Roderick and Gorlana Pt. 02


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He shook his head but returned her warm smile and gave her a warmer hug, "Thanks Granny. I'll come up to say goodbye again before I leave."


The TrippyGoat tavern in Highquarry hadn't been this full in the memory of any of the locals there. The noise of the crowd mostly drowned out the music, and the serving girls, though excited at the size of the party, were starting to show signs of the pain in their arms and their feet from keeping the ale and mead steins full for the new patrons. One was listening in as she placed the pitcher down on the table.

"...and Roderick isn't changing that anytime soon."

"Nor would we want him too. If it weren't for these big green bastards we'd be ground into the mountain shale weeks ago."

"Here here!"

The waitress gave an incredulous smirk seeing the humans and orcs around the table raise their mugs together.

"Is he around? I haven't caught eye of him yet?" she asked as she straightened up with the empty tray.

"Sorry to disappoint lass but nor have we for a few hours. He was around earlier. Some other girl caught his arm likely."

"Pffft Roddy's too 'professional' for that. I ain't seen the man with a tavern wench since I joined a year ago."

"A what now?" the waitress said, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms under her breasts.

"I'm just speakin' generally lass."

Korboq saw the man falter and seemed to work up the nerve to speak up, clearing his throat. "I, my lady, would not group you in with such incapable and dependent women as those." He said, trying much too hard to make his harsh gritty voice sound like his version of an upper class human. "I noted your wondrously strong thighs from across the room and must say you'd be wasted as any less than a cherished wife-guardian of a large mountain home."

"Oh, would I really?" the waitress smirked with the rest of them at Korbs attempt at mimicking human chivalry. Though whether her curiosity was only out of amusement, wasn't clear at that moment.

Korb's eyes almost couldn't believe she wasn't walking away and he faltered, as if he hadn't planned this far ahead, "Yes, my... good-looking woman, I am a far more open-minded orc than my stony foul-mouthed brothers. I think if I were to watch you lift even more of these heavy trays and perhaps crack open a few of those large casks again, all we would need is some clay stuffed up my nose to hide your smell and I'm sure you could make me erect."

The girl's face turned darker than the night outside and she stiffened as if to stop herself from smacking him with the tray. She looked at the others with cold annoyance seeming to suspect they put him up to it, "Anything else for you... fine gentleman?"

No one could do any more then shake their heads no as they stifled their laughter, and she left angrily.

A few finally let out their laughs and Korb was smacked consolingly on the shoulder.

Korb let out a sigh, "So for THAT one, where did I go wrong?"

"It was the clay up the nose part. You gotta stop telling these women they stink."

"But you said they all KNOW about the orc-scent and our sharper noses. I want to REASSURE them that I can move past it."

"Think of it this way, what if one of them told you they'd only fuck you with a bag over your head?"

"Ha! I don't think that'd stop any of us Yendell-"

"Yes!" Korb interrupted, "That was MY idea. You said these girls would find my body attractive, but not my face. I tried suggesting a bag just an hour ago, along with stuffing my nose, and that woman threw her ale in my face! Which is NOT a human mating custom, I now know."

"Why are you suddenly doing this Korb? You're the first orc I've seen actually trying to woo a human girl. You guys been spending too long around us and finally warming up to the idea?"

"I mean honestly I was spending long enough in Orthalia some of your sword-sisters were starting look not so bad. Even with our own female corps around, I might have tried getting my face smashed in like poor Befler a few weeks ago."

"Fuck, Befler deserved it though, even Korb has ten times the tact of that idiot."

Korb interjected, "It's... not that they're suddenly any more attractive. The thought had always been... interesting, but strange. Roderick has made me do a lot of thinking."

"You're not good at thinking Korb, we keep telling you,"

One of the other orcs laughed and slapped his shoulder.

"I was THINKING," Korb said annoyedly, "About what Roderick has said about our two halves bringing out the best in each. There are orc-human mixes in Orthalia just like their are in Andralia, especially close to the mountains. Many of them are the most capable and cunning of our land, and some are even among the high clans. And Roderick himself..." He stopped himself, and seemed to redirect his sentence, "Has talked of the smartest men among you. Who write books. What was the name?... something like a herb..."

