Rock and Water Ch. 09


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"Aaaahhhhh...," is all I can say when he moves back to my left nipple. He spends what feels like an hour, but in actuality is more likely five minutes going back and forth between each breast, leaving me in almost a hypnotic state.

Although he was never rough, I look down at my heaving chest and see my breasts are flushed pink, with the occasional fine scratch etched into the usually pale skin.

For just a brief moment, Patrick turns off the toothbrush, removes the belt from my mouth and hurriedly takes off all of his clothing. The sight of his body only pushes me further into that placid zone where endorphins swim through my brain and my body is alight with pleasure. His rock hard cock bobs between his legs, its veins bulge prominently and the head is crimson with excitement. Precum has formed, creating a glistening sheen.

Rivulets of sweat gather between my torso and plastic wrap; my arms, shoulders and limbs are strained, which only serves to amplify both the pleasure and duress within me that are feeding off of each other.

Picking up the toothbrush again, his warm voice breaks through my haze.

"Alright, sweetheart. I can see you're buzzing in a sweet zone right now. This is going to get pretty intense, very quickly. I want you to hold off as long as you can...ride the sensation...feel it all. When you're ready to come, just let it all go. Can you try that for me?"

My voice, cut off to me while gagged by his belt, sounds rough and filled with need.

"Y...yes, sir. Oh, please sir, please my master."

Patrick's eyes blaze in response to my words. He takes his cock in his hand that isn't holding the toothbrush, and smears his precum down its length. He strokes his powerful hand up and down the shaft and head for a few strokes before releasing it with a growl.

"I'm telling you now, my girl, as soon as you come I'm cutting you out of your bondage and I'm going to fuck you hard."

With that, he turns on the toothbrush, spreads my outer cunt lips once again, and touches it to my clit. This time the initial contact is with the back of the toothbrush, but the rapid vibrations very quickly have me gasping and trembling at his touch. The vibrations, on top of the lingering heat from the Vicks, cut deep inside of me, through my pelvis, deep to my g-spot.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck..." I whisper, as my juices flood the chair.

"Hold on, baby...hold it back."

"Ungh..." I'm bucking and groaning, writhing with pleasure, becoming almost fearful of the orgasm I'm trying to stave off. Tears form in the corners of my eyes, and he leans down to kiss them away.

He flips the toothbrush around, the sharp bristles coming in contact with the hood of my clit. For "soft" bristles, they feel rough and sharp. He gently rubs the brush up and down the hood, dragging the flesh with it exciting the erect tissue underneath. Palm side up, two fingers enter my cunt, my swollen walls squeeze in on them. His fingertips make contact with my g-spot, pushing firmly and rubbing in a controlled repetitive pattern.

"Wow! I can feel those vibrations radiate straight through my fingertips...that's amazing power."

"Uh, huh..." is all I can respond with as my orgasm grows like a helium balloon about to pop. Pressure builds within me, reaching every corner of my body until I can't hold back any longer. An explosion of pleasure and light crashes through me; I barely notice that he's turned off the toothbrush and put it aside. He continues to fuck his fingers in and out of my pussy, milking every last sensation from my body.

My head falls forward, as I slump in my bindings. My breath is coming in short pants, not from being restricted, but from the marathon I'd just endured. I'm vaguely aware that he is carefully cutting through the plastic; limbs first, then my torso. Painful prickles jerk me back as my arms and legs are allowed to move once again. Patrick massages each limb individually with strong fingers, until normal circulation returns.

"All good?" He asks, tilting my head upwards to look into my glassy eyes.

"So good, sir." I say sleepily.

"Okay, sweet girl. This is going to be fast and rough."

In one sweeping motion, he picks me up from the chair, carrying me in his arms before laying me down on my back, on the bed. On his knees before me, my legs are pushed back and my ankles up over his shoulders; he drives into my cunt in one fluid thrust and begins to fuck me as he promised. Hard, fast, and deep. His balls slap my ass with each thrust. While I know my body is incapable of another orgasm, the feeling of his cock inside of me, fitting so perfectly, rubbing just the right way, currents of pleasure continue to thrill my body.

