Roll Me Away


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I went into the kitchen with a heavy heart, only to be greeted by a pizza box on the counter that had been pulled out the trash. I was about to throw it away when I saw the writing on the bottom of it, forty-three hastily-scrawled words that blew a hole in my heart:

"Chris I am so sorry yur a wondeful man and make me feel so good and safe I know you love me but I dont deserve it Im scared to meet your famly what if they hate me Ill never forget you - Arya"

After reading this, I felt nothing - I was empty inside, just a hollow shell of a man. Sure, I could go over to Arya's shitty apartment, get on my knees and beg her to come back, or hunt down Dianne Richards and enlist her help in trying to change Arya's mind, but I didn't have it in me. I'd given my whole heart to this girl, now there was nothing left to give. No anger, no tears, nothing. I was done.

Shaking my head, I thought to myself, Fuck me.


At work Tuesday morning, thanks to Arya's ruse Fat Dog and Pilar razzed me in the breakroom about being a DILF and a baby-daddy. I reassured them it was just a false alarm, nobody was pregnant, that I knew of anyway. We all had a laugh, then went back to work. I took Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off to drive up to Truckee, California for my cousin's wedding.

Founded in 1844, Truckee was named after a friendly Paiute chief who assisted thousands of emigrants in their migration west. His name sounded like 'Tro-kay' to the white men, who ignorantly dubbed him 'Truckee.'

In 1846, the town of Truckee gained fame as the final resting place of the doomed Donner party. In 1868, Truckee was selected by the Central Pacific Railroad as a station on the soon-to-be-built Intercontinental Railroad. The Central Pacific was now history, but Truckee still remained a railroad station for Amtrak.

These days it was a city of over 16,000 located on Interstate 80, and a busy crossroads for skiers enroute to Tahoe, as well as gamblers heading for Reno, Nevada. My divorced sister Gretchen Martin, older than me by 6 years, owned a bakery in the business district there; her house was a few blocks away.

I rolled into her driveway about 2pm Wednesday. My twin nephews Roy and Ethan were out somewhere doing teenage boy things, so it was just Gretchen and I. My sister could see I looked like I felt - shitty. She jumped right into it. "So, baby brother, how you been getting by since that evil witch Maureen stabbed you in the back?"

I shrugged, "I'm doing OK. The condo is nice, and work is fine."

"And how's your love life? You keeping that pecker well-oiled?" Living in a semi-rural area like Truckee, my sister wasn't one to mince words.

"Don't ask. I was dating this one girl I really liked, but it didn't work out."

My sister scowled, "Why the hell not? There's nothing wrong with you! You're good looking, you earn good money, you own your own home, what kind of a woman doesn't want that?"

"One who's fourteen years younger than me, that's who." I left out the trans-woman-in-transition part, that was none of Gretchen's business. Still, my revelation took my sister by surprise.

"No SHIT! You been hanging around high school girls?"

"Damn it, Gretch, do the damned math! Arya was 24!" Shit, I'd said her name. Gretchen would latch on to that and flog me with it.

"What the hell, Chris? Were you taking advantage of this Arya, or what?"

Frustrated, I shook my head in denial. "Look, Gretch, you know damned good and well how old I am.. I'm looking for a long-term relationship, I want to settle down. When I told Arya, she felt she was too young, and didn't want the same things as me."

Gretchen chuckled, "Oh, yeah, that whole settling down thing worked out real good with that cheating whore Maureen, didn't it?"

"Give me a break, Gretch. Arya is..." I corrected myself, "whoops, past tense. Arya was totally different than Maureen. First, she wasn't a cheating whore, she was just too young to commit." I was tempted to add 'commitment-phobic as fuck,' but stopped myself. "And secondly, she's sweet and kind."

"What about in the sack? Was she better than your slut ex-wife?" Flashing back on the pleasures of the night we had together, I inadvertently shivered at the recollection. Gretchen saw this and smiled, cocking her left eyebrow. "That good, huh?"

Embarrassed by my nosy sibling's interrogation, I felt my cheeks getting hot. "Let's just say what little we did together was... nice. In the end though, we just wanted different things out of life, so she left me."

Patting me on the arm, Gretchen bent over and lovingly kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry to hear that, little brother, I truly am. Well, the good news is Lucy and Todd's wedding is on Saturday, and Lucy tells me her maid of honor is some hippie chick who's spiritually hungry and physically horny, so we'll have to get you two together."


