Roommates Ch. 01


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"Greg, right?"

"Craig. But yeah. So Craig sleeps on the top bunk. And me and Steven are below. And he gets up to get everyone some coffee. And he's still in his boxers and everything."

A big smile formed on Leah's face. "Oh God. I think I know where this is going. But go on."

Brittany took a deep breath. "He gets out of bed and it's like, out. Just out and about, flopping around. He has no idea."

"His penis?" Leah asked, stunned.

"Yes," Brittany responds confidently.

"All of it?"

"All of it."

Both girls cracked up laughing. Leah could barely contain her amusement listening to the story. "That is so embarrassing. What did he do?"

"Oh my God, Leah. He, like, panicked and turned around. He was trying to stuff it back in his shorts without us seeing. But I saw, like, everything."

Leah burst out laughing even harder than before as she pictured the scene in her head. "Brittany! Stop! That is hilarious! Did Steven see too?"

Brittany shook her head. "He was facing the other way. By the time he turned around, he had stuffed it back in!" Leah cracked up laughing.

Brittany laughed as well. The girls were probably loud enough to wake up the entire dorm building. "And he's so shy! He was so embarrassed," Brittany continued.

"But wait, wait, wait, I don't get it," said Leah as her laughter finally subsided. "Why did you leave abruptly?"

"Ok, so... do you promise... like pinky swear not to say anything about this?"

"Absolutely," Leah's facial expression changed to serious. "Not a word."

"Ok," Brittany took a deep breath. "...He was huge. He was absolutely enormous. Like a freaking horse dick."

"Really?" Leah asked with a shocked look on her face.

"I swear to you, Leah. It was probably six inches and it was still soft."

"That's... umm... that certainly is a big one," Leah stated.

"Steven's is big too. But here's the thing. His is pretty thin. Craig's was... fat. I mean... thick. It was really... I don't know... hefty? I guess? He has a hefty dick," Brittany burst out laughing as she struggled to describe what she saw.

Leah also laughed loudly. "Hefty, Brit? Did you really just call it hefty?!"

"Stop! I'm gonna throw up, I'm laughing so hard," Brittany managed to say in between her cackles.

"So, what you're saying is Steven's shy roommate is carrying around a big 'ol penis, right?"

"Right. It's huge. It's definitely bigger than Steven's."

"And something tells me you didn't do a very good job hiding your admiration of this big penis, now did you?"

Brittany shook her head and blushed. "I think I may have acted a little shocked. I couldn't help it!" she said as her voice reached a high pitch. She quickly regained composure. "He got so weird after. He suddenly said he needs to study and I should get going."

"Steven's jealous," Leah ascertained.

"You think?"

"Umm.. I know, Brit. It definitely sounds like he's jealous."

Brittany sighed as she fiddled with her coffee cup. "I hope not. It wasn't really a big deal, honestly."

Leah studied Brittany's face. She could tell Brittany was still thinking about the encounter. "Brit," she started. "Did you like what you saw?"

Brittany smiled. "It was pretty nice. I'm not gonna lie. But it wasn't hard. So... I don't know. Who knows, I guess."

"We're gonna have to start calling him Big Dick Greg now," Leah joked.

"It's Craig."



Brittany and Steven moved past the incident and managed to get back to normal over the next few weeks. They did things routinely. Hung out together, went to parties, ate meals, and of course, had sex.

But something was off with their sex life. Steven struggled to obtain an erection on several occasions, often becoming frustrated quickly. Brittany did everything she could to help him out.

"I love this dick," she said as she twirled it around in her hand, kissing it as she verbally admired it. "Mmm, so big." She knew Steven liked it when she commented on his size.

"You really think so?" Steven asked as he propped himself up on his shoulders and looked down at Brittany.

Brittany stopped and looked up, confused. "Of course I do babe," she said as she continued to hold his penis in her hand.

"It's not the biggest you've seen though," Steven said plainly.

"Well, no but you have a big dick, Steven. I thought this was well established," she chuckled.

Steven didn't respond. He watched as Brittany continued to passionately kiss his cock, trying to get him hard. But he only grew softer. She pulled it out, wiped her mouth and looked up. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Nothing. I just don't think I'm into it right now."

Brittany slid up on the bed so she was next to Steven.

"Steven. You know I love having sex with you right? You know I love everything about you." Steven shrugged, not looking up at her.

"Is this about Craig?" she continued.

"Craig? Why would this be about Craig?" Steven asked. "Like I said, I'm just not into it right now." He got up from his bed and started to put his clothes back on. "I need to get to practice anyway."

