Saints and Heathens


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For the next six months, Clay and Mysha dated openly. One weekend when Mysha was visiting Gospel, Clay asked her to stay and come to church that Sunday.

He had a special message to deliver and wanted her opinion.

Sunday morning arrived and Mysha arrived at church with Clay. Everyone was cordial to her even Mother Thomas. To her surprise Pastor Black stood at the pulpit and when she looked at the section for the Mother Board, there sat Mother Black trying to avoid her gaze.

Mysha started to stand, but a pair of strong arms circled her waist. It was Clay. "Baby," he whispered, "I promise they will never hurt you again. Please stay, don't leave." He pleaded in her ear.

Mother Williams chose to sit next to her because she could imagine how awkward the young lady felt.

Service started and Pastor Black spoke first.

He opened with a scripture, and the asked his wife to join him at the podium. Aggie Black took her position beside her husband.

"Members of the congregation, I did you a great disservice as your pastor. It is the pastor's job to protect the members of his flock.

Years ago, my wife and another member of our church family committed a grievous sin. They caused a child of God to walk away from the church. This happened under my watch and I failed to watch closely enough to stop it.

"Mysha, will you please stand?" Pastor Black asked. "I am sorry. I failed you as a pastor, and I failed in keeping you safe. What my wife and Mother Thomas did to you was wrong. I ask that you find it in your heart to forgive us."

Mother Black's face was downcast the entire time her husband was speaking. Mysha knew she was not really sorry, just like Mother Thomas, but it didn't matter to her anymore. She could move on. Smiling at Pastor Black, she mouthed the words Thank you, I forgive you.

Pastor Black marched down from the podium and embraced Mysha tightly. His wife simply returned to her seat next to Mother Thomas.

Clay went to the podium to deliver the message for the day. He gave a powerful sermon. He engaged the audience, but his eyes never left Mysha.

"I love pasturing this church. Since I've been here these few years our membership has grown. However, I must say that as a people we have a lot of growing up to do. When I learned of the incident involving our most trusted church leaders years ago, the accusations made me pause.

I had to look at myself for a moment and ask myself, Am I judgmental? Do I think I have the right to pick who does and who does not do things?

The bible teaches us to abstain from even the appearance of evil. If your eye offends thee, pluck it out. If your hand offends thee, cut it off. It teaches that you cannot serve two masters.We must choose. But in its pages are also the words

Our job is to teach and spread the Gospel. You see, God is not going to come down from heaven and do a meet and greet. The only God most people will see is the God that lives inside of us. That's why we are so important. When we abuse our position and crush a person who is seeking membership, fellowship, a place where they can belong, then God in his glory cannot be revealed in the way he needs to.

Our great Mothers made a mistake. But it was just that a mistake. I want to rest of us to learn from their error. You treat every person, whether they are a church member or not, as God would treat them. God doesn't hurt people. He does not tear a person down. He gets no glory in trying to destroy a person. He loves, and he loves each and every one of us, the Saint as well as the Heathen.

Let's not forget this simple fact. If God was sitting next to you, how would you treat him?

I'm done. Please let us pray.

Service ended and Clay had Mysha to stand with him as he bid farewell to his parishioners. Right before they left, Pastor Black and his wife approached.

Mother Black quickly embraced Mysha briefly and offered a short apology. Although Mysha believed, she wasn't sincere, she decided to be the bigger person and let the anger go. Embracing the older woman, Mysha spoke.

"Mother Black, you hurt me that day. I looked up to you and that attack was unwarranted, but I know you believe you were doing what was right."

Mysha sighed and looked Mother Black in the eyes and continued. "I too was out of line. I retaliated calling you and mother Thomas some horrible things. Can you please forgive me?"

Mother Black laughed, "Young lady, you were right. We were being a couple of hypocritical old prudes. There is nothing to forgive, I was wrong, and I know that now. Your capacity to forgive is amazing and will be a needed in this church. Thank you, Mysha." Mysha looked at her confused.

Clay and Mysha went to his house to spend a few more hours together before Mysha returned to her apartment in Munson.

Clay was being extremely quiet and Mysha began to wonder what was going on.

Soon the hour was late and Mysha was about ready to drive back. Clay looked at her, the look in his eyes indiscernible and spoke, "Do you like living there, in Munson, I mean?"