Thursday morning Gretchen left for work at 4am, her note saying she'd be back at 3pm, typical baker's hours. Having no reason to get out of bed, I laid there alone in the guest room and masturbated to the erotic memory of Arya's mouth gobbling my cock.

I had to admit, the few times I'd gotten a blowjob from Maureen the experience was always underwhelming, like it was an unpleasant obligation. Arya, on the other hand damn near sucked my soul out through my dick, it was so good. That made her running out on me even more painful.

I finally got up around 10am; the twins had already eaten most of the surplus pastries before leaving for the day, but were kind enough to leave their pathetic uncle a couple at least. Making some coffee, I proceeded to devour the cheese Danish and bear claw they'd left behind. While scrolling the national news on my phone (as if I wasn't already depressed enough), I got a call from Gretchen.

"Hey, lazybones, you awake?"

I groaned inwardly. Same old Gretchen, she lived to badger me. "Yes, I'm up," I told her, "I was just about to shave and shower."

"You might want to skip the shower and squirt some deodorant on to kill your stink, because there's somebody waiting for you here at the bakery."

This threw me for a loop. "Who in the hell would that be? Cousin Lucy's slutty maid of honor?"

Ever since we were kids, Gretchen always loved it when she knew something important that I didn't. Some things never changed, I could almost hear my sibling gloating over the phone. "Nope. I'll give you a hint. She's 5' 5" tall, adorable, and just got off the Amtrak from Berkeley to come find you. Oh, and she asked me to tell you she loves you."

Damn my sister, she'd always loved to pull shit on me, but this was too much! "If this is a prank, Gretch, I swear I'll kill you! It's not fucking funny," I growled.

Gretchen snorted, "If I was pranking you, shithead, I would have just dumped ice water on you while you slept, not made up some stupid story like this. You'd best be getting your ass down here, she's got her lips wrapped around one of my croissants right now but I'm sure she'd rather have them wrapped around something of yours."

I stood there, stunned. Not at the fact Arya had found Gretchen, since she knew my sister ran a bakery in Truckee; the fact that the bakery was named 'Sweet Gretchen's' was probably also a giveaway. But why here, why now, after she'd crushed my heart for the second time? Truthfully, it made me mad.

"Forget it, Gretchen," I snapped, "even if you are telling the truth, which I highly doubt, I'm done with Arya. She flipped on me like an Olympic gymnast, so that means she's officially an EX! There's no way I'm giving her another chance."

Knowing it would piss my sister off, I hung up on her like the annoying sibling that I am. I should have known better; five minutes later, a furious Gretchen stormed into the house, slapped the cup of coffee out of my hand and roughly grabbed the front of my shirt.

"Hey, I hadn't finished that yet," I protested, to no avail.

"Listen, shithead," Gretchen thundered, "there's a girl crying in my fucking bakery who's come a long way to apologize to you - something I don't recall your ex-wife doing during your marriage, by the way - and you are damned well going to listen to her! So put on some clean clothes, shave that ugly face of yours and get your incredibly stupid ass down to my shop within 5 minutes! If you don't, as God is my witness I'll shove one of my rolling pins so far up your butt that your liver will be making pie crusts! ARE WE CLEAR ON THIS?"

My older sister being the master communicator that she was, yes, we were very clear. I quickly dressed, shaved, sprayed some deodorant under my pits, and got my incredibly stupid ass down to the bakery as ordered.


The minute I walked through the door of the bakery Arya slammed all of her 115 pounds into me, hugging me more tightly than I thought her capable of. "Chris! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she repeated between sobs, confessing, "I just got so overwhelmed I had a panic attack and ran away. I do love you! Please forgive me!"

I heard Gretchen laugh. "I thought you said she was your EX, little brother. This little girl just took a six-hour train ride up here to find you and tell you she loves you. That's not very ex-like behavior, you ask me. If you know what's good for you, you'll accept her damned apology!"

As angry and resentful as I'd been when Gretch told me Arya was here, I couldn't disagree with my sister's logic, nor could I resist the tears of the petite woman so tightly wrapped around me.

Leaning my head down and kissing Arya softly, I whispered in her ear. "I'll accept your apology on one condition, you have to promise never to leave me like that again." She moved her head back,

her eyes brimming with tears, and nodded happily.

"Never again, I promise," she whispered back.

