Romance is Not Dead


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Vincent apologised on behalf of Steve and Courtney said she was okay, that she'd only been briefly horrified at hearing her son use the F-word on her.

"I'm now really interested in meeting this girl who sounds more interested in flexing her mouth and backbone where Steve's usual girlfriends are more interested in flexing their pussies."

Father and daughter looked shocked at hearing Courtney use the P-word.

Peter said to Cassie, "Find out what you can about this Kate Jones, elite soccer player and resident of the Kingsland Gated Community, on social media and question any close friend of hers that you know and report your findings to your mother."

Horrified, Cassie said, "Dad, this is not the KGB you are talking to."

"Oh, in that case just peruse social media and talk to your mother about your findings, I mean your casual observations."

"Yes dad, will do. Mum doesn't really know what social media is."

* * *

The fledging relationship between Kate Jones and Steve Whitman progressed slowly due to the patience, gentleness and perseverance of both of them. After all, they had agreed on a 'slowly it goes' approach.

In proposing that approach, Steve had said it would ease the possibility that rushing it could trigger a belief that she was too much for him.

"Agreed," Kate said. "We have made a promising start and so why blow it? I don't have to feel to need to have sex with every attractive guy the moment I sight him, do I?"

That comment ended as a question, inviting or even requiring an answer.

"Err, no Kate. Exercising a little restraint would be proper."

"Steve, you idiot, that was a joke."

"Oh, sorry."

They were parked on the city-side of the river named after the 18th Century explorer whose name is also commemorated by Spencer's Hill. They were looking across the river after dinner and a movie, looking at the spectacle of the small and illuminated tributary that dropped 9ft 6in in a sheer fall into the Spencer River.

Steve said, "I've found that my mother knows yours very well indeed."

"Oh, did they collide when driving into the supermarket parking building at the same time from opposite directions?"

"What? Steve said and then, "Probably no although I have no idea. They were both big-wigs in the city's Profession and Business Women's Association."

"Steve, I found this out when my mother said that your mother had invited mum and dad over to your place and specifically stated in the invitation to please bring me along."

"Kate, I'm sorry about this. I have no idea why women do these things."

"Well I know. She wishes to check if I'm good enough for you."

"Are you sure?"

"How the hell could I be sure about anything not revealed. You'll know when she orders you to dump me."

"Kate, I can promise you, whatever she thinks, that's not going to happen. Anyway, my mother is definitely not one of those mothers that sees most things in black and white and although she has a sharp tongue, her tolerance spreads as wide as her arms."

"Oh sweetie (they hadn't begun to use the term darling yet)," Kate said, swinging a leg over the vehicle's transmission hump to fall into Steve's arms.

Their tongue tips touched. The first time for tonguing occurred in cuddling a fortnight earlier.

"Thanks for assuring me you'll withstand any threat against me from your mother. How may I reward you?"

Steve may have been thinking of saying more kisses but he felt suddenly empowered, and raised the leg draped over him and ran his other hand along the inside of that upper thigh and under clothing and sunk a finger into moistness.

He felt Kate stiffen slightly and almost immediately relax. There were no protests even when he worked that extended finger a little.

Steve withdraw his hand carefully and held the damp finger under his girlfriend's nose, and that was a huge advance for them.

"You foul pig," she muttered and he cringed.

But her mouth closed over that finger and she slurped.

"Christ," he said in awe.

Pulling his hand away, Kate said, "Yes, I'm also surprised. Kiss my contaminated lips you foul opportunist."

Steve kissed her, gladly to have the opportunity to demonstrate that he was a man and not a wimp.

Chapter 2

Peter, Irene and Kate were in the stretched black Mercedes, Kate driving and her mother beside her.

"Peter, notice how the houses are steadily becoming more substantial and the grounds better groomed," called his wife.

Peter, bored, and looking at his fingernails said yes without looking up and said, "I think it's a fucking insult to be summons as a family by that woman like this. It's fucking medieval."

