Rich has an Adventure Ch. 03


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"I told you, we both know what it's like to be with a guy. Now move on."

"We could help get your little girlfriend knocked up too."

"That's harder than you might think, but we're not fucking interested. Get it?"

The two guys finally moved on, though it took two other guys telling them that they weren't wanted before they finally gave up. The two guys who came to our aid were both gay, though it was obvious that they spent time working out at the gym, and neither one of them appeared to exactly be pansies. They told us about a gay club a few miles away, and told us we'd have a lot fewer problems hanging out there.

After dinner, we went to the club. They put a wrist band on me showing I could drink, and one on Sarah showing that she couldn't. By this time, Sarah was still only 19, though I was 21, and even if she hadn't been pregnant, she couldn't drink in that state. I didn't think it was fair for me to drink, when she couldn't.

We danced, drank sodas, and met a number of gay and lesbian couples who congratulated us on our wedding. There were two women who discreetly wondered whether we would like to have a little foursome. Honestly, I don't need other women, and I didn't think they would appreciate what I had between my legs, so we politely declined.

Later we met a young woman named Keri. As we talked, she said had had just broken up with her boyfriend and had always been curious about being with a woman. Sarah inquired further.

"You really are curious about being with a woman?"

"I don't really want to overstep anything."

"It isn't a problem. Rachel and I have been in threesomes before."

"I've never been in a threesome, much less with two women."

"It isn't quite what it seems. One of us has a penis."

"You mean, one of you...?"

"Just be cool. We'd rather not broadcast it. And if you aren't interested, we understand."

"How would that work?"

"Similar to being with a guy and a woman, except both of us have boobs. Both of us could lick your pussy. We can do what you are comfortable with."

Keri came back to our hotel with us. She seemed kind of nervous. I wasn't sure if she was nervous over being with a woman or if it was because I wasn't all woman. We had all taken Ubers to the club, so we took one together to the hotel. The three of us sat in the backseat, with Keri between Sarah and I. During the trip, Sarah spent time kissing Keri, and I spent time kissing Keri.

"As far as anyone here needs to know, we're just all girlfriends hanging out together."

"Be a lot more hanging out before we're done."

We all giggled at that and walked into the hotel arm in arm together. Sarah and I hadn't been drinking so we were pretty sober, but Keri had a few drinks. She wasn't drunk, but she'd had enough to relax a little. We rode the elevator to our floor, trying to behave, since there were other guests in the elevator, as well. We got to the room and went in.

"How is this going to work, then?"

I took off my top, but not yet my bra. I was wearing a cute skirt, while Sarah was wearing jeans with a blousy top. Because of the attire, Keri thought Sarah had the penis. Keri came over and began to kiss me. I led her to the bed, pulling off her top along the way. We lay down on the bed, kissing and stroking each other.

"I've never touched another girl's boobs before."

I took off my bra to let Keri see my breasts. She reached out tentatively, almost as though she was afraid to touch them. I took her hand and placed it firmly on one of my boobs. She began to stroke it, as I reached behind her and unhooked her bra. We got her bra completely off and I began to caress Keri's boobs as she fondled mine.

We kissed as we played with each other's breasts, then I broke the kiss to come down and kiss one of her boobs. She moaned and leaned back as I kissed and licked one titty while I stroked the other one. She began to move her hips as I switched sides to kiss the other one, while caressing the first. Keri ran her hands through my hair as I made love to her breasts, until Keri came with one massive orgasm.

"I don't know if I can go back to guys now. No man has even made me feel like that."

Keri was wearing a skirt, and I unzipped it. She lifted her hips and I pulled off her skirt and panties in one motion. I tossed them to one side, as Keri spread her legs. Sarah began to kiss Keri as I moved down to kiss Keri's pussy. Sarah had taken off her bra and Keri fondled Sarah's boobs as I licked Keri's pussy. I put my tongue in her until her clit started to appear, then licked and sucked on her clit as I stuck a finger in her.

Keri began to move her hips around and frankly to fuck my finger and tongue as she and Sarah kissed and played with each other's boobs. Keri was wet enough that one finger went easily and after a bit, I added a second finger. I thought she was going to throw me off the bed, she was pumping her hips so hard.

Finally, she thrust her hips forward, and closed her legs around my head, holding it tight as she had her second orgasm of the night. She slumped back on the bed, panting and gasping for air as her orgasm ran through her. Finally, she lifted her head and looked at me.

"Being with a woman was better than I ever imagined it could be. But I should return the favor by licking your pussy."

Sarah spoke up at this point. "If you want to lick a pussy, you'll have to lick mine."

Keri looked at Sarah, then looked at me, then back and forth between us a couple of times. "You mean, she... and you...?"

Keri looked at Sarah and saw her baby bump, now that she was topless. Before she had been so involved in being eaten out and kissing Sarah that she'd never noticed. Now, Sarah unzipped her jeans and pulled off jeans and panties baring her sweet little pussy, that I loved so much. I took off my skirt and panties, letting my cock out. Sarah rolled onto her back and spread her legs.

