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A rewrite of "Because I Love Her".
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I first met Rhiannon at work in 2000. I was 41 and a bit dumpy. She was 30ish, tall, very pretty, very gentle, sweet, and rather naive. She felt for everyone which went a long way in helping her in the healthcare profession.

I was in the middle of a very nasty messy marriage, otherwise, I would have snapped her up in a heartbeat. Rhiannon married a guy from work, a grade-A asshole. A muscle-bound bully. I don't know how she didn't see it. I guess good looks and big muscles blinded her. She provided him with a beautiful home and three lovely daughters. He, in turn, provided her with verbal and mental abuse. Luckily, the prick never hit her.

Fast forward to 2009 and we both got divorced around the same time and as we were always close friends, we talked a lot. We would meet on lunch breaks and sit outside enjoying the cool fall mornings. She confided in me that she hadn't had sex since her last daughter was conceived. That was the first subtle hint. I was in much the same boat, not having had any intimacy in nine years.

One night, after our break, I did it, I kissed her. My feet didn't touch the ground for the rest of the week. (She later told me she felt the same way) I could sense the sexual hunger in her, but she was very timid and I was afraid she'd bolt if I moved too fast. She definitely needed some tender loving care. I can be a TLC type in bed, gentle when needed but my sexual proclivities are closer to a bowl of ghost chili peppers. There are only a few things I won't do or let you do to me. I kind of draw the line at brown stuff and bloodletting. I took extra care to be kind and tried to make her feel comfortable being with me. I did my best to put her feelings and cares ahead of my own. (important later on)

We finally hooked up one evening after dinner. She was very timid and quiet in bed, seemingly afraid to do something wrong, afraid to let go of her inhibitions. Barely a moan when she came. (Remember that for later)

Rhiannon had been treated so poorly for so long that she had very low self-esteem and sexual confidence and thus was afraid to try anything outside of the typical missionary position. We stayed together for about a year.

I believe that In her eyes, I was just a bit too wild, sexually and mentally. I have a very dark sense of humor, she definitely does not. We parted ways and, luckily, remained very close and still the best of friends.

Jump ahead to November 2022. I started to notice that she was paying a bit more attention to me when my duties took me to her department. She texted me often, and we would talk at length on the phone every week.

One day, during my rounds through her area, one of the staff members was in rather a crabby mood. I looked at Rhiannon and quietly said, "Jeez, someone needs to get her brains fucked out".

Quietly, she replied, "She's not the only one." The second not-so-subtle hint. I wasn't sure if I wanted to revisit that relationship, I didn't want to chance getting hurt again. I had to find a way to divert her gently without hurting her feelings.

A few days later, I told her that I needed to have prostate surgery and that, as of late, I was having all sorts of problems with my boy bits. (Remember, we're very close and I could talk to her about anything). I could sense her disappointment.

Finally, I took her to the side and said, "Let's be honest with each other, Rhi. You might not want to admit it, but you don't need someone to make mushy sweet love to you. It might be nice, It might be what you're comfortable with, but it isn't what you need. You need a good thumping. You need a young man with a long girthy cock to fuck you till your brain turns to oatmeal. You need to have that pretty kitty of yours pounded mercilessly until you are incoherent. You aren't the type of person to have sex with just anyone you meet, so you came to me because you know that I'm safe, you trust me, and know that I'll treat you with respect and kindness. It's not because I turn you on. I look hideous naked and I know it. Having a fat belly and droopy ass doesn't get me any second looks. So, have I hit the nail on the head?"

Ashamedly, she looked down at the floor and subtly nodded her head.

We went to lunch later that day and discussed the matter further.

"How about if I get you some toys and you can take matters into your own hands?, or, maybe I could use the toys on you."

She blushed again and told me, "I can't orgasm by masturbating and toys aren't alive, they're not the real thing. Toys won't do it for me."

I felt bad for her and knew that I couldn't leave her hanging. I told her that I'd find a way to help her, but that she'd have to put her full trust in me.

She wanted to know what plans I had for her. "Don't worry" I said, "I won't do anything without your approval." (Yeah, and dogs don't eat meat.)

She said, "I do trust you, just don't do anything weird. Sooo...ummm...do you...umm...know anyone...ahh...with...a long, girthy...thing?".

Hmm. Let me think.