As Brittany watched in silence, Steven put on his athletic shorts and t-shirt, packed up his football pads and headed for the door. He stopped and turned to see Brittany watching him. She had put her shirt and pants back on. "Listen, I'm sorry for being weird. Ok? It's got nothing to do with you."

She nodded. "I love you babe."

"Love you too. You gonna stay here? You're welcome to."

"I'll leave in a little bit," she said as she appeared to be getting comfortable in his bed.

After Steven left, Brittany scrolled her phone for a little while before ultimately dozing off for an afternoon nap in the quiet dorm building.


Craig walked into the dorm room and tossed his things loudly on his desk. He was startled to hear someone in Steven's bed as he thought he was at practice. But underneath the blanket he could see shiny blonde hair peeking out the sides. It must be Brittany.

"Hey Craig," she said as she poked her head out and blearily opened her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Hey. Almost four. Steven at practice?" Craig said as he took a seat at his desk and opened his laptop.

"Yeah. I must have dozed off. I'm sorry for crashing your dorm."

Craig shook his head as he took out a bag of popcorn from his bag. "Don't worry about it. You're always welcome here. Popcorn?" he asked as he held out the bag.

"Oh my God, yes. Thank you," Brittany said as she sat up in bed and reached for the snack.

The two of them shared some popcorn and lightly chatted for the next fifteen minutes. Craig told Brittany all about a project he is working on for Robotics class while Brittany listened intently.

"That's amazing you know how to do all that stuff. I can barely get my computer booted up, nevermind train a robot to open a can of Pringles!" Brittany said.

"It's not as hard as you'd imagine. The computers do most of the work to be honest," said Craig as he stuffed some popcorn into his mouth. "Hey, so I haven't seen much of you around here lately. Everything cool with you and Steven?"

"Oh God," Brittany rolled her eyes. "He's such a drama queen sometimes. He's been a little standoffish with me lately, but I think we're in a good place. Or at least getting back there."

Craig nodded silently, but he couldn't possibly believe that someone would be standoffish to Brittany. He found her drop dead gorgeous. A perfect ten. She was sexy, smart, personable, and kind. The entire package. He secretly hated how Steven treated her sometimes.

"Did something happen? Or just kind of regular relationship stuff?"

"Regular relationship stuff, I'd say," Brittany said as she laid down on the bed and propped her head up with her palm. Craig nodded. He pretended to understand, but the truth was that he was never in a serious relationship before. In fact, Brittany was probably the closest he's ever been to a girl aside from a handful of hookups over the years.

"Well, there was one thing," she said, looking away in the process. "I mean, it may have been a thing. I'm not really sure."

"Yeah? What happened?" Craig asked, concerned.

"Steven can be sort of... how do I put this... jealous? I think that's the right word."

"Jealous? Of who? Like, other guys?" Craig asked. He always thought Steven bled confidence and self-assurance. He often idolized these characteristics that his roommate seemingly so easily possessed.

"Yes," Brittany said with conviction. "Other guys."

"But he's on the football team. He's a good looking guy. He has... he has you. What's to be jealous about?" Craig was surprised with himself for handing out such a blunt compliment to Brittany, albeit a bit indirect.

"Ohh. You're sweet. But I just think Steven compares himself to other guys too much. It starts to mess with him."

Craig nodded. He didn't know what to say.

"Do you remember a couple weeks back when we all woke up. And you were going to get us coffee?" Brittany asked.

Craig couldn't forget it. It was the morning he blatantly exposed himself to Brittany. It was also the morning after he had masturbated listening to them have sex. It was not a time he wanted to recollect and he had hoped she completely forgot about it.

"Yes. That was so embarrassing."

Brittany giggled. "Oh, it was fine. Really, things happen. Nothing you can do about that. But the reason I brought it up is because... well it's because that's when Steven started acting a little funny around me."

"After that morning?" Craig asked.

"Mmm hmm. I'm positive that's when it started."

"But why? It was an accident. God I'm such an idiot," Craig said. He started to feel bad that it was his fault the two of them were not on great terms. He couldn't believe how careless he was that morning.

"No, no, no Craig. It wasn't because of you. Steven just gets weirdly jealous sometimes. I think he has penis insecurity."

"Penis insecurity?"

Brittany nodded. "I tell him I like his all the time. It's really nice. But he's weird about it. I think me seeing yours might have made him uncomfortable," she said.

"I see. Great, now I feel like an asshole."

"Oh my gosh, Craig. Not your fault. I shouldn't have... shouldn't have gasped like I did."

"You... you gasped? Why"

She looked up. "Because it was huge, Craig," Brittany said as she smiled ear to ear.

