Revenge is a Dish Best Served Hot


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No, not like nothing had ever happened. This was both punishment and a warning for me: if I strayed again, she'd have me by the balls, and with 19½ years in the service, I couldn't do anything to fuck up now.

After breakfast, I got up and took my shower; Gail had taken hers before she'd made breakfast. While she cleaned up in the kitchen, I went outside to assess the lawn. With spring just around the corner, here in southeastern Virginia, the grass was already starting to grow. It was only growing in patches so far, and that made the yard look shabbier than it should. I'd have to cut the grass soon, but it was still too wet from dew to do now. I picked up a couple of sticks that had dropped from the red sunset maple tree, and a beer can that some asshole had thrown into my yard.

"I've got to go to the BX and get groceries this morning," Gail announced as I walked back inside. She was still all sweetness and light, but it was clear, without any direct words being said, that she expected me to go with her.

We took her car, a 2012 Buick Verano, which is a really decent car for a GM, and has a large trunk, good for groceries, better than my F-150, really. The BX is a big place, selling a lot more than groceries, and I didn't really like going, but right now, I wasn't going to do anything to piss Gail off more. I wanted to ask her if, now that she'd gotten her DP out of the way, and I'd learned my lesson, whether she might just cancel the other three guys, but I had no idea in Hell how to bring up that subject; I sure couldn't do it out in public.

That was when I spotted Joella.

Oh, crap! Joella was SSgt Taylor's wife, and I'd fucked her maybe even more than he knew. He'd been sent over to Incirlik AFB in Turkey for an unaccompanied deployment last year, and with Clyde overseas, she was like any other 26-year-old wife: she got horny! He was gone for nine months, and I had helped her hold down the fort at home, so to speak. She was about 5'6, pretty thin, kind of flat-chested, with brunette hair a bit past her shoulders and big grey eyes, behind some sexy librarian glasses. They didn't have any kids, and we actually went through a pregnancy scare while Clyde was gone, but it turned out to be a false alarm. Joella got on the pill after that one!

Joella was hot, and she knew she was hot. During the summer, she didn't wear a lot of unnecessary clothing, dressing more like a coed than an Air Force wife, usually braless with just enough midriff showing to turn a man on. She had said that we had to break off our affair when her husband got back from Turkey, but we still hooked up a couple of times after he had. Still, we hadn't done anything since last September.

Joella spotted me a few seconds after I noticed her, and quickly turned away. Thank God her husband wasn't with her! I couldn't tell, from her expression, whether she knew about Clyde revenge fucking Gail, but this was sure uncomfortable. At least Gail didn't know Joella, at least as far as I knew, so there was no unfortunate confrontation at the BX.

Gail got a lot of groceries, more than she usually picked up considering that it was just the two of us, but other than that, everything was as normal as normal can be. Heck, it was almost as though I had imagined the whole thing.

Anyway, we loaded up the car and headed back to Foxhill Road. She parked in the driveway, and we brought in all of the groceries, when I finally decided that I had to bring up the subject.

"You know, Gail, you punished me pretty badly yesterday, and I've learned my lesson, so don't you think that . . . ."

"Oh, no, Robbie, don't even think that way! I've still got more revenge to get done, and three cuckolded husbands who need to get back at you. Don't you even think that I'm going to let you off the hook on this."

Saturday, 18 March 2017

This was not a day I'd looked forward to. It was my duty weekend, both Saturday and Sunday, and I did not want to be away from Gail, because I knew what was going to happen. Today was Marc Corman's 'turn' for a revenge fuck with Gail, and I just couldn't call off of work today; the reason would get out, which I sure as Hell didn't want, and it still wouldn't stop Corman from screwing my wife. He was a big, strong guy, smaller than me, but still with muscles from working refueling on the flight line.

I remembered Judy Corman. She was a tiny little thing, barely five feet tall, if that, and she loved big, strong guys. I'm 6'4, and 245 lb, which attracted her. Really, I didn't have to seduce Judy. She'd apparently heard something about me before, probably from another base housing wife, and if she didn't come right out and say, "Let's fuck," it was obvious what she meant. Her husband wasn't quite as tall as I am, but he was over six feet, so Judy knew how to 'fit' with a guy my size, and she was a little hottie in the sack.

Still, was the few times I had fucked her worth knowing that her husband was fucking my wife, probably right this second? No, no fucking way!