I thought long and hard on this, no pun intended. She didn't want toys and she wouldn't pick someone up in a club or a bar. Just as well, knowing the range of assholes in the clubs looking for some easy pussy. Maybe I could hook her up with a friend.

Looking through my contact list, I happened upon my buddy Frank. A thirty-four-year-old, quiet, gentle person. A good soul, incapable of hurting anyone.

Four years ago, Frank ended a toxic relationship that caused him no end of grief. He was hurt and had a very difficult time trusting anyone after what she put him through. Maybe he would be interested in just getting together with Rhiannon for the occasional boink session. I know that neither Frank nor Rhiannon wanted a dating thing or a serious relationship.

I go to the same gym and pool that Frank uses. One day, I saw him coming out of the shower. Holy Fuck me! This man had a piece of meat between his legs that was as big as his forearm, roughly nine inches long and two inches thick. He hadn't been with anyone in the four years since his breakup. That majestic cock was going to waste.

We had a few beers together and I showed him some pictures of Rhiannon. Even though she is fifty-two, she looks like she's in her early thirties. Tight little bottom, firm bouncy boobs with small, but super sensitive, nipples. And, if memory serves me, a nice tight pussy. (If I could feel her squeeze my six by one-and-a-half-inch willy, she's tight.)

Frank was amazed at how young she looked. I explained her story to him and his first reaction was to want to beat the shit out of her ex. He was definitely interested in this tall, pretty lady.

I did let him know, though, that I was trusting him with someone that I cared deeply for and he would have to treat her accordingly.

Frank looked at me with a very serious face and said, "You know what kind of man I am and you know how I treat people. You have nothing to worry about." That's all this old man needed to hear.

Frank is an Ironman triathlete, so he has a trim physique and seemingly endless stamina. When he competes, he swims 2.6 miles in the ocean, bikes for 112 miles, and then runs 26 miles. I get winded just thinking about it. I took some photos of him in his running gear and in his speedo, a bathing suit that could barely contain his cock. The speedo pics spoke volumes as they vividly outlined the length and girth of his cock. As a close female friend of mine would say, "Length is important, but girth is what makes me cum."

I met with Rhiannon on break one night and told her about Frank and how he was in sort of the same situation as she was. I showed her the pictures of him in his running gear and she thought he was way too young for her.

"I could be his mother, almost. He's way too young, he won't be interested in an old lady like me."

I said, "Firstly, I showed him some photos of you and he's definitely interested. He didn't think that you were fifty-two. Secondly, You're not in this for a relationship, this is just for you two to hook up and get rid of some sexual frustration."

She went back and forth about why she shouldn't, this and that, I'm not that kind of woman, blah blah blah...

Time for the big guns. I pulled out the Speedo pictures. She looked them over casually.

Then she saw it.

Her eyes popped and her jaw nearly hit the floor. "That...that can't be real! That has to be photoshopped. I thought only porn actors were that well endowed."

I laughed, "Ohhh it's most certainly real honey, I've been to the gym with him. I saw him in the showers."

Yep, don't tell me that size doesn't count. It most definitely fucking counts.

She looked like she wanted to ask about his cock but she was probably embarrassed and knowing her, she wouldn't want me to feel bad about not measuring up. I answered her silent question, showing her its size with my forearm and how thick it was.

Her breathing changed. She squirmed around in her seat, sort of rubbing her thighs together. She was having a tough time getting her mind around something that long and thick. I wanted to make sure she got to wrap her hands, lips, and vagina around it. She needed this...badly.

"It'll never fit in me! He'll kill me with that thing!" she said.

"Nonsense Rhi," I told her that if a baby could come out, his cock would fit in. They'd just have to go slowly till she could handle it comfortably.

Still unconvinced, she said, "Suppose he's too rough with me?"

"Stop looking for excuses Rhi, I trust Frank completely. I wouldn't let him within a hundred miles of you if I didn't. He'll only do what you want and will let you be in control if you want to be. He understands the meaning of the word 'No'. He knows how much I care for you and he'll definitely treat you with dignity and respect." She hasn't said no, so maybe she's weakening.

Rhiannon mulled this over for a bit and then said, "So, what do you get out of this and why are you doing this for me?"