"Ah, Corrine. Fuck! This feels so fucking good. You are so tight, baby..."

Words of raw lust continue to pass his lips; his eyes are clenched shut, his lips parted. Intense concentration dominates his features until his eyes shoot open look down into mine as his orgasm sweeps through his body. His hips jerk against my flesh, as cum floods my core.

He collapses next to me, pulling me close so my head rests on his chest. Lazy fingers trail a pattern across my back as we both recover. The cat, who has chosen to remain hidden for the majority of our trip decides in this moment it's time to be social, jumps up on the bed and curls up just behind my back purring loudly. The heat is almost unbearable but I don't have the heart to move him.


"Hmmm?" He replies, sleepily.

"Please make sure to pack that toothbrush home."

"Looking after your dental hygiene, are we?"

"Mm, hmm. Something like that."


Patrick's friends Tyson and Alexandra, or Alex as she prefers to be called, come to the city to pick him up the next afternoon. We'd spent the last few hours with Addie, and she's decided after all to visit the farm on the day I'm to go out there. Frank and his girlfriend, Carrie, offer to drop the two of us off in the morning, and pick up Addie at the end of the day. I'll be staying on for our last days of vacation until it's time to head home.

The next few days with Addie are a whirlwind of shopping, watching silly summer movies, and just hanging out. I won't say it's been all easy; preteen hormones would never allow for that, but overall we make the most of our time together. It's clear she enjoys having me all to herself, but she seems to understand that Patrick and I are involved now, and that we plan to stay together and develop our relationship.

She asks some good questions, including if he'll be sleeping at the house with us. I tell her in time, probably so, but not straight away after she comes home. She seems satisfied with that answer, but she then gets a questioning expression on her face, and looks down at her fingernails shyly.

"Do you love him, Mom?"

I nod my head. "I do, Addie...very much."

She nods her head, and is quiet for a moment.

"I think Dad loves Carrie."

She peeks her eyes up to mine through her eyelashes, looking to see how I feel about this news.

"That's good honey. I'm really happy for him. While I don't have romantic feelings for your father any more, I'll never stop caring for his happiness and welfare."

A flash of relief passes through her eyes, and I realize how much worry she's carried within herself about Frank and I, and our happiness. I fold her into my arms.

"Ah, honey, your heart is bigger than any I know."


We arrive at Tyson and Alex's farm in mid-morning, just in time for a huge brunch spread that they've prepared for us. It's so good to see Patrick, but we curtail our enthusiasm a little for Addie's sake. The plan for the day is for the three of us to ride horses through fields and trails, our destination a sheep farm owned by some of their friends. Once there, we'd sample some cheeses and tour the ranch before heading back. Tyson and Alex plan to drive there and meet us. The ride itself shouldn't take much more than an hour each way, unless we stop to take in some sights.

Sadly, the best laid plans never turn out as one hopes, and it turns out one of the horses has thrown a shoe, leaving only two to ride. Patrick is a much stronger rider than I am, and knows the area well from previous visits, so it's decided that he and Addie will go alone. She's so wrapped up in excitement that it doesn't seem to faze her much that it will just be the two of them.

It's odd to watch them ride off together, but I can see her chatting away happily until I lose sight of them over the ridge. Tyson, Alex, and I drive to their friend's farm, getting there only twenty minutes before the riders should arrive. Twenty becomes forty, and my nerves begin to rattle a bit; forty becomes an hour and I'm pacing as Tyson and Alex attempt to calm me down when I realize we have no way of contacting them. Alex makes a call to the one other farm they may have passed through, and is told that they had been seen, but over an hour ago.

