Santa's Elf


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"We'll work something out, I'm sure."

Eventually Reg was released and Noelle was able to get him into the car and back to her place. He slept much of the afternoon, ate a couple of small meals and just as he was ready to fall asleep on his bed Noelle came up to him holding something hidden behind her back.

"Lean back and close your eyes." As he did, he felt her crawl onto the bed and then felt her warm lips caress his in a most sensual kiss. "That's yesterday's berry, now for today's." The second kiss was even more sensual with a teasing tongue that brushed his lips and pried them open, then teased his tongue with little darts of pleasure. "They are both my way of saying 'thank you' and 'you are my hero.' Now get some sleep. Tomorrow I'm using one of my sick days and will stay here with you. OK?"

A soft snore was the only response she got back. She smiled to herself and went off to bed.


Aside from the increased amount of pain and the heavier splint Reg felt just as he did before. He was able to handle most of the usual activities. He was feeling gamey and needed to bathe. He was embarrassed to think he would need her help but eventually Monday afternoon he broached the subject. "Do you think you can not molest me if I take a shower with your help?" he asked.

"I don't know. You are such a hero that I might swoon at your feet. I don't know if my little heart will stand the pitter-pat that your manly physique will cause," she joked.

"Well, we have to risk it. I smell and need a shower."

He went into the bathroom, stripped off all but his shorts and Noelle fashioned a plastic sleeve out of food wrap and tape. Once she got the water running, he bent over and dropped his shorts to the floor and stepped in. He turned away from her a bit so she could do his back while he was washing his front. Needless to say, just knowing he was nude in front of her generated an unwelcomed erection. He turned the temperature down a bit, rinsed himself and then stepped out of the shower. He could tell Noelle peeked because she smiled a bit and blushed as he wrapped his towel around his waist.

"Why Mister Reg," she drawled in a fake southern twang, "Ah do believe you're gettin' ready to travel 'cause you are sure packin'."

"OK, Noelle, I'm embarrassed enough as it is. No teasing. And thanks for the help. Could you pull off this wrapping?"

"If it's the towel wrapping your body, definitely."

"There you go again. A guy can't catch a break around here."

Noelle eventually pulled the wrapping off his arm and he got dressed. While he was still in the bathroom Noelle's phone rang. He heard her talking for a few minutes and she came back with a sad look on her face.

"That was Children's. That bastard Santa was taken downtown but they will not prosecute unless you or I were to press charges. I'm just not up for it. What about you?"

"You know, any attorney would point out that the elbow was already cracked and probably get him off. I don't see how it would be worth the stress. Let's just let it go unless you want to make a case of it. You're the one who was sexually assaulted so I leave it up to you."

"Reg, I don't mean to downplay it, but it just isn't worth it.

"They also told me some bad news. They can't get another Santa on such short notice for next weekend. That is the last weekend and I know those kids on Four-West are so looking forward to their visit from Santa. They will be heartbroken."

"Can't they find someone? All they need is a tall guy, some pillows, a fake beard and a costume."

"Well, my friend the social worker is looking like mad but she said they've not been lucky so far. I hope they get someone by Saturday."

With that conversation turned to more routine things, dinner was made and they settled down to a quiet evening of reading. Noelle leaned up against him and read a few magazines while he looked at his e-book. They had their nightly ritual of a mistletoe kiss before she said she'd best be going to bed, otherwise she might end up staying awake too long. She did have to get up for work in the morning.


On Tuesday Reg went to his previously scheduled ortho appointment and explained all of the new issues. He was reassured that the fresh x-ray showed that the screw was in a good place. Physical therapy would have to be postponed until after New Year's but otherwise everything looked good. He was warned, half teasingly, not to keep falling on the elbow and he replied that he would try.

That evening Noelle came in with a thin smile. She ate her meal and helped with the clean-up, but it was clear she was not happy. "Reg, they still don't have a Santa. Those poor kids...."

"Well, just how big does this Santa have to be? I mean..."

"Are you saying you'd do it? Oh, Sweetheart, that would be so nice. I don't care how big Santa is, I know the kids don't. They just want to have the magic of Santa visit them in their rooms."

"Actually I was just thinking about how they could expand their search, but now that you mention it, I guess, uh, I guess I could do it. It might be fun. Can they get me a Santa suit and beard?"

"I'm sure they can. I'll call Suzanne right now at home and tell her to get to work on that right away. Oh, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

After her call she launched herself at him and pushed him over on the couch while crawling on him. "That deserves a special reward. Let's see, now. I know. I'll let you kiss me as much as you want and it won't count against the mistletoe magic."

For the next half hour they spent time holding each other, kissing and hugging. At one point she even grabbed his hand and directed it to her breasts. "The girls want to thank you also."