I replied," The only thing I want is for you to be happy, it doesn't matter that it isn't me making you happy. I want you to be fulfilled. I want him to leave you breathless and incoherent. I want your pussy to be sore for a month. Why? Maybe I'm being a bit selfish here, but I love you and it hurts that I can't be the man you need me to be, that's why."

Her eyes welled up and I held her as she cried. She finally realized how much I still love and care about her even though I can't be with her or the one pleasing her. She looked up at me with teary eyes and said, "Are you sure this is ok with you? I don't want you to be hurt."

With a gentle smile I said, "If you're happy when this is done, I'll be happy." She hugged me and cried again. When the tears had finished, I told her I would arrange a dinner date so that the two of them could get together and talk. I could see that she was still very nervous.

I took Rhiannon and Frank to a nice quiet Italian restaurant so they could get acquainted. After we had the antipasto, I excused myself to the men's room, winking at Frank. I stayed there for about five minutes and crept to the edge of the separating wall to peek at them. She was laughing and having an easy conversation with Frank. He's a smoothie, he had her at her ease very quickly. The main course came and went and they never even missed me. Excellent! By the time I returned, they were sitting hip to hip with his arm around her and he was feeding her cheesecake...from his fork! A bite for her, a bite for him. This might just work.

We left the restaurant in two cars, Rhi drove with me and Frank followed.

She told me that she would give it a shot, as he seemed genuinely kind and easy to talk to. She was nearly there.

She completely shocked me though when she said, "I'd feel much better if you'd stay nearby, just in case I get cold feet."

I said, "Wow, that's gonna be weird, but I'm sure I can figure something out." In truth, I was hoping she'd ask for something like that. Not for a pervy reason, (well, maybe a wee bit pervy) but so I could...well, you'll see why in a bit.

Rhiannon has a slut rating of two on a one to ten scale. Whereas one is a girl that's not letting anyone but her hubby touch her, and ten is a fire-breathing whore that will fuck anyone with anything remotely resembling a dick. Sadly, she's a very sexually repressed lady.

Last week, I began to hatch a plan in my devious little mind, a plan that would make her gravitate toward Frank. I spoke to Frank and informed him of my plan to make her want to get rid of me. He thought it would work and that he'd play along. No, I'm not going to tell you yet...now keep reading.

Frank followed us to her house and we all went inside for a cocktail. I made sure that she polished off two potent Long Island iced teas whilst we sat and chatted. The alcohol went a long way in relieving much of her stress, but it wasn't enough to make her drunk. Frank excused himself to the bathroom where he took a Viagra, just as an extra benefit.

Upon his return from the bathroom, I gave him a wink and I took Rhiannon to her bedroom where I undressed her (Oh that perfect tight little tush) and put the tiniest hint of a delicate perfume on her neck and inner thighs. I had her put on a flowing silk robe that I'd purchased for the occasion. She looked good enough to eat. (sigh) I stood with her at the foot of her bed and called out to Frank.

Frank turned off all the lights in the house (pre-arranged), came upstairs to the bedroom, and stood in front of her. She was shaking a little so I put my hands on her shoulders and whispered in her ear, "Slow deep breaths, baby girl, you're gonna be fine." With a subtle nod from me, Frank took his shirt off and then his shoes, pants, and socks.

He stood in his seemingly painted-on Mighty Mouse boxer briefs. (Really dude? Mighty Mouse (Google it) underwear!? Here I cum to save the day!) The tightness of his briefs outlined the length and girth of his cock with surgical precision. Every ridge, bump, and vein were clearly outlined.

Wild horses couldn't drag her gaze away from the obviously throbbing erection in his drawers.

I pulled her robe open a wee bit, just enough to expose her shoulders and the tops of her breasts. Frank stepped forward and gently placed his hands on the lapels of the robe. As he looked into her eyes he softly asked, "May I?" Looking like a deer in the headlights, she nodded imperceptibly.

He gently slid the robe off of her shoulders and let it pool at her feet. His eyes slowly took in her figure and he breathed in a slow breath of amazement. He reached out and softly brushed her very sensitive nipples with his fingertips. A shudder ran through her body. She was getting excited.

He told her, "You can't possibly be Fifty-two, you're gorgeous! I would very much like to see your bottom." She turned around and stuck her tush out a bit. Very out of character for this mousey lady.