"Sages?" one of the soldiers asked incredulously.

"Yes that's it."

"Ha! Korb have you ever met a Sage? They all hang out in an oversized library called the University and dress in brown dusty robes to hide their malnourished pale bodies. Can barely lift the pens they write with, let alone a sword."

Another soldier piped up, "Say that to the headmaster and see what kind of potion he tosses at your feet,"

The rest laughed.

Korb shook his head "I know I can't be like a human Sage, but our orcs have wise men and wise women that are similar. I could... discover things. And if my descendants are stronger and smarter for it... then, why not? I haven't been brought to Rutt by any orc woman yet, so the opportunity is still there."

"Oh shut up you were fuckin' an orc-maiden behind the mill in that one village little more than a month ago."

"I said Rutt, not just sex."

"Oh right... man I want to see that sometime."

"You never will. You would be killed by their honour guards before even approaching the mating-den," another orc said angrily, standing up.

"Okay okay, sit down sheesh, I was just sayin'"

"You're definitely hangin' around Roddy too much Korb. The lad's a bloody hero but gets up in his own head too much for his own good."

"I DO think it's weird he didn't make more of an appearance tonight."

"The way these lasses keep mentioning him he's maybe afraid he'd be eaten alive."

"Doesn't sound so bad,"

"It's a bit extra awkward when it's your hometown though, and you're with your soldiers. I certainly can remember..."

"Maybe he's finally turning into a real general and acting too good for us, or for bar wenches."

"He's still worries too much about his reputation with the higher ups, still thinks he's too young and maybe thinks he has to make up for it by turnin' stone."

"Oh he's not pure stone, he still mingles with us more than any other general I'VE known,"

"And say what you will but I think he's snuck off with more than a lass or two. Word was Frali had her legs around him more than a few times."

"I don't know, he still seems the cold type to me."

"Hell he's still recovering like the rest of us. From the blow he took to the head at the battle, I wouldn't blame him if he's nursing a headache and off to bed early."


Roderick's cock was like pulsing hot stone as he rammed it deep into Pellina's slick pussy again, as he fucked her sideways on her livingroom floor. His abs slapped against her soft wide buttock and sent ripples over her skin. He watched the waves in a trance of adrenaline-fueled need that he couldn't remember feeling in a long time. He hooked his arm more tightly under her leg and the veins of his flexing bicep pressed into her smooth doughy thigh as he lifted and thrust again in a raging stifled grunt.

Pellina's face was only half visible pressed into the rug in front of her fireplace, a couch cushion muffling her excited moans. Her eyes met his and still shared the same disbelief that had filled them from the moment they had suddenly thrown their arms around each other.

He hadn't come here seriously expecting anything of this sort, but after she had put her kids to bed and their small-talk and stories gradually waned, the tension in the air had been palpable and a bowstring had snapped that neither of them knew had been drawn.

"MMMFF!" Pellina's surprised ecstatic moan came through the cushion as Roderick wrapped his arms around her child-bearing hips and lifted her on to her knees, entering her again from behind.

He huffed on to her sweat-pilled back and thrust with new vigour. He had no idea why she was effecting him this way. Why he had such a driving insatiable need to fuck her. His hips slapped against her ass more loudly and he seethed through his teeth against her skin trying to at least keep his voice down, his eyes rolled back at the smell of her skin so close.

That thought gave him pause and he stopped for a moment. Pellina suddenly rolled on to her back and pulled him on top of her with a more gentle touch.

"Oh GODS Roderick," she whispered intensely, "I want you to pound me through the bloody floorboards but we can't wake the kids."

She kissed him passionately before he could respond and their sopping loins came together again. Her pillowy thighs engulfed his hips and he bottomed out as they moaned together. He breathed in through his nose and squeezed his fingers deep into her ass, as his cock swelled with renewed intensity. She shared his breath, lips tickling each other as they panted through their deep heavy thrusts with their shuddering hips. The world seemed to stop as their rhythm became slower but more powerful and his eyes lidded over as her breath filled his nostrils. Suddenly his cock jolted against the heavy pressure of her pussy and his orgasm shot through every nerve in his body as he shot his cum deep inside her. Pellina responded to his harder thrust and his cum filling her and gave a screeching whimper muffled into his mouth as her nails dug into his back.

