Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles Ch. 19


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Startled, confused and soaking wet, the almighty Alpha looked around. His eyes were unfocused from all the drugs still coursing through his veins.

"Get up, you pathetic excuse of a father," Richard said in a tone devoid of any emotion, "It's time we settle a few things."

Getting his bearings he looked around him. He pulled at his wet clothes and then managed to focus on the large man standing in front of him. His wolf growled, there was another Alpha standing in front of him and he hadn't even sensed him getting close or even entering. Maybe I had a bit much to drink he thought to himself as he made a feeble attempt at standing up.

"Are you going to grace me with your presence today or do you need more water to wake up, Harry," Richard said, deliberately using his father's name, not his title.

Hearing his name spoken cleared up part of the fogginess in his brain. Trying to focus, he took a wrong step and stumbled onto his bed. Sitting down Harry was glad the room was now not spinning as much. Again he tried to focus on the other Alpha standing in front of him.

Richard snapped his fingers in front of Harry's face, trying to get his attention.

"The party is here," Richard said in that same bored tone now. He shook his head. "So this is what has become of the mighty MacLachlan Alpha? A drug addicted drunk, that can't even defend his own pack, let alone stand up without the help of someone else? And for the record, I won't be the one doing any helping."

"Who the fuck are you? How dare you trespass into my territory?" Harry said in an unaccomplished attempt in sounding the strong Alpha he normally was, when sober.

Richard just stood there. If it wasn't for the severity of the things that had come out into the open, he would laugh at what his father had become.

"Take a good look, Harry, I'm the one that will be taking over here and putting things right. Something I should have done ages ago," Richard all but growled in his father's face.

Finally able to zero in on the man standing in front of him Harry let out a loud gasp.

"You're dead, you can't be standing here. I'm imagining this. I ordered you killed!" Harry shouted.

"Maybe(your you're Betas didn't do their job right, trust me I'm very much alive, 'father'." Richard used that one word with so much venom it sounded more like an insult than a fond endearment.

"But how...?" Harry managed to say.

"Maybe you should start paying attention to what is being said around you. They aren't rumors, they're facts. True I almost died, but my mate found me in time and saved me. We've been living far away from everyone and everything. There were a few happy occasions lately and we decided we're done hiding. Much to my surprise, well can't say surprise really, dismay, that sounds better, I was told a few things about what you've been up too. Starting to ring a few bells?" Richard replied.

"Or do you want a reminder of what you ordered your pack to do? Kidnapping human females, forcing a mating and a shift on them? If the Council were to hear of this you would be executed on the spot!" Richard went on.

"Lucky for you my new son-in-law is a Whelan and I have a very stubborn daughter who made sure I could handle this my way. So the tables are turned this time. Now you're at my mercy. Believe me when I say there will only be one Alpha walking away in charge here and it won't be you! Now get your sorry ass up and go outside. I want this over and done with," Richard spoke with authority.

"How dare you come into my house and talk to me like that? Who do you think you are? Just because I fathered you doesn't give you any rights whatsoever," Harry tried to verbally fight back.

"We'll see about that. Outside and we'll take care of that the proper way. Consider this my official challenge for taking over this pack!" Richard shot back.

Right after he sent a mental message to his mate asking if she would be able to clear Harry's clouded mind, that he would be truly sober and no ill effects of the drugs. He wanted this to be an equal battle so nobody could contest his right of leadership.

As he waited for Harry to get his wits about, Gwen poked back saying that Merlin would move in closer once they were outside, he would take away any effects that were left behind because of the drugs and alcohol.

Content with what he was told, he turned to Harry again. "Five minutes, then I'm dragging your ass outside whether you want to or not. I'll be waiting." With that said he turned around and walked outside. All the doors were still locked, sensing his surroundings he knew they were all still out of it. He shook his head dejectedly, what had become of this pack? He'd have to do a major cleanup once he was in charge.

Outside he started pacing in front of the mansion. A light breeze passed him and he heard Merlin whisper that he would take care of things once the man in question made it out of the door. He ended with wishing him good luck and to stay alert, telling that old dogs never unlearn their tricks. A small nod showed he acknowledged what he'd been told.

He pulled his wolf to the forefront to have him ready as he heard Harry making his way down and then to the front door of the mansion.

Cracking open the door Harry stumbled outside. He looked pale with bloodshot eyes.

"You know what is going to happen now?" Richard asked.

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson boy!" Harry growled back, "Nobody takes over the pack as long as I'm alive!"

