Rose Tattoo


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"I wanted to. It's to welcome you home." She came over and hugged me as firmly as she could without hurting too much.

"I'm so glad I have you for a neighbor." I knew what I wanted to say but decided against it for the time being. We went to the kitchen and she told me, "Sit down and keep me company while I fix dinner."

"I'd be glad to help."

"You've done quite enough. I can do this. It won't be fancy, but it will be ample." She soon poured me a cup of coffee and we talked while she made dinner.

When I saw her reaching for something on one of the upper shelves, I got up to help her and stopped. Her left hip was exposed and there for me to see was a rose tattoo. I almost forgot what I got up for, and by the time I recovered, she'd accomplished it herself. I sat back down and sipped my coffee in silence. I didn't know what to think now. So I had been too quick to judge Nancy? Maybe it had been Kara all along. But then why did he have it stashed under everything in his bottom drawer? If I had sexy photos of my wife, I wouldn't hide them. At least that was my line of thought. Now do I ask her about them? I decided to wait for while and think about it some more. Maybe I was missing something obvious.

We had dinner and then more coffee, and I helped her pick up the kitchen and load the dishwasher. We went to the living room and I helped her into the easy chair again and once again she pulled me close. "I almost don't want to get well. I'll miss all of this

attention and care you're showering on me."

"I'm your willing slave." I knelt next to her chair to stay close to her and casually mentioned, "I couldn't help but notice you have a rose tattoo."

"So you looked at my butt did you."

"I most certainly did and I'm a big admirer of all of you, including your butt."

She smiled and continued, "Pam, Nancy's and my best friend, Nancy, and I had a women's shopping weekend a while back and all three of us got the same tattoo in the same location. I still blame it on too much wine. Does it bother you, Barry?"

"Oh no, it's small and rather nice looking. All three of you did it?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Curious. Did Burt get along with Nancy and Pam?"

"Oh God, yes. He thought both of them could do no wrong."

"That's nice." This whole thing was going from bad to worse for me.

We spent the remainder of the evening like a married couple, she in the easy chair and me on the couch watching television. A little before ten Kara told me, "I think it's my bedtime." I got up and went to help her up.

"Tomorrow, I have to start doing this myself."

"If you can that would be wonderful, but if you can't that would be wonderful too." She knew what I meant and she kissed my cheek as I bent down. We stood up in one smooth move and then she said, "Give me ten minutes or so to get ready for bed."

"Let me know if you need help."

I couldn't hide my smile and she gave me a knowing look and said, "I'll keep that in mind." As she disappeared into her room I sat back down and watched more television.

"Barry, I'm ready," I heard from the bedroom. I went in and she was wearing a soft short blue nightie that looked so alluring on her. I just stood in the doorway and smiled like a country bumpkin. "I want to just stand here and take in what I'm seeing." Then I walked over to her and just pulled her to me. I wanted to say something, but I had to remember it had only been a few weeks since Burt had died. I saw no evidence that she was grieving for Burt, but it still just didn't seem right for me to push things right then. I looked at her again and we kissed. Not the gentle kiss of appreciation or friendship but a kiss that would only be shared by two people who were very close and cared for one another very much. In silence, I helped her lie down and I showed no hurry to stand up again. I did straighten up and then pulled the hem of her nightie down so it wouldn't be uncomfortable under her. "Barry, would you lie down next to me for a minute?" I had already kicked my shoes off much earlier, so I carefully climbed over her and lay down on my side. We looked at each other for a minute and then both of us moved closer to each other. With her left arm over me and my right arm over her we came together and kissed softly. That kiss made me move closer and come up over her and she pulled me down to her until I was almost lying on top of her from the hips up. I was afraid I would hurt her, but she showed no signs of pain. We stayed like that and just showered each other with kisses.

Kara paused and just looked up at me and slowly ran her fingers through my hair and touched my face. "I'm so glad you're here, but I'm so confused."

"Want to talk about it?"

"I keep thinking I should be in mourning, but I'm not. I just want to pretend that Burt never existed. I don't want to use the word hate, but how can I not feel bitter after what has happened? On top of that, it feels so right having you here with me like this." I kept my weight on my elbow and touched and caressed her face with my hands as she talked.