"Yea, it's close to school I have jobs that I like and my best friend is there. Clay, what's going on?" Mysha asked curious.

"Nothing, I just wondered." Clay inhaled, his heart pounding. "Greg, he's just a friend, right?"

"Clay, you've met Greg. You know he's my friend. What is going on here?" Mysha assured him. It was obvious something was bothering him.

Clay closed his eyes, he took several deep breaths, then he whispered. "I don't want you to go. I want you to stay."

Mysha then moved to stand in front of him, cupping his face with both hands, she made him look at her. The need and longing in his eyes made her heart pound and she knew, he was it for her. If she ever doubted it for a second, all doubts were erased in this moment. Wrapping her arm around him, she inhaled his scent. A fragrance she could never get enough of.

"Clay," Mysha began softly. "I don't want to leave either, but I have to go home. I have school and work tomorrow. What is going on with you?"

Clay lifted her and pressed is hardened member against her core. "Oh," Mysha gasped. "Clay, we can't."

"I know, but I want you Mysha. I want more than dates on the weekends, talks over the phone, tweets, and texts. I want you in my bed, naked, beneath me as I make love to you all night. I want to bury my member so deep inside you, we truly become one."

"I dream about you Mysha, remembering how you taste. I need more, but I can't indulge." Clay gently lowered her back to the floor and stood walking across the room.

Mysha's heart froze. Oh no, what is he saying. "Clay, are you breaking up-"

He hurried to her and kissed her. As he lifted her up, Mysha wrapped her legs around him and felt his hardness pressing against her burning core. Clay began to grind against her and her panties were drenched from her arousal.

He moved his kisses to her neck as he ground against her. Mysha was moaning. It had been a long time since she'd been with someone. She only wanted him, Clay.

Moving on of his hands between her spread thighs, he stroked her overheated slit. Pushing the crotch of her panties aside, he inserted two of his fingers inside her and pumped his hand.

Mysha eagerly met the thrust of his fingers with thrust of her own, causing her pussy to clench on his fingers.

Mysha screamed as she came. Clay held her tight so that she wouldn't fall. When she finished, she needed him. "Clay, please, let me taste you. Let me take you in my mouth, just this once." She pleaded as her hands stroked his engorged cock through his slacks.

Clay moaned, "No, Mysha, I should have stopped." Please forgive-" Mysha kissed him forcefully. Unfastening his pants as her tongue danced with his. Carefully and skillfully, she freed his erect member then suddenly, she dropped down and took him into her mouth.

Clay was speechless, and could no longer talk,, just feel. She took him all in to the back of her throat, before he could utter a word, he felt his balls clench and his cock throb deep inside her mouth. He began to fuck her mouth vigorously and after the third stroke, he exploded, spewing his seed down her throat.

Mysha eagerly drank every drop. When he softened, she stood. She was too embarrassed to look at him and went to turn away. Clay was not having that. He caught her hand, sat on his ottoman chair and pulled her into his lap, where he kissed her with all of the love he felt inside.

"Baby, that was incredible. Thank you, Mysha." Clay whispered as he held her.

Mysha lay her head on his chest for a few more minutes before she spoke. "I have to go." She then ran her hands through his gorgeous blond hair. "Clay, I love you, so much. It scares me sometimes. Maybe we should stop-" She stopped and hopped off of his lap.

Clay realizing what she was about to say stopped her. "I love you too, Mysha. I just found you and will not give you up. I wish you could stay."

She stood and they embraced once more before Mysha headed to her car.

Clay stood next to the driveway and watched as the love of his life drove away from him for which he vowed would be the last time.

Clay was scheduled to go to Munson and visit with Mysha the next weekend, but he had to cancel because an emergency council meeting came up and he had to attend it.

The next week Mysha had to cancel her visit because she was preparing to take exams and needed time to prepare for test.

These were two of the longest weeks of both their lives. During his time away from her, Clay made a decision.

He had to marry her. He'd do whatever he had to get her to agree. He called Ghardner's Jewels, the local jewelry store, to order an engagement ring and matching wedding bands.

Mr. and Mrs. Ghardner were more than eager to help. He came in and they helped him to find the perfect rings. They ordered and the rings would be in that next week.