"Language dear," Irene said tolerantly. "It's a custom that gives females playing the game seriously the chance to dress up and lift their tone of language up a notch or two. If Courtney hadn't issued this invitation, I may have in due course. Kate, did this young boy tell you why his mother chose to do this so early when you and Steve scarcely know each other yet?"

"Yes," Kate said.

After a minute of silence, sitting up straight and taking a keen interest, her father said, "Well?"

"Steve is twenty-five and when his mother found one of the girls, he was dating occasionally was only nineteen she practically had a fit and told him to cut dating her or she would call the girl out herself, whatever that means."

"Christ, only nineteen and now he's latched on to you in your thirties."

"Yes dad, young people today tend to regard the age of their partner when dating as fairly irrelevant."

"Why is that?"

"I'm fucked if I know, dad."

"Kate," yelled her mother. "Language."

Two minutes of silence was almost up when Irene gritted, "Are you not going to apologise?"

"No, dad used the F-word earlier and you barely cautioned him and yet you almost screamed at me and yet I'm the reason why were have been invited to this charade today."

Cleverly diverted, Irene said it would be anything but a charade. Courtney Whitman was possibly the top private social entertainer in this city. Her spring and autumn soirees were legendary.

"I have been to her home twice when she has entertained the Profession and Business Women's Association executive and we were blown away. Their residence is magnificent; just wait to we see it. Turn right just along here and proceed on to the peninsular, dear."

"Wow, just look at these homes," Kate purred. "Most of them are mansions."

Two minutes later, Irene said proudly, "And guess where the queen bee lives, right in isolation on the tip of the peninsular. Her home lies straight ahead."

Kate and her father exclaimed 'Wow' and 'Magnificent."

The beautiful lines of the Mediterranean-style white and orange-tile roof 2-level home lay in a perfect setting on about an acre of tree-dotted lawn.

As Kate braked the car, the twin gates opened and as she drove up the drive, Irene said, "Your boy-friend's mother was heiress of her late mother's fortune that came from a large colonial shipping line long gone."

"Mum, I'm more interested to find out what she wants from me, if anything, than to hear about her wealth. I'm becoming nervous."

"You'll be fine. She's mostly a very nice lady."

The Whitman's emerged from the house at the car drew up.

The Jones' were introduced to Vincent and Courtney (who couldn't keep her eyes off Kate) and their children, Rex, Steve and Cassie.

The women embraced, the men shook hands and Steve and Kate embraced and kissed, and Rex and Cassie shuffled their feet, and Cassie couldn't keep her eyes off Kate.

Cassie went over to Kate and said, "Hi, I understand we are about the same age."

"Yes, just months apart I believe."

Laughing, Cassie said, "Then you're not claiming seniority."

Kate shrugged indifferently and said, "You must be good to hold down at job as Crosscut."

"My mother owns half the business."

"My comment stands, Cassie."

Looking pleased, Cassie said, "I know I possess above average talent at hair styling and being passionate about it helps."

"Great answer and tells me I've heard the truth."

"Um, Kate," Courtney called.

"Your mother just told me you were champion female tennis player in your final two years at university. Would you like a game?"

Kate looked across the side of the home at the tennis court and said, doubtfully, "It's grass."

"Yes, but good players mostly play well on lawn, clay or sealed surface after a couple of games to get used to the surface."

"Grass or sealed yes."

"Agreed. One of my dresses will fit okay for you and Cassie's and your feet are probably similar size and Cassie will have new socks to give you."

"Is this encounter a challenge?"

"Well, I have been my social club's senior women's champion for five seasons and I'd like to make this a university challenge."

"I concede. You're the winner."

"Kate, please. This is important to me, experience against youth."

"I may have been playing for almost as long as you, Mrs Whitman."

She laughed, said don't be ridiculous and invited Kate to call her Courtney.

"Courtney, I began receiving coaching and playing from the age of 6½."

The hostess lost most of her smile and said, "Then I'll be even more determined."

Rex and his father set up drinks and nibbles at the long table under umbrellas courtside while the women got ready.

