Rhine Maiden Ch. 05: Chemin De Fer

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Trang has doubts. Nadine and Nanine stand accused.
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Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/10/2021
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All Sexual Activity In This Story Occurs Between Persons 18+ Years Old.

About thirty minutes after the big oak Elliott grandfather clock's Whittington chimes tolled the eleven o'clock hour in Philippe Pique's townhouse in Basel, Trang Nguyen Pique stood behind heavy dark olive-and-gold damask velvet drapes in her forty-six-year-old uncle's bedroom. On the great carved mahogany sleigh bed, not three meters away, Philippe tossed about fitfully, unable to find the perfect position for peaceful sleep. Trang could not know the cause of his unrest. The unctuous baritone voice that tormented her guardian was entirely contained within his mind.

"Tres bien, mon ami," oozed the devilish voice. "You truly showed your mettle tonight! Your niece's Norwegian friend, despite her father's oafish overtures, managed to retain her virginity for three months beyond her eighteenth birthday, but she didn't reckon on meeting you!" The voice gave a long low laugh as Philippe rolled over, pounded his pillow and squeezed his eyes tight shut.

The Devil, who Philippe believed the speaker must certainly be, crowed on, "Not once, but twice, you filled her quim to overflowing so that now she sleeps the sleep of a woman satisfied." Chuckling again, the voice continued in a conspiratorial tone, "Half-done is really only just begun. Although Dagmar will fly to Gressholmen carrying more than a simple cloisonné chalet pendant to remember you by, she is not the only angel we must yet have our way with. N'est-ce pas?"

Philippe flopped onto his back and unconsciously pressed his left hand hard against the burgeoning bone in his striped silk pajamas. His mind's eye flashed on Trang's naked image as she stood earlier that afternoon in her bath. Then abruptly he heard again her small sweet voice in her bedroom saying to him, "I wanted you to see me." He stroked himself into iron stiffness and curled his fingers under his fat recharging balls.

The Devil pounced and exclaimed, "C'est vrai! She did say that. And more. It was only bad luck that she had too much champagne."

In her blind between the curtains and the window sheers, Trang watched the eiderdown duvet lift, then lower, then move slowly back and forth parallel to Philippe's covered body as he tugged his joint free through his pantaloons' fly. She did not know what he was doing, but she knew he was not sleeping and that she was still trapped. Silently chastising herself, not only for her ill-considered earlier exhibitionism, but also for her immature inebriation and for throwing herself at her uncle when he had only come to her room to insure that she was alright, she furiously questioned, "So what was I thinking when I sneaked into Popo's bedroom? Why did I feel funny and not look away when I saw him completely undressed? And why won't he go to sleep so that I may leave without being caught?"

A light reasonable voice she did not recognize answered Trang from deep within her, "Because you are no longer a child. You are eighteen now. When Popo kissed you all over, he woke you up in ways you could not imagine. What else can he teach you about being a grown woman? Do you really want to go away? Do you really hope he sleeps?"

At that same moment, twenty-five kilometers to the northwest, the Rhine-Seine Express night train, bound for Paris, approached Mulhouse, France. Nadine and Nanine Corbin sat alone in their railcar compartment chattering excitedly about their recent naughty conquest at Trang's birthday party. As the eighteen-year-old twins compared Philippe's extra large penis and his rapid high-volume ejaculation to the more normal amount they periodically sucked from their father's average size cock, they were interrupted by knocking at their door. With the shades all pulled, they could not see who it was, but there was no doubt when they heard a man call, "Billets, s'il vous plaît!"

Nanine flipped the latch mechanism and slid the door into its pocket as Nadine replied, "Entrez!" The teens watched as two uniformed men stepped in from the corridor.

The first man was portly and had bushy gray muttonchops from his temples to the corners of his mouth. The second man, who hung back a little bit, was taller, straighter, and clean-shaven except for a very thin military mustache. The twins recognized the younger man's distinctive National Gendarmerie uniform and supposed the fat man to be the train's conductor. Le Conducteur confirmed the girls' guess when he smiled and demanded again, "Tickets, please."

The policeman quickly scanned the compartment, then after finding nothing of interest, backed out into the corridor. Seeing the look of concern in the young ladies' faces, Le Conducteur hoped to put them at ease by explaining, "Do not worry for the gendarme. There have been difficulties ever since Hitler staged his army in The Rhineland last March. We are, naturally, well south of there, and of course, in France, but our night trains all have policemen riding on them now."

