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I sat down and watched them from the chair, I was so spent that I would have been pushed to raise a smile let alone an erection, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves. At one point Arabella raised her head, her hair falling down around the side of her face, and she howled her cum, as Helena lashed at her quim and her clitty.

"Oh! Fuck! Shit-in-a-pot, mother, fuck! Yes, yes, oooohhhh yes!" She spewed a stream of vulgarities at Helena, which only seemed to drive her on further. I saw Helena's hand reach up between Arabella's arse cheeks and she began to explore her daughter-in-law's bottom hole, much to Arabella's surprise and delight. This assault on her arse effectively proclaimed that from that point onward, 'no holds would be barred', and my wife pressed her head forward and down between Helena's thighs again, and down further, exploring my mother's bottom with her tongue. Not long after that, both women came with such ferocity that when they were done, the throes of their orgasms made them fall apart exhausted. For a moment it looked as if someone had simply thrown them both upon the bed and left them. They both lay motionless like that for a few minutes.

Helena was the first to stir and I offered her a glass of wine.

"Dear Lord God and All of His Little Angels!" She laughed, kissing me, "I love you William, with every fibre of my body, but that was a cum like nothing I have ever felt."

"Shall we keep her then, mother?" I asked, looking at Arabella, discarded on the bed.

"I think we shall." Helena laughed, "Though I am not certain we should go as hard as this every time ... it is perhaps a little too much."

"Did you hear that, wife?" I chuckled as she stirred, "We have decided to keep you, and not send you back to your mother!"

"Wine!" Arabella croaked. She took a hasty gulp of the madeira, "I am so glad. It would have been a shame to have gone through all of that and been thought a failure. Now, I feel well and truly fucked."

We settled again, but this time there was more of a 'job done' feeling as we composed ourselves.

"Do you think...?" Arabella asked sleepily.

I didn't comprehend what she was asking at first, but Helena did, and she replied for us both. "I think it may have. Certainly, the amount of cum William put up inside you, it should have done."

"Who said that we are done?" I asked with a laugh, "There is nothing we need to get out of bed for, we can stay here all tomorrow and fuck if you wish."

After a short discussion, Helena decided that she would need to rise, because while it would not be considered unseemly for Arabella and I to stay in bed all day, it would give the game away to all and sundry if she stayed with us (bearing in mind that we had guests staying at the hall). She counselled us to do the same, as while the fucking had been a great deal of fun, it had also been most vigorous, and she wondered whether Arabella might not require a respite.

I looked to my left and saw my new wife give a little nod, then she leaned across me to kiss Helena, "Thank you, yes mother, I am feeling a touch sore. Perhaps we can take a tour around the grounds and the village later, yes?"

After that we slept for a few hours until Barclay appeared and quietly asked if we would like breakfast in my room. Bearing in mind what Helena had said, I told him that we would be taking breakfast in the dining room with all of the family and guests and would he bring Arabella's maid to attend her?

It was the first time that I had met Kate, the maid that Arabella had brought with her, and I was surprised. They were like enough that they could have been sisters, though not so similar that you could mistake one for the other. Where Arabella was fair haired, Kate was dark, she was also more well-endowed than her mistress, both in her boobies and her backside, but they were both about the same height and both pretty, and though Kate was a servant, she bore herself with the same sort of confidence that her mistress did. I had agreed not to pry into Arabella's privacy, unless she allowed me to, but I understood that Kate was her paramour, and had been my wife's lover for at least a year. It was a very convenient arrangement, as it meant that there was no necessity for my wife to go outside of our household.

She entered my room to assist Arabella, bobbed a curtsey to me, "Your Grace!", a second deeper curtsey and a more breathy greeting to my mother, "Your Grace!", and a totally worshipful greeting to her mistress, "Your Grace!"

My mother spoke before I could, "Kate. If you are going to do that every time we meet, you'll get nothing done. One curtsey will do for the future and a bob at that."

The girl nodded, "Yes, Your Grace, thank you."

And with that I was suddenly alone. Helena returned to her own room, and Arabella to hers. After the frenetic activities of the last forty-eight hours, it was somewhat of a shock, to not be surrounded by people, to have no one within arm's reach, even in intimate contact. Then Barclay brought my shaving water and normality resumed.

After lunch I escorted Helena and Arabella out into the warm sunshine, where the highly polished Rogeringham landau with our four shining bay horses waited patiently for us. Mr Hopley and one of the grooms waited with them.

I helped them both to get into the carriage, Helena first, as was proper, and then my new-wife. The groom that held the horses leapt up beside Hopley and we were off!