Our reconciliation was interrupted by my sister. "Well, I guess Lucy's maid of honor will have to get her fresh meat somewhere else. Arya, since you're going to be my idiot brother's plus-one for the wedding, did you bring a dress? If not, after I get off work we'll drive into Reno and do some shopping together."

By now Arya had disentangled from me and was shyly looking at the floor. "I didn't bring a dress, I just packed an overnight bag with some underwear and toiletries. Shopping would be nice, thank you."

Gretchen shook her head. "Oh, honey, don't thank me, you're doing me a favor. I can tell you're a sweet girl, and that's what my baby brother needs. His heart's been a toxic waste dump since Satan's daughter divorced him; I'm just relieved he's got you."


The girls got back from Reno about 8pm. The twins and I had ordered Chinese carryout for dinner, and we'd just finished. When my nephews saw Arya, their eyes got wide. With all the tact and diplomacy of an 18-year-old, Roy declared, "DAMN, Uncle Chris, that's your girlfriend? Nice job, bro!"

My nephew Ethan, like his brother a paragon of cheekiness, gleefully added, "Hey, Arya, our uncle's an old fart. Keep me in mind if you ever get tired of him!"

Gretchen, embarrassed by her sons' insolence, glared at them and snapped, "Arya, I apologize for my idiot sons. They used to be sweet and took after me but after puberty hit, they turned into a couple of assholes like their deadbeat father."

Scolded, Roy and Ethan both apologized, "Sorry, Arya. We were just joking, Uncle Chris is a good guy."

I expected Arya would be flustered by all the attention, but spending an afternoon shopping with my obnoxious sister seemed to have bolstered her confidence.

"Apology accepted, thank you boys," she said, moving closer to me, "your Uncle Chris really is a good guy, especially where it counts." I was shocked to feel her squeezing my butt as she said that.

Duly chastised, the embarrassed boys quickly excused themselves and went to their rooms. Gretchen, meanwhile, just grinned, telling me, "I like this girl, Chris. Definitely a keeper."

The three of us sat in the living room watching some episodes of a series Gretchen had been binging, then around 9:30pm my sister announced, "I've got to get up early so I'm going to bed, see you guys tomorrow." She went upstairs, leaving Arya and I on the sofa, finally alone together again.

Arya was wearing a plain beige short-sleeved knee-length shirtdress, one with buttons that ran all the way down the front of the dress. Without me asking, Arya moved to sit on my lap, her pretty bare legs stretched out. Wrapping my arms around her, it felt good.

"So I guess now you don't need to worry about my family hating you," I teased, "my sister loves you, and both my nephews have the hots for you."

"I guess I was being insecure," she replied, "I was so used to being hated back in Illinois. Your sister doesn't know about my transitioning though, right?"

I chuckled, "Probably not, although I wouldn't assume, because she's pretty damned observant. What's important is she really likes you. She absolutely loathed my ex-wife; Gretch wasn't happy that I'd proposed, and even she tried to talk me out of marrying Maureen at the last minute. Looking back, it was advice I wish I'd taken."

I took a deep breath, exhaling a breath filled with regrets. "My sister has proven herself to be a pretty good judge of character, and she's certainly given you the green light, that's for sure."

I reached up and undid the top three buttons of her dress, kissing her neck and collarbone as I exposed them. She leaned her head back, her eyes closed with pleasure. Her warm skin smelled like vanilla, and I felt my flaccid cock begin to stir beneath her little ass.

As I kissed the little hollow at the base of her neck right above her sternum, I murmured, "When you left me alone at the condo, we had some unfinished business." I slipped my hand under the hem of her dress, slowly running it up her thigh until I felt the cotton of her panties. As I continued to kiss her neck, I felt around for the leg hole, then slipped two fingers through.

Arya groaned, a smile crossing her lips. I felt her little clitty, it was getting firm. "I loved this clit in my mouth," I whispered, "did you enjoy it too?"

"Yes," she whimpered, moving her pelvis to give me a better grip. I gave it a few gentle strokes, then stopped. Both of us were getting pretty heated, so I took my hand away. The last thing I wanted was the two of us getting caught having sexytime on my sister's sofa!

"Come on, baby, let's go to bed," I murmured. She slid off my lap and we both stood, then I led her down the hall to the guest room. Moving to the edge of the bed, I quickly unbuttoned her dress the rest of the way and moved it off her shoulders. The dress fell to the floor, leaving her standing in a simple pair of cotton panties and a plain bra.

I noticed she was shivering a little, and asked, "Baby, are you OK?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, I'm just a little overwhelmed."