"Omigod," Kate said, eyeing the luxurious furniture and fittings in Cassie's bedroom.

"I'm mum's favourite and she always gave me everything I wanted, whereas she did her best to keep my brothers downtrodden until their late teens when they both began pressuring her back. Rex is fully confident these days but you may have noticed that Steve still drags a bit in confidence. I'm already thinking you could be the tonic he needs."

"What guy doesn't need a mamma at his age?"

Cassie and Kate laughed and Cassie pulled Kate to her and they hugged and she said she hoped that Kate and her would be great friends.

"It's already happening, I believe," Kate said.

"Look, mum's an amazing fighter and never gives up. If you fight back, she while attempt to grind you into the dust. She really is a good tennis player. Dad even had six months of private professional coaching and still can't beat her. Both boys had professional coaching in their youth and they give her everything and have rarely beaten her."

"Fine and thanks, your comments help me plan my tactics."

* * *

Courtney was bouncing a ball on the grass impatiently as Kate and Cassie emerged from the house.

Rex and his father whistled at the sight of Kate's magnificent legs below her very short tennis dress. Courtney gaped as did Steve, not having seen her legs full-length as she usually wore skirts that stopped just below her knees.

"Great legs, you chose your starting end."

"Courtney, I'm out to beat you so let's play to club tennis rules."

"A great idea and I like your goal-setting. Vincent, make the toss with the visitor calling, and then take to the umpire's chair Vincent and, of course, act impartially."

"Yes dear."

Kate lost the toss but as there was little breeze and the sunlight was coming across the court, ends didn't matter much.

Kate won the first game 6-4 and as she didn't have to put everything into it, assumed she had been allowed to win. She thought the court was brilliantly free of defects, having played on some pretty rough grass courts at times.

They stopped briefly for iced lemonade.

"I can see where you get your championship wins from, Courtney. A great range of shots and you keep many of them unusually low and wide out."

"And you my dear, glide like a panther. You could take this 3-set match because of your sheer fitness. Cassie tells me you a leading women's social soccer enthusiast and play on the wing."

"I do."

Steve came over and collected their glasses and whispered to Kate, "It won't matter win or lose, she's totally enchanted by you."

"How can you tell?"

"She told dad."

In the second game, Kate played much harder and lost 5-7 but kept something in reserve.

"I don't want a drink."

"Agreed, let's play on. This is where the tough get tougher."

"I thought that was my motto," Courtney laughed.

The final game was awesome to watch and Courtney was steaming in sweat as she was run all over the court.

The game finished in reverse of the first game, 6-4 to Kate.

Rex raced over to his mother with a wet towel that she received gratefully.

Back in the shade under an umbrella, Courtney kissed the visitor and said, "You sly competitor, you play brilliantly on grass."

"No, I play much better on hard synthetic surfaces, generating more power."

"Omigod," Courtney sighed. "Your fitness was the key. I'm shagged and look at you, ready for the next power game. Come on everyone, to poolside at the front of the house, looking across the sea inlet."

Kate was alone in Cassie's bedroom and had just finished dressing when Courtney knocked and entered.

"Hi, could you try this bracelet on please."

"Yes, of course."

"It's 8 carats of small diamonds set in 14 carat white gold."

"It's lovely."

"And the wrist fit is well. It's my gift to you as a memento of this day of you beating me at tennis to wear on special occasions, even if my son no longer dates you. You know, I truly did expect to win."

"B-but it's not a trinket. It's ex-expensive jewellery."

"It's quality, that's true, and it cost thousands. But darling, I have a hundred or so of items of jewellery and never wear some of them."

Kate impulsively jumped up and kissed Courtney on the lips warmly.

When the brief kissed ended, Courtney said almost in awe, "Steve has never before brought home a girl anything like you. You are so natural, so lovely in manner as well as body and above all, so spontaneous. I glimpsed the amazing sight of true joy on your face when you rushed in to kiss me."

"Thank you," Kate said, slightly bowing her head.

Courtney placed her finger under Kate's chin in lifted it and then patted Kate's cheek. You are such a sweet young woman."