Hopley took us down the Yew Walk - which was perfectly adequate for the coach and four, we stopped for a moment to visit Henry's estate office, then remounted and drove through the village. People stopped and waved, calling out greetings. We stopped several times to speak to people, including Dr Locksley and his wife who were returning to the vicarage. From the church, we made our way towards the south end of the village where one of our gangs of workmen had started work on building a row of labourer's cottages.

When we arrived there, we stopped and dropped off a hamper of food for them and some bottles of beer. Arabella dismounted to talk with the men and I watched as she chatted with them, asking about their jobs or the tools that they were using - getting them to explain how to properly use a chisel or what a string line was for. I used it as an opportunity to ask if there was anything they needed, any way that I could assist them, while Helena remained in the carriage, leaning over the side and watching the whole thing. And all the while Arabella moved among the men, with her inquisitive manner, and her pleasant laugh, she charmed each and every one of them. I knew that they appreciated our stop when they gave a quick cheer - though that may have been the gift of beer - as we remounted and drove on.

Across Rogeringham Moor, the heathland that stretched away to the south of the village, the road brought us to the bridge and the ford and the grand entrance to Rogeringham Hall.

At the ford the Rogeringham estate's other gang of workers were repairing the bed of the ford which had suffered over the winter. Like the first gang, we stopped and gave them a basket of food and some bottles of beer, and though there were less opportunities for Arabella to express her curiosity - after all their work was under water, like the first gang the new duchess charmed them all to a man. The men stood tall in her presence, and there was a measure of showing off as they posed for her. It was light-hearted, and amusing, but it was also important that Arabella be recognised as my wife and the new duchess.

Her role, very much as my mother's was, is as the mistress of the house and the estate. There were many decisions that would be hers and hers alone to make now. While I would make the major decisions, and control the purse, Arabella would be the person to whom the house staff would come, who would run both Rogeringham Hall and the Mayfair house. Helena would be there to assist her, advising her when Arabella asked, but her role as the mistress was over, it was Arabella's now.

We left the gang of workmen at the ford and drove back up the long drive to Rogeringham Hall.

The next couple of days saw more of the same sort of thing, travelling out and about and even as far as Buckingham town itself, and we were invited to several balls and dinners given on Arabella's behalf, mainly so that local dignitaries could see and be seen with her. From what I could see and what we discussed, my new wife relished her new responsibilities, she looked forwards to fulfilling her role, both here and in the Ton.

The nights were similar to that first night of our marriage, as we made every effort to ensure her impregnation, though perhaps we were not so urgent in the way we approached it. Arabella told me that she enjoyed making love with me, though she still preferred women, and she whispered that she hoped that she would not conceive too soon, because just trying was so enjoyable.

When I asked whether it was me or Helena that made it so, my wife just laughed and hid her smile behind her fluttering fan. However, it was not long before Arabella began to be sick in the mornings and it appeared that we had been successful in our efforts. If I thought Helena had been strict during the conception, she became even more so as Arabella's belly swelled, and she did all that she could to ensure that her daughter-in-law had a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Helena became fiercely protective, and made sure that everything was prepared for the birth and that Arabella wanted for nothing. She had already done the same for Hermione, when she conceived, descending on their house like a terrible goddess, and as my sister told me, sending Eugenie Barthomley fleeing. Caroline had also benefitted from her mother's care.

Fortunately, for all of her enthusiasm, Helena never lost sight of the fact that it was Arabella's child, and while she made sure that carriages were taking the best route, that her daughter-in-law never had to stand any time for too long, or that she didn't suffer from the heat of the day; if Arabella asked her to desist, she did. She was protected but never suffocated by my mother's love.

Hermione's child - a girl, was a babe-in-arms at the time of my wedding, and was much admired, and doted on. Caroline was also pregnant at the wedding, and she gave birth a month later.

We all returned to the Ton in June for Charlotte and Richard's wedding, which was again one of the events of that year's Season. And with that event done - the twins having made their decision as to how they wanted to live - and the newly-weds installed at Richard's home in Oxfordshire, my tale is done.

94. Afterword

Arabella took to motherhood like a duck takes to the water, something about being with child caused her to embrace it. Privately, between the three of us, she jokingly referred to it as 'being bred', which she said that she always enjoyed, especially as each time it happened, Helena was present. It did not limit her passion for women in any way, but she told us, she saw our family as her way of repaying the freedom that I gave her. I had never sought to put any pressure upon her to repay anything. We had agreed that we would try for heirs, but that was it, no more was required from her. Still, Arabella felt obligated in herself. In spite of this, 'breedings' were always seen as a great occasion, which we all three of us enjoyed. I did sometimes wonder at the enthusiasm that Arabella showed for the process of making a child, given her avowed passion for other women, but during her first pregnancy Helena told me what had been said between the two of them at Arabella's birthday party.

