Rodeo Girl


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I took them all out for a ride in the afternoon after we had finished messing around in the Winnebago, but George and Clive were absolutely hopeless, just like a pair of typical dumb guys on a horse. George was a bit embarrassed and complained that it was so much harder than riding on the beach! I was very diplomatic and altered the route. We reached my favourite picnic spot a little later than I had anticipated as we had to go the slow and easy way, and we were all quite hungry when we stopped. It was lovely by the stream with the sound of the waterfall and shade of the big oak trees. I chilled out with Karen while George and Clive compared various notes on why horse riding was not for them.

Karen had a slight glow from the ride and looked so beautiful in the flickering mottled light of the sun as it passed through the leaves. She saw me staring at her, mesmerised by how she made me feel. She could see how I felt, and her beautiful smile not only told me that she felt the same, but made my heart miss a beat. I stretched out my hand and she gently held it. I promised Karen that I would make sure we got to do some really good riding first thing Sunday morning. She was so cheeky and direct. She just grinned and whispered that she really couldn't wait that long and hoped there would be an opportunity for some great riding when we got into bed. The guys looked perplexed as we sat there giggling uncontrollably, refusing to share our joke. We decided that it was time to get back for dinner.

Eileen and Karen really got on well now. She loved being a hostess and was so happy to have some guests to entertain that she refused any help and cooked a wonderful meal which was more than matched by the conversation which had us laughing all evening. George had so many hysterical stories, he was quite the comedian. Rob and George got on really well too, although Rob seemed to have a bit of a problem with Clive. I suspected that it was an alpha-male rivalry thing and was so glad I was a girl without that sort of baggage. When I escorted Clive and George out to the Winnebago to say goodnight, I checked with George and he told me he was 95% sure that Rob was in the closet and told me his 'gaydar' was never wrong. I had to remind him about his complete failure to detect Clive's incoming love arrow and my little secret at the first photo-shoot and, with a big chuckle, he revised his estimate down to 90%.

Karen seemed especially hands-on that night and she leapt on me and confided that riding a horse always made her super horny. She absolutely loved my cock and I had to make her promise to keep the noise down as, although I liked being filmed, I was not so keen on broadcasting the sound of my lovemaking around the house. That just seemed a bit rude and I was always a bit embarrassed when I heard Eileen and Rob at it. She did not keep that promise and I don't think I really helped at all after she brought out 'it'. 'It' was her large vibrating dildo and she told me there was something new she had always wanted to try. I sort of found that hard to believe, but trusted her. She filled her pussy with the well lubricated machine and lifted her leg allowing me to slip into her ass. It's not possible to really fuck someone hard like that, but that was not necessary. To an observer, our lower halves would have looked like a bizarrely coordinated and conjoined wriggle, but our faces must have revealed the amazing feelings that were flowing through us as we both shared the ever changing vibrations. We came together and I'm pretty sure that we both screamed, but my mind was somewhere else, so I had no idea.

The adrenaline of a love filled night was still lingering in our bodies the following morning as we seemingly had energy to spare. Karen's expert 'early morning call' brought me out of my slumber in such a blissful and surreal way that, as her lips and tongue physically made me hard, my mind was still dreaming that I was a mermaid on a beach being seduced by a siren. Such was her expertise that she finished me off quickly and had us both up, out and doing some real horse-back riding before breakfast! I told her about my dream and she thought it would be a great storyline for a short. I laughed and told her I was always glad to help and she said that she would keep me to that!

Before they all left, I had received a text saying that a guy who was going to help on the rodeo was going to have to drop out after an accident. My face had obviously revealed the bad news and, when prompted, I revealed the problem. George immediately said he would be able to find a helper for the rodeo as he knew just the person. I was so elated I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a huge kiss causing much laughter!

