Room Service Cum Eating


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Daphne positioned herself at the bottom of the bed, getting on all fours. She crawled forward, slowly, but confidently, with her eye on the prize.

It was an ideal set-up. Mr. Thompson was serving his wife's cum coated pussy to Daphne.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" the wife asked. "The taste of this isn't for everyone, and I'd be embarrassed if you suddenly became disgusted with your duties."

Daphne smiled. "Mrs. Thompson, I can assure you, I'm a woman who takes her job seriously. And my job, right now, is interior cleaning... so to speak. I'm a diligent worker and I love my job. In fact, I consider my service to be a pleasure, literally."

"Well then," the wife said with a wry expression. "Don't let me stop you."

Daphne resumed her kneeling position and got a look at the warm nectar she would enjoy this morning. Mrs. Thompson's spread legs were fairly toned, strong and curvy. They were the most beautiful legs Daphne had ever seen. It was clear this woman was an exercise fanatic. While she wouldn't pass for a woman of thirty, she looked remarkably youthful.

As Daphne got closer, the sight and aroma of the cream pie overwhelmed her. It was encased between brown, wet labia that had a 'freshly fucked' look. Inside, Daphne had a glimpse of Mrs. Thompson's fleshy pink interior. A patch of pubic hair topped the mouth-watering treat. Looking in closer, Daphne got the perfect view of the prize.

Fresh. Warm. Delicious.

Daphne could not resist the scrumptious dish which was being served to her. White cum drizzled slowly out of Mrs. Thompson's fresh tart. There were dollops of cum surrounding the pulpy center, as well. Judging by the wet spots on the bed sheet, it was evident that Mrs. Thompson had squirted earlier. Daphne felt a twinge of sadness for the ambrosial fluids that had been lost to her.

It was finally time to make her move. Enough with the banter, waiting, and anticipation; Daphne was a girl with a job to do. She moved in and settled the front of her bare breasts flat on the bed. Her head was positioned right between the wife's legs, directly in front of the cum infused confection.

"How do you like the view?" the husband asked.

Daphne gave her assessment. "I'm no chef, but I'd say that this pie appears to be perfectly prepared. I can see the filling peek through and it looks so appetizing. Judging by the thick consistency, the ingredients must have been organic. But, to be certain, I need to sample this concoction."

Finally, she stuck her tongue out and licked the cum drenched outer portion of Mrs. Thompson's pussy. It was a nice long lick; a lick big enough to taste the husband's cream which was mixed with splashes of the wife's honey. Daphne withdrew her tongue, generously coated with the mixture, closed her lips, and gulped it down.

"Well?" the husband asked curiously, in a playful way.

Daphne loudly smacked her lips together. "Hmmm... Exactly as I expected. This combination of ingredients is savory, while at the same time, intensely sweet. You've produced what I would consider to be an award winning taste profile. However, this cruise line mandates the highest quality of customer care, so I feel that it's my duty to engage in further inspection."

"You have such great culinary observations," the wife chimed in with a smile.

"I can only give my honest opinion."

Digging in, Daphne feasted on the treat, starting with the outer edges. She licked the labia like an ice cream cone. Is cum a flavor that's served at ice cream parlors? Oh how Daphne wished it was! With each lick, she brought her tongue inside her mouth and gulped down the warm cum mixture, taking her time to taste and savor it. Smacking her lips together each time.

When the outer layer had been glazed with her saliva, all that was left was the white filling inside of the pink pussy. Even after all the licking she had just done, her mouth continued to drool as she studied the hot cream pie. It was a dream come true. A real prize. Her favorite (and secret) perk of this job.

"Go ahead," the wife encouraged, when Daphne stared too long. "Don't be shy about it."

Daphne looked up to the wife's eyes. "Do I look shy?"

With an empty tummy, lustful heart, and parted lips, Daphne bent forward and pressed her mouth against the gaping pussy hole. It was simply a hard kiss at first, as if to latch her lips tightly around the pussy so that no drop would escape. Daphne gave a small suck to confirm that the lock was air tight.

Then she worked her oral magic. She sucked hard and suddenly Daphne's mouth was flooded with globs of Mr. Thompson's filling. It was thick, zesty, and very evocative. She savored the texture in her mouth as she continued to suck on the pussy. As an extra bonus, the aftertaste of Mrs. Thompson's squirt gave it a full-bodied finish.

Tasting this was heaven, she thought. Eating cum isn't for everyone, but it was perfect for Daphne. It satisfied a natural craving from deep within her. What aroused Daphne the most was knowing where it came from, and what it represented. This potent pudding was the result of primal lust, of a man's cum and a woman's squirt. And from a loving couple at that.