"I can't speak for others, but then I don't really care what other's think anyway. It does feel right being together. I've admired you ever since you moved here, so to me, you are

an answer to my dreams. I don't know what is considered proper and I don't want to add to your worries or problems, but I want to be with you every minute you'll allow it." We stayed close for another minute and then I rose up.

"I better let you get some sleep. I'll be over in the morning before I leave."

"You don't have to do that."

"I'd like to though."

"Then by all means come over." I got off the bed and leaned down to kiss her one last time.

"Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, Barry." I looked at her one last time and then shut the light off and left.

Chapter Seven

Friday morning, I got ready for work and went over to help Kara up. Did she really need my help now? Probably not at all, but I didn't care, and if she was just playing the role of an invalid that was fine too. It was an excuse to be close to her again. I let myself in and went to her room again. She was on her back just as before and I silently went over and softly kissed her. It took her a minute to stir and wake up but I was content to just watch her. After she opened her eyes she just looked at me for several seconds and then pulled me down for another kiss. "I wish I could have you do this for me every morning."

"Be careful what you wish for." She just smiled and I helped her up. I went out and waited while she went to the bathroom and put herself together, and then she came out still in her nightie. "I wish you didn't have to go to work today."

"Me too, want me to wait until you dress or anything?"

"No, I want to clean up and just try to put myself together."

"Okay. I have something I have to do, but I should be home before six."

"Come over when you get home and I'll have a surprise for you."

"I'll get here as fast as I can."

I was very busy all day long so time passed quickly for me. As soon as I got home I called Nancy. When she didn't answer I started to hang up, but at the last second I heard,


"Hi, it's me."

"You just caught me coming in the door."

"Sorry. I need to stop by for a minute if that's okay."

"Yes I guess so."

"I'll be there in half an hour then." I picked up the computer disc with the mystery woman on it and drove to Nancy's.

When I went in she hugged me and then asked, "What's up?"

"I have to apologize to you."

"For what?"

"Can we sit down?"

"Sure I'm sorry."

I sat next to her and continued. "While taking Burt's things out I ran across a computer disc in his bedroom junk drawer. Something told me I should check it out so I did."

"Okay and?"

"It had a lot of photographs on it, photographs of a naked woman, a woman with a rose tattoo." Nancy smiled but said nothing so I continued. "This woman was having a great time with Burt which isn't bad, except when you were over the last time I saw your rose tattoo and..."

"Damn, don't tell me you thought that it was me."

"Well, yeah."

"How the hell could you think that?"

"Well, I didn't know you weren't the only one with that tattoo on the left hip. I know I jumped to conclusions and that's why I'm here to apologize."

"I can't believe you thought I could do something like that."

"I really didn't think so, but I was at a loss for another explanation. I never would have guessed that three of you got that same tattoo and in the same place."

"Okay, I guess I can see your point. So you got to see Kara naked then."

"I don't know because I never saw the face."

"But, you saw everything else."

"Oh I sure did, several times and in several positions. Unfortunately I also saw Burt at his finest."

"So do you think it's Kara?"

"I don't know, the build seems similar, but that's all I know. It just doesn't seem that if it was Kara he would put it in the bottom of his junk drawer like he was hiding it."

"I see your point."

"Would you look at it and see if you can tell?"

"That means I have to look at Burt's ass too."

"Yes, that and his other attributes."

"Oh great, okay let's go to my bedroom and take a look." Nancy's bedroom

was huge and at one end she had set up a small office area. She sat down and I handed her the disc and stood behind her. She paused and asked me, "Is this why you seemed to suddenly act cool toward me?"

"Yes I'm afraid so." She just shook her head and proceeded.

Her computer booted up and she slipped the disc in and waited. When she opened the first file she paused and studied the naked woman and then moved on to the next one. Most of them didn't even show the back of the woman's head, but she got to see Burt front back and side as she moved on through the photos. When she finally saw the whole woman from the back she stopped and looked at it before moving on. This went on for awhile and I was getting pretty uncomfortable looking at amateur porn with Nancy. Don't get me wrong I don't mind looking at porn, but this was weird to me.

