what you wish to leave here?"

"No, if you mess up, I will go to the papers and that is something you will not permit," he sat the paper bag on Harold's desk. "I have to hurry."

"Wait, who are you?" Harold could hear the Boss now, 'You should have gotten his name first.'

"Everything you need is in the bag," the kid was gone in a flash.

Harold's coffee was cold, the boss would be angry and Harold felt like a fucking idiot. He looked the damn bag.

This kid was good. Harold made a list of everything, thinking "I finally did something right.'

There was

1. A copy of a driver's license for one Milton D. Rowan.

2. A SSN that allegedly belonged to the above.

3. A set of all finger prints, all ten of them.

4. A copy of the pre-nup.

5 to 8. 4 small cassettes from a phone.

9. His name, address, phone number.

10. His math teacher's name and phone numbers.

11. A copy of his mother's license. Gloria Rowan, ages 37. Blonde, blue, 116, five three, her picture showed a face very badly scared.

12. Passwords for his mothers accounts in the Bank of America.

13. Passwords for the accounts of Milton D. Rowan in the Michigan National Bank.

14. A copy of a computer search showing that there was no Milton D. Rowan aged 40 with any investment company anywhere in Michigan. Prior to his appearance 14 months ago there was no record of him anywhere.

15. And last was the copy of a birth record for one Daniel Jenkins, son of Gloria and Paul. The kid was 9 years old.

Damn, this kid could have Harold's job just by asking. The best course was to show enough initiative to prove to the Boss he should keep my job.

In less than an hour Harold had a lot of nothing, which was good. Rowan did not exist. He was waiting on the police contact for that read on the prints that he had used the messenger service to send over. He poured my second cup of coffee and called Judith.

"You rang, sport."

"I have a hot case."

"And you want me to help you so you do not screw it up?" Except for her smart mouth Harold thought Judith was a real nice woman. One of these days he was going to ask her to go to lunch with him.

"I have a plan. You know the Boss wants a second opinion on all plans, so I need to explain it to you."

"Hey, I am busy too. How long will this take?"

"No more than 10 minutes."

That got a long sigh from Judith, "Okay, bring me a cup of coffee and a bagel from the break room."

Harold got the coffee (with sugar and cream) and a bagel, plain. Found a tray and added his own fresher coffee, black, and a bagel, cinnamon raisin, and hot footed it down the hall to Judith's office.

She was cute when she listened. She made a few cracks but all in all, she approved the plan, If the police report came up dirty. With that note she signed off on the plan.

Harold began setting the plan structure up with a check on recourses available. Everything was open for the times he had in mind all he had to do was email the requests and it was a GO!

The police report was in his email when he returned from lunch.

It was all there. Milton D. Rowan was just another alias of a con man born Raymond Deadle, now 42 years old. There were arrests from 18 on for varying offenses, most small time stuff, until he served 2 years for grand thief auto. Juvenile records were closed. Then good ole Ray turned his attentions to women who were well off and began making a good living. There 5 complaints over the last 20 years and no arrests showing. The complaints were spaced far enough apart to allow for a lot of women who had not complained. No record of violence. No record of any guns ever used. Just a ordinary small time con-man. Well, until he lucked into the mother load.

Harold spent the afternoon listening to the tapes. The shortest was 4 minutes and the longest ran out before the conservation ended. Good ole Ray did indeed have a girl friend. A nude dancer at one of the dives along Michigan Avenue.

Ray also had two wives looking for him, according to two missing person reports.

Harold email his requests for the people and supplies need and waited for Danny Jenkins to return after school.

Danny showed up at 3:45. It took 30 minutes to explain what Harold wanted to do. Danny signed off on the plan. Just as Harold knew he would.

Harold called a good friend at the FBI, with a tip on embezzlement. He moved the money from Ms Rowan account to an off-shore bank. He called an old client at the University of Michigan Hospital, one of the best plastic surgeons east of the Mississippi. The good Docor was an old client. Dr. Morrison would ask to consult with the surgeon that was working with Ms Jenkins (she could not be the third wife as Ray was not a Muslim.)

With the wheels in motion, Harold felt good enough to ask Judith to dinner. He headed for her office. He entered the open door and stopped short. Judith was hugging a tall man, younger than her and smiling like she was in love. Damn, damn, damn. Harold turned to leave quietly and ran into the door. He tumbled to the floor, embarrassed to such an clod and even worse to catch Judith with a lover. He wanted to die.

Judith was helping him up and talking at the same time but his ears were ringing and he did not hear her. Why didn't the floor open up and swallow him? Why couldn't he just die?

"Harold, Harold, are you hurt? Can you hear me? Oh my God Terry he is hurt. Call 911. Do something, damn it." Judith was screaming.

Terry stepped close to Judith and slapped her.

"Sis! Stop it! Get a hold on your self, you are upsetting Harold."