That Friday, when he got off work, he drove to her apartment in Munson. He could not stay because he had a wedding to officiate the next day.

He asked her and her friend Greg, to come to the wedding with him as his guest, he needed to be near her.

Saturday morning, the three of them drove back to Gospel. Greg had never been to Gospel, so he was excited to visit the city he'd heard so much about.

The wedding was beautiful. When Clay led the couple through the vows, watching his love the whole time, secretly wishing that they were this lucky couple.

At the reception, Greg discovered that he was very popular and had arranged dates with several young women.

Clay, made sure he stayed by Mysha's side the whole time. He kept holding her by her waist, brushing her hair from her face, and even making sure she had refreshments to whole time.

Mr. Gardhner, had to catch Clay's attention. The rings he'd ordered cam in early and were at the shop.

Clay thanked him and asked if he could go bring them to him. Of course, being a hopeless romantic, the rings were retrieved and back within minutes.

When the reception ended, Greg informed Clay that he didn't need a ride back. He was accompanying a group back to Munson, so he did not have to wait.

As the reception ended, Clay lead a prayer, blessed the young couple, and then looked for Mysha. He had an important question to ask Mysha.

Mysha Knicks, will you come to me sweetheart?"

Mysha was confused. She really didn't want to be the center of attention.

She walked slowly to the podium, as the party was silent.

Clay came off the stage. Taking a velvet ring box from his pocket, he said. He kneeled down on one knee and said.

"Mysha, you are it for me girl. I know this and there is no point in pretending otherwise; you see, God made you for me. Mysha Arianna Knicks, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Everyone held their breath, anxiously waiting for her answer.

For Mysha, everyone else in the building faded. I was only him and her. "Yes, Clay, Yes I'll marry you."

The building erupted in and explosion of cheers. Clay leaped up and held her in his arms, silently thanking God for this amazing woman.

When the couple pulled apart, everyone came up to congratulate them.

The wedding was set to take place two months later. Mother Williams helped Mysha with planning the wedding. However, her choice for Matron of Honor once again caused a great uproar.

See, Mysha didn't have a Maid or Matron of Honor. She had a Man of Honor, her best friend Greg. Clay was happy because he didn't care if she chose Donald Duck for Maid of Honor, she would soon be his wife.

Mysha was breath taking as a bride. The wedding was simple but truly beautiful. Greg stood with her tall and proud.

Clay stood at the altar watching his beautiful bride be escorted to him. Deacon Jones did the honor of escorting her down the aisle as the melodious tones of "You" played over the speakers.

No words could be truer for the young minister. He recalled seeing her for the first time, watching her daily, watching her walk away from him and the joy of having her reenter his life. She was and always had been his and today they'd make it official.

Mysha stood at the back of the church and stared at the incredible man awaiting her at the altar. She didn't remember when she started loving Clay she just knew she did. Sneaking peeks at him on Saturday mornings, spying on him when he would pray, waiting each morning to speak to him at the coffee shop were moment she reflected on as she waited anxiously and nervously.

The instrumental for her to march down the aisle started. She and Clay locked eyes; for that moment in time, no one else existed. Soon she stood beside her groom, her husband, her lover, Clay.

Pastor Black looked down on the young couple who only saw each other and smiled. Their love for each other was so intense and pure.

"Clay, Mysha, I need you to look at me for a moment" Pastor Black whispered smiling at the way they only seemed to see each other.

"Oh, sorry." Mysha quickly faced him along with Clay.

Pastor Black chuckled and led the young couple through their vows. After pledging their love for one another, and vowing to be faithful and rue before God and man, Clay finally kissed his wife.

Pastor Black took great pride in introducing Mr. and Mrs. Clay Richards to the congregation. Everyone was so happy for the young couple and Clay held on to his wife even tighter, not wanting the moment to end.

After the reception, Clay and Mysha went back to their house for their first night as man and wife.

Mysha wanted tonight to be special. She'd finally get to be with the man she'd spent the last three years lusting after.

Despite what everyone in the town believed, Mysha was not very experienced with men. She'd had one boyfriend in high school and she lost her virginity to him. She dated one guy she'd met in college. Plus Greg, her best friend, whom she dated briefly before she made that fateful phone call.

