Rise of the Sexbies


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"OK, to get to Camp ATL, I have to travel with you?"

"No, you can travel by yourself. It's thirty miles north on I-95. But, it's safer in a group."

"Fine, I'll join you, but one wrong move, I'll fucking shoot you, Deal?" she bargained turning slightly to reveal the Kimber Super Carry .45ACP stashed in her pink shorts while she ate.

"Deal. After we eat, I'll pack up. Have you ever been to the strip mall three miles southwest of here?"

"No, why?"

"We need gas. I hoped to find it here, but I found nothing. When I passed, I noticed that strip mall has a gas station. I have a truck back at I-95, but it ran out of gas. Seen a working car around here?" asked Stronghold as he told Harley the plan.

"Nope, I ain't seen a working car in a while. Shit, years."

After packing up and distinguishing the fire, the couple started walking southwest down Rural Route 4525. It only took twenty minutes before the silence is finally broken. The couple started talking and communicating with each other. Stronghold told Harley about his military career. How he first started in the Army Reserves before transferring to the ARC division. He explained to Harley how he was the youngest recruit to raise to the rank of Captain. Harley answers with a roll of her eyes.

"Why are you on your own?" Stronghold asked Harley.

"Because I like the quite, Dumbass, why do you think?"

"Your old camp broke up?"

"Bingo, smart and has a gun," Harley replied with a crooked smile on her face.

Stronghold notices the expression and thought, 'She is warming to me'. He continues, "A gang attacked your camp?"


Stronghold knew the one answer reply meant to drop the subject. However, after staring at her voluptuous chest all morning, he had to ask, "Why the outfit?"

With her middle finger raised to him, she replied, "For you, Fuck face."

Stronghold believed her first story about no clothes is half true, but he dropped the subject. After two miles into the three-mile hike, he announced, "I have to piss."

"You want an award."

"No thank you, but I will head to the South side on the road, if you need to pee, you can take the bushes on the North side."

"How chivalrous, you are."

Heading down the slight incline, Stronghold said over his shoulder, "I try to be," ignoring her rude comment. He realized her defenses are still up. She had no desire to let anyone an inch close to her.

He found a tree and relieved himself. Before his stream had finished, he sensed being watched. Starting to know Harley, he thought, 'No way, she's watching'. As he walked slowly back to the road, Captain Stronghold, silently and with minimal movement, withdrew his two handguns. Holding one in each hand, Stronghold noticed Harley was not on the road. He called out to her, "Harley!"

As he saw Harley come in view from behind the bush, he noticed out of the corner of his eyes, movement. He raised both pistols to aim at each shadow in his peripheral. Harley came fully into view. Stronghold clearly made out the tall man with a beer belly and a long brown beard. He's holding Harley's gun to her head from behind her. The Bearded man said, "Easy cowboy! Any sudden moves and the bitch gets shot in the head."

"Who the Fuck? You calling, a bitch, asshole?"

"It's OK. Everyone take it easy," Stronghold said calm while breathing slowly. His eyes are trained on Bearded man.

"Be a fine piece of pussy to waste. Drop your gun, cowboy."

"Piece of what?" Harley hissed with a pissed tone in her voice.

The entire scene slowed for Stronghold. As he heard Harley's last comment, he predicted her actions by her muscles tensing. In one movement, she stomped her left boot on Bearded man's foot as her right-hand griped his wrist holding her gun. She raised the gun in the air as she twisted on his foot counter clockwise. Her left-hand lowered to her boot causing her to lean down slightly. The boot had a silver handle protruding from it. Stronghold never noticed she had a blade stashed. When her boot stomped, the grip must have popped out from the boot. The grip was an inch thick by five inches long, and by the shining glint of the metal, Stronghold noticed it was razor sharp as the blade came into view.

When Stronghold saw Harley grasp the blade, he pulled the triggers of his handguns, twice. The high caliber hallow-point bullets exploded the heads of each shadow in Stronghold's peripheral vision. As the two shadow bodies fell to the ground, Harley was twisting which brought her facing Breaded man. With her left arm curled in a 'C', her arm followed the twisting motion.

Harley's left-hand raised to Bearded man's neck. With the motion moving her hand, the razor sharp blade sliced Bearded man's neck. His hot thick dark blood shot from his artery. The sudden shock of having his throat cut caused the man to release the handgun into Harley's grip. As Bearded man fell to the ground dying, an Eagle came in view on the back of his jacket.