Just as their friends begin to saddle up their own horses, ready to hit the trail in search of Patrick and Addie, a single silhouette of a horse can be seen in the distance. We all run into the field, and can quickly see that the horse is carrying two riders. Addie is riding in front of Patrick, fabric from his flannel shirt has been made into a make-shift sling and her arm is being held snug against her body. Her face is smeared from old tears, and remnants of leaves are in her hair and on her clothes. Despite all of this she actually has a smile on her face.

Patrick, on the other hand, looks like he's aged five years since I saw him this morning.

"Addie!! What happened?"

"I think I broke my arm, mom!"

She shouts this with almost glee in her voice, and I realize that she probably has some wicked adrenaline running through her; the world's best pain-killer.

We get them back to the house, then onto Bedford Hospital. Addie is talking a mile a minute, about a tree branch that fell and spooked her horse, causing it to gallop down a trail, too narrow for anything but a walk or trot. She explains how she lost her reins and stirrups, and how she was holding on to her horse's neck as best as she could. She flashes a smile to Patrick, and essentially calls him her hero for galloping just behind her, coaching her to hold tight and stay calm. He'd hoped for an opening in the trail, but before they could reach it Addie had fallen off, and fallen hard.

Patrick takes over the story, still looking a bit stricken, and describes how she laid there motionless at first, not responding to his shouts. Her helmet had remained on, for which he was thankful. He jumped off and secured his horse, then ran to where she laid on her side, her right arm under her body. By then she was groaning; tears started when the shock wore off and her right lower arm began to scream with pain. He checked her over before moving her, concerned for a large bump that was forming on her forehead, and quickly assessed that her arm was likely broken. He was able to sit her up, lean up against a tree and have her rest her back against him, cradling and soothing her until her tears and trembles slowed.

He checked her speech for any slurring, checked her eyes for any changes to her pupils, and crossed his fingers that her head was truly okay. Ripping off his flannel he was able to tear it into a sling, which helped support her arm until they could find help. He was able to get her onto the horse, then himself, and had the horse walk the rest of the way in an attempt to jostle her the least.

Doctors at the hospital examine her thoroughly, and while they agree that there are no clear signs of a concussion, they elect to keep her there for observation long after the cast on her arm has set. Alex stays with us at the hospital, while Tyson goes by horse to search for the other missing horse, which ended up finding its way home by the time he gets there.

Frank and Carrie arrive in a flurry after we were able to reach them. The concern for Addie that I see shining in Carrie's eyes means the world to me. Frank extends his gratitude to Patrick for his care of Addie. Patrick, for his part, is still looking grim and remaining pretty quiet. I see him watching Addie intently more than once, and can see he is still feeling responsible for her despite the rest of our presence, not to mention the hospital staff.

I want to talk to him, but know there will be time for that later and don't want to leave Addie's side. By eight o'clock that evening the doctors feel confident that Addie is fine to be discharged from the hospital, but give a long list of symptoms to watch for. As planned, she goes back to London with her father and Carrie. It's especially hard to say goodbye to her now, but we now plan to go back to London a day prior to our flight to have a little more time together. I know she'll be in good hands with Frank, and that I'm only an hour away if she needs me. Before they leave, she gingerly hugs Patrick with her good arm, thanking him for all he did. We watch as they drive off, before Alex takes Patrick and I back to the farm.

Once we arrive, food takes priority and we share some beers with Tyson and Alex before turning in. Later, when we're settled in bed, our naked bodies tangled together, he finally opens up.

"I've never been so scared in my life, Corrine. When she fell...she looked so small, so helpless. She didn't answer me! I thought..." He lets out a long breath, then continues. "She finally stirred, after ten seconds or so, but it felt like a lifetime."

He turns towards me, his face ashen.

"I don't think I could handle that ever again. It would kill me. How do you do it, Corrine? How do you deal with the worry, with all the bad shit that can happen in this world to kids?" He pauses, and turns back to look at the ceiling.

"Maybe it's best I never had one..."

I roll on top of him, straddling his torso. My heart aches for him.