Frank knelt behind her and gently ran his fingers across both cheeks. He lightly kissed them and inhaled her feminine scent. "Ohhh my, your skin is like silk, and you smell (long indrawn breath through his nose) delicious. You even look sexy naked, no lingerie could do you justice."

She turned and looked down at him, blushed, and uttered a very quiet, "Thank you." She was smiling from ear to ear.

Smooth Frankie boy, very...fucking...smooth.

I whispered that she should help Frank take his boxers off. Now she's becoming more comfortable with him. (See where this is going?)

She knelt in front of him and brought her shaking hands up to grab the waistband of his briefs. Her hand brushed across his stone-hard cock, making it jump. Rhiannon was shaking with nervous anticipation. She hooked her fingers over the top of his briefs, slowly pulling them down.

His boner caught on the edge of his waistband and then popped out.

I heard a sharp intake of breath as his magnificent erection sprang up and almost hit her on the jaw. She stared at this magisterial cock in wonder. Ever so slowly, Rhiannon reached out and took hold of the rock-hard tool. Frank moaned loudly and a rather large glistening drop of pre-cum fell onto her hand. She stared at the droplet in wonder and after a bit of thought, brought it to her mouth and licked it from her hand, smiling. Another large glob of fluid came out and this time, she leaned in and licked it right from the source. Rhi looked up at Frank to see his reaction, but his eyes were closed and his mouth exhaled a long soft moan. I helped her to stand as she was shaking visibly now.

Frank stepped forward clasping her in a soft warm embrace. She could feel his throbbing cock pressing against her belly. He gently kissed her hand and led her to the bed. He lay on his back with that monster pointing towards the heavens, leaking a steady stream of pre-cum and visibly bobbing with his pulse.

I could feel the tension in her shoulders as I guided her to the bed, I thought that she might turn and run. I could also smell her excitement. I helped her to get up on the bed and quietly suggested that straddle him cowgirl style. His rod slowly brushed across her clit and lips.

The inferno-like heat of her pussy made Frank moan loudly, causing her pussy to gush with a sweet slipperiness that completely soaked him. I heard her whimper. (Damn, I never made her whimper.)

We were deliberately torturing her, weakening her resistance. She wouldn't last much longer. Now, she was extremely uncomfortable with my presence. She wanted me gone. Gone, gone, gone. Just as I had hoped.

His pre-cum was now pulsing out of his cock and dripping onto his belly. Her pussy was drenched, juices running down her thighs. He'd have no trouble penetrating her. He slowly moved the head of his cock to her lady lips and with exquisite tenderness, pushed just the tip into her beautifully shaved sex. The obscenely swollen head popped in and a long deep guttural moan escaped her throat. Her eyes rolled back in her head. I could see her juices already flowing down his shaft. She was ready.

All this time, she kept glancing over at me with a look that silently screamed, "Please get the fuck out of here!" She desperately wanted me to leave. I leaned over and whispered to her, "Have fun baby girl, I'm leaving now."

I saw her shoulders immediately relax as I backed out of the room.

I closed the door, turned off the hall light, and stood silently in the pitch-black doorway. I quietly re-opened the bedroom door about an inch and as I peeked through the door I heard her say, "Wow, that was really uncomfortable, I thought he was going to stay here all night and watch us." Frank played along and agreed.

She said 'watch Us', not 'watch me'.

I watched, frozen in place, as she sat upright and slowly tried to impale herself on his engorged iron-hard cock. I heard long deep moans from both of them as she slid down and with agonizing slowness took every bit of his nine very thick inches. Her pussy was being stretched to the limits. ``Nuuuhhh! I can't believe how thick it is! It feels like you're gonna split me in two!"

I carefully closed the door and thought to myself, "She's gonna have a ball...maybe two."

I went downstairs intending to go out to wait in my car but then thought of the possibility of a neighbor telling the police of an unknown man sitting in his car in the dark. What would I say? "Hi officer, I'm just waiting out here while my lady friend gets her cervix shoved up into her throat, and her brains fucked to mush."

I really didn't want to explain that to anybody, so I went and sat in the TV room with her dog. Turns out that the TV room is right below her bedroom.

Her house has central air. Due to its design, the ductwork from the second floor is shared with the first floor, making it so that you can hear every little moan, sigh, slap of flesh, and of course, every scream.