Nadine and Nanine sighed their relief, then each climbed upon a settee to reach into the portmanteaus on the overhead racks. The ruddy-faced trainman beamed as the stretching teen-agers' school skirts hiked up from their knees. Pulling his silver fountain pen from his vest breast pocket, he dropped it to the carriage floor then knelt to pick it up again so that he might see what else there was to be seen. As he looked appraisingly upward from left to right he was rewarded with unimpeded views to the youngsters' shapely buttermilk thighs and, above them, their curved buttocks behind thin bright white rayon underpants.

Nadine and Nanine both closed their bags, then clambered down from the seats while Le Conducteur, Horst Reiner, straightened up and squared away his uniform trousers to conceal his beginning hard-on. Each girl had a peculiar and unhappy look, but neither spotted the small swelling lump in his big belly's shadow. Narrowing his eyes, he looked from twin to twin without seeing any rail ticket in any hands. He queried, "Qu'est-ce que c'est? Where are your tickets to ride the train?"

Nanine looked with consternation at her sister, who looked back at her equally perplexed. Turning to the conductor, they both shrugged their shoulders and spread their hands out. Behind her gold wire-rimmed glasses, Nadine's eyes flashed wetly, while Nanine's lower lip trembled and the corners of her mouth turned down. Horst, distracted from their threatening tears by seeing their young breasts expand behind their open-throated uniform shirts as they lifted their angled elbows and sucked in great gulps of air, grumped, "Hmmph! Well look again. I will continue to the end of the car and return. I hope you find them. It will not go well if you don't."

As Reiner left the compartment and closed the door behind himself, the Corbin Twins bounced into each other in a collapsing hug. Nanine sobbed, "What are we going to do, Deenee? I was sure we put them in one of our valises, but I don't remember which one or where!"

Nadine squeezed her twin and choked back her own tears as she answered, "I thought that too, Neenee. But we mustn't lose our heads!" Breaking from the embrace, she said soberly, "Let's go through our coat pockets and purses. Perhaps we stuffed them there instead." Nanine nodded bravely then moved to the wall hooks where she had left her heavy overcoat, school jacket and black patent leather shoulder bag. Nadine did likewise on the compartment's other side, but all that they found were their striped school ties stuffed into their blazers' side pockets.

Out in the corridor, the gendarme complained, "That was a waste of my time. Two schoolgirls only. You said someone had reported they saw refugees in this car, but the next compartment down is empty and all the others are properly occupied."

"Oui, c'est vrai," agreed Horst amiably. "The information was incorrect, but one can't know that until it is checked out, yes? Go to the club car and have a café. This is only your first trip. Soon enough you'll get used to the boredom." He placed his hand on the policeman's shoulder to show that he understood the younger man's frustration, then gave him an avuncular push toward the front of the train and added, "I still have certain tasks to do. After the water stop in Chaumont, I will join you and you can give me the news from Strasbourg."

When the gendarme exited the car and Horst was alone in the corridor, he pulled from his right side vest pocket two first-class rail tickets from Basel to Gare de L'Est in Paris. Smiling, he recalled how the bahnhof café manager had hurried up to him on the platform and handed them to him while saying, "Two young girls from L'Ecole et Lycee Internationale were sharing bread and cheese, but they left these tickets behind when they were finished. Please, can you find them on the train?"

Carefully replacing the billets in his waistcoat, Reiner patted the wool pocket flat over them, then slid his pudgy palm from his gut to his groin and patted himself there, too, as he thought, "I found them, alright, mes amis and, if fortune smiles upon us, you will find them also." Pulling his silver Tissot savonette on its chain from his other vest pocket, he opened its hunter cover and stared as the sweep second-hand advanced tick-by-tick from the numeral one to the twelve. Decisively, he snapped the lid closed, re-pocketed the shiny watch and then rapped sharply on the Corbins' door, calling, "Mademoiselles! C'est moi, encore!"

When Nadine opened the slider, Le Conducteur masked the fact that he knew already what the answer must be as he asked, "Did you have any luck?" Nadine shook her shoulder-length teak brown hair then stepped backward to stand with downcast eyes beside her equally dejected sister. Following her into the compartment, he used his bulk to block their view while he unobtrusively flipped the closed door's latch to its locked position. Then, as he turned about-face, he said neutrally to his quarry, "Quel dommage. I must say that I'm not quite sure what to do, or even to think."