"We have enough room. Let's start your lesson. I'm curious as to who will bite the dust as I'm quite sure it won't be me," Richard shot back.

Eyeing up Harry, Richard noticed that suddenly the bloodshot eyes were gone and he gained a healthier complexion. At the same time both men shifted into their wolf form, tearing up their clothes and jumping each other.

Both managed to evade the other one and they started circling each other, trying to measure up their opponent. Harry was snarling at Richard who towered over him by size. Not wanting to back down he charged him, expecting to bite Richard's flank, but he got dodged.

Harry felt a hot searing pain in his own hind leg. Stepping away he inspected himself quickly, he was bleeding hard. His fury only grew, never had another wolf been able to touch him during a fight, let alone harm him. Growling loudly, he charged Richard again. All he felt in his mouth were hairs, telling him he had missed him again.

In turn his other leg hurt now in the same way as his other flank and he walked away with a limp. He was bristling with anger and a fury he had never felt before. How was it possible that this pitiful excuse of a son wasn't even catching his breath and here he was panting like an old man and limping around.

Is that all you can show me 'father'? Richard taunted him mentally. Come on, this isn't even play time. Are you going to hand over your pack so easily?

Harry roared viciously, white foam appearing around his mouth as he salivated out of eagerness to best his son. Blinded by his ever growing fury he charged in, only to find himself on his back. Kicking back his hind paws, he only hit thin air. He felt the lock Richard had on his throat.

Not wanting to give up, he turned dirty and sent a mental command to all the other wolves nearby. Sadly almost none of them heard his command as they were all out cold from their drug and alcohol abuse. Just the odd one made it to the clearing, but they weren't clear headed to really grasp what was going on.

As they got closer it didn't take long for them to be held back by Ed and Adam who put them in a submissive position. Not sure what was happening they submitted with ease. Scooting back they focused on the battle of wills that currently was happening between their current Alpha and an even bigger wolf towering over him, his jaws clutching the Alpha's throat.

Yield! Richard demanded.

Never! Harry shot back.

Tightening his grip he demanded the other man's submission again, to no avail.

Suddenly Richard felt Gwen reaching out to him I know you would prefer him to stay alive so he can see for himself what is going to change, but if he doesn't yield, so be it. It may be for the best and the rest of the pack will accept you as their Alpha a lot easier. Just think of all the things he did and ordered. Think of the state all these male wolves are in, this isn't normal pack behavior. If he's alive who's to say he wouldn't try again?

Giving her words some thought, he had to agree with her. He had hoped his father would prove to be a better contestant, that he would fight back as the Alpha he was supposed to be. Richard knew he was only fooling himself by thinking killing him during a good fight would be more justified instead of ending his life as he had him pinned down now.

Making up his mind he gave his father one last chance Yield or your life shall be forfeit!

I'll never yield to a worthless excuse of a wolf like you!

Then you leave me no choice. I am sorry for what you have turned into father. With those parting words he bit down and snapped his father neck making it a merciful kill. Dropping the lifeless body Richard sat down on his haunches and howled mournfully for the loss of his father. His next howl was one filled with all his power, urging the inherited pack members to come, greet and accept their new Alpha.

Some of them managed to stagger outside of the mansion. At the same time Ed and Adam came closer as the others emerged from their hidden spots as well. Gwen shifted to her wolf form and joined her mate. Walking up close she soothingly rubbed his flanks and butted against his chin, wanting his attention, if only for a second to let her know he was ok.

Richard stood up again and gave her nuzzle a few licks, reassuring her he was fine. Together they stood, waiting for the males to arrive. As Merlin approached most heads turned. Though he had given himself a scent, they somehow all picked up there was more to him, that he wasn't just a were. Little did they know he was so much more.

Tapping into Richard's mind he let him know he'd clear the minds of all of them so they were sober and clear headed. So they would understand what had happened. Richard nodded thankfully. One of his lips twitched, in human form he would be seen as smiling, it was a handy little trick, one he didn't master himself but was thankful for.

Suddenly a lot more men appeared, some in human form, others in wolf form, snarling and growling, cursing and angry. They all came to a sudden stop as they saw the lifeless body of their former Alpha lying on the ground. Then they turned towards the other big wolf standing right behind the body.

Yield to your new Alpha Richard commanded them all.

It resulted in more growling and snorting and more men switching to their wolf form. Only one or two came forward and showed their submission to their new Alpha. From the sideline Merlin made a mental note of whom did this right away.