Clay was nervous. He knew he would not be able to last very long the first time they made love. It had been over a decade since he'd been with a woman, and even then he was a kid just trying to get his rocks off.

However, tonight was different, he was about to make love to his wife for the first time. He wanted to make sure it was good for her.

Mysha had excused herself to go to the bathroom and prepare for him. Clay, hurriedly, removed his clothes and lounged on the bed in his boxers waiting for her to come into the room.

Mysha was nervous and excited. Tonight, she'd make love to her husband for the first time. Her husband, she sighed and stared at her reflection in the mirror before joining him their bedroom.

Meanwhile, Clay was busy preparing himself mentally for tonight. He'd waited and prayed for this moment and finally, he'd make love to the woman of his dreams.

It was a bonus that she was now his wife. He felt truly blessed, and thankful that he'd found her.

He wanted to make this special for him. He wanted to love her, worship her, so that she never doubted her love for him.

Clay was nervous. His palms were sweaty, heart pounding, and he had hard time breathing. He wanted tonight to be good for her, special.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened. Before Clay stood his wife, the one woman God made for him.

He swallowed as he gazed upon her beauty. Mysha slowly walked towards her spouse. Wearing a short white gown with her hair flowing freely around her shoulders, Mysha was a true vision of loveliness.

Clay stood and opened his arms as she glided gently into them. He lifted her to him and covered her lips with his in a kiss that showed his love and adoration for her. Mysha, not to be denied, returned his kiss with an urgency she did not know she possessed.

"Baby, wait." Clay pulled away from her gently. "Slow down. There's no need to rush." He explained.

Mysha looked at him nervously. He is mine, my husband. Oh my God! I have a husband.

Mysha started hyperventilating. "Baby, calm down." Clay comforted her. "What sit, what's wrong?" He didn't understand what was going on. If felt as if he'd waited forever for this moment and now something was seriously wrong.

"Mysha, I love you. He whispered.

That was all she needed to hear. Those three words, her heart raced, breath caught, and palms sweated, but he loved her.

"Clay, I love you so much." Mysha whispered so softly, he didn't understand her.

"Honey, can you repeat what you said. I didn't hear." Clay asked softly.

"I love you so much, Clay." She whispered a little louder. "I don't want to disappoint you. Tonight has to be perfect. The last time I was with-"

Clay smiled as he stopped her words with his finger. Her past was just that, the past. "Baby, for the last time, what happened before we met does not matter to me. I also have a past and there is nothing we can do to change it. You are my wife, my better half. Without you, baby. I don't want to exist."

Then Clay kissed his wife tenderly. She wound her arms around his neck and held on tightly.

Slowly Clay removed her night gown. Mysha wore nothing underneath and her body was on fire for this man.

She's waited forever it seemed and he was going so slow.

"Clay, please." Mysha whispered. "Please, hurry."

Clay chuckled, "A few minutes ago you were scared now you're ready."

"Tonight, I make love to my wife, and you have to be patient." He whispered.

Then he lifted her and carried her over to the bed. Clay stopped and looked at this amazing woman. It had been over ten years, ten years since he'd been with anyone and then he was a fumbling kid.

Then he lay down beside her and slowly began to caress her body. Mysha reached for him. Catching her hands, he placed them above her head and said. "Don't move. I want to explore you."

Mysha's heart was pounding, pussy throbbing, and her body was covered in sweat.

Clay kissed her lips, neck, and even collar. He massaged her breast as Mysha moaned out his name. Nibbling on her nipples he slid his hand down to the apex of her thighs and cupped her heat.

Mysha began to tremble. He hadn't fucked her yet, and she was cumming already.

Clay chuckled. He was amazed at how responsive she was. He always wondered if she was a screamer, and tonight he found out she was.

"Clay, please." Mysha begged, "Stop teasing me."

He then crawled between her thighs and rubbed his engorged member against her sopping wet slit. Mysha was almost beyond reason at this point and began to thrust her hips against him in a desperate attempt to have him claim her.

"Uh uh!" Clay whispered hoarsely as he held her hips still. "Let me," and he entered her slowly.

Mysha groaned aloud at the sensation of her husband filling her for the first time. It had been over a year since she'd been with anyone, and he felt amazing. He stretched her wide and deeply.