Rita's Pregnancy


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To kill the rest of the day until it was time to go home I went to the AMC Theatre Complex and bought a ticket to see "Star Wars. The Last Jedi." It was so bad that I got up and left. Seeing Leia floating through space after her transport was hit, the dumbass Pretorian Guards and those silly birds told me that all the movie was going to be was special effects and weird looking characters. I swung by work to see if anything had popped up while I was gone that might need my immediate attention and finding nothing I killed the rest of the day at the gym working out.

I didn't know if I had it in me to pretend all was right with my world when I got home to Rita, but I guess I was able to. At least Rita didn't show any signs that she thought something was wrong in my behavior. We had dinner and then Rita said dessert would be served in the bedroom. I didn't really want to knowing that another man had been in her earlier that day, but to have said no would have made her wonder and I didn't want that. I had to hide what I knew until after the baby was born.

However reluctant I might have been to follow Bobby into her once we got going the reluctance evaporated. I don't know what she got out of Bobby earlier in the day, but she got four out of me before I couldn't get it up again and we fell asleep cuddled up next to each other.


Rita was still asleep when I got out of bed in the morning. I made coffee and then sat down at the table and drank it while I thought about what to do. I was still thinking on it when Rita came into the kitchen, poured herself a cup and then sat down opposite me.

"You should have awaked me so we could have started the day out right."

'Not hardly. I barely had enough energy in me to make it here to the kitchen. I'm going to need the day to recover."

"Then you had better take a lot of vitamins today. You'll need them for tonight. You have four days to make up for."

She got up and started putting breakfast together and as I watched her I decided what to do about Bobby in the short run and it would no doubt bleed over to Rita when Bobby told her (as I was sure he would) what I'd laid on him. It should disrupt whatever the two of them had going.

When I got to work I called Bobby and asked him to meet me for lunch. We met at Pegasus and as soon as the waitress had taken our order and headed for the kitchen I dropped it on him.

"The reason I wanted to see you today was to sound you out on something. Rita is cheating on me. I don't know how long it has been going on and I doubt that I'll ever know, but I have proof that she is. I've hired a private investigator and I should know pretty soon who she is stabbing me in the back with.

"I know you and Alice see her a lot when I'm on trips. Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?"

He gave me a thoughtful look and then said "I haven't noticed anything that I can think of. Are you sure you aren't just imaging things?"

"I'm certain. I've got proof that she is fucking somebody, but I just don't know who. That's why I hired the private detective."

Our order arrived and we ate without speaking. When I finished my lunch I changed the subject and we talked about sports and how his business was coming along until it was time for me to head back to work. On my way back to the office I was wondering how long it would take Bobby to call Rita and let her know I knew she was screwing around on me and that I had hired a detective to get the goods on her.

There wasn't any detective of course; I just made that up figuring it would keep Bobby and Rita apart. I didn't think he was stupid enough to go near her if he knew she was being watched. And I of course also wondered how Rita was going to react to the news that I knew she was cheating on me. And then I wondered how Rita was going to greet me when I got home that night.

Things got busy at work and thoughts of Rita and Bobby didn't return until I left work and headed home. I didn't know what to expect when I walked in the door. I was sure that Bobby would have called Rita so how would she greet me? I doubted that it would be a belligerent "How could you possibly think that of me" because that would have told me she had talked to Bobby which in turn tell me who her lover was.

I figured Rita was smart enough to avoid that. Maybe a 'coolness' toward me that if called on it she would cover up by saying she was pissed at me for something or other? Possibly a wariness as she waited to see what I was going to do?

What I got was a Rita who acted as if there was nothing wrong with our relationship. She was as loving and attentive as ever and as eager to drag me into the bedroom and destroy me as she ever was. It was almost like she was saying "Could I be doing this to you if I was doing someone else? She gave absolutely no indication that things between us were less than 100% perfect. The next couple of weeks went by with neither one of us showing any sign that there was anything wrong.


Then came the day that Rita pushed me over the edge. The doctor had recommended that we stop making love when Rita reached her eighth month. Rita pushed me to keep making love into the first week of her eighth month and then at the end of that first week she said:

"No more baby. I guess we can do oral for each other, but no more pussy."

It was okay with me because I had expected to be cut off when she reached the eighth month anyway. I jokingly said:

"We could always give anal a try."

"Don't talk like that Stan; not even in jest. That's just too nasty to even think about!"

This from a woman who only two months earlier I'd heard moaning "Fuck my ass Bobby; fuck my ass and cum in me."

That's too nasty to think about, but she could do it with the asshole who was supposed to be my best bud? I don't know why, but that statement tripped a switch somewhere in my head. I know it isn't rational given I knew what she had been doing, but it sent me over the edge. To hell with what I'd told Alice. So what if cheating with her would make me no better than Rita. Fuck that shit! What was good for the goose was good for the gander. I turned my back on Rita and tried to fall asleep.