Richard shifted back to his human form, standing tall and naked before them he again ordered them to yield to him and then added, "This is the one and only second chance you get. I urge you to take it, if you don't you will not leave these grounds alive."

Richard didn't like speaking these words, but he had to, he needed them to know he wasn't kidding and secondly he wouldn't want any of these males unleashed onto the world and possibly other packs. So they had two choices: yield to him or be killed.

It seemed his warning had woken them up, finally. One by one they came forward, submitting to him. He let out a mental sigh of relief at not having to kill a single one. He would have done it, but it would have pained him just the same.

"Glad you all came to your senses. Let's start with a few new rules..." Richard started.

He told them there would be no more forced matings or turnings, if they did they would be killed on the spot. Drugs would be forbidden and alcohol would be cut down drastically. They would have access to some but only on certain occasions, and certainly not in unlimited amounts. A new training regime would be introduced, but before they were allowed to start all that, all the males were commanded to clean up the pack lands and start building more spacious huts for the rest of the pack to live in.

As he was telling this he could hear a snort or a growl here and there. He was aware things wouldn't go smoothly from the second he took over, but he wanted them to know the old regime was over. When he was done informing them he saw Merlin coming over to him.

"I have a little gift for the women, those that wanted their forced mating bond gone, will have their wish granted. They'll be free to mate again with their true mate. I know of the side effects of losing one's mate and I'll take care of that, they will not be burdened by that. All I need to know now is how much do you want their former mates to be affected?" Merlin explained.

"You can do that?" Richard asked with a surprised tone in his voice.

"You're mated to my daughter, you should not act so surprised," he said as he winked at Richard.

"I'll give them a choice, those willingly giving up the bond can have the same as the women. Those acting up will still have the bond revoked but will endure part of losing their mate. They still have to be able to function, I don't want a group of wolves going rogue because of this," Richard answered.

"I know just what to do then. Those willingly giving it up can act normally, those that aren't so willing will find their attachment won't be so willing either," Merlin said as he bent his pinky finger a few times in a droopy manner.

"Honestly Merlin, I'm glad I have you on my side. There is an evil streak about you, but I like it. It will certainly prevent them doing the same once more."

"They sure will, only when they find their true mate will they be able to perform again. Ask the men and then I'll take care of everything," Merlin spoke in a soft voice now before stepping back again.

With a smile Richard turned and faced the men before him. He gave them all a thorough look before addressing them again. "I know of the forced matings and turnings. Sadly I can't fix the turnings, but luckily the women have made peace with that. However they haven't done that with the forced matings. Lucky for us we have someone here who can take care of that.

"The only question is to those of you who have forced a mating, are you willing to give up the bond, freeing your mate and letting her have a chance in finding her, and most likely your own, true mate? Heed my words, what you decide now will reflect on how the breaking of the bond will affect you. Again the choice is yours, just think carefully about it."

He gave the men a few moments to think about his proposal before talking to them again. "Those willing to set their mate free, you can go up to that man, he'll take care of it." He stretched out his arms towards Merlin.

"What will happen if we don't want this bond gone?" one asked.

"You have no choice in that matter, all forced mating bonds will be broken. The only choice I'm giving you all is how that loss will affect you. You won't be in pain either way, but you'll probably regret not giving it up freely. But as I said, the choice is yours, I'm no dictator, I'm not my father," Richard replied.

It dawned on a few of the men who exactly stood before them and without much thought most of them stepped up to Merlin.

"I see some still have a working brain," the tall blonde man said as one by one he touched the approaching men, at the same time severing their links with their former mates, doing the same for their female counterparts.

There were only a handful left who didn't come up to him. Merlin looked towards Richard, who only gave a small nod.

"So you think you know better? You've made your choice, now live with it," Richard said.

At the same time Merlin waved his hand towards the few men and the bond for them was gone as well, little did they know they were cursed in return.

Going back into command mode Richard went about ordering the men what had to be done.

Seeing them all respond without hesitation calmed him down a bit. Only then did he notice that during the whole time he had been naked as the day he was born and he had Gwen's hand tightly gripped into his own. He gave her an apologetic look. She only replied with a smile.

Thank me later when we're alone, my sweet she told him.

Count on it! he told her in return.

A little while later Chris, Mia and Jack all came onto the wide open space, accompanied by the women. They all had a cautious look on their face, also curious at how things turned out. Sure Jack had told them Richard killed their Alpha and had taken over, but they still weren't sure how the rest of the male pack members responded to it. Looking at them they saw many angry glares, as well as some of compassion and resignation.