It was right after I'd taken my lunch break, when my personal smart phone buzzed. I opened the text, and there it was, a picture, kind of blurry, but still clear enough to show me someone's dick in some woman's mouth. They couldn't be identified, but I knew it had to be Gail sucking Marc. I deleted the picture quickly, because, working where I do, the Air Force can search my phone at any time. Gail knew that, too, and she still sent it.

Fuck! This was crushing me! The first 'revenge' session wasn't as bad as it might have been, because it was like watching a porn movie, even though my wife was starring in it. But this? Just a half-blurry selfie of my wife sucking another man's dick, nothing remotely exciting, just depressing in the knowledge.

And I knew that she'd be doing the same thing tomorrow.


"Well, I can see why Judy Corman fucked you." That was Gail, as soon as I walked in the door. "Her husband's a dud."


"He could barely get it up, and once he put it in me, he didn't last two minutes. I guess that Judy got a lot better from you than I did from him."

Well, this was one Hell of a discussion! I didn't really want to hear about Gail fucking Marc, but at least if she did, there was something encouraging about me being a lot better than him. And her revenge fuck against me hadn't gone nearly as well as she'd have liked. Gail was always a hottie in bed, and she'd left this one disappointed. Inwardly, I laughed, at least as much as I could.

"So, that mean you've got your revenge out yet?" I knew that that was a ridiculous, hopeful question, one that would probably piss off Gail to the max.

"Oh, no, sweetie, I still have two more revenge fucks to get out, to make sure you've learned your lesson. Besides, even if I thought you'd been punished enough, the guys don't, and two of them still have to get their revenge on you."

"You know, Gail, this is stupid. Doesn't matter what you call it, even Steven never is. How does this make things better between us, and how does it make things better for the other guys?"

"The guys? That's up to them how this makes things better. Maybe it's quiet satisfaction, or maybe they'll rub it in their slut wives' faces."

"The way you're rubbing it in mine?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Why? Would you rather that I'd revenge fucked them on the down-low, to keep it secret from you, so you wouldn't get your feelings hurt? That I'd snuck around behind your back, the way you did to me?!"

For a second, I thought that Gail was going to cry, but she didn't.

"Well, no, damn it, Rob, no! I'm not sneaking around behind your back, not getting some kind of fucking quiet revenge, that you'd never know about, never hurt your feelings! I want you to suffer, Rob, suffer the way you made me suffer! And you're going to fucking take it, or you can just walk out the fucking door!"

I didn't walk out the door.

Damn it, I still loved Gail, I'd always love her.

She was still pissed off as she served dinner, judging by the way she was slamming plates around; I'm surprised that nothing broke.

Dinner was eaten in silence, and the rest of the evening, Gail was curled up with a book. I was toying with the idea of trying to make love to her, but our making love usually involved mutual oral, but she hadn't taken a shower since she got home, and the last thing I wanted to do was eat Marc Corman's creampie.

How much longer could I put up with this? The goal, at the end, was no more screwing around, both of us being faithful, and maybe, 'on paper,' it was worth it to put up with Gail's revenge. I just didn't know is, in real life, I could put up with this as easily as the idea seems when thought about coldly. Especially when I knew she'd be fucking Jeff Hanley tomorrow.

Sunday, 19 March 2017 (1535 hours)

Work was over, and I was pulling into the driveway. When I hit the garage door opener, I could see: Gail's car wasn't there. Maybe she'd gone to the BX or something, but, in all probability, she was still out with Hanley. She hadn't sent me a selfie today, so I couldn't be sure what had happened, but I assumed the worst.

This wasn't good. At least yesterday, yeah, she got her third revenge fuck in, but she was home when I got home. Now, who the Hell knew when she'd be home? It had turned out that Corman was a dud in bed, which made me smile inwardly -- not a whole lot positive about this shitty situation, but at least that was -- but if she met with Hanley at the same time, he was taking a lot longer with her than Corman had, and that couldn't be good.

I mean, what the fuck? I was being the biggest fucking cuck in town, all to put up with her fucking revenge on me.

Revenge for me cucking those other guys.

Damn it, that's the thing: even if she does screw the five guys, even if she goes with O'Grady on TDY, I'll still be ahead of her on how many Air Force wives I've screwed, and way ahead on the number of times I've done it. And a couple of them were even in the service with me, like two Airmen in my unit, two women I fucking supervised. I guess in these days of Al Franken and Harvey Weinstein, that would constitute sexual harassment, even if they were both willing, very willing. It was great at the time, but now? That could be a career-ending move.