Harley's pirouette continued after slicing the man's neck. Her movement kept blood from squirting on her. Stronghold stepped to Bearded man. With a close range shot to the back of his head, Stronghold ensured Bearded man's death. He turned to Harley.

"Are you safe?" Stronghold asked as he lowered his arm and stepped closer to her.

"Yeah, you?"

"Perfect, we should get going before someone comes around looking for these guys."

"Yep, going is a good idea," Harley agreed as she bent to wipe the blood off the knife on Bearded man's jacket then snapped it back into her boot. Her blank stare informed Stronghold she was shaken.

"Wow, you're awesome," Stronghold complimented her holstering his firearms. He drugged Breaded man a couple of feet off the road by a bush. With more effort, he pulled the two bodies belonging to the shadows under bushes on their side of the road. He used broken tree limbs to cover the bodies.

Stronghold returned to her and took Harley's hand. Since Harley was in a daze, he led her down the road. The couple walked the road back the way they came. "I was awesome, too. Dropped two bad guys at the same time."

"Whatever, you just pulled a trigger. I was like a fucking ninja."

Harley's attitude returned. The banter enlightened Stronghold. He thought, 'She'll be fine'. He tried to step on most of his old footsteps to confuse anyone who tried to track them. As he held her hand, he noticed the contact and is surprised to feel she had interlaced her fingers with his fingers. The soft female contact stirred his crotch.

"Yep, a hot ninja but give me credit. Two headshots at the same time," Stronghold said looking over to Harley.

She turned to him and their eyes locked for a moment. She dropped her grasps on his hand when she noticed the moment they share. Her pale skin accented her flushed cheeks. The compliment was having a positive effect. "Yeah, you're awesome, too. Why are we heading backwards?" Harley asked.

"To cover our tracks. Now, stop and stand still," Stronghold said after a quarter mile back.

Harley complied. She froze almost perfectly still. She asked, "Now, what?"

"We jump for the woods. Try not to break any branches."

After giving Harley the instruction, Stronghold took a leap off the road and into a clear spot in the woods. He turned back to Harley. Holding a hand out to help pull her into the woods, he watched her make the leap. With the grace of a swan, Harley's leap was further than her travel partner's leap. She gracefully walked into the woods.

"Wow, dang ninja," Stronghold said.

"Yep, just claimed the awesome title back."

Picking up a fallen tree branch, the army Captain used his survival training. He used the branch to move leaves and other forest debris to cover their tracks. He said, "Walk slowly. zig zag when you can, and try to not break branches or high weeds. I will walk directly behind you covering your tracks."

"Army teach you this?"

"Yes, and the boy scouts," Stronghold replied. After the couple walked a couple thousand feet into the woods, he said, "OK, Good. Stop. Now, I would love to walk behind you staring at your rear, but I think I should lead using the compass."

With a soft giggle, Harley replied, "You're a fucking pervert."

"Just trying to make you laugh, ma'am. It worked," he replied with a smile on his face. "Now, we do have to walk holding hands, so we follow the same path. Unless, you want me to carry you."

With the second roll of her eyes and a smile, Harley held her hand out to him. She said with her sexy southern accent, "You wish, I would let you carry me. Then your hands will be close to my juicy ass, pervert."

"I can't argue with you, ma'am,"

"Harley," replied Harley.


"Call me, Harley. I did just save your life," Harley said with a crooked smile.

"OK, Harley. Call me, Lloyd."

"OK, Captain," Harley answered noticing Stronghold's slanted glare. She just gave her heartbreaking smile in return. When added with a tilt of the head, it destroyed.

Stronghold took a hold of her right hand with his left hand. He uses the compass in his watch on his right hand to guide them through the forest. They walked a moon shape through the woods back to Rural Route 4525. When they stepped back on the road, the couple was about half a mile ahead of the kill site with the three Eagle members. Stronghold glanced east down the road towards the kill site.

"So, why don't you curse?" asked Harley.

"I believe it comes with leading others and using an advanced vocabulary."

"Fuck you, Boy Scout. If you're implying I don't have a vocab..."

Stronghold cuts her off, "I didn't mean that. My mother always taught me to speak proper, and when I lost her 10 years ago, that was one session I remembered the most."

