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"Good girl. No as for the next part, why do you feel the need to find out who he or they were?"

"Because I personally want to confront them and kick his or their asses. He or they took advantage of me and made me do something that I never would have consciously done - cheated on Bob," I snapped.

"Let's get this straight, WW - you didn't cheat. You are a victim, not a participant, and trying to find out who it was will be ineffective and in my opinion unhealthy."

"But I feel guilty, and angry."

"Why do you feel guilty? You are completely blameless. There is no rational way that you can have guilt. As far as anger, I propose another way to look at it."

I knew that my guilt was irrational, and that anger tends to chafe and become counterproductive, which is why I needed Alexa's, guidance. "What do I do then?"

"Were the actual acts - when you thought that Bob was the perpetrator - unpleasant?"

"Hell no! The anal fuck was pleasant and the vaginal fuck epic - which is another reason for my guilt. I should instinctively not have enjoyed them if it wasn't Bob," I snapped.

"That is ridiculous. By your own admission you were sure that it was Bob, and given your fatigue you would not be expected to know anything different - 'instinct' is bullshit."

She was probably right, but I was still uneasy.

"The solution is for you stop trying to figure out who he or they was or were, that you look on it as the excitement of a one night stand without the cheating that goes along with it, and that you make sure - without specifically telling Bob - that you never are put in even the most remotely similar situation again," Alexa sternly said while holding my hands.

"But what if the guy or guys talk and Bob finds out?"

"He or they are married, haven't contacted you, and it is inconceivable that they ever will talk about it or brag. In fact since - as you described them - they are otherwise decent guys they probably feel a little chagrined about it, if not guilty. They probably were just fulfilling a fantasy with a plasma hot woman, and will be content with that, inwardly smug."

We talked for another half hour. By the end of that time she had convinced me. I tried to do exactly what she told me to do, and think about it exactly like she suggested.

Things were a little difficult for me at first, especially when we had a party with all of the teammates, and their spouses, that we had ever used in rogaining to celebrate our victory in Canada. At that event it was impossible for me not to try to determine which of Jake, Brendon and Stanton were involved. After extensive discussions with them - and their wives - including when each of them had consumed a significant amount of alcohol while I was refraining from any alcohol at all - I got nothing. Nada; zilch; nil; zippo; zero! Alexa was at the party, and even though she was being subtle I know that she was doing an investigation too (which she later admitted to me), and as perceptive as she is she also came up with zilch.

While I later tried to think of the event as Alexa suggested - the excitement of a one night stand without cheating or consequences - it was difficult. However, any irrational lingering guilt I had I put to productive use. I ramped up my sex life with Bob even more than what we both previously thought couldn't be topped.

After one especially energetic session where after I rode Bob reverse cowgirl while massaging his balls and he deposited a monster load in me, I sucked him clean, he orally abused by clit, and then we did The Wheelbarrow. As we lay in post-coital bliss he mumbled "You always were a tiger - now you're one on steroids."

"Are you complaining Eros?" I chuckled.

"Hell no..." he replied, but before he could utter another word I started enthusiastically sucking his testicles and shortly after that we fucked a previously unprecedented third time in a row.


My memory of the second night of the infamous rogaine pops into my head much less often now, eighteen months later. Especially since I'm now pregnant with Bob's twins and am trying to keep my fetuses healthy while simultaneously keeping from getting bigger than a house.

I've stopped trying to figure out who did the dirty deed, and of course I've never told Bob.

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DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah12 days ago

After the cleverly spring-loaded front end, I was anticipating blood and feathers everywhere. I wasn’t too disappointed however when it failed to happen. It certainly sparked debate in the comments.

By remaining silent she risked accusations of complicity and extortion, not to mention the perpetrator(s) remaining at large. Unexploded ordnance remained to corrode in the field and tragically, it’s usually the innocent who suffer for it. In light of future interactions with the miscreants, I would feel a need to keep antacids at hand. We buys a ticket and takes our chances.