March arrived and the Rodeo was now just a few weeks away. With all the effort that we had all been putting in it was looking in really good shape and there was a bit of a buzz in the local towns because events of any description were few and far between. One unexpected aspect was that I was now a bit of a local cable TV star! My advert had been aired regularly and was doing well. I had also given interviews to some of the local cable news channels about what to expect at the Rodeo. Did I wear my cowgirl outfit for those? You bet! My social media went mad! Tonya joined me for the third interview after I had said to her that I found it all a bit stressful being on my own. She looked just as amazing as I did. Well I cannot tell a lie, she looked more amazing than I did, and she seemed to be much more of a natural in front of the camera because I was so stressed and she was not. I did like to be top-girl, but in this case Tonya really had me beat! That evening I got an automated email from the booking system saying we were sold out and asking if I wanted to enable the waiting list feature.

Things really notched up a gear and the next day a cable company told me they were interested in filming the event for a live broadcast and when I feigned some doubt because of the additional complexity they offered me a raft of inducements including providing more seating. I told them I would think about it and immediately spoke to Ronnie who told me exactly what to say to them. I played my hand just as he had instructed and I got a really good deal for the Ranch, especially on the advertising revenue and some overdue refurbishment. He also said I should free up Tonya's time and he could help me find some temporary workers. Actor's between jobs were always looking for something to tide them over. My phone was now constantly buzzing with enquiries and, having got two stand-ins from George, I asked Emma if she would be willing to handle the social media stuff as her stint on Madison Avenue had made her quite savvy about that sort of thing. She agreed immediately.

Mom, Maureen, Eileen, Karen, Tonya, Emma and I went to the Italian Restaurant to celebrate. It was now a 'tradition' that we went there to mark any form of success and the three of us were happy to extend it to those who were helping out. We all dressed in rodeo gear, Mom and Maureen in jeans and the rest of us in tassel skirts showing lots of leg. Even though Eileen was older than us, she really did have amazing legs and received plenty of attention. In fact we all received plenty of attention and although it was a great evening being the centre of attention, it was not the celebration we had planned. Near the end it seems someone had tipped off the media and some paparazzi showed up which was OK at first, but then all got too much and we had to beat a hasty retreat. My socials were going mad on my phone and there were loads of pictures of us, mostly looking really cool, and it seemed that we had been christened 'Oakland's Magnificent Seven'. Unsure what to do I had called Ronnie in a panic. He was my guardian angel as well as my new dad and sent a big black stretch limo to pick us up sending the media pack into a frenzy.

The expectations for the Rodeo were growing all the time. When I went to bed that night, exhausted, I suddenly had a bout of anxiety. I naturally thought of Karen, but then did not want to worry her as I knew she was screen testing for a role in a new series that she had high hopes for as her big break. I also did not want to worry my moms. In the morning I called Ronnie and blurted out all my worries. He told me it was no wonder I felt so anxious and I was probably suffering from burn-out. He convinced me that since I had got Tonya and Emma on board helping out I could take some time off to recharge and also give them a chance to show how well they could cope without me around. He told me to come down to his place so we could talk. I told Maureen I was off to the shops and drove to his place.


14 Recharging

As a rule I have this fortunate ability to switch off from things so when I could not I knew something was wrong and so did Ronnie. In fact he called Mom after I left and talked to her about my worries. She had told him that everyone was a bit concerned about me as it was all getting so hectic so when I arrived and went for our favourite walk along the river and talked about it, he already knew what to say and told me he had spoken to Mom and she had said I should spend the day with him and that Eileen had called Karen and uncancelled my weekend visit to see her, but not said anything about my crisis. After our walk Ronnie drove me into town and I did end up in the shops. I bought a couple of things and this time point blank refused Ronnie's offer to pay for them - he had already done more for me than any man had ever done. In fact, he had admired a cashmere scarf and I sneakily bought it for him while he went to the restrooms. He was really delighted and I could hardly turn down the offer of a fabulous lunch as a thank you.

