Rob and Gail Ch. 02


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Everyone seemed to have a good time although there was one sour moment for me when I saw Gail off to the side of the patio talking to Norm. I remembered what I'd overheard while under that bathroom window so seeing the two of them talking did bother me some, but I shook it off when they separated and Gail went over to talk to Mike. I was surprised when she went up on her toes and kissed his cheek and I wondered if I would ever know the story behind that.

The party started breaking up around ten and as he was leaving Mike said the weather was nice enough for a round of golf and he asked if I would like to give it a shot on Saturday and I told him Gail and I had a lunch date for Saturday so he suggested Sunday and I told him I would give him a call after checking with Gail to see if she had anything planned.

As soon as the last guest was gone Gail drug me into the bedroom and destroyed me. We slept in late although when we did wake up she wanted to reenact the previous night, but she had to settle for a wake up and then once more when we showered together. She wanted to go back to bed for one more, but we were supposed to meet her parents and we would be more than fashionably late if we didn't get dressed and get a move on.

On the way to meet her parents I asked if she had plans for Sunday and she said:

"Just to stay in bed and wring you dry. Why?"

"Mike asked me to go out with him for a round of golf."

"As long as it isn't early in the morning. You need to understand something sugar. I intend to start all my weekends the same way we did this morning and that means that you are going to be bedroom busy until noonish on Saturdays and Sundays. I'm not sure that you will have enough left in you to chase after that silly white ball."


It turned out that there was an ulterior motive in Gail's parents inviting us to brunch. Mr. Luoma was in real estate and he asked me what I was going to do when my condo lease ran out in two months.

"Renew it I suppose."

And then I got the lecture about building equity instead of collecting rent receipts. He knew of at least six houses that were on the market that would be just right for a couple starting out and if Gail and I were interested he would put up the down payment as a wedding present. I looked at Gail and she said:

"Makes sense to me and we would eventually get a house anyway so now is as good a time as any."

We didn't have anything else planned for the day and since Saturdays were prime showing days we left the restaurant and followed Gail's dad and mom as he led us on a tour of the six homes he had mentioned. After the six Gail asked me how I felt about the third one we had looked at.

"I liked it. I liked it a lot, but I'm afraid that it is just a bit out of my price range."

"Maybe it might be a little out of your price range, but it is not out of our price range. Don't forget sugar; when you married me you also married a second income."

We went back and took a closer look at the third house we had seen. It was a three bedroom ranch with a finished basement, an attached three car garage and a large patio area with a hot tub. The asking price was $229k, but Gail's dad said that it had been on the market for a while and we should offer $210k for it.

"They will probably say no to it, but offer to come down to $225. You counter with $215 and go back and forth and you can probably end up getting it for $220."

Gail and I drove home and talked it over. If the figures that Gail's dad gave us were right the place would only cost two hundred a month more that the condo so we decided to make an offer. Her dad's agency wasn't handling the property, but he told us who to contact and we decided to do it on Monday.

Taking Gail's warning to heart I called Mike and told him I could hit the links with him as long as it was after twelve.

He laughed and said, "That's right. I forgot that you are a newlywed. I'll get us a tee time between twelve and twelve thirty."

Sunday morning was a repeat of Saturday morning except we didn't have to stop at ten and go meet her parents. Gail was right when she said she wasn't sure I'd have enough energy to swing a club when she finished with me. I had one my worst rounds ever.

Sitting at a table having a beer on the 19th Hole (that was actually the name of the clubs bar) Mike told me that he had a couple of reasons for wanting me to come out with him.

"The first of course is that I saw you watching when Gail kissed me at the barbecue and I just wanted you to know that it was entirely innocent. She thanked me for getting the two of you together and told me she would be in my debt for the rest of her life.

"The second reason is to give you a heads up on a possible problem. I was at a party last week and Cindy, her group of sluts and that bozo she hangs with were there. Norm right?"

I nodded a yes and he went on, "I overheard him bragging about doing Gail before you got married and he was willing to bet that he would be back in the saddle before you were married a month. I know that you guys had some sort of weird arrangement before you got married and I never understood it, but it seemed to work for you. There is no doubt in my mind that Gail is sold on you, but I felt that you needed to be aware of the snakes that are crawling around in the bushes."

"I appreciate the warning. It isn't the first I've heard of it and you can bet that I'll be keeping my eyes open."


When I got home there was a note on the kitchen table that Gail had gone grocery shopping. I thought I might have time to check the recorders so I gathered them all up and sat down at the kitchen table to listen to them. I had labeled them using masking tape so I'd know which one had been where.

There was nothing of interest on the ones from the bedrooms and living room, but there was stuff on the bathroom and kitchen recorders. I had to wade through a lot of stuff before getting to the nitty-gritty. The kitchen window looks out onto the patio and Norm and Tim must have been there looking out the window at the people on the patio. I heard Tim say:

"She sure is looking sexy today. Think we will ever fuck her again?"

