Sable Island


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"So the island saw to it that things worked out just as you wanted them to."

"It would seem so."

"And your other fantasies?"

"It's like I told you before, I don't know that I even want them to come true. One of them I'm actually afraid of."

"It's your fantasy and you are afraid of it?"

"Yes. When I lie in bed and let myself go to that place it's so special and full of sensual love and bonding and excitement. But in the light of day I worry about what would happen afterward, how it would change me and how I see myself now. It's pretty hard to explain I guess."

"And the other one, or is that still plural?"

"Well another one is a lot like the first one. I'm afraid of it too. Not as much so and I can see that one come true one day even at home. But it's also one that I'm not sure I could handle afterwards. Again it has to do with how I see myself. It's a, could I accept the new me with no real regrets, kind of thing."

"Gail are you sorry that you came to the island?"

"Oh God no. I told you before there is no place I'd rather be and lying here in bed with you makes that even more true than before." She paused just a second and then said, "I can't wait to see what awaits us in the coming days even though I do still worry about how we will handle things when we go home."

"You mean a fear of us trading partners permanently?"


"I seriously doubt that would ever happen. Now having said that I can imagine us trading for a weekend or maybe for a few days on a vacation. It will all depend on how much of this is island influence and how much really is in us."

After waking up Charlie and Marcie lay in bed lightly teasing each other as they talked but both of them agreed there really was island magic and both of them were accepting it totally with minimal fears and no regrets. Like Gail, Marcie wondered how it would be when they got home. She asked Charlie, "Do you think we will stay as we are now until we go home?"

"I don't know. Right now I have to say I hope we do but that could change I'm sure."

"What about when we get home?"

"That's been in my mind a lot too but I've decided it isn't possible for me to work that out in my mind right now. We'll sort that out as we go along. One thing is certain though, we're all for it or it could never happen." Then just as Joe had said to Gail, Charlie added, "But I can easily see us trading at home if just for an evening or whatever. Marcie I do love you. I love you and Gail about equally in fact." It felt like her heart jumped when he said that but she didn't know what to say. Did she love Charlie as much as she did Joe? Could that even be possible? Rather than deal with that she got up and said, "We better shower and get ready honey."


Chapter Sixty Two

The four of them gathered in front of the cabins and both women were in their micro bikinis and then with their beach blanket in hand they headed for their next island adventure. It was almost a mile down the beach so it was close to half an hour before they found the area where they thought it was. As they paused and looked at the rock formations Meredith seemed to appear quickly and magically. She stopped and wearing a large smile said, "Oh hi."

Gail said, "Hi, we were looking for that gap in the rock or whatever it's called."

Meredith pointed to her left and back slightly and said, "Just go between that palm tree and that tall piece of black rock, you can't miss it. I was just in there and there are only a few couples back there right now."

"So you're leaving I take it."

Her smile didn't waiver as she said, "I'm on my way to meet somebody and then we're coming back. This is perfect because I was I was going to find you four because I want you to meet him. I've...I've quit my job and am going to move in with him. He's asked me to marry him."

Marcie said, "My God that fast?"

"Yes but when you meet him you'll understand I'm sure. He's...well you'll see after while."

"We're so happy for you." Pointing toward the palm tree and the rock Marcie asked, "What's it like in there?"

"This is only the second time I've been in there so all I can say is it's great but you have to keep an open mind. To me at least it is the core of the island magic. It's...well I better let you judge for yourselves." Then she looked at Joe and then at Marcie and said, "Just picture the isolated beach and though it's much smaller it's also much more than that." Marcie's eyes went wide when she heard that and she looked at Joe for a second but didn't say anything. Then just before leaving Meredith said, "Be sure to wait for us and we'll be back as soon as possible."

They watched her race down the beach and Marcie said, "It isn't hard to see she's happy and excited and I'm glad she found somebody."

Joe added, "I just hope he really is a nice guy and is right for her."

Before they went through the slit in the rock Gail asked Joe and Marcie, "What did she mean by the reference to the isolated beach?"