"You can lick me, or Rachel can, but I need someone."

Keri rolled over and put her face down near Sarah's pussy. She got on all fours and spread her legs wider, opening her up. Keri gave a tentative lick to Sarah's pussy, before turning to me.

"You made me feel so good that I suppose you should get your fun too. But my pussy please, I don't want anything in my ass."

Keri returned to licking Sarah's pussy, as I got behind Keri and eased my cock into her pussy. After two orgasms, Keri was really wet, and I slid in very easily. Sarah feels a little tighter, but Sarah is also my true love, and it wouldn't matter whose pussy felt better. I began to slowly fuck Keri as she ate out Sarah. I came before Sarah did, pumping Keri's pussy full of my cum.

As Keri kept licking Sarah, I moved around and began to kiss Sarah and play with her boobs, as Sarah played with mine. Before too long Sarah came. We all paused to catch our breath, before rolling on our sides. Sarah stuck my prick in her pussy, as she licked Keri's pussy, while Keri and I kissed and played with each other's boobs.

We fucked, kissed, licked, and sucked in all manner of configurations before we finally just collapsed and went to sleep. I woke in the morning with Keri spooning me, as Sarah spooned Keri. We had another round of fun in the morning before the three of us got in the otherwise large shower to shower together. What is spacious for one and not bad for two was a little cramped with three, but we touched and kissed and licked and washed each other.

Keri dressed, and before she left, she kissed both Sarah and I then looked at me. "If I found a girl like Rachel, I'd never turn her loose."

Sarah wrapped her arm around me and put her head on my shoulder. "I don't ever intend to."


We didn't really want to miss Christmas, so after a few days in Florida, we flew back to be with our families. We had a great holiday, both with Sarah's family and mine. Sarah's grandparents were there at her place. They'd been at the wedding, though so much had gone on that I never spent any time with them.

Sarah's mother had made the grandparents aware of what I was and they seemed curious, but not unfriendly. We talked for a while, mostly about innocuous things like what I was majoring in at college, what courses I was taking, what I wanted to do when I graduated, and such. After a while the grandfather turned to me.

"I really don't understand so many of today's kids. We were happy with what we were, or at least learned to live with it."

"Circumstances can lead us in directions we would not have expected to go."

"You like what you've done?"

"I love Sarah, and love being with her."

"You love my granddaughter so much you did this?"

"You think I'm the first guy who has changed in order to get a woman?"

"No, but I've never heard of guys changing quite like this."

"I don't care that much about how I dress, but I love her, and if this makes her happy, then I'm happy."

"You must love her a great deal, and I guess I have to respect that, whether or not I understand it."

He walked away shaking his head. The next morning we went to my parent's house. We spent Christmas morning with my family, and Christmas eve and Christmas night with Sarah's. We heard nothing from Sarah's father, who had dropped off the face of the earth as far as I could tell. Then again, I kind of hoped he would, since I never wanted to see him again.


As we drove to my parent's house, I was pulled over by the police. It was the same officer who had threatened me with arrest, in order to get me to suck his dick.

"Oh fuck, it's the little faggot again."

"Why did you stop me officer?"

"Don't give me any shit, faggot, unless you want a lot worse than last time."

"I have the right to know why you stopped me."

"Get out of the car."

I got out of the car. He pushed down on my shoulders. "On your knees."

I got down on my knees. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. "Now you can do what you did before."

I looked over to where Sarah was recording the whole thing on her phone. I stood back up and stepped back. He stepped toward me. "Let's see how you like the men's lockup at County. You'll wish the fuck you had sucked my dick instead."

At that point, Sarah spoke up. "I've been live-streaming this whole exchange. I wonder how your superiors will like that."

He looked over at Sarah. "Give me that fucking phone."

"No chance, besides it's already out on the internet."

"You're lying."

"Nope, and you'd be amazed at the attention it's gotten."

At that point his radio beeped. "Officer Harris, return to the station immediately."

"I'm in the middle of a traffic stop."

"Not anymore, you're not. Get back to the station now."

He turned white, and looked at me, and looked at Sarah. "You haven't heard the end of this."

"My mother is Caroline Lopez, and my grandparents are Richard and Emilia Lopez. Unless you're even stupider than I thought, we have heard the end of this and of you."

He turned very red, walked back to his car and burned rubber driving away, narrowly missing me as I came back to our car. I got back in the car and drove on. Later we heard that he had been allowed to resign and had moved to another state, where he was working for a private security firm. Apparently he'd checked around and the video had been widely enough circulated that no police departments wanted him.


School started and it was my last semester. I had the job at the apartment complex, but worried about what else I might be able to do. Sarah found a few classes that were partly on-line and signed up for those so she wouldn't miss a semester while having the baby. It was due a little before the end of the semester.

By now we knew we were having a girl. In a way, that was a relief. I wasn't sure about trying to raise a son while living as a woman. I know lesbian couples raise children, including boys, but I felt a little weird about that. Raising a little girl seemed so much easier.