Oops; I might have just screwed up. I love it in my butt. Bobby showed me how good it could be and I've always intended to try and get Stan to give it a try, but I hadn't intended to do it until after the baby was born. I guess I shouldn't have been so dismissive when Stan mentioned it. I should have left the door open a bit.

The fact is I just don't know how to act around Stan any more. Ever since Bobby told me that Stan believes I'm running around on him I have to watch myself. I have to make sure that I don't anything that will make him believe he is right. Bobby didn't say that Stan thinks I'm cheating on him. He said that Stan knows; that he has proof. He just didn't know who. I can't believe he has proof. Bobby and I only did it here and we only did it when Stan was out of town. We only did it in the bedroom and I changed the sheets as soon as Bobby was gone and make sure that the room was spotless. Stan couldn't have proof; he just couldn't, but something made him think I'm cheating on him. What could it be? And why hasn't he confronted me. Whatever it is it has sure fucked up my life. Bobby won't come anywhere near me and I'm hurting so bad that Miller's Husky is starting to look good.


The next morning when I got to work I called Alice. "You still want to carry my kid?"

"Bet your ass I do."

"When and where and how do we make sure that we don't get caught like the two twits we married?"

We worked things out and during the last month of Rita's pregnancy Alice and I got together two or three times a week and as already mentioned I was seven inches deep in her ass when I got the call that Rita's water had broken.


Did the birth of little Stanley change things? Of course it did. You can make all kinds of plans, but the first time you hold the child, he looks up into your face and his little hand grips your finger all the plans, plots and whatever go out the window.

One look at little Stan and I knew without a doubt that he was mine and I also knew that there was no way on God's green earth I would ever walk away from him. There was no every other weekend, half of summer vacation or alternating holidays in his future. Not if I had any say in it.

It wasn't going to be easy; there was going to be a 'Come to Jesus' meeting between Rita and me, but it would wait until the doctor cleared her to have sex again. In the meantime, while waiting for Rita to get that clearance, I would continue to take my revenge on Bobby by trying to breed Alice.



It has been seven years since little Stan was born and they have been somewhat difficult, but not really hard years. Once Rita was cleared to have sexual relations again I hit her with what I knew about her and Bobby.

I listened to her excuses and explanations and in a way they made some sense. Not being a woman and having to experience pregnancy I was prone to believe her. My initial rage at finding out she was cheating on me was tempered somewhat by what I had done with Alice, but I left no doubt in Rita's mind about what would happen if it ever occurred again.

The same day I confronted Rita I called Bobby and asked him to meet me at Bud's Bar. I was sitting in my car in the parking lot when he arrived and I got out and walked over to where he parked. He got out of his car smiling and as he closed the door and turned to greet me I punched him in the mouth. His hands flew up to his face and I buried my fist in his stomach and then I kicked him in the nuts. One more to his head and he fell to the ground. I kicked him twice more in his nuts and then I bent and grabbed a handful of his hair, jerked his head up and snarled:

"Guess what motherfucker; I found out who Rita was cheating on me with. Goes without saying that we ain't buds anymore. Best you avoid me from now on."

I let go of his head, kicked him once more in the nuts, got in my car and drove off leaving him lying on the ground.

That wasn't the extent of my revenge on Bobby. The other part turned out to more hurtful to me than I could have ever imagined. I did get Alice pregnant and she gave birth to an adorable little girl that she named Emily Elizabeth after her mother and grandmother.

I wouldn't have believed it before little Stan was born, but I guess the daddy gene is a lot stronger in me than I'd thought and it practically killed me that I couldn't hold her and claim her as mine. It is cold of me to say it and think it, but fortunately for me Alice's grandmother passed away and left Alice all of her property which included a house and business one state over from us. Bobby's business was movable so they left the state.

It still hurts me some that there is a child of mine out there that I'll never get to know.


How I managed to luck out and hold on to Stan I'll never know, but even though he watches me like a hawk eyes its prey I've been able to keep my marriage together.

Two things happened when little Stan was born. One is my sexual drive went back to what it was before I became pregnant. The second is that Stan for some reason decided that one child was enough and he had a vasectomy. I can't say that I was happy about it because I would have liked one more, but given the circumstances at the time I didn't dare argue with him over his decision.

In a way it was a good thing because it meant that I'd never again have to go through the hormonal swing that little Stan's pregnancy put me through. I can't be absolutely that I wouldn't have done the same thing I'd done with Bobby if it happened again. Thank God I'll never have to find out.

I love Stan with all my heart and he is the man I want to grow old with. I thank God every day when I wake up in Stan's arms that he found it in himself to forgive me.