Marcie glanced at Joe and then said, "Remember the photos of me with Ian, and the photos of Meredith, Joe and me naked and the photo of the woman tied to the stakes and being teased? All of that happened at that beach. All of that and a lot more."

Gail's cheeks flushed as she remembered those photos and the stories connected to them but all she could say was, "Oh my God." The other three smiled at her but her mind was racing ahead as it tried to anticipate just what might happen in there. What she might see the other people doing, but more importantly how her fantasies were going to play out before it was over. She was so excited and nervous that she felt a wave of nausea wash over her but that was replaced with a new strength and determination to see it through. A sort of elation and giddiness she might feel if she'd had just a little too much to drink. Joe and Marcie instantly replayed events and images from their days at the isolated beach and both of them were eager to see what awaited them.

As they moved ahead Joe leaned close to Gail and asked her, "Are you ready for this honey?"

She took his hand in hers and holding it tightly said, "I think so, at least I hope so." As soon as the entered they realized they were nearly the only ones not naked and it took Marcie just seconds to get that way and Gail soon followed. Then Joe and Charlie followed their lead and they found a pocket in the rocks and left their things there. The area was much larger than what any of them had imagined and consisted of acres of nearly white sand isolated from the ocean by ridges of rock and everywhere they looked they saw tufts of palm trees and large and small mounds of old black lava rock randomly scattered around the whole area. With them being farther from the ocean and having the breezes blocked by the rock formations the air was warmer and more still and the humid but they paid little attention to that detail. At first glance they would have guessed there were no more than half a dozen people in all of the area that they could see but as they made their way slowly to the right they would notice couples or small groups tucked into little recesses in the rock. There were low wooden benches here and there that had been painted white at one time but with the paint looking chalky and thin they were showing the ravages of the tropical sun and the wear from frequent use. There were also old wooden chaise style lounge chairs with the back fixed at a low angle and no arms on most of them. Gail saw them first and nudged Joe as she stared. Ahead of them and just to their left on one of the low benches a woman was on her back and her man was over her with his cock poised to enter her. The four of them stopped and watched as his cock slowly disappeared inside of her and Charlie even managed to get a picture of the action. Gail was fairly prone to blush sometimes and this was one of those times but her eyes didn't leave the couple until Joe called her attention to a foursome on blankets and tucked into the rocks to their right. One woman was on top of the other in a classic sixty nine position and that was something to see but then they noticed that the guys were doing the same thing and Joe felt Gail's hand tighten on his again. She got close to his ear and whispered, "I can't believe this, those guys are...they're sucking each other."
Joe liked to think of himself as fairly worldly but this was something he had never seen before except in pictures. Even though he couldn't imagine anything like that he continued to watch them knowing he would never see anything like that again. Charlie was more open about his curiosity and told Marcie, "That's one thing I never expected to ever see. They sure seem to be enjoying each other."

Marcie said, "Look at the dark haired woman, she keeps looking over at the guys. I'll bet one of them is her husband and either she or her husband are experiencing a fantasy."

"Wow, the island at work yet again. Oh well to each his own I always say." On they went until Gail spotted an unoccupied chaise lounge and pointing at it said, "We better claim that and bring our things over here so we have something to sit on other than our blanket unless we plan on leaving soon."

Marcie said, "I'm not planning on leaving for quite a while because I have a feeling we still have a lot to see and experience."

Charlie said, "I'll go get our things and meet you there," and once their blanket and clothes were on the lounge they continued their exploration of the area. Gail paused and said, "We're so busy looking at what the people are doing I haven't taken the time to appreciate how beautiful this place is. Can you imagine living in a cabin or something tucked back in here? It's like a piece of paradise in here."

Then Joe noticed four couples not far away and all four of the women were stunning beyond words so he said, "I have to agree, this is a piece of paradise." Gail jabbed him with her elbow and he said, "Ow, I was just agreeing with you."