She turned around and looked at me smiling. "How long have you known Kara?"

"Something over three years, do you know who she is Nancy?"

"Well I hope I've convinced you it isn't me, so that leaves Kara and Pam right?"


"You guys are so predictable."


"You were so busy looking at her physical charms you never looked at her hairstyles."

"Well no, I guess not."

"That woman had two different hairstyles in the pictures that I looked at."


"She has fairly long hair."


"How long is my hair?"

"Fairly short.

"Okay, at least you looked at my hair, but somehow, that isn't very flattering. Now do you ever remember seeing Kara with a hairstyle like this" and she pointed at the computer monitor. I looked at it closely and admittedly I looked at her hair for the first time.

"No, I don't ever remember her looking like that."

"So Sherlock, I have to say that we're looking at that tramp Pam."

"Son of a bitch."

"I can't believe that bitch did that."

"Kara said that Burt thought that you and Pam could do no wrong."

"Well, he was wrong. She screwed up badly. Had he not killed himself Kara would have found out sooner or later. Now the question is do you tell Kara."

"Damn, I don't know. I guess I have to. Not because of Burt since he's dead anyway, but because of Pam. Kara can't go on thinking that Pam is such a good friend now."

"I have to agree with you." Nancy handed the disc back to me and stood up. She looked at me and asked, "You're falling for Kara aren't you."

"In a big way."

"I kind of thought that maybe you and I might get together for a while."

I kissed her cheek and said, "I think you'd be too much woman for me."

She just smiled and said, "Thank you, but to put it simply, bullshit. You were already hooked by my sister."

"I have to admit I've been an admirer of hers for all of those three years."

"Go make her happy then."

"I sure will try. Nancy, thanks for your help. You're one hell of a sister and a wonderful friend."

She just smiled, patted my ass and said, "Get out of here."

After putting my car in the garage, I went straight over to Kara's. I opened the door and called out to her and she appeared from her bedroom. I just stared at her. She was wearing very nice fitting gray slacks and black heels and a beautiful rose colored silk blouse. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. I was hoping I could get you to take us out to dinner."

"I'd love to. Want to go now?"

"I'm starved." We went out and she took my arm as we walked across the front lawn to my place and then headed for my favorite restaurant. We had dinner and wine and held hands, talked, laughed and acted like lovers. There was no way I was telling her about the disc right then. It would just have to wait.

Chapter Eight

When we got back to my place, I put the car away and we went inside. "Would you like a cup of coffee or anything?"

"I don't think so. Could we just sit and talk?"

"Of course," and with both of us on the couch we turned toward each other and she took my hand in hers.

"Barry, my ribs are about healed, but I have some other healing to do too."

"I know you do Kara. You've been so strong, but I have to think it just isn't that simple."

"It isn't but...I really had lost what love I felt for Burt. The drinking alone was driving us apart, then when I found out about him having an affair that was about the end of our marriage. Barry, I'm trying to keep control of myself, but I'm not doing very well. I want to be with you all the time, and when we're apart I'm thinking about you. I'm pretty sure it isn't just because you've been so helpful and sympathetic, but I want to be sure. What I'm trying to say is be patient with me. If for any reason you don't think you can be patient or that you don't want to be with me in the days to come, say so now please before I get in over my head."

I just looked at her for a second. How could I explain how I felt about her so she would truly know that I would be there for her? "Kara when you and Burt moved here three years ago, I was infatuated with you and that never left me. Whenever I saw you in the backyard, I felt compelled to say hi to you and at least have a short conversation. The more I noticed that Burt had a drinking problem, the more I cared for you and worried about you. Then you had the accident. I couldn't get to you fast enough. I had to see for myself that you were going to be okay. I needed to feel that I was doing whatever I could to help you. I worried about you, I hurt for you, and I couldn't wait until you could come home again. The more I did things for you the more I wanted to do. I'll never do anything to hurt you. Kara honey, I'm so in love with you, I can't see or think straight.