"Oh, Sorry. Fucking Boy Scout," Harley said with a soft laugh. Stronghold smiled back in response.

Stronghold kept looking towards the kill site. Not seeing any movement behind them, the travel companions started back on their journey. With absolutely zero complaints, Stronghold noted Harley was still holding his hand. Again, her soft smooth skin caused a reaction in his crotch. Looking over at her vast chest bouncing to the pace of her walk did not help cool his passion.

Chapter 2

As Stronghold and Harley approached the coming town where the strip mall resided, nightfall had completely come. The detour through the forest had set the travelers back a few hours. Now, it was pitch black outside. With too many shadows covering the land, the couple looked for shelter. An abandoned store on the outskirts of the small town looked to be in best option.

Stronghold griped both of his firearms as he stepped through the broken glass door. Harley with her weapon in hand followed directly behind him. Slowly scanning the dust cover store the pair looked left and right with flashlights. The thick smell of mold and weather aged wood filled the store, but the store didn't have the smell of rot. This is a good sign.

When a store had a freezer full of non-looted food, the smell could be unbearable. Also, if a building had a decaying body, the smell gave that away. This store had no foul odor. The abandon dusty look and moldy smell relaxed Stronghold a bit. The travelers made their way to the back of the store.

They opened a few doors scanning the store. One of the doors opened into an almost bare office. With only a couple of high small windows and a solid door, the old office looked to be a safe place to sleep. Stronghold stepped into the office; he scanned the room with a flashlight and noted it was empty.

He turned back to Harley. Stronghold glanced over her full-figure before he said, "I think we should sleep in here tonight. It looks safe."

"Together?" Harley asked as her eyes catch his eyes on her chest. "Are you gonna be good?"

Stronghold moved his glance to meet Harley's harsh stare, he stepped closer to her. He blushed, noticing he was caught staring, and replied, "Yes, ma'am. I promise. I just want to get us both to camp, safe."

Harley closed the distance between them. Her eyes locked on his eyes. Due to Stronghold being half a foot taller than her, she had to tip-toe to kiss him on the chin. It was a quick sweet soft closed lips kiss. After the kiss, Harley said with a crooked smile on her red lips, "OK. I trust you, pervert."

"What was that for?" Stronghold asked stunned.

"Earlier. You were awesome. Thanks!"

"You're welcome. You were too, ninja," Stronghold said with a grin as he holstered his guns and lowered his pack to the ground. "I'm going to check the rest of the store. Lock the door behind me and point your gun at it. If I don't return, shoot before you open the door."

"I'll come with you."

"No, I will be quicker on my own. I won't be more than a few minutes. You have my pack there's my bow and a handgun inside. You'll be fine, ninja," Stronghold said as he withdrew his pistols. Holding both firearms, he moved out of the office. He turned back to watch Harley shut the door. As their eyes met, he said, "I'll be back."

Ten minutes later, Harley heard a knocking on the door. She said nothing. Her heart was racing. Captain Stronghold said, 'few minutes'. It has now been over ten minutes. Before she decided to start firing her cannon through the door, she heard Stronghold's voice.

"Ninja, it's me. It's all safe. You can open the door."

Harley slowly opened the door. She glanced behind Stronghold and saw zero threats. She reached her left hand out and grabbed his shirt. She pulled him to her and back on her tip-toes, she kisses him. This time, the kiss is deeper and passionate. Her lips parts and interlocks between his lips. After less than ten seconds, she pulls back and lowers completely on her feet.

"Wow. What's that for?"

"For returning and honestly protecting me," Harley answered. The hand which grabbed his shirt released him and pulled back. With Stronghold in a daze, her fist connected with his unprepared gut. The blow caused his breath to gust out of him. "And, that's for making me worry."

Harley stepped away from the door so Stronghold could stumble into the office. He seemed to take a full minute to catch his breath. While he continued to gasp, she walked to the metal desk in the office and sat on top of it. She smiled watching him recover.

Stronghold straightened to stand just seconds after the unexpected punch. He shut the office door as he continued to take slow breaths. As he caught his breath, he locked the door's deadbolt. Looking around the office for more to block the door, he saw Harley sitting on a metal desk. She was watching him recover with a slight smile on her face. He thought, 'Did the near death experience, his presence, or lack of Z3 pills excite her'. Looking over her voluptuous body with her thick thighs crossed as she sat on top of the desk, he couldn't stop himself from walking to her.