"Um, like most women, I can sometimes get bitchy too."

They laughed and Kate took off the bracelet and put it in her handbag and said she'd like to show Steve the gift before wearing the bracelet in front of the others and was told that was a great idea.

Courtney folded an arm under Kate's arm not carrying the handbag and said they better go down before a search party was sent to look for them.

Steve looked at the bracelet and smile. "Great gift as mum doesn't own a piece of junk jewellery. That piece of stone-wear probably cost eight or more thousand bucks."

"I was reluctant to accept it but she insisted and said it was a memento of me beating her at tennis."

"Some memento," Steve grinned.

They joined the others. The Jones' had accepted and invitation to stay for dinner.

Irene immediately noticed the bracelet that Kate was wearing and said, "What a gorgeous bracelet."

"Yes, Courtney has generously given it to me and what she called 'a memento to me defeating her at tennis today. I tried to decline as it's diamonds set in white gold but she insisted."

Cassie rushed over to Kate yelling incoherently and then, hugging her., said clearly, "This also means you are the first girlfriend that Steve has brought home that mum has accepted 100 percent."

"Is that true mum?"

"Yes Rex, it can be expressed like that. Kate is a lovely, lovely young woman."

"I'm not embarrassed to hear that repeated," Kate giggled. "I got over the embarrassment when she laid that on me upstairs. Steve had warned me that I could have an uphill battle to impress his mother and right then I'd thought then why fight it, just be myself."

"Then here today, tennis came into the equation. I knew to engage with her like I would with any other competitor and attempt to beat the fight out of her. It was a colossal encounter that I'm sure we will both remember."

"Well, all's well that ends well," Courtenay chuckled. "Irene would you like to come into the kitchen and help with the salads and cold potatoes. I'll grill the chicken in the kitchen as it's still too chilly early evenings to eat outside."

* * *

Next evening, when Steve and Kate went for a run, he said, "Mum couldn't stop talking about you after you guys left."

"Yes, well she gifted me a gorgeous bracelet towards doing her bit to woo me as her future daughter-in-law."

"Do you truly believe that?"

"Yes," Kate said simply. "It's up to us to prove that romance is not dead when it comes to you and me. We both have had bumpy times previously at dating despite perhaps having hopeful intent at times. Perhaps we should pick up the pace."

"Well I have no problem with that and I'll willing join you to prove that romance is not dead for us.

Kate picked up Steve's hand and held it skywards and yelled, "Romance is not dead!"

"Are you being threatened, sir," asked an elderly woman walking towards them with a terrier.

"No ma'am. I'm agreeing to commit to romance in the believe that romance is not dead."

"Good for you sir, and while you're about it, give her one for me."

Kate and Steve fell about laughing.

As they continued in running, Kate said, "Romance is actually the strong emotional feeling surrounding love."

"I know," Steve said. "To speed things along a clearer path, I hereby declare that I'm your suitor.

"Oh, how lovely," Kate said, beginning to pant. "And I declare officially that I'm beginning to love you."

The End

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sg1010sg1010about 2 months ago

I, Very Much, enjoyed reading this creation of yours !

Thank You !

StanRamesStanRamesover 2 years ago

I am surprised. Really. Syntax, grammar and even punctuation are vastly improved over your earlier tomes. Not perfect, just vastly improved.

What happened?

Don't tell me it's MicroSlime Word with Spell Check.

LudvigBlomSELudvigBlomSEover 2 years ago

Egmont is a master of building a story with a comic groove through two parts of it, then it seems he is losing interest and more into ending the story than properly finish it.

We readers just have to make do with the bits that he does throw at us, actually there has been a FEW that he really has properly finished and we all have to hope that the next one might be the one ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Love your writings

But please continue this one.

G5902G5902over 4 years ago
Wonderful Story!

I enjoy reading your stories and my comments are meant to be positive. As I finished the first page I was hoping that this was going to be a long romantic story. The second page was a little sugary and I thought it ended to quickly.

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