She threw her arms around me and just held me tightly. I knew she couldn't say she loved me, but I knew she did and that was good enough for now. When she looked at me again she had tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. Her eyes and her gentle touch told me what I wanted to know. We just held each other close and every so often one of us would whisper something to the other one.

She leaned back and we looked at each other. "Barry, are you sure what you feel is love and not sympathy?"

"I have no doubt whatsoever. I love you more than life itself."

"It could take me a while to get my thinking straight."

"I'm okay with that. Why don't you spend the night here with me?"

"I want to I really do but..."

"We don't have to make love. Don't get me wrong, I want that so very much. But I just don't want to be away from you, especially right now. I'll even sleep in my clothes if you want me to."

She laughed a little and said, "No, that won't be necessary. But we could be starting something."

"I can only hope so."

"Then I want to stay here with you."

"Want me to go over and get you something to sleep in?"

"I don't think that will be necessary."

"Do you really think we can behave ourselves?"

"If we put our minds to it I think we can."

"It isn't just my mind that I'm worried about." She laughed again, but the subject of the two of us being naked together didn't come up again.

It wasn't long before both of us decided we were tired enough to go to bed. As much as I wanted to I didn't try to undress her. That would be asking for trouble. But I did watch her undress and I almost forgot to breathe. When she slipped into bed I undressed and joined her. We tempted fate by lying close and then holding each other and kissing. But by some magic we didn't do anything more except to talk. "Barry, I have a confession to make."


"I really didn't need your help to get in and out of the chair or bed."

I tried not to smile as I said, "I had a strong suspicion that was the case, but I didn't care. It gave me an excuse to be near you." Somehow we finally fell to sleep, but at some point in the middle of the night something happened and we made love. It was wonderful. It was beyond wonderful and afterwards we fell asleep in each other's arms. When I woke in the morning, we were still close together and when I stirred she woke too. We looked at each other and almost laughed. "Barry, we didn't do very well did we."

"Depends on your point of view, but I think we did very well indeed." She kissed me and got up to head for the bathroom as I watched her sweet tattoo bounce out of sight.

I was next in the bathroom and then found her a robe to wear, and I just slipped on a pair of jeans. For a good part of the morning, we talked about us, sipped coffee, kissed, and nearly ended up back in the bedroom again. I still hadn't forgotten about Pam, so when we settled down a little I asked her, "So you never learned who Burt was having the affair with?"

"No, but I'm sure I would have eventually."

"Do you still want to know who it was?"

" you know?"

"I know."


"I found a disc with pictures on it when I pulled his things out of the house."

"So you've known all that time?" I had to laugh.

"No, I didn't know who she was because her face was never shown. But her rose tattoo was in plain sight. When you told me about you three women I went to see Nancy and she solved the mystery."

With a shocked look on her face Kara said, "Don't tell me it was Pam."

"It was Pam."

"Damn her."

"Kara, I didn't want to tell you but you need to know about her."

"Yes I do. I'll think of some way to confront her that won't be pleasant for her. It may take me some time, but that's okay. I assume the photos were rather telling?"

"Oh, there was no doubt at all about what was going on."

"Thank you for telling me."

Kara settled down after that and said, "That just makes it all the easier to put the past behind me as far as Burt is concerned. So you've been thinking about this tattoo business all this time?"

"It's been bugging me to say the least. I was almost certain it wasn't you."

"Kind of makes you wonder who took the photos though doesn't it?"

"Oh great, now we have another mystery."

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

So, who took the photos then?

lancewmlancewmabout 14 years ago
Excellent read!

I enjoyed the entire story!

sash3394sash3394about 14 years ago
Chapter 2?

Wiil this be continued?

bruce22bruce22about 14 years ago
A very enjoyable read

Thornapple tells his tales with dialogue and it is very easy to follow. Besides that, his characters are very pleasant. Thanks!

AzPilotAzPilotabout 14 years ago
Once again, thank you sir--

Your excellent story gave me a great interlude, while reading it. As usual, it was well done, both writing and plot. Also, as usual, I'll look for more from you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
So, Do We Get A Part Two?

I think it's justified.

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