"You're so good at that," Mrs. Thompson purred, enjoying the cleaning. "You must really love your job. Oh...what a lovely girl you are."

Daphne hummed in enjoyment. "Mmm Hmmm"

Her sucking and licking produced an increasing level of response in Mrs. Thompson. Daphne's tongue relentlessly plunged into the depths of the pussy to tease out more of the delicious custard. Every time she swallowed, the sensation of cum sliding down her throat caused her pussy to tighten.

Daphne felt appreciated when Mrs. Thompson moaned and reached down to caress her hair. Acknowledgement and acceptance made this act mutually gratifying. There was nothing degrading or humiliating about these encounters. They were meant to be passionate and constructive... a judgment free environment for people to explore their kinks and fetishes. These sessions allowed Daphne to revel in her naughty needs.

Mr. Thompson began to murmur softly into his wife's ear. "You need to come again, Babe. Relax and let it happen."

Daphne felt the all-too-familiar signs of a woman stimulated to the point of climax, as she lapped away at her pussy. Daphne's hands, which rested on the thighs of Mrs. Thompson, sensed tremors in the legs. Looking up at the beautiful face of Mrs. Thompson, Daphne saw that an orgasm was imminent.

"Oh! I'm going to cum again! Please, don't stop!" Mrs. Thompson said, as her hands clawed her husband's legs.

Daphne kissed the pussy hole with cum-covered lips. "Enjoy."

The cum was mostly gone by this point, having been ingested by Daphne and her insatiable appetite. Daphne plunged her tongue deeper inside the hole, scrounging for any last morsel of cum; when there was none left, she used her tongue to work the clitoris. Mrs. Thompson was finally driven over the edge.

Daphne's tongue worked its wonder on the clit and she was treated to an extra serving of female fluids. Mrs. Thompson had managed another squirt this morning, a small one, which helped wash the cum down Daphne's throat. Oddly enough, it was a perfect palate cleanser after devouring a warm cream pie.

"Ohhh..." the wife purred again. "You do that so well. I think I'm about clean. And you've made me cum again."

Daphne finished off the pussy. "Mmm Hmmm."

Releasing her suction, she kissed the labia with reverence.

"Daphne, look at me," said Mrs. Thompson. "I've never felt so cared for by anyone but my husband. You are a special girl with a wonderful gift for putting people at ease. Thank you."

"It was entirely my pleasure," Daphne said, kissing the clit.

"Will you show my husband the same kindness? I want him to experience your talent. His orgasms are as important to me as my own."

Daphne licked the clit. "Oh yes. My services are gender-neutral. I cater to anyone who's clean, caring, and kind. And you two fit the bill."

"How sweet of you to say."

The wife sat up and she gently cupped Daphne's face in her hands, leaned over, and kissed her deeply. It was an intensely intimate exchange, and Daphne knew this woman greatly valued her skill.

Mrs. Thompson then laid beside her husband on the bed and stroked his chest. It was now Mr. Thompson's turn to receive a special cleaning. He and Daphne smiled at each other, and Daphne could have sworn that his flaccid cock twitched. It was still moist from the wife's squirt, and there were a few globs of his cum around the shaft. It appeared that more was leaking from the tip.

Ah, the source of that delicious cream pie!

"Will it get hard again?" Daphne teased.

He smiled. "It all depends. At my age, it may take a bit longer. But who knows, you're amazing and what I just watched was incredibly erotic."

Daphne rubbed his thighs. "If it does get hard, do you think you think it would produce any more nectar?"

"I suppose it depends on how thorough you are."

She touched the base of the wet cock. "An incentive. I like that."

She made a silent vow to try and get him as hard as possible. Daphne bent forward and engulfed his penis in her mouth. Immediately, she welcomed the zesty taste of his cum. After latching on tightly with her lips, she made an airtight seal and sucked powerfully. Anything on his cock was immediately slurped passed her tongue and down her throat. Ah, the familiar flavor of sex!

Daphne was pleased when the cock in her mouth became firm. Her tongue and lips had never failed to inspire sexual arousal in an intended target. As the cock grew, she worked the shaft with her hand while continuing to stimulate the head with her tongue. All the cum and squirt had already been devoured by Daphne. So when she stroked his hardening base, her own saliva provided the lubrication.

"You're an angel," he moaned.

Daphne kissed the tip. "With all due respect, the purest thing in this room is the whiteness of your cum. Let's see if you can give me more."