Craig's stomach dropped to the floor. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Did Brittany just tell him he had a big penis? He felt his heart race and face flush. "Umm... uhh... what?"

"Your penis is huge. It's bigger than Steven's."

Craig still couldn't believe it. No one had ever said that to him before. He vaguely remembered a girl from last summer who may have made a comment about it, but he couldn't be sure. He was aware that he was on the bigger side, but never really gave it much thought.

"Oh, I see. You think... you think it is?"

"Craig," Brittany climbed out from under the blankets and sat on the edge of Steven's bed. In doing so, she revealed her sexy legs outlined in tight sweatpants. She was barefoot and swung her pedicured toes back and forth off the side of the bed. "From what I saw, you're big. You're really, really big. I certainly wasn't expecting that. That's all."

Craig was speechless. He slipped up and glanced at her legs and feet. She caught him, but didn't seem to mind. He quickly looked away. "Well, thank you I guess. But I don't mean to cause trouble with you two."

"Oh, don't be silly. It's not your fault you have a huge donkey dick flopping around!" They both laughed at the silly phrase she chose.

"Look, I think it's kinda cool," Brittany said. "From my viewpoint, it looked pretty good if I'm being honest."

Craig could feel an erection forming since the beginning of the conversation. Luckily, he was seated and could easily conceal it. But the harder it got, the more difficult it was to hide. "Thanks, Brit," he said shyly.

"Steven's is long. But yours is longer and I think it's thicker. Have you ever measured?"

Craig gulped. "Measured? My... my penis?"

Brittany nodded excitedly.

"No. I can't say that I have."

"We measured Steven's. He's six and a half long and four around."

Craig laughed nervously. "Ok, too much information Brittany." He felt his cock harden under his jeans. He knew a wet spot had formed at the tip.

"What? You mean guys don't share their dimensions with each other?" she joked as she stood up and went to the mini fridge. She took out two beers and handed one to Craig before sitting back down on Steven's bed.

"I don't think that's a common discussion topic, no. Definitely not between Steven and me."

"Well, I think every guy should measure. I mean, us girls, we all know our boob size."

"That's different," Craig said as he took a sip of the Bud Light she gave him.

"How so?"

Craig smiled and shrugged. "You know I'm not really sure, but it is," he laughed.

"I want to know yours. C'mon, I'm dying to know what it is."

Craig looked at Brittany, wide eyed. "My what?"

"Your measurements! Steven has a tape measure we used. It's right there in his desk drawer. C'mon let's do yours!" Brittany hopped up and grabbed a tape measure from the top drawer in Steven's desk. She placed her beer on the desk and began to extract the tape out from the case. She smiled and winked at Craig.

"You're being serious?" he asked.

Brittany smiled and nodded. "Let's just do it quickly. It'll take two seconds."

Craig shook his head. "I don't think so. We can't do that. That'd be cheating." He could sense his cock was the hardest it's been since the night he masturbated listening to her have sex.

"Don't be silly. It's just a little experiment. C'mon I just want to see how you measure up." Brittany reached for his belt but Craig blocked her access with his hands.

"Brittany, no. We can't do that. It'd be wrong."

She sighed as she stood in front of him. She looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes, a faint smile spread across her lips. "Please?" she asked softly the same way a teenager would ask her father to buy her a car.

Craig's heart was racing. His palms were sweaty. His penis, rock hard. "You sure it will be fast?" he asked.

"Two seconds," Brittany said as she gestured for Craig to stand up. He sighed as he stood up, careful not to move his hands for fear of revealing the fact that he was already achingly erect.

"Yay!" Brittany said. "Ok, take them down."

Craig went to unbuckle his belt. In doing so, he revealed his erection poking out generously far down the front of his jeans.

"Oh my goodness," Brittany said quietly.

Craig paused. "What?"

"No, no, you're fine. Keep going," she said as she eyed the thick bulge.

Craig unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down, revealing his black boxer briefs underneath. Although the dark color made it harder to see, it was still very apparent he was sporting a considerable erection underneath.

"And you said you didn't want to," Brittany teased as she looked up at Craig. He could only smile as she was right. He was painfully excited by all this.

"Two seconds, right?" Craig asked as he stuck his thumbs under the waistband of his boxer briefs.

"Two seconds. Promise." Brittany eagerly awaited the big reveal.

Craig paused for a moment before slowly lowering his boxer briefs. His cock sprung free, bobbing in the air a bit before landing at a 45 degree angle. It's substantial size made it considerably heavy and unable to stand up on its own.