Of course, maybe Gail and the others don't know about them. Even if I divorce Gail for this, if she doesn't know about them, I wouldn't go up on charges. Still, if I don't go along with the rest of this, Hanley and O'Grady, at least, could have me up on charges, for adultery. I've got eight months to go to get my twenty, and some pipsqueak JAG captain might want to try to expedite and get me kicked out short of twenty. But once Hanley and O'Grady have their 'turns' with Gail, they can't charge me with adultery, because they'll have committed it, too.

Still, if O'Grady really takes her on TDY, he might be using government funds to screw my wife, and that could get him in huge trouble.

But, really, it comes down to this: I lose. It's only a question of how badly I lose. If I divorce Gail, I've lost her, and I don't want to lose her, despite all of this shit. If I divorce Gail, I'll lose half of my pension. And if the Air Force finds out about all of this, I could lose my security clearance, and that would really hurt me in looking for a civilian job. I've got big time skills that Boeing and McDonald/Douglas and a bunch of other civilian contractors pay big bucks for, but if I lose my clearance, most of those will dry up.

I need a fucking drink!

2030 hours

I'd been sitting on the couch, drinking, six Bud Lights down, and three of them already pissed down the toilet, when Gail's car pulled in the driveway. I wasn't sure how to play this, I was half angry, but also half mellowed out by the beer.

A couple of minutes later, Gail came in through the door from the garage, and if there was ever a freshly fucked look on a woman, it was on Gail.

Damn, she was happy, and still looked rarin' to go. She dropped her purse and keys on the television table, walked over, and then bent down to kiss me, kiss me hard, mouth open, and plenty of tongue. After she broke that off, I had to wonder: had Hanley dropped a load in her mouth?

"Guess what, sweet husband of mine? Your penance is over! Now take me into the bedroom and fuck the shit out of me!" With that, she practically bounced into the bedroom.

It took me a few seconds to get off the couch and to our bedroom, and when I walked in, she was already close to naked. "C'mere," she said, grabbing my ABU jacket, "let's get that thing off!"

Well, I was on autopilot at this point, because I'd never turn down a good piece of pussy, a fact that had gotten me into this fix in the first place. I hadn't seduced every Air Force wife I've fucked; a couple of them came on to me. About the only warning light was the one telling me, do not eat her pussy, because I sure didn't want to be cleaning up Hanley's creampie!

But that wasn't what Gail wanted; she was rarin' to go, and she wanted to just plain fuck. Seeing my wife's naked body, her freshly fucked body, my dick rose to the occasion, something I would have thought really shouldn't happen, but it did.

Gail pulled me inside of her, missionary style, and what I knew I'd find, I did: sloppy seconds, very sloppy seconds, as in maybe sloppy thirds or fourths. But that didn't mean I wasn't enjoying it, on some stupid, wholly fucked up level.

We started slowly, but it wasn't long before I speeded up, even though I wasn't slamming into Gail as hard as I could, at least, not as hard as I could when I was sober. I wasn't really drunk, but I could tell that my coordination was off a bit, and I wondered about my self-control as well.

But this went on for only three or four minutes before Gail said, "Roll over," and pushed herself up and on top of me, cowgirl style. Maybe I hadn't been slamming into her, but she sure was slamming down onto me, and she was getting herself off quickly.

It was almost surreal: she was getting off, and pushing me toward my climax quickly, when I saw it: with her on top, facing me, I could see the cum leaking out of her pussy, coating my dick . . . . and I hadn't cum yet. That thought slowed down my climax, for sure. Once Gail was done with hers, seeing that I was still good for a while, she smiled, pulled off, grabbed my cock, aimed it where she wanted it, and then sank down to my balls, in one stroke, with my dick in her ass. No lube at all, but she felt lubed, which meant only one thing: I was getting buttered buns! Hanley had fucked her in the ass!

Oh, well, what did it matter? After all, Woods had fucked her ass as well. Gail wasn't a virgin when we met, but her butt was. That had still taken me a while, when one Christmas Eve she gave me quite a present, her ass cherry. Up until last Friday, I'd been the only man who'd gotten to fuck her butt, but that little bit of exclusivity was gone now.

While I had come down from the edge while I was in her pussy, her ass was just too tight, even after Hanley had fucked her there, and my nut was rising quickly. Gail was slamming down on me, her right hand working her clit while we did, and I could see another orgasm building up in her. Maybe I shouldn't have, maybe I should have gone ahead and shot off before she climaxed, for at least a bit of revenge -- a tiny bit -- but that's just not how I'm wired. At least I was sober enough to control myself and hold off until she had a fucking spectacular orgasm, and then I let it go, and filled her ass with my spunk . . . doubtlessly mingling with Hanley's as well.