"I'm hoping to make you a happy girl."

That sounded promising, so she kept sucking and stroking the ever-growing cock.

Mrs. Thompson spoke up, "Daphne dear, my husband likes a very certain pace. Would you mind if I helped you pleasure him?"

Daphne's heart jumped for joy. This couple was very in tune with each other. Never before had a spouse been so involved in Daphne's work.

"Mrs. Thompson, I would love for you to assist in whatever way you feel best so that your husband finds joy." said Daphne, with great sincerity.

It pleased Daphne that there was no jealousy at play. The Thompsons cared about each other and their orgasms. There would be no guilt or remorse, just carnal camaraderie.

Looking down at Daphne with honest affection, Mrs. Thompson said, "I'd like to use your ponytail to guide you."

Daphne nodded in approval as she continued to bob her head up and down the cock.

Mrs. Thompson straddled her husband's face, bringing her pussy to his mouth, while she faced Daphne. Then she held Daphne's ponytail at the base, while Daphne was still hard at work sucking the cock. Then she slowly, but firmly, guided Daphne's head up and down her husband's manhood. It was an incredibly deviant act as she controlled the pace and depth of Daphne's blowjob.

Daphne kept sucking Mr. Thompson's dick, which had become rock hard. Apparently, the taste of his wife's cunt was like instant viagra. She briefly wondered if Mrs. Thompson's clean pussy was receiving any attention from the husband's mouth. "Mmm..." Mrs. Thompson groaned slowly. Daphne had her answer.

Daphne knew that both Thompsons were highly aroused and felt certain she'd soon taste a divine discharge from the husband. After several more minutes, the dick in her mouth suddenly swelled and began to pulsate. Knowing that she would bring an orgasmic outcome to this couple made her feel powerful.

The husband's body tensed.

"Cum in her mouth," the wife said as her pussy was being eaten. "Let it go, you need this. Do it for me. Do it for Daphne, too."

"Mmm Hmm..." Daphne vocalized with a cock down her throat.

For the second time that morning, Daphne felt thigh muscles seize at the onset of an orgasm. Daphne continued her efforts, aided by Mrs. Thompson and was soon rewarded when a shot of cum squirted from the tip of Mr. Thompson's cock. The velvety cum flooded her mouth as his dick twitched.

The wife let go of Daphne's hair after he came, then she rolled to the side to lay with her husband again. The married couple looked at Daphne with admiration in their eyes.

When Daphne opened her mouth to reveal the freshly milked cum, the husband and wife were simply mesmerized. Then Daphne closed her mouth and gulped in an exaggerated fashion. They both marveled at her outstanding abilities.

"My services this morning are complete," Daphne smiled, licking her lips clean.

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson appeared puzzled as they returned Daphne's gaze. A wordless communication seemed to pass between them, before Mrs. Thompson spoke.

"Daphne dear, you've brought us such happiness today," the wife said. "May we return the favor? You definitely deserve to cum."

Dumbstruck, Daphne paused before nodding. The first two times she cleaned in her special way, no "tip" was included. It wasn't really needed either. Daphne was highly aroused just by consuming cum mixed with pussy juice, from a freshly fucked cunt. Afterwards, she'd simply returned to her room and masturbated while enjoying the aftertaste.

This generous offer reaffirmed her belief that the Thompsons were quality people. But she had never before cum in front of strangers. At this point, did the Thompsons still count as strangers?

Mrs. Thompson assumed control of the situation. "Daphne dear, I want you to lay on your back, with your head on the pillow."

Daphne did as requested, nervously laying next to the husband. As Daphne lay quietly, the wife ran her fingers gently down Daphne's face. Mrs. Thompson kissed Daphne while continuing to stroke her cheek.

Mrs. Thompson whispered, "Daphne, the size of your nipples are astounding. They're nearly the size of grapes. They must be highly sensitive."

To prove her point, Mrs. Thompson first licked, and then drew a nipple into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the flesh. Daphne whimpered in delight from the gentle treatment. Then as Mrs. Thompson gently bit down with her teeth, Daphne moaned desperately.

Meanwhile, Mr. Thompson moved between Daphne's legs, parted them, and licked her pussy. Daphne was so extremely aroused from her work on the sexy couple, that she already felt dangerously close to her own climax. Her eyes rolled back as Mr. Thompson penetrated her pussy with his tongue, while the wife continued to stimulate those generously sized nipples.