Suddenly one of the males sprinted towards the women but was stopped by Chris.

"Don't even think about going near them," Chris told the man.

"You don't understand! My mate, I need my mate!" the man pleaded.

"It's ok," said a soft voice behind Chris. As he turned around he saw a petite female standing behind him. "He won't hurt me. He is my mate," she acknowledged the male's words as she stepped around Chris, right into the arms of the man.

"Finally I can have you," he told his mate as his voice broke and his eyes watered slightly.

"Forever," the petite woman replied.

Hand in hand they approached Richard. Bowing gracefully, the male asked, "Alpha, I, we would forever be in your debt if we would be allowed to fulfill our mating. I had been forced to mate another, when she was brought into the pack I knew the grave error I made. Yet I still tried to claim her, but she was given to another. We both fought the pull hard. But no longer, we waited for years and now this? Please Alpha, I beg of you, let us seal our bond? I couldn't bear spending one more minute without her."

"Stand up children. You can show respect to me as your Alpha, but you don't have to stay bent over like that. It hurts my own back seeing you standing like that," he tried to ease the situation with a bit of humor. "I know you can't fight a true bond, so by all means, go claim your mate. Just know it won't get you out of your duties, you will help rebuild this pack, understood?"

"Of course my Alpha. We owe you so much," both of them said at the same time, their faces brightening up.

"Come on, off you go," Richard dismissed them.

The pair of them turned and quickly ran away.

Richard smiled. At least something good happened today too. Now he hoped the others in his new pack would start seeing things his way and wouldn't act up too much.

They had all watched this little display with a lot of amusement. Mia had cuddled close to Chris, reminding him silently how they were once Chris knew. Ed rolled his eyes and Adam looked tormented, being reminded that his own mate wasn't even talking to him at the moment.

The male members of the pack seemed to have resigned quickly to their new situation. For now the situation seemed to have been contained without really having to have it result in fighting other than father and son settling their score from so many years ago.

Jack looked around, then went up to his brother and patted him on the shoulder.

"New times have arrived. I'll do whatever it takes, you name it, I'll make it happen. We've waited long enough for this."

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 6 years ago
Have To Agree

I have to agree with the previous comment regarding kidnappers and rapists. I expected that Richard was going to have to kill half of them on the spot.

Based on the prior chapter's information, I understood that Richard's father had surrounded himself with a core group of truly bad men who kept the rest of the men under control. So that was the group I had expected to be eliminated on the spot.

southernmisfitsouthernmisfitalmost 11 years ago

Richard is forgiving those sick rapists so easily and they integrate into a new pack just like nothing had happened?

And the abducted and raped women just happily go along with it, too?

Now here this story really takes a wholly nonsensical turn...

MizTMizTabout 12 years ago
Kicked Ass

Richard did good. Killing his father only as a last resort. Now comes the hard part, straightening out the pack. I think Richard and Jack will do things the right way. Now comes the hard part for Chris, telling Nick not only about Mia and her amazing abilities but also about her family. And they must tell Nick about Richard taking over his fathers pack. Will Nick be pleased or pissed? I know I need to keep reading and all will be revealed.

jay_gjay_gover 12 years ago

i'm confused on a small thing.... In all the previous chapters ed's club was 'the vixen' and now it's 'the viper'... Is it supposed to be a different club?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Seriously?? What ever happened to "Jack, you should be the Alpha" ?? The confrontation was not at all exciting. It was unrealisticly easy. You've been building this up for ages now and I was very disappointed.

bearmad1963bearmad1963almost 13 years ago
Love It

Great chapter .Cannot wait for the next chapter to be posted.

PeachButterflyPeachButterflyalmost 13 years ago

Great chapter. I just recently found your stories! Love them! Now I can't wait for the next chapter!

Whalen bros are so hot! ;) Ed's story next right???

ArtFormArtFormalmost 13 years ago

That last sentence made me smile =) I thought this chapter was well written -a balance of action and sweetness. The conversations are fresh for me -I never ever thought of forced matings and Richard really deserves to be Alpha. *sighs happily* I'm looking forward to the next chapter and then Adam's!

zouzounizouzounialmost 13 years ago
Loving it!!

You know you are the be all and end all of my world!!! Well done Babe!!!!

mikothebabymikothebabyalmost 13 years ago

I am so loving this chapter and the entire story. Pretty please, more very soon, with sugar on top, what else can I bribe you with?

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