The girls looked up and cocked their heads quizzically. Horst continued, "My own daughter graduated from Lycee Internationale ten years ago. I know the young ladies there have always been held in the highest regard and yet, here you two are trying to steal a trip to Paris using the oldest trick on the chemin de fer! Tell me, what are your names and is Madame Housant still the headmistress at your school?"

Nanine squeezed her eyes tight and chewed her lips to keep from crying while Nadine stammered, "I-I am Nadine Corbin and this is my sister, Nanine. And, yes, Madame Housant is our headmistress, b-but please, Monsieur! You can't mean to tell her!... I mean, we didn't... we weren't... oh, s'il vous plaît! Can we do nothing to explain? To help ourselves?"

Having successfully bottled up her tears, Nanine chimed in, "Our father is meeting us at Gare de L'Est. He will pay you for our fares and punish us for our irresponsibility, too! Please, Monsieur Le Conducteur, do not inform Madame Housant! It will only upset her needlessly. We do not return to school until after the New Year!"

Reiner, exceedingly pleased by the early sincere efforts to appease him, congratulated himself, "You were very clever to bring the flic with you." As he gazed sternly from one panicked teen face to the other, he objected, "Oh, it's all very good when you are caught to say 'Papa will pay and punish us,' but thieving is a serious crime. I myself could be in trouble if I ignored it. Not only must I notify your school, I need to report the matter to the gendarme who was with me."

Both young women crowded quickly about the trainman. Nadine again pleaded, "Oh, non! S'il vous plaît, Monsieur!..."

Nanine interjected plaintively, "...Do not turn us over to the policeman! We really did have tickets and we truly have lost them!"

Reiner showily consulted his pocket watch. Then, while he returned the timepiece to his vest with his right hand, he swept his left arm to indicate the settee on that side of the compartment and invited, "Sit down. The train does not stop until Chaumont, two hours from now." Seeming to soften, he looked blandly at the girls and said, "You have plenty of time to convince me why I should not put you off there."

As the Corbins obediently sat and folded their hands in their laps like dutiful pupils, Horst raised the middle arm rest on the banquet seat on the compartment's other side, then plopped himself down centrally opposite them. Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees and rubbed his palms together below his chin as if he were praying. "Good," he praised. "Now suppose you begin at the beginning and tell me everything you know about the tickets and what happened to them."

Nadine looked at Nanine and gave her an encouraging nod. Accepting her delegated role, the younger twin decided 'the beginning' was when the taxi delivered them to the bahnhof at eight o'clock. As she recited aloud their activities in the train station, she described particularly the ticket master and details as trivial as a brief lavatory break, but still she was remarkably brief. After only a few minutes she found herself at her timetable's end.

Nanine concluded, "So, there we were, just finishing the bread and cheese we had bought with our last francs, when the loudspeaker blared that The Rhine-Seine Express was ready to depart! We were so surprised because it seemed like the station clock said it was nine only five minutes earlier and now it showed that the time was nearly eleven! We grabbed our bags and ran as quick as we could to board... Oh! Mon Dieu! DEENEE! We must have left our tickets laying on the table in our rush! OH! Monsieur, don't you see?"

Both girls' brown eyes grew so large they seemed to completely fill their glasses' lenses. Their realization of the truth struck them like a hammer blow and they bounced giddily on their cushions as they believed it would somehow set them free. The conductor settled back in his seat and eyed them in their elated state. Behind their uniform blouses, and below their matching cloisonné chalet pendants, their bulging junior tits jiggled to distraction.

Reiner pursed his lips then softly whistled two low notes before declaring, "That was an excellent story. And well told. Possibly true, but also possibly made-up and practiced. It is difficult for me to know, since the very subject it is supposed to prove is exactly what is missing."

Nadine rushed to her sister's defense, "But, sir! If we had tickets we would not need a story, and having no tickets, all we can do is tell our tale! What would you have us do to convince you? Can't you see the truth in our faces?"