Helena said that she had specifically broached the subject of providing heirs with Arabella and had been surprised by her response. It appeared that Arabella had said that she desired children as she had grown up an only child. She said that she could think of nothing more that she would want in the world than to be surrounded by children, to make up for her own, quite lonely, childhood. That was what had convinced my mother that our betrothal should proceed. That, and she genuinely liked Arabella as a person.

In time Arabella bore me three sons and three daughters. They were, in order of age - William, Helena, the twins Henry and Thomas, Elizabeth and then my baby, Charlotte (named primarily after the queen, but also for my eldest sister). There was another boy, Daniel, between William and Helena, but sadly he died at birth. After Charlotte, Arabella decided that enough was enough and we concentrated on raising our children as best we could.

As marriages of convenience go it was a good one, and it lasted a very long time. While my love for Helena never faltered, and the same went for hers for me, the affection and regard that I held for Arabella matured and while it never reached the height of that which I felt for my mother, I believe that it was all that a married man and woman can hope for, perhaps more. Helena came to regard Arabella as her sixth daughter and I know Arabella always treated Helena as she did her own mother.

I lived with my mother and wife for many years until the Lord called us all home to him.

I have often reflected upon my life with Helena, and Arabella. In some people's eyes, I suppose, we were committing a mortal sin. I care not for that view. If, as the good Doctor Locksley told me, Jesus preached a doctrine of Love above all else, if something was conceived in Love, and we loved each other dearly, how can it be wrong? It was certainly no crime, well not until many years later and by then it was no matter, and I can honestly say that I have no regrets on the choices I made.

As for the other people in my family, in order, my sisters also progressed in their own lives.

After Charlotte and Richard married, they lived in Oxfordshire on Richard's estate, preferring there to London. He turned his will to 'raising sheep and cattle', as he had said he would, and then having established himself in that, he and Charlotte expanded into raising children. I think I am uncle to ten children by their marriage, though to be truthful I am not actually certain, it may be more. Charlotte, was most prolific.

Caroline and Henry were a little bit more moderate and brought just four young Adamses into the world. They often came to stay at the Mayfair house and Rogeringham Hall. When the Rogeringham children and the Adams children brigaded together it was always chaotic. (I never subscribed to the view that children should be seen and never heard, and while I know many people disproved of it, we spent a great deal of time with our children, instead of isolating them with nannies and tutors) Nothing more was ever said about the conversation that Henry and I had on Christmas Eve and Henry remained my assistant for many years, and our friendship lasted many more after that.

The twins never married. Oh, they had lovers and beaus and suitors aplenty - and I believe that there was debauchment and orgifying as well, but thankfully no scandal. There were a couple of close calls, but nothing that could not be handled, discreetly. They lived with us for a couple of years and then set up at a house we own in Sloane Square, a short way away from Rogeringham House, where they lived until their old age.

Hermione powered James Barthomley's career like one of Mr Congreave's infernal rockets, though with considerably more accuracy. In between delivering off-spring - six in total, she propelled his course, so that by his thirtieth birthday, James had actually become richer than his father and his portfolio put him and my sister into a very strong place. Fortunately, the brash young man that I met on my first night home, matured into a clever and compassionate chap, and though he ruefully admitted that he still found himself nervous in my presence, we spent many pleasant days and evenings together.

Their eldest child, a girl, Phoebe, who everyone assumed must have been conceived on their wedding night, was unmistakably a Rogeringham in features and in form, having a strong resemblance to her mother. I believe that of all my nephews and nieces, she remains my favourite, and it was only when we attended her coming out ball, about a month after her eighteenth birthday, that Hermione confided to me that she was certain that Phoebe was my daughter, conceived on that last night before her wedding.

I know that both Charlotte and Hermione had expressed a desire to make return visits to my bed once they had established their own marriages. But with my mother and Arabella, I had as much as a man could want and more. So, as she had with the twins, quietly and firmly, Helena closed that door, to all comers bar my wife.

Elizabeth Dorrington, never remarried. "Why should I?" she once asked me, "I am enjoying myself far too much to burden myself with another husband." At which point she went off and began creating mischief and joy with her grand-children. I am quite certain that if my children ever found themselves in trouble, Elizabeth had been involved at some point, usually as the primary instigator. Just the sight of Grand-mama's carriage approaching in the distance would cause a thrill of excitement to ripple through the young Rogeringhams (and any Carters, Adamses, or Barthomleys that were present), and the servants would start to batten down the hatches and give an eye to anything that might get broken.

Eventually, after many years of service, Barclay trained up his own replacement and retired to a cottage on the estate, with a good pension. Of course, he found himself a wife and married and with his and her money combined, they never wanted for anything. The day that Joshua Barclay married Emily Dodgson was a particularly enjoyable one, and my mother and I were pleased that they had found each other. Joshua had been at the centre of it all, and he was well aware of Emily's story, none of which made any difference at all to him, and from what I could observe, it seemed that they were very happy together. If Joshua told Emily about my mother and I, neither he nor she ever made mention of it.