I was at work one day, when the manager walked in. "I think you need to handle this prospective tenant."

Into my office walked a 6'1" woman, 180 pounds with broad shoulders and a masculine face and a deep voice. She said her name was Giselle and she walked in looking very wary, as she sat down.

"So you're looking for a place to live."

"I've had problems with previous landlords."

"What kinds of problems?"

"They didn't approve of my 'lifestyle'."

"Anything else?"

"I mind my business, and follow the law."

"No loud music, no raucous parties?"

"No. I live quietly and don't have many visitors. But you couldn't possibly understand the problems I've faced."

"I think I understand better than you might believe."

"I doubt that."

"My dead name was Richard."

Her eyes narrowed and she leaned forward as she looked at me. "No fucking way."

"As long as you aren't breaking any laws or disturbing the neighbors, we shouldn't have a problem."

Her voice got softer as she spoke. "Do you have a boyfriend - husband?"

"I have a wife - a woman."

"Still, you're fish."

I hadn't heard the term before and Giselle explained it was used to describe a trans woman who easily passed as a woman.

I was curious about Giselle. "So where are you in your transition?"

"I'm taking HRT, but can't afford any of the surgeries."

"I had breast implants, but no bottom surgery and no HRT."

"Why not?"

"My wife likes my penis, and so do I."

"You must be more enby or gender fluid or gender queer than true trans."

"I'm not hung on labels. I'm just Rachel, married to Sarah."

"I feel a little better knowing there's someone here who kind of understands what I put up with."

We had Giselle move into an apartment. One neighbor complained about her and said they didn't like living near 'that kind of person'. I tried to be nice to them and calm them down but essentially told them that Giselle was minding her own business and that they should as well. "If it bothers you that much, you can move to another part of the apartment complex." They moved out when their lease was up.


Our daughter Jody was born just before the end of the semester. She was a little late, but we decided not to induce labor unless there seemed to be some sort of issue. I went with Sarah to the hospital when her water broke, and our beautiful daughter was born not long after we got there. There were three women already there getting ready to give birth and Sarah had Jody before any of them gave birth.

Little Jody had lots of people doting over her, besides Sarah and I, there was Suzanne, Caroline, my mother, Julie, Kelly, and Sarah's grandparents. Poor little thing almost drowned in attention, but better to be loved. Caroline said Jody looked a lot like Sarah, when she was a baby. To me she was the second most wonderful girl in the world, after Sarah, of course.

Caroline came to the apartment complex office to talk to me about a career. "You're good, but I don't think you want to spend the rest of your life as an apartment complex manager."

"No, but I'm not looking forward to the job search."

"Last summer, you worked at the company where my ex-husband was."

"Yeah, but..."

"He's long gone. Part of the divorce. My parents are major stockholders there, and I know the company liked your work."

"And they'd hire me back, regular like?"

"They have an opening in finance that has your name on it, if you want it."


"To be fair, most of the finance crew and the upper level folks have MBAs."

"I only have my bachelor's."

"The company will pay for your schooling getting your MBA, though it means sacrificing some family time."

"I'd have to talk to Sarah."

"I already did. She's willing to give you a couple nights a week to take classes."

"Then let's do it."

"You're a smart girl. You can go far, if you want to."

I hugged her, then went home to hug my wife and baby girl.

Two years ago, I'd never have expected the life I found. I have a wife I love and who loves me, a baby daughter, and a good job. Was it worth the price? If you'd asked my beforehand, I don't know what I'd have said, but I don't regret my life or my choices.

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Camguy4funCamguy4funover 1 year ago

A terrific story. And I echo many of the other commenters. I know you noted that you rarely do sequels but this one definitely deserved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Awesome story. I always fantasize about being like Rachel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Where do you get the ideas, your mind works in wonderful ways for everyone reading the stories, why not get them published x Hollie

ShelbyDawn57ShelbyDawn57over 2 years ago

Love the story especially the happy ending. I especially loved that while Kelly 'forced' the issue, she was never spiteful of vindictive like so many other stories. In my heart, I don't think she would have shared the videos even if he had said no.

Keep up the good work. Now, off to find another of your stories to read...

LisaBrooksLisaBrooksover 5 years ago
It's All Great!

My first comment was Sarah's father! He was a total tool! As to Rachel's father he was also a closed minded individual that probably grew up as a kid hating queers and faggots! The attitude was deep seeded in him and the rest of the community that treated Rachel with total disdain! Officer Harris, Richard's/Rachel's father, Sarah's father and possibly Ben all got their just do! As a trans woman, myself, I have not gone out waving the rainbow flag only to know many people have a great disdain from words to physical harm and even death! It's to bad too! jackie_em this was a great story showing the kids love for one another and the negatives of life as a crossdresser or trans woman! I thank Kelly's character for making it all happen!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

absolutely love your fantasy trans stories ( love happy endings) !! . if only transition was this easy in real life- sigh . please keep writing- and thank you.

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