Horst exclaimed, "Aha! There you have hit on the very conundrum which perplexes me! Can I see the truth?" Narrowing his eyes, and once again leaning forward, he raised his right index finger in the air as if to test the wind, then said, "You have given me an idea. If you wish me to see the truth, then come with me. If you do not, then by all means rest here and convince the gendarmes in Chaumont, instead."

The twins were horrified anew at the prospect of being treated like criminals in a city hundreds of kilometers away from home. They had no idea what Reiner had in mind, but they were certain nothing could be as bad as the alternative he just described. Standing up, they moved toward their blazers on the wall hooks as Nanine agreed for both of them, "D'accord, Monsieur. We'll go with you. We want you to see."

"Very well, then," Horst answered. "Leave your coats and bags. They won't be needed and this compartment is yours, at least for the next two hours." He rose and pushed past the teens before they could discover he had locked the door. As he released the catch and opened the slider, he ordered, "Follow me." Like the proverbial lambs, they trailed him down the narrow corridor toward the rear of the train.

The last car in the construct immediately presented a different level of luxury from the first-class travel carriage the trio just exited. The hall carpet was deep blue with gold edge stripes and the walls were highly polished elm with decorative gold leaf designs surrounding discreet gold light sconces. Reiner's pride showed in his voice as he said, "This is our newest Wagon-Lit sleeper for Classe Empire passengers. It will be formally unveiled for line use next week. Tonight is its final trial run and so, being empty, it is perfect for our privacy as we explore the truth together." Stopping at the first compartment door, he opened it and ushered in the twins while he concluded, "This is the Family Salon."

Nadine and Nanine drew astonished breaths as they entered what looked like nothing so much as a well-appointed complete, if small, hotel suite. In front of the left view window was a dinette with bench seating for four persons. Next to it, beneath the center and right windows was standard made-up double bed. To their right, they could see through an open slider to another section which contained bunk beds on its far wall.

Behind the Corbins, Horst closed and secured the main door, then invited, "Take a look around. You will see all the comforts a weary traveler might need. In the next room there is even a private bath with room for a passenger to take a shower!" The girls followed his instruction and were very impressed by everything they saw. Returning to the larger room, they slid onto the leftmost upholstered bench and looked across the table at their tour guide standing beside the big bed.

The conductor squeezed his bulk onto the bench opposite Nadine and Nanine. Capturing their four knees between his own, he minutely pressured their outer legs with his calves as he acknowledged, "This is a tight fit for me, but at least I can get a closer look at your faces. Please take off your glasses, so that I may better see your eyes." When they placed their wire-rims on the table, he scanned their dark irises while he kept his arms carefully folded in front of himself. After several long seconds, he nodded and said, "Very lovely, indeed, but clearly you fear something."

Nanine bravely offered, "Only that you will not believe us and will tell Madame Housant and the police something which is not true, but will cause us to be unjustly punished."

Horst retorted, "Only that, eh?" Reaching out both hands, he lifted the twins' pendants from their necks and mused, "Where did these little baubles come from, I wonder? Maybe you are not only railway thieves, but shoplifters, as well!" As he toyed with the trinkets he deliberately brushed his knuckle backs on the flesh triangles exposed by the girls' shirts' undone top two buttons.

Nadine did not know whether the electric current flying from the conductor's fingers down her breastbone to her tummy was from fear or excitement, but she could not ignore his words. She blurted, "Non, Monsieur! Please! Believe us, we are not thieves! We are good girls and these pendants were gifts we got at a birthday party just this evening!"

Nanine, too, could not help but wiggle beneath Reiner's light, almost tickling, touch. Supporting her sister's protest, she added, "C'est vrai, Monsieur! It was our friend's eighteenth birthday and her uncle gave all of us these small necklaces as mementos. We have not stolen anything, ever!"

"Hmmph," grunted the conductor. "Saying so doesn't make it so." He dropped the petit chalets from his hands then abruptly, and gruffly, directed, "Take them off."

The teens looked at each other, then reached up under their long hair to find the clasps while Nadine answered, "D'accord. Anything that will help you to see we are not fibbing."

Horst promptly corrected the misunderstanding. "No, not the pendants. Your shirts. Remove your shirts and allow me to see what else may be hidden there."

Nanine's mouth opened in a shocked 'O' and her eyes crossed as she processed what she thought she heard. Nadine's cheeks flushed and she stuttered, "M-monsieur! You c-can't mean..."