"Mmm, nice. Just be careful or we could end up going too far."

"Reg, Honey, I see myself going a lot further someday. I really think I may be getting some pretty strong feelings about you. What about you?"

"I'm feeling something right now and it happens to be your left boob," he teased. She sat up and whacked him with a throw pillow.

"Here I'm being serious and all you can do is tease me."

"Noelle, I can be serous too. I agree, I like where this relationship is headed. And about sex, let's just say I think it means so much more with someone special and not just with a casual hookup. I don't think we're ready just yet. So, let's see how things go, OK?"

"Yes, OK. Now I need to get myself to bed. I don't know how I'm going to get to sleep, though."

"You should use my method."

"Reg, I'm shocked that you would even suggest..."

"What? I am talking about my pain pill. Were you suggesting something else, hmm? Because if you were..."

"Oh," she replied meekly. "I see. Well," she smiled, "Since I don't have a pain pill I might just have to come up with a different approach. And you'll be asleep and never know. Good night, Sweetheart." Giggling she went off to her bedroom and softly closed the door.

Even with the pill Reg's mind was racing, thinking about what might be going on in the bedroom. He eventually drifted off to sleep. He never did find out if Noelle took care of things by herself, or not.


The rest of the week went by quickly. A Santa costume in his size, was dropped off by UPS on Thursday and he spent some time figuring out how to wear it with his arm in the splint. Noelle came through the door when he still had it on and ran over to him and sat on his lap.

"Does Santa fancy any elves at all?"

"Just one, the little one with a short, green felt dress who goes and visits sick kids. Santa really likes her."

"Good, because she really likes Santa. I hope Mrs. Claus doesn't get too jealous."

"Just so that you know, there isn't a Mrs. Claus." He reached down to kiss her.

"That beard tickles."

He held her tightly and then bent over neck and started to kiss it as she giggled and laughed. "Oh, Santa. You're so mean I think I'm going to rename you Satan if you keep tickling me like that."

"OK, I'll stop. But it is so fun teasing you."

"I didn't say to stop, I just said I was going to rename you if you continued."

"In that case, I'll keep kissing and you'll just have to put up with the tickling."


Several minutes later they got up and fixed a quick meal. Noelle announced that her boss gave her all the next week off so they spent a little time figuring out when they would go to visit her parents. They decided they'd celebrate together on her birthday/Christmas and then they'd drive up the next morning. She called her mom and let her know and mentioned that she'd be bringing Reg.

"Mom, we'd like to come up on the twenty-sixth. I'll be bringing Reg."

"He's the guy who broke his elbow, remember?"

"Yes, he is very nice. And I'm quite fond of him"

"Look, Mom, no need to make a big deal out of this. I'll use my old room and he can use the study. Can we stay a couple of days?"

"Oh, and don't worry about any birthday presents. Just being home with you and Dad will be a big enough present for me."

"No, Mom, don't get him anything either. Maybe a nice meal, but no presents. We're just visiting."

"OK, we'll see you around midday. Give my love to Dad. Bye."

"Boy, she really wants to make a big deal out of this. I'm afraid she'll do something big, but I hope not," she said turning to Reg.

"Noelle, I'm really tired, so let's pull off a berry, OK?"

"Sure, I'll grab one." And they followed tradition one more night.


On Friday Reg went into her bedroom for the first time ever. He glanced around until he found what he was looking for, then left to go shopping. He hit the mall and purchased a few things for her and then went downtown for a more important purchase. Once that had been accomplished, he returned home and prepared dinner. Noelle returned home excited. Christmas was in just a few days and the last of the kids at Children's would be seeing them the next afternoon. After he had another assisted shower, they had a lovely evening and went to bed early.

On Saturday they both dressed up and Noelle drove them to the hospital. As she predicted, none of the kids even noticed that Santa wasn't some big man. The nursing staff clued them in on the kids and their issues. Santa and his elf then went from room to room and visited each child. The kids frequently sat on his lap as the elf chatted with them. Reg had a story about how Rudolph's reins tripped him, hurting his arm, but he would be just fine by Christmas Eve. The kids loved it.

It was sad since two of the little ones were not expected to live very much longer, so Reg and Noelle spent extra time with them, trying to cheer them up. When their sad eyes developed a magical sparkle, everyone knew how special the visits were.

After the last child had been seen the two of them went down to the nurses lounge, which was just a nook off the main hallway. As they had a cup of coffee they talked about the day and Noelle again thanked Reg for helping. "It made all the difference; you were so sweet to volunteer."

"If I recall right you sort of volunteered me when I just asked about Santa's size. But I was glad to help and these kids clearly loved it."

She went over to him as he was talking and reached up and kissed him deeply. "Thank you. I'll never forget this day." This led to another kiss.