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AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

The observation about not staying in the delivery room to avoid "getting hooked" is interesting. Some hospital birth centers have long had a policy of asking the expectant mother WHO they want in the delivery room for the birth. Of course the flip side is who they DON'T want present at the birth. I've long been curious if that's a hospital policy or based on someone's professional judgement based on information from the expectant mother's primary care doctor or obstetrician. My wife was an NP working in outreach for a large obstetric practice so I heard a lot, but there are some things she didn't discuss. BUT she specifically asked for me to be in the delivery room for both our children. There IS calculation involved in such matters and the extent depends on the trust in the parental parties. Wish some author would explore this aspect further. That a suspicious father might CHOOSE not to be in the room for a birth is possible, but very sad.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Nah..... bullshit excuse. All she had to do was talk to the hubby and make the desired adjustments. Any loving and excited father would be tickled to do it for his pregnant wife. And he could always get another job, but not sharing their first child. So I would have seriouisly considered divorcing her ass, infant or not. Would it have hurt everyone involved? Yep. And that's the point. Except the kid maybe if it never knew it's father. She would certainly have a hard time as a single, new parent. But then again, the husband's snip was a form of punishment for her, one supposes. What a calculating bitch. As was he in the end, also indulging in a personal wrong rather than confronting her. A more interesting ending would have been confronting her in her last trimester, not being there for the birth, and having the newborn DNA tested before coming around. As it was, she paid no price for her infidelity and did nothing to earn his forgiveness.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"Did the birth of little Stanley change things? Of course it did". Uh huh. If you were not sure about parentage at that point, don't stay in the room when the cheating wife delivers. No experience, no oxytocin, no getting hooked. Stay away, ask for a DNA test and have her served. If it's yours, you can negotiate. Sound calculated? Perhaps, but so was his friend and his wife. She didn't merit his forgiveness just because she gave birth. Imagine having to have any future offspring tested! Better to start a new family.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I agree with the lat Anon commenter from 2 months ago. Increased libido during pregnancy is not excuse. That wife has a prolonged affair with a man when the husband would have simply stepped up had she asked. I was a young, hard working engineer some 30+ years ago when we had our two children, and she was always horny. And she said so , and I MADE time from the office, and we were a very happy couple. And it also made our children very happy too. Many fond memories. We call the wife in this story a cheating skank where I come from. It would have been a better story had he divorced her, she went through difficult times, and then they reconciled. My two quibbles with the reconcile husband were just HOW he somehow knew the child was his by looking? A real husband in that situation would have gotten a genetic test. And screwing the offending lover's wife made up for it emotionally, allowing him space to forgive his wife? No, I don't think so, unless he was immature as hell. I would have made her PAY despite the new offspring before any forgiveness was on the table. Reconciling means the offending spouse has to somehow make restitution to restore the offended one's dignity. Leaving her with her parents with a newborn for a while would have taught her a lesson, anticipating a divorce while considering her vulnerability.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story husband makes bad choices in women. Both of these were skanks. Pregnancy hormonal changes can definitely raise the libido. It happened with my wife and I was a VERY happy, loving husband even when she was cranky. But all this wife had to do was communicate that to her husband, and he would have adjusted his work schedule if that importantor found another more flexible job. That she didn't says it all, not to mention her denial of sex acts she shared with a lover. He was a fool to stick around, minor child or no. Fucking the other guy's wife and procreating only made the pain worse. A stupid fellow indeed. Divorce, move on, and find another wife who prizes fidelity similarly. This wife would do it again with those rationalization by just finding another one conveniently. If you don't share the same marital values, then Tina Turner's dictum comes to mind: "What's love got to do with it?" Love without trust means nothing. I would want to know that the child is mine among other issues of trust. And emasculating one's fertility on a questionable basis of forgiveness is nuts. THREE stars at most for this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anonymous2 months ago

Fuck this story

Just Plain Bob the "legend"? Nah, the fucking cuck

Least anonymous gets the truth

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

I don't really believe these stories that blame the pregnancy hormones. They may make the drive stronger, but they don't change a person's moral compass. Wrong is wrong and cheat is cheat, so it doesn't matter how horny you are, you choose to cheat or not. Still, forgiveness is also real and if they can work it out, all the better. Good confrontation scene in the parking lot.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Rita's Pregnancy — Made her do bad things.

No, a truly horrid cuck writer made her do bad things. Not sure Ive ever read m ore than 2 out of your hundreds of bottom feeder stories that was worth more than a beer fart is, but hey, you do you.

Dnvrdave58Dnvrdave58over 3 years ago

Good for Stan and Alice. Sorry for Stan that he will not be able to raise his daughter.

Ocker53Ocker53about 4 years ago
Typical JPB

JPB generates a hell of a lot of story but nearly all are the same type of dribble, just the names change. Shit

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
wow this is the kind of love I could do without

your a slut for your lover but you limit what you do with the man you love

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