She smiled at him and said, "You already have more than you can handle lover."

He kissed her and said, "I have to agree with you there honey." They didn't go much farther when they saw two women tied by ropes between palm trees. Their arms and legs were pulled well away from their bodies and one woman's left ankle was tied to the other woman's right ankle. There were four men with them and Gail squeezed Joe's hand so tightly that she almost hurt him as she watched the women be touched, caressed, kissed and teased no more than twenty feet from her. Marcie stepped close to Gail and whispered, "I don't know if I could do that or not but my God can you imagine what that must feel like. Even having that happen in private would have to be pretty awesome, but on top of that everybody here can see them strung up, helpless and naked with hands running all over them."

Gail swallowed and stared and just nodded her head silently as she watched the scenario play itself out in front of her. Joe felt her hand continue to hold tight to his and he watched her almost as much as he watched the naked women as they were tormented. He leaned close to Gail and said softly, "At least neither of the women are being whipped or punished."

She swallowed again and with a tremble in her voice said, "I can't believe I'm here and watching this."

"Who's fantasy is this do you suppose, the women's or the men's?"

She paused as she continued to stare at them and without thinking said, "Mi...maybe all of them."

Joe didn't know if this was one of Gail's fantasies that she didn't know if she wanted fulfilled but he had no doubt that she harbored a very strong curiosity about something like that. Marcie put her lips against Gail's ear and said, "I want to experience that. Not here and maybe not even on the island but one of these days I want to see what it's like."

Gail's free arm went around Marcie and without releasing her hold on Joe's hand she pulled Marcie close and she whispered, "I think I'd faint if I were one of those women but I really want to try that too. I'm just not sure I'm ready for that." Then she added, "God Marcie I just know I'm going to be a total wreck before we leave here today."

"If I have my way I'll be so tired by the time we leave this island I won't even care that we're going home."

Gail kissed Marcie's neck and whispered, "I want Joe so much right now I don't know how I'm going to make myself wait even a little while."

Marcie smiled and said, "I know what you mean. I have a feeling I'm going to have at least one more fantasy fulfilled today."

Gail looked at Marcie and then back at the two women as she said, "I'm pretty sure I am too. In fact I'm going to make it happen because once I get home I'm afraid I won't have the courage to go through with it."


Chapter Sixty Three

As they moved around the area they saw more couples and small groups, some involved in some sort of sexual or sensual activity but some just talking and watching others including the four of them as they walked by. Marcie finally said, "I'm ready to go back to our spot and relax for a while because I'm sure that more people will be coming in and there will be even more to see."

Gail quickly agreed so the four of them abandoned the perimeter and cut straight across to their lounge and blanket. Charlie spread the blanket next to the lounge but Gail stood there and looked around as Marcie sat on the lower end of the chaise. Then leaning back she said, "This is more comfortable than it looks." Charlie grabbed his camera and took a picture of her lying there so she posed for him by putting her arms over her head like she was stretching and then put one hand on her breast to tease him and Joe. Gail dropped onto the blanket near Marcie and Joe and Charlie dropped down close to Gail.

Charlie looked around and said, "There's still places for us to explore but I need time to absorb what we've seen."

Gail moved close to Marcie and softly asked her, "How are you holding up?

"I'm not sure. My head was spinning almost from the moment we got here but that last part with the women tied up and being teased was doing a good job of teasing me too."

"I know what you mean. I think we should have Joe and Charlie do that with us when we get home."

As Joe and Charlie looked around and took a few pictures Marcie shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand and looking at Gail softly asked her, "What did you mean about you were going to do something to fulfill one of your fantasies?"

Gail leaned over Marcie and gently kissed her and then feeling Marcie respond to her kiss put her hand on Marcie's breast and kissed her again but this time her tongue slipped into Marcie's mouth and the kiss continued. Gail's hand moved down until it was close to Marcie's mound and a moment later her finger teased Marcie's clitoris. Gail looked into Marcie's eyes but said nothing as her hand moved and Marcie's pelvis tipped up to meet it. That was all the encouragement Gail needed and started to kiss her way down until her lips were touching Marcie's vertical lips and Gail's finger disappeared inside of her pussy and felt her warm moistness. Gail didn't know that Joe and Charlie were watching and photographing everything but then Gail wasn't aware of anything beyond what she was experiencing right then.