Harold's mind kicked in. Sis? Sister! The lover was her brother. She was hugging her brother. Thank God. Now if he could just stand up. He realized that Judith was holding him so tight he could not stand. She had him off balance. She was so close he could feel her breasts and OH! SHIT! An erection and it was pushing into her. Oh God let me fucking die!

His eyes cleared, Judith was smiling. Terry was smiling and damn he was smiling.

"Judith, if you can let me go, I will ask you to have dinner with me."

She released him so quickly he fell again but Terry grabbed him and stabilized him.

"Yes, I will go to dinner with you. How do I dress? Where are we going?"

"Leon's in Livonia. South side of 7 mile. The one with ambiance. Casual is ok. Anything you want to wear. No jeans."

It took 15 minutes to get away from Judith and Terry. He had a voice mail to call his contact with the FBI.

"John, this is Harold, you got something already?"

"Yeah, we got warrants and we have a bug on his phones. He has plans to grab a bundle and skip in the next week. He plans on taking over 20 million with him."

"So when do you bust him?"

"Hey, he is showing conspiracy by letting Nina , his girl friend help him, but that is a local thing. We need to show in interstate transfer of money for the feds to get n this thing."

"He has an offshore account."

"Do tell. How much is in that offshore account?"

"Just over six mill."

"My, my, my. He told his girl friend that he would move the 20 plus next week. Okay, give me the number and I will get on it. If the money is there I will seek the owner of the money to see if she want to have him charged."

"I will have her in my office at 10 AM tomorrow."

"Cool, man."

The next call was to Danny's Mother.

"Good afternoon, Ms Rowan. I am Harold Givens and I need to speak to you about your son. He is not in any trouble but we do need to talk. May I schedule an appointment for 9 O'clock in the morning? That is Saturday so Danny will not miss any school."

After 20 minutes of reassuring her, and giving her his location and asking her not to tell anyone anything about the meeting, he went home.

He showered, he shaved, he put on deodorant and cologne. He tried to comb his hair so the thinning was harder to see, but gave it up as a lost cause. He put on new socks and underwear. He got a fresh dry cleaned suit from the closet and dressed. With the new blue tie, he was sure he looked good. Then he remembered he had said CASUAL. Damn. He ended up in Dockers and a sport shirt, with the new underwear and socks. He polished his shoes. He drove to pick up Judith.

Judith was home a bit early. She did not have time to stop at the hairdressers but she would do what she could. She showered and shaved her legs and armpits. She looked at her nude body, what the hell, she trimmed and shaved her pubic hair into a triangle with the point of the thing just touching the beginning of the slit. All other hair was removed. She put on the only underwear she had ever bought at Victoria's secret, a black bra that covered nothing but held her 36B's a bit higher. The matching panty was totally see through. She felt wicked. At last the fool had asked her on a date.

The dressing was a bit tougher; he had told her that the restaurant was a family place. Therefore no wanton displays. That was really too bad she really wanted to be wanton for him. She settled for a light blue dress that opened down the front with buttons, big enough for him to find them and open them easily, about the size of a nickel. Since she was shaved, no hose. The shoes were more sandals with heels, but only 3 inches. Any more than that and she tended to lose her balance.

She did her face and hair. The natural color was still there, sort of very light brown. She brushed it and it began to glow. It reached almost to her shoulders. The make up was applied to be sparse while calling a attention to her eyes and her lips. Maybe he would kiss her. He damn well better kiss her. She would kill him if he did not. The last thing she added was a single strand of pearls. She waited. He arrived. He was amazed how good she looked. She was amazed how good he looked. They talked as he drove south to 7 Mile and Leon's. Neither one ever remembered what was said.

The dinner was fantastic, neither one knew what they ordered or what it tasted like. They had worked together for 3 years and knew so little about each other. They had no children, they were divorced, him for five year, her for four. They liked the same movies and actually used the same rental place Hollywood Rentals at 6 Mile and Inkster. She had a passion for (of all things) curling. He was a member of a curling club. They both knew that soon they would be co members. He was 32 and she was 29. She liked the books he read. She like fly fishing and she loved the out-doors.

He settled the tab and left a large tip.

"Do I take you home or would you want to like to go to a club and dance." Would she dance with him, let him hold her?

"We both have early meetings in the morning, but an hour dancing would be nice." She wanted him to hold her, to dance with her.

Mr. Z's and a juke box was all they needed. They fit together well. He did not blush nor apologize for the erection that she bumped into a lot, too much for it to be accidental. He was careful not to over-fondle her in public. She was careful not to allow him too much liberties in public, especially on a first date.

The car stopped in her drive. He walked her to the door. Neither of them talked. He looked into her eyes and saw the invitation. The kiss was gentle, sweet and mind blowing. They both stepped back.

"Judith, will you go out with me tomorrow. Saturday. I want to take you to a movie."

"Yes, Harold, I would love it."