"I'd bet on it" Norm said. "Any broad who loves threesomes and foursomes as much as Gail does isn't going to settle for just one cock even if it is her husbands. I bet Marv Pallister twenty bucks that I'd be fucking her before she is married a month."

"How you going to do that?"

"She will still hang with Cindy so there will be plenty of opportunities."

"If you do get her I want in on it."

"Not to worry my man. She is going to want those threesomes and foursomes again and we already know that Cindy will help us make it happen."

Some one else came into the room and the two stopped talking and if they picked it up again it was somewhere not covered by a recorder. The bathroom recorder had three sections that I found interesting. The first was of Gail and Cindy. Can anyone tell me why women have to go to the bathroom in pairs? Anyway, between the sounds of peeing, hand washing and the like Cindy said:

"Norm wants to know how long he has to wait before he can play with you again. The rest of the guys would like to know also."

"Norm and the guys are going to have to settle for you, Bea and the twins. I've got my man now and I'm not going to do anything that might make me lose him."

"Oh come on girlfriend. There is no way that a girl who loves sex as much as you do can settle for just one cock. Don't forget sweetie that I've seen you doing three at a time and absolutely loving it."

"That was then, but this is now and I've got Rob and he is all I need."

"Yeah! Like I'm going to believe that."

The toilet flushed and the two left the room. The next snippet of interest was a conversation between Bea and Mary. Bea said:

"This is a fun party" and Mary answered "Not much fun for me. All the cocks are covered up. How long do you think it will be before Gail gets her doofus husband loosened up enough that we can get back to doing some real partying?"

"According to what Cindy just told me it will probably be never."

"Never on doofus or on partying again?"

"According to Cindy Gail says she intends to remain true. Why do you keep calling him doofus? He seems like a pretty nice guy."

"Because he is breaking up our group. It isn't going to seem right getting down without Gail. Your turn" followed by the sounds of flushing. Then Mary said:

"Cindy says she will get Gail back into the swing of things even if she has to drug Gail or the doofus."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"I don't know. Drug doofus and take pictures of him with a cock up his ass or down his throat while he is out of it and show Gail the photos. Maybe drug Gail and take pictures of her doing what she does best and show the pictures to doofus. How do you think doofus would react to seeing his bride three holed?"

"I can't believe Cindy would stoop that low."

"What can I say? She flat does not like doofus and she would be tickled to death to break the two of them up."

Then there was the sound of flushing and the two of them left.

The next interesting piece was Bea and Martha talking. The conversation must have started on the way to the bathroom so I didn't hear the first part of it.

"...think I should do about it" Bea asked.

"Don't ask me. I'm somewhat on Cindy's side. It just isn't the same without Gail. On the other hand Gail seems super happy to be with Rob and I wouldn't want to be part of messing that up for her."

"But Gail and Cindy have been best friends since the second grade so would she even believe me if I warned her? Or would she shoot the messenger? I don't want to lose her friendship. We have been friends since grade school and that means something to me."

"If you feel that strongly about it you have to do something."

"But what?"

"I don't know. Maybe instead of telling Gail you should tell Rob. Warn him and let him handle it, but if you decide to go that way you had better do it in a hurry. Cindy says she is going to talk Gail into having a girls night out every two weeks or so and if Gail agrees it is likely that whatever she plans on doing will happen on one of those nights."

The sounds of flushing and hand washing followed by "I just don't kno..." and they were gone.

I copied the kitchen and bathroom sections and had just finished when Gail got home. I got a big kiss and she said:

"I've got a couple more of those for you if you will help me bring the groceries in,"

I did get a couple more and they lead us into the bedroom where Gail did her best to destroy me.


The next morning on the way to work I decided that I needed a tap on the home phone. I stopped at Radio Shack and bought another recorder and the clerk told me where I could go on the Internet to get directions on how to put in a tap.

I left work early that afternoon and stopped by the agency that was handling the house that Gail and I had decided on. I made the $210k offer and then headed on home. I got on my desktop and went searching and by the time Gail got home I had the tap in place. I didn't do it because I didn't trust Gail (at least I told myself that) but because I wanted to know about any plans that Cindy might try and make with her.

The usual "Forewarned is forearmed" thing.

The home tap might not be any help because Cindy could call Gail at work or on her cell phone to make plans. From what I'd learned so far it seemed very likely that whatever Cindy planned on doing would happen when she and Gail were out together and I wanted as much of a heads up as I could get.

The next ten days were filled with work and the nights were filled with Gail doing her best to collect my life insurance although I wasn't sure that the policy would pay off because of my being fucked to death. They might consider that a form of suicide and refuse to pay.

The same ten days saw offers and counter offers and in the end Gail's dad put up the down payment on the house we agreed to pay $217k for. Closing was to be in thirty days, but we could move in right away and pay rent until closing.

We were not even moved in yet and Gail was already planning the house warming party and I was visualizing the place and trying to decide where to put the recorders.

To be continued.

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