"Patrick, what you're feeling right now is what every parent feels when their kids have been hurt. It's feel helpless to protect them...but you did. You were there. You handled it perfectly, and we are all so grateful. I have no doubt in my mind about you, and neither does Addie, or Luka, for that matter. You handled a really shitty thing, and you will again, and again, if faced with it."

He lets out a sigh. "Yeah, you're right. I feel like I've been punched in the gut, but I'd do it all over again...for you...for her. Anytime. Any day. You can't get rid of me that easily."

He pushes himself up onto his elbows, then gently brushes my hair behind my ears.

"How are you, Corrine? Are you okay?"

"Well, I think today added on a few more grey hairs, but yeah, I'm ok."

I snuggle onto him, my head nested by the soft hairs on his chest. His hand strokes over my lower back, before resting on my bare ass cheeks.

I'm beginning to drift off, when I hear him whisper.

"I love you sweet and always."

I squeeze my body against him, and with a sleepy voice, whisper back, "My love, my boyfriend, my and always."


Next chapter is the conclusion of Rock and Water.

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jhollanderjhollanderover 9 years agoAuthor
Chapter 10 submitted!

It's been a long, looooong time, but for those of you who have waited patiently, the conclusion of Rock and Water, has just been submitted!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I forgot how delicious and hot this series is.

Thank you, tho I am sad to hear this is the 2nd last. Oh well one more to look forward to.

amandaxxamandaxxover 9 years ago
Very Good x

Thanks Justahole for a really well written story series... it's probably one of the only series I've read on Lit where each story is as good as the last. Looking forward to the last chapter of Rock and Water and the diehard romantic hopes they get their happy ever after with their kink...obviously! Xx

jhollanderjhollanderover 9 years agoAuthor

It's the only story on my plate right now, so I hope to have it finished soon! I (along with other wonderful Lit authors) have two other Novella length stories out on Amazon now, under the pen name Justine Hollander.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Hurry please!

Can't wait for the next chapter! Please hurry! :-)

jhollanderjhollanderover 9 years agoAuthor

To the anon who wrote me this morning, and to anyone who has been patiently waiting for the final chapter of Rock and Water, I am so sorry for dropping the ball. It's partially written, but I've been sidetracked by another project which will be over in mid-January. At that time I will devote myself 100% to Patrick and Corrine again. Thank you for the nudge!

mobytheoceanmobytheoceanover 9 years ago

The way you integrated the personal and private lives of the characters and revealed the everyday things new uses, LOL, was great.

purple_stonepurple_stoneover 9 years ago
Seems like the end is near... Too near! :)

"Welcome to parenthood. It's really not that different than being a dom, just all the subs are the bratty kind."

FA_JF, you made me laugh out loud, so true, so true! :)

Nicely done, JaH, I sincerely hope they stay together! This is what a relationship is all about, normal stuff, unpredictable problems and dealing with them, talking about them, talking about feelings, wants, needs.

The vicks idea and the toothbrush AND the saran wrap! Nice! Bound to make a woman crazy...

Can't wait to read the last chapter. Good job!

DeathAndTaxesDeathAndTaxesover 9 years ago

This kinkster right here is a BIG fan of the restrictive properties of Saran wrap, so you know you had my 5 stars the minute they bought it at the store.:P Then you brought in the belt gag. Hot damn! Good stuff, good stuff. Love it, JAH!

lindseymarshlindseymarshover 9 years ago
If this doesn't turn you on, nothing will.

Before I start, I have to admit I helped the author edit this story. Nevertheless, it is a great story; its strength coming mainly from the ability of the author gets into the mind of both of the central characters.

Describing the mechanical aspects of BDSM is relatively easy but, in itself, not overly erotic. The appeal of BDSM is in the feelings of the participants and the fantasies which drive their behaviour. The author has the ability to capture and maintain our interest in both of the main characters feelings and fantasies.

I'm looking forward to reading Chapter 10.

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