They parted and that night both had the most wonderful dreams of the two of them in the out-doors making love under a full moon (with no mosquitoes) and swimming nude in sea somewhere in the islands.

Harold Stasson was against the first in the office. He liked the calm and the quiet. He has just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Probably Judith, she would want coffee too. The button was pushed . The door would now open. He poured her a cup added the sugar and cream and waited for her smiling face. She did not disappoint him. She looked even lovelier than last night.

They were a bit awkward at first. But after he gave her the coffee and the bagel, plain, they sat and shared notes on which movies to see. After finding a good choice for both of them. It was agreed that he would rent the movie, she would cook dinner and he would bring a nice white wine. Then work got in the way.

Harold made a few calls. A messenger arrived. He downloaded material and was ready when Ms. Rowan entered at 8:50.

"Good morning Ms Rowan. Come in," he led her to his office.

Her body was great but the scared face and what he knew now was hidden under her clothes worried him.

"I have some bad news for you."

He laid it out. She cried. He showed her the material he had gathered. The marriages licenses, the rap sheet, the charges pending, the complaints, the latest news from the FBI and the tapes her son had made. She sobbed. Then he told her what could happen next. The anger set in and at 10 when the FBI showed up she signed the complaint and in less than 10 minutes Good Ole Ray had been picked up. The pick up had taken almost no time but since he had skipped before, he would be denied bail. The estimated time in prison was five to seven years.

While Ms Jenkins was dealing with the FBI, Harold was in the other office dealing with Danny.

Lunch was ordered in and Danny was called in from doing home work in the back office. Explanations were made and by 12 PM, Danny was forgiven. Then it was time for the best news. Dr. Morrison was called and on a speaker told them that he could remove most of the facial scars and a good portion of the body scars. It would take several procedures. It would written up in a journal and he would waive his usual fee and accept $25,000.00. Her insurance would cover the hospital.

It had been a great day.

"Danny has made some promises that he says you will keep. Danny, you are on."

"Mom, I love you and Mr. Stasson is in the business if revenge. He worked very hard to save us from that man. I think you should insist on a reasonable fee."

The look on her face was priceless. She turned to Harold.

"Define reasonable."

"I took the case from your son. He has agreed to a fee. If you decide not to make the payment, Danny has signed a promissory note for the full amount at 5% interest. He will pay it when he can. I took his word but I have no way to enforce the agreement. He is after all a minor."

"Danny, how much did you agree to pay Mr. Stasson?"

"$500,000. The thief had already moved 6 million to the offshore account. Mom, we would have been hurt very badly by what's-his-name. I think that 500,000 is fair."

"Will you take a check, Mr. Stasson?"

The day ended well for Harold. The check was dropped in the night deposit box along with $250,000 from Judith's client. The night he arrived with 2 bottles of very good wine and a film.

As agreed the film was "Gone With The Wind."

As soon as Scarlet married her first husband Harold stole a kiss. The movie was soon forgotten as they were making out like a couple of high school kids. He had her blouse open and had just kissed her nipple when her brother came in. There was an embarrassed scramble to cover everything.

They decided to call it a night.

* * * * *

the ravings of a lunatic. i am the h20wader.

I can promise you more of Harold and Judith and Revenge Inc. There are a lot of people who want revenge out there. And who the hell is the Boss?

As many as possible of the Revenge, Inc. stories in this series will be place in the loving wives section, whether there is a loving wife or not. There will be wives and husbands, girlfriends and boyfriends, companions of either or both sexes. There may be incest relationships. I will nor limit these tales. And I have no idea when they will bubble up through the ooze of my mind.

As always comments section are open. Lay on MacDuff, and damned be he who cries, "Hold enough".

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xhunter4uxhunter4u5 months ago

Mom was severely scared in the fire.

scared = afraid

scarred = disfigured, as in a FIRE


chytownchytownover 10 years ago
Cute Read****

Thanks for sharing.

avidfaavidfaover 10 years ago
Little, fun story

but the following is funny (I'm not being mean, we all make typos, use the wrong homonym, leave out or double words)

"my editor is out of town so I to blame for all errors"

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
Short - direct - good beginning

Let's see how this develops -

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago

A whole lot of detail packed on one page put it was a great tale.

Smart kid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Like Mike Hammer and Velda

Your revenge stories were interesting, I loved the frictions and suspense in the relationship of the two co-workers. They reminded me of the great stories of Spillaine's Mike Hammer and Velda. thanks a lot.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
who's the boss?

Yep you got me hooked. Who is the boss? I loved the story. A little short though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Except for the stilted dialogue

I enjoyed the story very much.

z00timez00timeabout 18 years ago
SCREW the syntax

A great mind like yours shall be allowed LIBERTIES!

Very entertaining,

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 18 years ago
A good start to a promised series

It's all been said by worthy readers of a wonderful writer.

Thanks for the entertainment.

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