Emily eventually sent her daughters to a school in Buckingham and from thence to one in Oxford. They all married well, and we maintained contact with them as women. With their families, they were frequent visitors at Rogeringham Hall. Emily herself wrote two books on the education of women, which were well received though they never got the readership of someone like Mrs Wollstonecraft. Several people said that Emily's ideas were equally thoughtful and worthy of consideration, I thought that her words were most thought provoking and read the books several times.

The daughter of Lt-General Bradley, Lydia - the queen's favourite of the Season, married a young German prince, an émigré relation of the queen. They married in a quite spectacular wedding at the prince's home in Berkshire.

A man is lucky if he has one woman in his life, a woman who loves him and who he may love and share his life, and his bed, with. I was blessed in not only by having my mother and Arabella in my life, but all of my sisters, Elizabeth Dorrington, Emily Dodgson and so many others.

I have been privileged to make my way in war and prosper in peace, and I have known and been friends with many great men, but most of all, I thank God - and all of His Little Angels - for the women I have known in my life.

And with that, this simple tale of ordinary, everyday Regency aristocracy, their lives and their bodice-ripping, incestuous loves, comes to an end. I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed it, and that if you have, you will consider voting for it and perhaps even leave a comment.

Thank you for your indulgence.

God Save the Queen!

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PinkjemPinkjem3 days ago

Fantastic! Just so detailed and interesting!

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

This is probably the best incest erotic story I have ever read. Once I started reading it, I couldn't stop!!!!! It is a fantastic read I wish a pray for a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

What a great story! Very well done. I have been a Lit reader for many years and I think this one is my favorite. Looking forward to more stories from you!

scipioparkinsscipioparkins28 days agoAuthor

"Anonymous about 1 hour ago

An epic, thoroughly enjoyable read, good Scipio! I am, sadly, unable to give a 5 star review, as I have already done so, on my first reading, some time ago, and would be loathe to undo it.

I love a good long story. Where as much, or perhaps, more attention is paid to the vastly larger moments and business of living, when not in the throws of passion. This story is truly a masterpiece, and you, a master Craftsman"

Most humbly - thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

An epic, thoroughly enjoyable read, good Scipio! I am, sadly, unable to give a 5 star review, as I have already done so, on my first reading, some time ago, and would be loathe to undo it.

I love a good long story. Where as much, or perhaps, more attention is paid to the vastly larger moments and business of living, when not in the throws of passion. This story is truly a masterpiece, and you, a master Craftsman.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

A story well told, great pleasure to read 😀

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Gripping & entertaining the whole way through, well done

lcluckylclucky4 months ago

Fantastic. Well written and without a doubt the best that I've read on this site. Thank you for sharing it.

Jack506Jack5064 months ago

Well done. An enjoyable read.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Un vrai chef d’oeuvre! And reading it totally destroyed my day’s scheduled work. THANK YOU!!!

TheCowboyWayTheCowboyWay4 months ago

This is a hell of a story! I loved every minute of it! The backstop of every important character flawlessly executed! This was an extremely fun read! This writer has talent I look forward to seeing their next story I do hope it’s as long and detailed as the previous stories I’ve read from this author!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Nicely done. I was highly entertained and my vocabulary increased.

Many thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story by a fine writer. My only criticism but a minor one is that in that time and place it would have been far more likely that William would have got more than one of his sisters pregnant. No mention was made of avoiding pregnancy, so there's no basis for assuming that they took precautions or even avoided when the women were ovulating.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago
Great tale , thank you.

I hope the author pens a tale with asterisks rather than porn descriptions. Should be a bestseller!

scipioparkinsscipioparkins7 months agoAuthor

"Why in Heavens name didn't you publish this on a pay site?!?! I've paid for novels not half as good."

I'm working on it. I feel I should at least offer more than what people get for free, but it's a very delicate process.


My pleasure - glad you enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Why in Heavens name didn't you publish this on a pay site?!?! I've paid for novels not half as good.

That being said,


Happy Holidays to you.


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Excellent, I can't say more. Who are these bridgerton people? I'd rather hear about the rodgeringhams

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I loved it. A vociferous reader of period romance laced with fiery relationships had me happily consuming this tome. Well written and a surprise find. It's worth publishing and you should do so - it will give Lexy Timms a run for her money.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

After reading this story, I could only feel that the author should seriously consider taking up writing novels.

This story, perhaps with less lasciviousness, would dress up well as a book on its own.

Well done.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow just wow!!! I once in a great while get to read a story as grand as this!! That moves my to many emotions!!! I loved it very much!!!

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