"We need this desk to block the door," Stronghold said standing in front of her.

"Well, I am not moving. You'll have to move me."

As Stronghold stepped closer to Harley, their eyes locked as he pulled her legs apart to step closer. She didn't fight. By the intense look he saw in her eyes, he followed his instant. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Stronghold felt her accept his kiss as she allowed him to stand between her legs. His hands moved to grip her sides. Harley lifted her arms to wrap around Stronghold's neck.

Harley's hands ran through his dark sandy blond hair. His hair is long for a military man. She thought, 'He must be a few weeks past due for a buzz cut'. Her fingers separated and traced a path through his hair before she closed her hand and gentle but firmly gripped his hair. She felt her shirt rise as her arms locked around his neck. It was a miracle the half shirt didn't release her firm immense chest. The tight shirt raised and lifted her breast making them appear mountainous inside the stretched fabric. Her lips separated with his lips as their make-out intensifies.

Stronghold's hand traced around her back then lowered to her plump rear. His lips locked with hers in a passionate battle. He tasted her cherry lip gloss and his nose took in the sweet scent of her. His large hands slid under her round ass, and he lifted her up off the desk. Her response to being lifted off the desk was wrapping her thick thighs around his waist.

His mind relayed the positive response to his crotch. Feeling her full ass in his hands, the passion from her kiss, and the fact her crotch was rubbing over his crotch caused a major effect. His lions start to turn and his excitement grew.

"Ouch, move your gun," Harley said pulling back from his kiss.

"That's not my sidearm."

"Captain!! Set me the fuck down."

Stronghold complied and set her down. He glanced down at the vast tent in his pants. He was afraid this could happen. The passionate embrace just intensified his concern.

"Harley, being with you, I was already feeling the sexual response, and I guess your kiss...Well"

With a roll of her eyes, Harley said, "I liked it, too. However, I wasn't thinking of fucking your brains out."

"It's different for guys. For some women, the lack of Z3 pills has zero effect on them."

"Well, you need to put that away."

"I am trying to relax," Stronghold said lifting the short metal desk into place blocking the door.

Stronghold took some cardboard boxes out of the corner of the office and flattens them out to lie on the floor. He started to unpack his water canteen and some energy bars when his raging hard-on was too much for him.

"Fudge, Harley. This is starting to hurt and swell."

While he was unpacking, she sat back on top of the metal desk and was combing her hair which is in ponytails. "What?" Harley replied looking over at him.

"My tent. It's not going down. It's swelling."

"So, go in a corner and handle your "tent". Problem solved."

"It won't work. I need your help."

"You think, I'm gonna jerk you off?? Seriously!!?!!"

"It's not sexual. It's like medical help. A penis in this state won't be completely satisfied by self-manipulation. It's been studied."

With her middle finger in the air, she replied, "Study this."

"Thanks, you know my risk of conversion grows every minute. I'm fucked."

Hearing him curse for the first time since they met a day ago, Harley started to believe him. Plus, she had read something about the lack of results from self-masturbation. She couldn't remember what it said exactly. She lets out a loud sigh and rolled her eyes at him, again. She said, "Fine. I'll help you. But, I'm just using my hand. You ain't fucking me."

Turning to her from the opposite side of the office, his intense look of doom dropped from his face instantly as he registered her statement. "Are you serious? You will?" he asked with hope in his voice.

"Yes, pervert. I will give you a handjob, but you owe me."

"My life," he replied cutting her off. Stronghold moved across the office to stand once again in front of Harley as she kneeled on the cardboard. With the wood panel walls behind her, he asked, "Do you want me to remove my pants?"

"Yep, Captain. Just drop your pants and cough," she replied with a head tilt and a smile. The look on her face implied complying, but he sensed she wants it over.

Stronghold loosened his belt and buttons for his pants. His thumbs caught his boxers as he lowered the clothes below his waistline to the floor. Prior to setting up the office for the night, he had removed his sidearm and other weapons. As he straightened back up, his raging manhood came in view. His intense hard-on felt like it's at its peak size.

Harley watched Stronghold lower and remove his pants. When his cock came into view, her mouth dropped open to gape at its size. She had heard of some men being overly endowed in the manhood department like some women are in the chest department, like her. But, Fuck. His dick was a monster. Without thinking, her legs separated as she leaned closer to him.