The stealthy deviants deserved a boot to the taint. Personally, I would apply it to all three just to cover the spread.

From the history of the competition, to the unfurling of the action, to the path not taken, this was a captivating tale.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

I just feel that a rapist should.never get away with it. I don't think it's ever just a one time thing.

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago

It's fiction. Okay story.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago
No way

No way she should ever let a rapist go free. Unlike other Yum stories I've read, I didn't like this one.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 5 years ago
IF it ever comes out what happened..........

and it eventually will, the hubby would be in his rights to divorce her immediately. When she figured out what happened she should have went to the Police immediately. There would probably still be enough DNA from the sperm still in her body.

She allowed a Rapist to get away with it.

She should have gathered those 3 men together alone and told them she knew one or more of them raped her that night and demanded the guilty party confess. If not, then they all should take a lie detector test. He who doesn't, pretty much outed himself. If anyone balks she will tell her hubby and all the wives about one or more of their hubbies being a rapist. But then again, she wanted to preserve those friendships rather than out her rapist.

She is just as bad as the rapist because the guilty party(s) will probably attempt it again on some other unsuspecting woman or girl.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 5 years ago
This was a thought provoking story!

She was right to solicit her sister's advice, and to heed it. I see no upside to finding the identity of the rapist, but I see a lot of problems. If she is able to function normally, she made the best decision. Her husband is a happy guy and she is still happily married. No one died in this, not even a rapist. That may disappoint the LW readership of late. Nicely done.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1almost 5 years ago
Keepimg my fetuses healthy

You will be a warm and loving mother for sure.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Hard choice

I just don't think she made the right one in letting the rapists get away with their crime. At least two other people know, and given Bob's jealousy and unforgiving nature there will be blood when he inevitably finds out. I always like sequels, and that would be an easy one given your talent.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 5 years ago

"it didn't hurt to have potential clients or customers fawning over us" - And wearing wedding rings will stop that? Doubtful! All it does is signal that you might be available.

I agree that telling Bob is a non-starter, but she has to do all she can to keep those three guys of their team in the future. If Bob asks she can simply say that they creep her out.

I assume one of the ways to avoid the situation is to NOT go to bed without Bob.

I DON'T believe the guys other "otherwise" decent. Decent guys don't take advantage like that, especially, if we assume two of them, that the first told the second and suggested that he take advantage also.

I also wouldn't rule out confronting them. She may not be able to prove anything, but she can still put the fear of god into them.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 5 years ago
Very well done, I foured it. Like others, not reporting the rape is impossible to fathom. I can understand how the initial act happened, and the first decision or actually a non decision to let it go for the time being. But you got to think about the ot

A dear family.member only 6 years old was raped when I was a 4 year old , and I was forced by the abductor to watch. Because it was another juvenile (HS aged) not much was done to him. It really messed up my kinfolk life, mine too I can't imagine not doing anything about one of those rapist "people".

OTOH all of her sisters points seem valid in certain lights, but given what my kin went through, I'm just can't see letting it go. However, if the victim clams up like this, no one but she can make the call. She shouldn't be victim shamed.

The fact that the perp used deceit instead of force makes no difference to whether or not a crime was committed. But it does influence the perception of the victim, and hence everything thereafter.

Another well executed story by AY. Thanks Amy.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodlealmost 5 years ago
If you did not consent to sex with someone other than Bob then you were taped and have every right to seek justice.

However, the fact that you can’t tell your husband without him kicking the shit out of all three of them and his history of violence shows that you shouldn’t be married to him. What kind of relationship is it where you can’t tell the man you love that you were raped while he was sleeping without him going off the deepens and going to prison?

And how is that no one pressed charges against him for assault and battery? Because they were embarrassed that they got beat up? Really? Fuck that. I’m a black belt in Shito-Ryu Itosu Kai Karate and if I beat the fuck out of someone I fully expect them to put me in prison. So what gives Bob special treatment? Nothing you bitch. He would be in jail because he’s a violent fuckwad who beats people up because they talked to his wife.

boatbummboatbummalmost 5 years ago
I Have To Agree. . .