I kissed one bare shoulder. "Is it OK for me to keep going? I only want to do this if you want it too."

"Yes, I do." Reaching behind her back she undid her bra snaps, and it fell to the floor.

Pulling her close to me, I bent my head and suckled on one of her red nipples. She inhaled sharply; I felt her fingers in my hair, pulling my head more firmly against her. As I gently explored her nipple with my teeth and tongue, my fingers found the waist of her panties. I pulled them down to her knees, gravity taking them around her ankles from there. She stepped out of them, and was now fully naked in front of me.

Sliding off the edge of the bed, I got on my knees in front of her, her rigid clitty sticking upright. Grasping her ass cheeks, I moved my face closer and asked, "Are you my girl now?"

Her eyes closed in anticipation, she answered in a soft voice, "Yes, I'm all yours..."

I extended my tongue and teased it up the silky underside of her erect flesh as I asked, "Do you promise never to leave me like that again?"

She shook her head, "No, never, I swear."

I was feeling the thrill of control, of Arya being under my spell. Opening my mouth, I quickly took her in, moving my head up and down. Using my left hand, I explored between her ass cheeks until I found her little anus. As I continued to suck that precious clitty, I caressed her sweet sphincter with the tip of my forefinger, gently massaging it between tongue caresses.

Arya's knees began to tremble and, fearing she might collapse, I stopped everything, got to my feet, and swept her up into my arms. Holding her there for a moment, I savored the sensation of her naked form against me, then stepped to the side of the bed and laid her gently on her back.

Grabbing a pillow, I slipped it under her small butt, elevating it above the mattress. She laid there, shivering slightly, her hands at her sides. "You're mine," I told her, "and now I'm going to make you feel like it."

I leaned over and kissed her deeply, then pulled off my polo shirt, stepping out of my jeans and briefs. My rigid cock sticking straight out in front of me ready for action, I realized I was forgetting something.

I asked Arya if she had any lube, hoping she did because knocking on my sister's bedroom door to ask for some would have been awkward. Fortunately, she had some in the bottom of her overnight bag, so I quickly retrieved it and slathered some on my rigid member. I also rubbed some into the crack of her sweet little ass for good measure, teasing her anus with my forefinger.

Crawling onto the mattress from the foot of the bed, I put one of her feet on each of my shoulders, shuffling up on my knees until her toes were pointing at the ceiling and her legs were firmly pressed against my chest. I moved a bit, lining up my cockhead so it was touching her little rosebud. Grasping her hips, I gave a little thrust against her anus and the tip slipped right in.

"Arya, sweetheart, are you comfortable?" I asked, "this already feels wonderful!"

"I'm fine," she replied, breathing heavily, "don't worry about me, I'm flexible from doing yoga."

"I want to see your face while we make love," I told her. Leaning forward, I slid my length all the way up her rectum. The look on her pretty face was pure ecstasy; she closed her eyes in pleasure as I began to slowly move in and out of her tight little love-hole. "I love you so much, baby," I murmured, "it feels like I've been waiting for this forever!"

I leaned further so she was bent almost double, her ankles now near her ears as I began to slide my cock in deep. I slowly withdrew it until just the head was inside, then quickly thrust it in her again. My movements started slowly, then picked up speed like a steam locomotive. A sheen of sweat developed on my skin as my insertions became more intense, each thrust being delivered slightly firmer, deeper and harder than the last.

At first Arya just made high-pitched squeals and grunts of pleasure, thrashing her head back and forth. After a few minutes, to my delight my lover began vocalizing, "Oh shit, Chris, that feels amazing. I love having you in me! Fill me up, please, baby!"

Her passionate reaction was driving me crazy; the tightness of her asshole combined with her feverish cries were really starting to get to me. We hadn't even been fucking for that long, yet I could feel my climax starting to build already. Damn, she was hot, and I was incredulous to be the lucky guy fucking her!

Biting my lip I tried to hold back, but Arya's sweet sphincter clutched me firmly each time I withdrew, as if unwilling to let me go. I was in heaven, that was for sure. The woman impaled on my hardness wasn't some cheap one night stand, no this was Arya - no, scratch that, MY Arya, the love of my life!

Feeling my climax on the periphery, I tried distracting myself by thinking about brake pads and changing tires. As long as she didn't say anything else to fire me up and push me over the edge, I might be able to hold off my climax a little longer. Turns out that was wishful thinking.