His hard flexing body rode the rolling womanly curves of hers as their rocking bodies swayed forwards and back along the rug until finally slowing to an exhausted sweaty silence.

Roderick stared into her eyes, wondering if there was a slight purple hint to the blue. He kissed her again and ran his tongue over her teeth deliberately, but couldn't feel anything and she pulled away with a confused frown. Her look softened and then she pecked him one last kiss with a smirk and rolled over with a contented sigh.

Rod cleared his throat and they both began finding their clothes and putting them back on, the silence slowly growing more awkward.

He recalled when he and Pellina knew each other years ago, never knowing why a popular older girl would always sneak him away to steal kisses, each more passionate than the last, though the dance his grandmother had referred to had been the only public display. Then he had moved away, heartbroken. He had convinced himself she had simply been toying with him, but he couldn't help suspecting now that perhaps there was a more instinctive reason for her attentions. If so, it would be more dilute than his, but could she be...

"I don't know why we've seemed to have such an attraction," he said.

Pellina frowned as she pulled on her shirt, "What's THAT supposed to mean?"

Roderick smiled and shook his head, "I don't mean... Pellina you're even more beautiful than I remember, I know I can't be the only suitor you've had recently. I just... feel like I can almost, sense something more between us."

She looked at him with a cautious confusion and then seemed to get self-conscious and pulled her sweater together, to cover her firm nipples poking through the shirt. "Well, the first slice is the bloodiest, or so they say."

"Even so..." Roderick paused to think of what to say next and watched her furrow her brow in a brief vulnerable doubt, before she crossed her arms and sighed.

"Rod don't look at me like that, you're not gonna get down on one knee and abandon the army for me. We both know what this was. I'm flattered you spent your time with me instead of any of the fresh girls down at the tavern before you head off again, but you don't need to act like we're gonna start courting."

Rod shook his head, "Half of them I knew when they were only this high, it'd be creepy."

"Oh shut up, you were practically a child then too and they're full grown women now. You sayin' I couldn't take a braid of snowflowers from any of the fresh young men either? Is that the only reason you came here then?"

"No! In fact I didn't come here at all with the intent to... Look that's what I'm saying is as soon as we were close again it was almost like... the smell of your hair, made me feel something, more than just memory,"

"Stop it!" She shoved him and pointed a finger at him, her wide chest rising and falling quickly as her voice broke, "Don't PLAY with me Rod, I've already been abandoned once to a man who thought sending coin home was better than actually being here, I WON'T be with a man like that again. Don't go talkin' all romantic like this when we've barely seen each other two hours. How could a General be such a fool! You're not gonna give up your success and title and walk away from the war."

Roderick gulped and looked away, "Sometimes I want to," he muttered almost to himself.

Pellina hugged herself with her arms and whispered, "What?..."

Roderick came back to earth and shook his head, "But I know I can't, you're right Pellina, I'm sorry I wasn't meaning to string you along."

"Then don't," she said, turning away, and walking back to the kitchen. Roderick trying to decide if he only imagined hearing a sniffle. Her eyes were dry when she turned around again, though.

"Pellina, I'm trying to... work through something about myself," he said, following her to the kitchen by the entranceway. "I know we can't be together but when I'm with you again, I can maybe understand... what I couldn't grasp years ago. That I can almost smell an attraction between us."

She seemed to stiffen up slightly but stayed silent, continuing to clean up her kitchen and not meeting his eyes."

He continued. "You know my grandmother, right?"

She finally looked up with troubled eyes, knowing what he meant, "I know her Roderick but you should stop being self-conscious about your... family. No one here, least of all me would ever start a rumour or report, they're not even paying attention to that for the last few years anyway, what with the alliance and... Look you're a man. A good man. A clever, noble, man, first and foremost and you shouldn't be worrying about whatever lingering hints of..." Her voice trailed off, not wanting to say it.

"I wasn't sure you knew," he said softly. "What I wanted to ask is... can you sense it too? Can you sm-"

"No," she blurted out sternly. "Of course I can't. Why would I?"