At that, Gail just fell off of me, landing beside me, then pulling her face up to mine, covering me with kisses and telling me how much she loved me.


We fell asleep, with Gail in my arms, and I don't know about her, but I slept like a log. I normally arose at 0500, but, since I hadn't used the bathroom before we went to bed, I woke up around 0210, and had to piss like crazy. My stirring woke up Gail, who took a turn in the BR after I came out.

We'd gone to bed early, so I was pretty much wide awake, and grabbed my Kindle to read. Gail came out, asked me if I wanted a hot chocolate, and I said, "Sure." She put on her shortie robe, and headed for the kitchen.

I figured that she'd be bringing the drinks back into the bedroom, but a few minutes later, I heard her call, "C'mon, it's ready." So, I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, and headed out.

Gail had only turned on the under-cabinet lights, so the kitchen wasn't too brightly illuminated, and we sat down at the kitchen table to sip the hot, very hot, chocolate.

"I don't know if you heard me when I came in yesterday," she began, "but your punishment is over."

Well, I liked that, but I was mystified. "Huh?"

"OK, it's like this. Jeff, Jeff Hanley, got cold feet and called off his 'revenge.' Seems he'd been running around the way you had, and he was feeling guilty, so he was going to try to get things settled with his wife.

"And Sean O'Grady had called me as well: he said that it would be fun, but probably a really bad idea for him to take me with him on TDY, and I agreed. I'd been having second thoughts about that anyway. So, yesterday it was Sean and me, not Jeff.

"So, anyway, my revenge is over. Now, we've got two choices: we can call it even, and promise never to screw around on each other again, or we can get pissed off and get divorced. Me, I want to stay married. Ball's in your court; what do you want to do?"

Well, there it was: Gail was leaving the decision up to me. If I picked divorce, she'd have no choice but to go along with it. If I wanted to stay married, she'd already said that's what she wanted, so the choice was mine again.

Saturday, 3 June 2017 (0625 hours)

Life had been good these past 2½ months. I'd agreed with Gail that I wanted to stay married, and we'd worked things out. Actually, we'd pretty much fallen back into the same routines, in just about everything, except for one thing: I was always letting her know where I was and what I was doing. I'd stopped chasing pussy on base, even though I definitely noticed some cute wives, along with a really pretty Airman who was assigned to my unit; what had happened with Gail was not something I ever wanted to repeat. Plus, now that I wasn't getting any tail on the side, I think that Gail and I were making love a little more often than we had been.

We'd even slept in this morning, at least for us. Then I heard Gail shout for joy, in the bathroom, and she came out with a big smile on her face, and then she handed me something shaped like a wide pen.

"Guess what," she said, "You're going to be a daddy!"

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NitpicNitpic5 months ago

No explanation how the five found out he was fucking their wife's.When he left the service and got a job,he should have divorced her.

mattenwmattenw9 months ago

Even if I now know that this author is a cuckold (fan?), I only ask: how do the 5 "avengers" want to deal with his lawsuit for false imprisonment and sexual assault? And how does she want to live with her bastard child after the divorce? And the cuckold author's statement that they live in Virginia doesn't give a fuck to the Air Force. DNA proves who the father is and the Air Force makes him pay! In addition, the five soldiers involved will certainly be dishonorably discharged from the army/air force. You can do many things in secret, but never let anything like this become public! You better research the handling of such things!

But as I know the "cuckold" author he has no answers for everything!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Standard American family…no doubt there is a 50 percent divorce rate and a next gen of more fucked up lost young americunts on the way!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Usually these stories have readers shaking their heads wondering what the hell hubby took the slut back.


In this cases why tne hell did Gail take this asshole back? And why didn’t those other guys beat the crap outa him?


2 **

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

He is six months from having his twenty years in? If he enlisted at 18 he would be 38 years old. They sure waited a long time to start a family. And as far as getting even. How does her handcuffing him to a chair and forcing him to watch make things even? That's assault and illegal restraint. When did he force her to sit and watch him with two women at once, much less one. Yeah we learn he is a POS womanizer and has done some truly stupid things. But Gail's revenge and the five husbands involvement if outed would ruin a whole bunch of careers really fast. The 5 guys could get conspiracy charges thrown at them as well. That and the handcuffs would probably mean they saw some jail time.

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