Could this be real, Daphne wondered. Was it possible that two highly educated, well respected doctors were now working in concert to give her a screaming orgasm? She looked at the woman beside her and the man between her legs. This was definitely a dream come true.

"Is Daphne wet?" inquired Mrs. Thompson.

Mr. Thompson replied, "Yes, Babe. Her pussy is wet, tight and delicious. It's every bit as glorious as I thought it would be."

"Oh! I need to sample that special sauce," the wife said with excitement. "After all, she tasted my pussy when it was full of your cum. Daphne, can I please drink from your sexy spring as well?"

Daphne was lost in a haze of lust, bordering on frenzy. Her arms were above her head, grasping at sheets; her legs were held in place by Mr. Thompson. As Mrs. Thompson continued to torment her tits, she writhed on the bed in ecstasy. She barely registered the wife's request, but nodded forcefully. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson changed places.

The wife put her nose directly in Daphne's pussy and giggled. "Now I see why you enjoy this so much."

She stuck her tongue right into the center of Daphne's warm, wet hole. Lips closed over Daphne's clit as fingers entered her depths. Mrs. Thompson was very persistent in her quest to find Daphne's g-spot with three of her fingers. After finding it, she pumped away with energy.

Suddenly, the husband's fingers joined the party between Daphne's legs. He was persistent on helping and immediately rubbed her clit in circles. He even put a few fingers inside. Daphne was uncertain how many nestled in her at that moment; she was on sensory overload.

About twenty seconds later, Daphne erupted in a sexual explosion. The force of her climax was unparalleled, although her experience was limited. Her pussy convulsed and she cried out in euphoria. The wave seemed to crest forever. Eventually, she was spent, and slowly, all of the fingers retreated from her stretched hole.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself flanked by the married couple, who were pleased with their handiwork (literally). Daphne felt cherished by the Thompsons. It was a special moment for the three lovers.

But all good things must come to an end.

Mrs. Thompson rose first and Daphne watched her move to the bathroom. A short time ago, Daphne had eaten a sexual medley from the woman's pussy. Now, she was up and about, on her way to meet friends for breakfast. Daphne was amazed at her poise and greatly admired this woman. The husband rose too, and Daphne wished she could thank him forever for letting her taste his amazing cum.

Daphne took a moment to relish the post-orgasmic wetness that had pooled between her legs. Thankfully, she still had the taste of fresh cum lingering on her tongue. While she would have liked to have fallen into a post-sex coma, she was a consummate professional. Collapsing on a guest's bed was inappropriate. Instead, she stretched her naked body like an awakening cat and climbed out of bed.

Using a paper towel, she wiped her pussy and washed her hands. Then she slipped her panties back on, noticing that the couple were gazing at her naked figure as she was getting dressed. In concert, they smiled encouragingly at her.

It was Mrs. Thompson who spoke first, while naked. "Daphne, this was a true pleasure. We've never experienced customer service like this before."

"It was entirely my pleasure," Daphne smiled with a professional tone, after clasping her bra and tucking away her big nipples. "As always, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

When she left the cabin with her uniform properly arranged, the taste of cum still lingered in her mouth, thankfully. The smile never left Daphne's face as she walked across the deck of the ship. There were a few menial tasks she still had to perform, and she also needed to meet her friend for lunch. But first, she needed to change her panties and wash the enticing aroma out of her breath.

The End

SueDanym is a super cool and kinky chick.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very kinky and hot 🔥

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I was very glad I found and read this story. It was mush better than most others I have read. ECC

olblueyesolblueyesabout 1 year ago

unique story line, liked it,,well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is HOT HOT HOT!

I really appreciate you mentioning her bare feet and taking off her shoes and socks. Adds some additional sexiness to the story. I'm looking forward to reading more of your tales. Keep up the great work!

yarnspinnerryarnspinnerrover 1 year ago

Great story, and well told.

Daphne is a consummate professional, and a dirty little girl!

I would imagine the Thompsons would want to experience more of her, and her services. As would any othe couple who was fortunate enough to engage her services ;->

Beejay3Beejay3over 1 year ago

Wow…never heard of that job on a ship before…but want to apply……what a way to spend the winter months…cleaning up,after such revelry. My outlook on cruising has changed for the better..

Thanks for that truthful(?) story !

roveroneroveronealmost 2 years ago

Love her character-consumate professional-prim proper, eager to please, and also the good doctors wanting to return her favor-great bedside manners...

Patslover4Patslover4almost 2 years ago

Please make this story into a film

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It kept me hard and leaking from about the third paragraph! You have to keep on with this story line.

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