. . .With those who are unhappy with the protagonist Amy's choices. Some day, some way, the rape is going to be revealed, and her marriage will be exposed for the fraud that it is.

Yes, the story is very well crafted, but Amy's deliberate betrayal is beyond redemption, and one or more predatory rapists are free to victimize someone else.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 5 years ago

F-I-C-T-I-O-N! A seven letter word that’s fairly easy to understand; and that’s what Amyyum was writing. She was NOT writing an instruction manual on how to have a successful marriage, instead she produced a fun to read piece to brighten our dull day.

This is Amy’s world—nothing happens that she doesn’t put on paper, and everything she did put on paper could have happened, even if unlikely, so suspension of belief was well within the reach of most who enjoy reading as a hobby. BTW, I’m not going back through the comments, but I don’t remember anyone challenging the possibility of Amy’s characters acting like she writes them..

Instead readers object to the way Amy chose to create her story—WTF, it’s her story and I, although maybe I’m the only one, enjoyed it. There are many ways she could have taken this plot, and there is nothing to say some of you who disagree with her choice can’t write a similar story, and yes you can do it without it being plagiarism.

We’d all be happy to read your take on a story—say one where the wife cries rape or just tells her hot headed husband who then kills or nearly kills the three men and spends jail time. How will you handle wifey’s sex life during this time, does she become a Nun? How about the men’s families, do they break up after their husbands become felons? How do the kids make out growing up in a single parent home while facing bullies at school teasing them about their Dads being jailbirds? Of course you don’t have to address any of these things, for this story will be YOUR story, the world you create on paper will be YOUR world.

But you can bet some wiseass will find fault with YOUR world just as we did with Amy”s.

BTW, good work, Amy—a full score from the Lowcountry. (After all, down here where we eat dirt and go to family reunions to pick up women, nobody can expect better from us. LOL)

ValintValintalmost 5 years ago
The guilt wasn't misplaced

Not for being raped, but she deserves all the guilt for not telling her husband.

Her sister's advice was asinine. "Why is it so important to you to know who it was?" Well, one of our friends is either an opportunistic rapist and probable sociopath, or is so obsessed with me that he's willing to rape me despite my husband being around. Oh, and given that there were two sex acts with her asleep in between (and how dangerous this would have been for the rapist if he didn't have backup), it's entirely possible that there's two rapists, not one. Might be useful to know who the fuck that is.

If she had completely cut off contact with them, maybe I'd cut her some slack, but there's zero mention of that here, given that they're partying together later on.

So, she's okay heading off into the woods with either a sociopath or someone who's obsessed with her (or both), without her husband being forewarned? That seems like a recipe for them ending up on the same team again, and her husband being killed by the rapist off in the woods somewhere, since he has no idea it's coming.

(And, of course, given the gentle nature of the sex, it's entirely possible that the rapist has constructed a fantasy relationship with her, and is of the belief that she wanted it, which she's certainly not helping by keeping it a secret just between them.)

Perhaps the most important: She has given her rapist the power to blow up her marriage at any point he chooses. "He won't say anything because he'd risk his own marriage." Yeah, okay, except for all you know, it's an open marriage or they're getting a divorce.

If she gets blindsided out of the blue with the guy coming up to her in front of her husband, and talking about the epic sex they had that night (or the guy calling up the husband and bragging about it), does she really think she's that good of a liar that she's going to be able to sell that it didn't happen at all. I have to think that, months or years later, claiming that it was rape (and not the consensual one-night-stand the rapist would claim) would be a hard sell.

Never count on someone keeping a crucial secret, without being sure letting it spill would hurt them as much as it would you.

Her sister was an idiot.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanalmost 5 years ago
What I don't get is

if Bob was an expert in this activity and one of the best, why was he so wasted and the other two weren't?

patilliepatilliealmost 5 years ago
Fun quick read

but no further development of drama leaves something desired.

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