The rest of the week I focussed on delegating jobs as much as I could and found that no one resented me telling them what to do, they were just grateful to have some clear direction and guidance. By Friday it was clear to me that I was important but not essential to the success of the rodeo and I called Karen to wish her luck as she had got on the short-list and her final screen test was that afternoon. I went through all the things that needed to be done, sent a few emails, and concluded that everything else could wait until Monday. I decided to clean out the stables to give Tonya and Emma more time and to help empty my head as I was distracted thinking about Karen and wanting her to be successful. She called me just after four and was so loud in her excitement that she almost blew my eardrum. She had got the role. She had her big break at last. I told her that I was going to set off to see her soon and she told me to pack light, not bring any cowgirl stuff and definitely not arrive until after eight. I just took my makeup, toothbrush and the new dress I had bought with Ronnie.

I was so excited for her and timed myself to arrive at twenty past eight. She was waiting and after I hugged and kissed her, telling her how clever and amazing she was to get the role, she ushered me into her darkened hallway which was full of the most intoxicating fragrance and made my head swim. She took me into the bathroom and gave me a bundle of things that I was to wear after I had showered and washed myself using the products she had left out. I was then to come into the living room, but not before at least twenty minutes had passed. I was intrigued.

Well those shower products were simply divine. She had left out an enema bulb so I cleaned myself inside too and got a little hard at the thought of what she might be planning. The shower gel smelt like a million dollars and was so rich and smooth with little abrasive flecks and felt so good on my skin that I could have stayed in the shower all evening and suddenly realised that I was expected in the living room ten minutes ago. I put on the body cream, which was like rubbing silk into my skin, and then applied a little talc. All the products had the most beautiful and complementary scents. I pulled on the sheer black lace panties and matching baby doll, slid the black hold-up stockings onto my legs and stepped into the black strappy high heeled sandals. I opened the door with some trepidation.

The hallway was lit by battery operated tea lights on the floor giving it a strange ambience as if you were in a secret tunnel. Karen was standing by the living room door from which a red glow emanated. She was looking mysterious and alluring in the dim up-lighting, flecks of red highlighting her hair. She was wearing exactly the same scanty items as I, but had a seemingly massive black strap-on cock which was slick and shining pointing right at me, creating even larger shadows on the ceiling. So now I knew what she had in mind. I had often commented on that toy, and how big it was, but always been too nervous to try it. She beckoned to me and I swayed slowly towards her, exaggerating the movement of my hips as I carefully put one foot in front of the other. She took my hand and led me into her living room, no words were spoken.

It was simply unrecognisable, dark and filled with various candles that were the only source of light other than the full moon and city lights from her floor to ceiling windows. She had thrown red satin sheets over all the furniture and with the wooden floor, deep-pile white rugs and vanilla scents from the candles, it seemed as if you were inside a giant velvet cake. There was a smooth and sublime instrumental soundtrack playing that cleverly matched the mood of the room. The flickering flames and fragrance added to the atmosphere which left no detail to distract you, just a sublime sense of well being and relaxation.

It almost felt like being in paradise, although, to an outsider it probably looked more like a scene from a David Lynch movie. That was because this was not a visual experience. It was a complete sensory experience that you had to be right in the heart of it to understand how overwhelmingly calming it was. The heels and flimsy gossamer lingerie added a sense of touch, and the only thing that was missing was taste. She put her arms across my shoulders and brought her lips to mine and, as we kissed, the flavour of strawberries from her lipstick filled my mouth. She pressed me down gently and I crouched down to take the black monster into my mouth. Strawberry was replaced by her taste. I looked up into her eyes as I licked at the length of her favourite toy which she had clearly just used. Her hands gently pulled me up and we kissed again, a slow lingering kiss, lips playing on lips, hands gently stroking faces and pushing back hair, noses touching softly and rubbing. Our breathing was slow and synchronous, our heart beats a little elevated and our bodies glowing from an intense internal warmth.