Brittany gasped and her mouth fell open. She covered it with her hand as she stared at Craig's hard cock. A tiny bead of precum formed at the tip of his massive head. His shaft was immense; long and thick. One big vein ran down its length. Two heavy balls hung below, moving ever so slightly as Craig's body swayed. His hands rested by his side as Brittany openly stared at his package.

"Craig..." she said softly. "Oh my gosh, Craig." Brittany was truly at a loss for words.

"Can we do this please?" Craig asked as he reached out and took the tape measure from Brittany.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry. You're just... you're really big Craig. You're really, really big."

"How do I do this?" Craig asked as he laid the tape against his shaft on the bottom, then the side. He laughed nervously.

"Here just along the top is fine. That's what we did with Steven. Just, like, put the end of it in your pubes kind of... Yeah, like that. Now stretch the other end out to the tip."

Craig extended the tape out from the case inch by inch. Six, seven, eight inches.

"Holy shit," Brittany said as she watched him pull it out even more. The tip of his cock just made it past the nine inch mark. Brittany leaned in to get a close look. Her hair fell down and softly grazed Craig's aching cock. The precum from the tip latched onto her blonde hair before she used her hand to tuck it back. She examined the numbers closely and then stood up, hands on her hips.

"You're over nine inches, Craig. Your penis is over nine inches long," she said looking at him in the eyes before looking back down at his cock.

"Ok, all good?" Craig said as he began to pull his boxer briefs back up.

"No, no. We need to do girth too. Just sort of wrap it around your dick where it's most thickest. I'd say right there," Brittany pointed to just below the head, where it appeared to be the widest.

Craig carefully wrapped the tape measure around his cock. After a few clumsy attempts, he was not having much luck getting it straight.

Brittany giggled. "Here, let me."

In an instant, her hands were on his cock. She steadied the shaft with one hand while holding the tape in place with her thumb. As Craig watched her cute little manicured hands manipulate his ballooning cock, he couldn't help but feel like they crossed the line. She was now touching him. This was cheating. But he was too turned on and excited in the moment to do anything to stop it.

"Six and a half," Brittany said softly. So softly, Craig could barely hear her. "Huh?" he asked.

"It's six and a half. Your dick is six and a half inches around. That's literally how long Steven's is. My goodness, Craig. This is really beautiful." Brittany openly stared at his penis as she held it in her hand, securing the tape measure in place. The numbers clearly showed his dimensions. He had never measured before and was truly shocked to learn how big his endowment was.

Then he snapped out of it. Quickly retracting from Brittany and stuffing his hard cock back into his boxer briefs. Brittany stepped back and watched him get dressed, still in shock by what she discovered.

Craig was still hard and it was very obvious. He pulled his jeans up and immediately sat back down at his desk so as not to display his erection anymore.

"Well, we're done. I'm glad we settled that," he said as he took a generous sip from his beer. His heart continued to race.

Brittany put the tape measure back and sat down on Steven's bed. She stared at Craig almost the way a patron at a zoo would watch zebras wander around a field.

"I don't think I need to tell you this, but you've got a really big dick. Like, really big. It's probably the biggest I've ever seen..." Brittany paused. "No... no it is the biggest I've ever seen. Good for you, Craigy."

"Well, thank you. But we don't mention this, ok? No one."

"No one," said Brittany smiling.

They each knew they had crossed a line.

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spiderbyte94spiderbyte945 months ago

Love the build up here!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Five stars, Brittany curiosity is clear to all of us readers but it's hard to believe it's not clear to her.

josenussbaumjosenussbaumabout 1 year ago

I actually liked the story, but i still consider it cheating. And i really don't like cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


had me excited.have to have more

Chaparral21Chaparral21about 3 years ago

SUPERB Story, really excited about the next chapter .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Always happy to see a new Brazen Horse story! Hands down my favorite writer on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved this story, well written, I think it is underrated so far, I am not sure I trust the tally system right now, might still be some bugs in it. One thing I would like to point out for our fellow members with low vision. I have learned that when you use characters for spacing like dashes or asterisks, text to speech will read them individually, like saying "asterisk or dash, for each one." I found that if I use the solid line key, and make a short solid line, it only says "blank" once. I use it now that I know found that out. There are a lot of low vision people, or people of other languages using the translate function out there that I try to take into consideration. I only found this out by using the text to speech add on in Chrome it's free, I use it to cut down on eye strain, and to proof my own stuff, as I work around the house.

Will look for the next chapter, this one gets 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Another superb story from BrazenHorse. I love how your stories have appeal all across the sexual spectrum. I am a bi guy, and this story has *everything*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Would have loved if she would have told him her measurements to show Craig that it doesn’t matter. Maybe in the next entry?

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