It was only moments later that Gail tasted Marcie's sex for the first time and within a minute after that Gail was totally immersed in making oral love to her best friend. As Marcie's hips moved and pushed back against Gail's lips she closed her eyes and moaned. Gail wanted to give Marcie an orgasm but she wasn't sure she knew how to do that. All she could do was imagine what Marcie would like her to do. As her hips continued to push up and roll against Gail's mouth Marcie could feel her climax slowly moving up closer and closer to the surface. When it surfaced Marcie's pelvis came off of the chaise lounge and pushed against Gail as her body locked up in a spasm of orgasmic release.

Gail waited until Marcie slowly settled down and then moved up to lie on her and kiss her. Marcie whispered to her, "Thank you, you were wonderful."

"I wanted to do more for you but...I just didn't know. I mean this chair and with others watching us it...I wanted it to be better for you."

"Gail it couldn't have been much better for me, especially considering where we are. I love you Gail."

"I love you too. That was my fantasy I told you about. I've wanted to do that for you ever since we kissed in your kitchen that day but I didn't think I'd ever be able to go through with it."

"I'm glad you were able to."

"Marcie I don't know if we'll ever do anything like this once we get home but I'm so glad I could do this for you here at least." Both of them slowly sat up then and saw that Joe and Charlie were just smiling at them.

Marcie was about half embarrassed when she looked at them but she smiled and first Charlie kissed both women and told them he loved them and then Joe did the same thing. Marcie looked at the three of them and said, "I have an announcement to make. I've decided that I'd like to come back here again, but that said if we never come back to the island again I'd be okay with that because all that is really important to me, all that I really need I have within our little group of four. There are things that I would miss of course but this place is almost too much of a good thing. I love all of you so very much."

Charlie pulled her to him and said, "I love you too Marcie and I agree with everything you said. It really is becoming too much of a good thing and I think we need to take a break and just relax and be together. You know I love you honey and I'm ready to do whatever you want to do."

Marcie smiled and said, "You know, Ki was right. Most of the magic is inside of us. There's still something different and mysterious and wonderful about this place but the magic has mostly been us, been inside of us all along. We've just been doing what deep down inside we wanted to do and in some cases wanted to do even before we arrived here. If you three don't mind I think I'd like to go back to our cabins and do just what Charlie said, just relax and enjoy each other." Then she kissed Charlie and smiling said, "But I'm not ready to cancel our swapping arrangement just yet."

Joe laughed and pulled Gail to him and said, "Like I said, I'm ready to do whatever you two want to do."

Gail kissed Joe and said, "Yes, Joe and I haven't even had our honeymoon yet."

They were still laughing when they heard, "There you are. It's so hard to find anybody in here."

Marcie looked up and saw Meredith coming up to them as Joe and Charlie enjoyed her nakedness. Meredith continued with, "Don't wander off and I'll be right back."

Marcie said, "We'll be right here," and then as she disappeared said, "I say we go back and enjoy the hot tub, dinner and then go to bed early. I think we've been playing too hard."

Joe said, "You just want to make love to Charlie."

"Desperately. I've wanted to be alone with Charlie forever and damn it we keep getting side tracked."

Gail said, "I agree with Marcie totally but if you don't see Joe and me before lunch tomorrow don't be surprised."

Then Meredith's voice was heard again and with eyes dancing she said, "I want you to meet the man I'm so in love with."

When the four of them looked up all Joe and Marcie could say was, "Ian?"

The End.

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EmilymcpluggerEmilymcpluggerover 1 year ago

So, great story with only one downside.

The end beach had SO much more fantastic fantasy options and we we end when Ian and Meredith arrive.