"Oooooh, Santa! Is that Mrs. Claus?"

"Are you being bad, Santa?"

"You two are being naughty, not nice!"

Suddenly Reg and Noelle were surrounded by several of the kids they had just visited. Noelle blushed deep red and Reg was a bit tongue-tied for a few seconds.

"No," he replied. "This is his favorite elf. I am actually not married. You see, there is no Mrs. Claus."

"Is she going to be Mrs. Claus?" one little girl asked.

"I don't know, I haven't asked her. Should I?"

"Yes, yes, yes," they all clamored together.

"Well, I just may do it sometime."

"Now, do it now," they screamed in unison.

Noelle jumped in. "That is a very special and private thing between two people, so I don't think Santa is going to be asking anyone to marry him now. We are just very good friends and besides, we're too busy getting ready for Christmas. But you can tell your families that you saw Santa kissing his favorite elf. Not very many children have seen that now, have they?"


"OK, so scoot along, kids. Santa and I have a long trip back to the North Pole tonight. And don't forget to sleep tight Christmas Eve!"

"Mommy, Mommy, guess what I saw," they heard one child shout as all ran giggling back to their rooms.

"You handled that pretty well," she said. "See, they are just so enthralled that they got to see you and your explanation was perfect."

"Thanks. Let's head home. I'm beat." With that they wandered out to her car and went back to her place. With a few glasses of wine and a nice casserole in them they relaxed before going to bed.

"Reg, there are only three berries left after this one. Does that mean I don't get my nightly kiss after Christmas Eve?"

"Oh, I guess we can always go get some more. But I have a better idea. Why don't we just pretend we still have berries and that our good night kisses still have magic?"

"I like that idea," she said as she reached over to him for a most sensual, loving kiss. "Honey, I can't believe how much you have come to mean to me."

"And you to me. Good night, Noelle. Sweat dreams."


On Sunday and Monday they spent their time together window shopping, traveling to the local park for a frosty hike, singing carols and becoming closer and closer. Each evening their hugs were more drawn out and it was harder and harder to break apart. Finally, on Christmas Eve morning Noelle snuck into his bed and snuggled up to him.

"Reg, I'm cold. Keep me warm, please. No spoons, I want to be front to front."

"OK, here, scoot over to me." As she did, she felt his erection poking into her thigh but did not try to avoid it, nor did he seem to pull back.

"Mmmm, this feels so nice. Would you mind if I moved you a bit so I could get closer?"

"No, go ahead." With that she touched him through his shorts and moved his penis up to his abdomen and she slid even closer.

"Merry Christmas Eve."

"Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Birthday Eve to you."

"I decided I know what I want for the big day, Reg." She paused a few seconds. "I want to spend the whole day in your arms."

"Are you sure, unshaven face, bad morning mouth and a broken arm? How can you want that?"

"You're being silly. I love this feeling of closeness and I want to do this more often and longer."

"Well, you have broken down most of my anti touchy-feeliness and you have managed to make the mistletoe kisses very sensual indeed. Maybe we can work something, you think?"

"I know we can," she said as she nuzzled closer. They held each other closely and soon Reg was aware she had drifted back off to sleep and he followed shortly after.

After they woke up an hour later, he managed to make a nice omelet for breakfast and they enjoyed listening to carols as they ate. For the rest of the day they spent enjoying each other's company and preparing a dinner of cioppino with shrimp, clams and fish along with warmed French rolls. They toasted each other, enjoyed the meal and cleaned up, frequently kissing and touching. They also decided to open presents that evening and not wait for Christmas morning.

With an air of anticipation they moved over to the tree and while drinking wine they opened presents from each other. As a small joke she got him a new wine opener that could be used one handed. He gave her a beautiful woolen scarf that set off her eye color nicely. He then opened his next present, which was a signed set of books by his favorite author. Her next present was a set of crystal wine goblets.

"I don't feel like I got you very much," he whispered. I know we have been together only a short time, but I feel so close and then I look at these two little gifts and I am kind of embarrassed."

"Reg, it isn't the material stuff that really matters..."

"Oh, wait, I did get something else, here it is." From under a throw pillow he pulled out a small, black box with a red bow. "This is for you, Sweetheart. I love you and I want you to have this to remind you of this very special night."

"Oh, Reg, you can't be serious. What is it? Wait a minute. Did you just say you love me?"

"Yes, I did. Now open it, go ahead, it won't bite."

Inside was a gold band with two small diamonds surrounding a large, oval diamond.

"Reg, you big shit, does this mean what I think it does?" she asked as tears started pouring from her eyes.

"Yes, Pottymouth, I told you I love you. I would be honored to be your husband. Will you marry me, please?"