"I... just because I'm fairly sure the only way I could sense it is if you had som-"

"Roderick I don't know what kind of confused ideas you have up in your head but I don't like what you seem to be implying. I'm working my arse off to raise two fine young boys by myself and I'll be damned if I let you even suggest some rumour that would hinder them. I want them to get the hell out of this town and make something of themselves. You of all people should understand that. So, if you even THINK of implying to anyone that I-"

"No! I would never say anything. Please Pellina I just wanted to kno-"

"That's right you won't say anything cause there's nothing to say."

"Yeah. Of course. Look, I'm sorry I brought this up," he said, looking away despondently.

There was a strained silence as she continued to straighten dish towels that didn't need it, and successfully fought back tears.

"I think you should leave," she finally said.

Roderick sighed. "I will. I'm sorry Pellina. You're a good woman, and obviously a good mother. Thank you for... everything. When I get to Andrapolis I'll personally make sure they send you the rest of the reparations for your husband, like we talked about. You should have received more."

Her face and her hands gradually seemed to settle as she leaned against the counter and met his eyes, looking somewhat guilty. "Thank you, I appreciate that," she said softly.

He gave a tight smile and was glad he could leave with a respectful nod instead of a door slammed in his face, and saw her pretty eyes at least regard him with regret rather than reproach as they said one last goodbye. He trudged off into the cold indifferent night, back towards a town he no longer knew, and the long road that lay beyond.


Gorlana looked out from the wooden palisade wall of the hold and saw them coming. Their triangular clan-flag flew from a long pole with a rotting head at the top, too decayed to tell even what species, let alone race it was. They yelled and raised their weapons as they approached her stronghold. She could see plainly the distaste and nervousness on the unmoving faces of her orcish soldiers, without needing to breathe in the smell of their feelings to know them, and she hoped she did a better job of hiding it herself. They all watched as the Rechlinger clan approached.

Honourless barbarians from the north, that didn't deserve to be called Orcs, let alone Orthalians. That was what she had heard spoken of them growing up, only knowing them from stories. Yet were they really that different? Not as different as she expected, when she first saw them years ago on a campaign. Slightly shorter and slightly hairier, louder and always on edge, but she could not deny they were Orcs nonetheless, and Orthalians by right, even if it vexed the other clans.

She quickly hopped down the ladder, seeing the Rechlingers snarling, smiling, sharp-toothed faces through the slits in the door.

She opened it wide for them to enter.

Traulch, their chieftain, strutted forth with a stout hairy-knuckled hand on his sword hilt, the claws noticeably longer than the orcs around Gorlana. As he walked up, his shorter than normal stature making him of an even height with Gorlana, he seemed to think himself looming over her, and she stiffened her stance and hardened her face to make up for it.

Honourless barbarians... that she had joined with. Used, more than joined, she still hoped, but she had doubts to what extent that was true. She knew that the humans across the Rampart mountains had a similar prejudice against her orcs, born of their self-important ignorance and a history of bad blood. She had hoped her Orthalian compatriots had simply had a similar ignorance towards the Rechlingers, and had exaggerated their differences with them, but she had doubts of that too.

Traulch stopped, standing half a step too close and sniffed in deeply across Gorlana's face, down her neck and chest as he slowly lowered onto a knee and back up again.

"Your Champion has returned, my General," he nodded referring to himself with an arrogant croaking voice and a hungry wet smile. "...My queen to be."

Her face snarled in sudden rage and her hand shot up and grasped his elongated ear in her hand, twisting viciously.

"Malgora is your queen and no other, you honour-shirking boar!" she spat at him.

He snarled but kept his lips smiling as he leaned into her twisting hand and bit the air with his short tusks in front of her face.

"Rrrllg my viper has a bite. Just how I like it," he said. "Malgora may rule over you, but we had not ever fully agreed she was OUR queen. You fight her war. You treated with us. You convinced us of the joy of bloodying our swords on these weak human rats. You are the one I would belong to... Though you are still too stubborn to claim me truly, like we both want," he said, grasping her wrist in one hand and her breast in the other.

She let go of his ear to take his hand away from her thick leather chest armour and stepped back, the breath from her offended gasp filling her with the stink of his obvious desire. She stifled her own senses from enjoying it, sour and over-sharp though it was.