I know it has to end somewhere but that was a bit mean.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
You Never Know

A fantastic story and very well written. The continuous underlying theme of us being our own limitation hit home hard. Your story provides a real inspiration to let life happen and try not to control every outcome. You have a way of capturing a reader, getting inside of the reader's head, and opening up the possibility that any fantasy with other people can happen. The frustration of reading your story is understanding that the island environment you described actually exists in many places I have visited but the enjoyment only happens when you are with the right person(s). My quest continues to discover who he (or she) is (are). Many thanks for a wonderful experience. Love and kisses, Nancy.

aa2manaa2manover 12 years ago
Fantastic fantasy island

I am hooked now on your stories. I have worked my way through three so far and have enjoyed every one. Your style of writing builds the scenario so well that even though the situations are never likely to happen in real life I find myself so involved in them.

Please keep up the good work, and a sequel to Sable island would be explosive. I agree with mrsdryhumper about the bondage theme but whatever you write I am sure will be good.

NellaBarely2NellaBarely2over 13 years ago
Stands the test of time! So REAL

Some see it as fantasy; but then Some couples don't fully communicate about their desires ... And needs. As one reviewer mentioned Hedo, which can be a good fit for your story line, we add any place where "close friends" gather with an open mind. I love your story because it does relate to many real incidents, all of which are possible, just not so many at one time. WE believe because we lived most of them over the past 20+ years with similar emotions and feelings. Really hot and worth reading..

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Well done!

When i started reading your work, I found myself wanting to be at Sable Island with my husband and our best friends. I thought you did a masterful job building on what people go through when they decide to experiment. Great job and looking forward to the Sequel!!! (please say there will be one soon!!!) :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Long and rewarding,

I have to say thanks thornapple. I took a couple of pages to get into this before the island magic caught me but then I was hooked to the end. This is one of the longer stories here but due to being very well written with likeable characters I only noticed at the end how much I had read. Thanks for your undoubted efforts in writing this. -- UK CYNIC.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Would make a great erotic movie

This story is strong on development and emotional content. It would make a great erotic movie. And what DID happen when they came home. Were they able to cope. Do you plan a sequel?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

A beautifully written story. Long enough to get me thru several days of stroking off as I cast your story with people I know. Remarkablly similar to the wife and I at Hedonism II in Jamaica. The magic isn't as strong, but we didn't bring any sand back with us.haha It is amazing what people truely want to do in their lives, but most, like my wife, are too prim and proper to admit it or brave enough to explore. I do hope you will write more, loved jacking off to your effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I spent the better part of 2 days FIGHTING running errands and my daily life trying to finish this wonderful story. it is explicit but not overly so and was wonderfully written. I do hope to read more from the author soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Whew...... excellent

narration of a vibrant erotic fantasy ???

It's nice to read a story that carries you away by the characters and their antics.

I would look forward to reading more of your writings.

I'm now prepared by having a cut lunch and a thermos flask for the journey. lol.

Thanks for the adventure.

mrsdryhumpermrsdryhumperover 15 years ago
My dreams

How wonderful. I am an older lady that has an almost nonexistant sex life except for my fantasies. I live every hour of the day and night dreaming about all kinds of sex. A lot of my time is spent thinking about bondage and humiliation as well as forced exhibitionism. I am a bit bi and sub too so I can't wait for another installment of this story exploring the bondage and suspension and helplessness that I so dream about. My name is judy and some of you know me as mrsdryhumper. huggs and thank you for a wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Fianaly a story long enough to get me thru

Fianaly a story long enough to get me thru get me thru a long flight I convert them to .lit files and can read them any where I go on my Pocket PC THanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Long but great on the psychology of 'letting go'

Although the sex is less grahic than many stories on here, what really does come through are the emotional impacts of sharing, especially with people you already care about.

It deserves a sequel; some editing assistance might make it flow better and smaller submissions which are more 'book chapter length' would entice the readers more. A female editor might be a good idea.

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