"Of course I will! I love you too and I want to be with you forever. Those mistletoe berries were magic. I wished, hoped and prayed on each one of them that we could be together." She launched at him and with happy tears flowing down her cheeks she kissed him time and time again.

When her tears dried, she turned to him and said, "The ring is lovely. How did you get it to fit so well?"

"When I went to the jewelers, I might have borrowed that turquoise ring that you've worn on your left hand."

"I can't believe it. This is so wonderful. I'll have to tell Mom and Dad, but maybe I should wait until we visit them. They will be so surprised."

"I'll leave that up to you. Now that they're going to be in-laws, I have to admit I can't wait to meet them. They sound like really neat people. And I'll need to let my folks know also and you and I will need to plan a trip to California."

After a few minutes she whispered, "Honey, I also have one extra little present for you. Wait right here while I get it." She darted down the hall and closed the door. A few minutes later she came back in and said "I want you to have this for Christmas."

She was wearing a red ribbon in her hair and a red ribbon with bells around one ankle. There was a dark green see-through teddy that clung to her every curve, teasing yet hiding nothing. Her breasts stood proud under the thin cloth; the hem fell just below her waist. A see-through thong drew his eyes like a magnet to the beginning of her slit. She had a small, knowing smile on her face topped with desire in her dilated eyes.

"Oh my god, Noelle, I cannot believe just how beautiful you are."

"Come on, Santa, your little elf awaits." She took his hand and broke off the last white berry from the mistletoe before leading him back to the bedroom and quietly closing the door.

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sg1010sg10104 months ago

A Great & Touching Story !


kaotic2kaotic24 months ago

This was so wonderful. Thank you.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago

Absolutely lovely cute sweet romantic heart filling just magnificent wonderful ….. this idea the dialogues the mistletoe the broken elbow the santa&elf all in al extraordinary written

Thank you for sharing this tale

Ten hearts 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌹🍀

joeoggijoeoggiover 1 year ago

Sweet. Kinda far fetched… but still kept me interested and engaged. Again good writing!

TheOldStudTheOldStudalmost 2 years ago

Beautiful story! I like that the protagonists were not blessed with "god-like" bodies and no numerical physical dimensions are ever used. I felt that I was in the apartment with Noelle and Reg, spying on them...

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 2 years ago

After posting my comment, I checked out "For the Love of Holly" because one of your other commentators mentioned that the soup kitchen where Noelle volunteers is an hommage to that other, earlier story. I was delighted to find that it, like yours, supports the proposition that a true life-giving, life-affirming sexual intimacy is contingent on the prior establishment of personal (i.e., emotional, intellectual, and spiritual) intimacy. To me it's all amply summarized in the aphorism, "Before you get naked physically, have the guts to get naked with each other emotionally.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 2 years ago

What's not to like? It's a sweet story that, in lesser hands, would have been treacly. One of the things old farts like me grouse about is the dearth of intimacy. Oh, there's plenty of sex in the world, and the sex has become athletic entertainment, and some/many try to make sex masquerade as intimacy. But the truth is that sex, when indulged in prematurely, destroys intimacy. The way we're wired, we gotta get naked with each other emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually -- in a word, personally -- before we get naked with each other physically. That emotional/intellectual/spiritual nakedness is like foreplay. Rarely if ever does it work to go straight to the orgasm and skip the foreplay.

To me, dear Trionyx, that is the big point your lovely, sweet story illustrates. I can only hope our young people can learn the lesson.

5 stars and my deep gratitude.

G5902G5902over 2 years ago

Magnificent story!!! I look forward to this being a yearly Christmas read! Thank you for sharing another well written story.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfirealmost 3 years ago

Very nice story and very sweet with no big surprises (including gropey Santa) but definitely no disappointments either. 4.5 stars.

MusicGuy4FunMusicGuy4Funover 3 years ago

Great Christmas story

My wife is competely blind, so I read romantic stories to her.

We totally enjoyed reading your little tale. She especially loves stories with understated sensuality and you delivered.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Santa's Elf

What a cute and entertaining story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
It was nice but.

I did like it but I thought that there would be a real hot scene befor the end. Now don't think I'm some kind of pig for saying that but with no real sex in it. I wouldn't call it an erotic story.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 4 years ago
Oh My!

What a beautiful Christmas love story. I liked how they met, but it was a bit crude at first. You developed their relationship very well and I loved how they became closer and closer. Please keep writing, I really liked it!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

A well written and charming little love story.

Yes, it was totally predictable, but that doesn't take anything away from the story. Perhaps being less than average height myself contributed to my enjoyment.

Happy Holidays 🎄

TrionyxTrionyxover 4 years agoAuthor
Nice pickup anon 11/13

I was wondering if anyone would catch it.

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