Karen led me to the window and indicated that I should face the glass. She caressed my buttocks and felt between them, lubricating me as she did. Fearless, I placed my arms against the glass and stared at the moon and city lights as I pushed out my ass ready for her to take me. She pressed her breasts against my back as her hands fondled mine, making me ease back into her more. She gently rocked her hips causing the black monster to rub over my hole making me sigh and moan and wriggle my ass back in encouragement. I felt her pressing at my entrance and knew it was time. I felt her stretching me slowly. I felt the pain increase and squealed slightly as she burst past my seal and that toy entered me, sliding in and stopping. She held that monster in place waiting for me to move and signal that I was OK. My heart was pounding and I waited until I felt accustomed to its presence and the pain had subsided, then pushed back slowly. She responded by pushing slowly into me and I squealed again, but this time it was the overwhelming pleasure of feeling her filling me up. I was gasping as I felt her skin on mine and knew it was all the way in.

We began to find a rhythm, slow at first, then faster. The monster was heavily veined and the faster Karen fucked me the more amazing it felt as the ribbed surface created amazing vibrations inside me. I was groaning in time with her thrusts and finally began to relax. I knew what was next. My legs began to feel weak and the night sky blurred. A sweet fire in my groyne began to spread throughout me as I lost control. Then I felt it. I leant hard into the window, pressing my face against it as I gasped and shook, cum pouring from my cock and waves of pleasure making me tremble uncontrollably. As I recovered, I looked out at the world and felt so connected with everything. Karen gently pulled out and the cool room air felt soothing on my still throbbing ass. I was like jelly in her hands as she turned me and kissed me with a passion I had never known.

After I had recovered enough to visit the bathroom to freshen up, I returned and was ushered into the kitchen where she had prepared a very original haute cuisine three course 'pizza' meal and served it with a chilled bottle of prosecco. I guess you may have worked out by now that I just love Italian food and especially pizza! The first course was a fresh and crunchy bruschetta on super thin toasted ciabatta with heavily ripe crushed plum tomatoes and fresh basil. The main dish was strips of different types of pizza with a rucola salad and aged balsamic and olive oil. The desert was a very thin vanilla cheesecake prepared in small rounds and covered in sliced fruit so it also looked just like a pizza! She also brought out some iced limoncello to go with it, Karen was so sweet, so imaginative and so naughty! By the time we had finished, we were both quite tipsy and both felt as hot as the room so we just slid onto one of the rugs in front of the window and began to slowly enjoy each other's bodies.

There is nothing quite as fabulous as slow unhurried sex, but slow unhurried sex in the environment that Karen had created was like a real out-of-body experience. I loved lesbian sex because it was so sensual and much more about giving and loving. Guys could be sensual for sure, but they just did not get it, not like girls. They would kiss too hard, always be in a hurry and expect too much. With girl-on-girl it was just sweet, sentimental, delightful teasing. A girl would keep you on the edge of unbridled joy for hours. Of course I did like a bit of a fuck as well and had loved my pounding by Karen earlier, coming with the most amazing knee trembling orgasm. But once the endorphin rush was over, it all ended far too quickly. I much preferred to take my time, and we certainly did that.

Our mouths were everywhere and we had the most insane soixante-neuf where we edged each other for ages. Karen did eventually ride me, but she adopted this position where she was crouched above me, hands on my chest and feet either side of me. She just jack-hammered herself onto my cock like a machine. I don't know where she got the energy, but it was amazing, and absolutely rivalled my earlier orgasm. She collapsed to one side of me after I came, absolutely exhausted. That was the signal for us to retire to the bedroom, which was also decked out in red satin. The next thing I remember was waking up with Karen's sweet arms draped over me.

I asked what the plan was for the day, not that I was too bothered as I felt like I was in heaven. She laughed and told me that we were going to go to a studio and do a little filming. I told her that I really wasn't sure if I was ready to be starring in any blue stuff just yet and she just hugged me and told me that a friend of hers was going to film us, and the film was going to be totally just for us like before, but this time a lot more professional. It was just going to be a bit of fun and we would have a sexy keepsake! Knowing that I felt a lot happier and got quite excited as I knew I had some exhibitionist tendencies these days. One part of the excitement of last night's mammoth fucking had been when I was pressed against the window and exposed to the world.