Santa's Elf


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They drove back over to Paige's apartment, both deep in their thoughts. Matthew pulled into a parking spot, and put the car in park.

"Matthew, I don't want this evening to end. Please come up to my apartment."

"Paige, a part of me would like that very much. But another part me is scared of what that might mean."

"Matthew, I know that we will have some challenges. You have some concerns. I have some concerns. But I also know I've never felt this way about anybody else. And I never invite anybody into my apartment. But I really want this tonight. I can't explain it any better than that."

"Honestly, sweetheart, I haven't felt this way in a very long time. And you're right, we have some things to discuss, but I'm also like you. I really want this tonight as well."

Paige broke into a big smile that lit up the car. "Well, alright, then. Come be the gentleman I know you are, and hold my door so we can go in."

Once they got into the apartment, Paige asked, "I think we should probably talk a little first. Please make yourself at home. Can I get you some wine? I know I could probably use a little right now."

"You may be right, but not too much, okay."

Paige was only gone a couple minutes, while Matthew took a seat on the couch. She brought back two glasses of wine, and sat down beside him on the couch.

"Matthew, honey, what scares you the most?"

"Quite simply, I'm thirty years older than you. You're planning to go to med school. I'll probably be ready to retire about the same time you're going to start working."

"Okay, I get that. Anything else?"

"What about kids? Do you want them?"

"Short answer, yes."

Matthew took another sip of his wine. "I'm not saying no, because I really like being a dad, but you know that will put me in my 70s when they're graduating. No to mention that they would be three decades younger than their sisters."

"Again, another good point. However, we may be getting slightly ahead of ourselves. This is, after all, only our first date. We may be feeling a certain way right now, but that may change as we spend more time together."

Matthew didn't look at her as he nodded his head and took another sip of wine.

"Honey, what I do know more than any of those other things, is that I want to spend a lot more time with you. I'm feeling things I've never felt before. Right now, I want to lead you into my bedroom and make love with you."

"That's another one of my fears. Mary was my high school sweetheart. She's the only other woman I've been with."

"Matthew, believe it or not, you will only be my second as well. That's one of the reasons I'm so far along in my studies. I don't date. My high school boyfriend and I gave each other our virginities Prom night, and we spent that whole summer before we left for college learning as much as we could about having sex. I won't say we were making love, because, while I think we cared about each other, we didn't really love each other. If we had, it would have been a lot harder to break it off."

Paige turned and took Matthew's hands in hers. "I don't know if it's possible to feel this way after just a couple of days, but I definitely feel something I've never felt before. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop wanting you. All I think about is spending the rest of my life with you. I always knew I wanted to be a doctor to help seriously ill children like my sister. But the last couple of days has given me a different goal. Now I want my work so I can make a better life for you and me."

Matthew felt himself tearing up as she said that. "Honestly Paige, I find myself thinking the same things. I don't know where this will go, or even if we can overcome a couple significant obstacles, but like you, I'm willing to see where this leads us."

Paige stood up, took Matthew by the hand, and led him to her bedroom. For the next couple of hours, they enjoyed exploring each other's body. It was early morning before they cuddled together and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Matthew woke up first, and just watched Paige sleep. He had concerns to say the least, but he loved looking at her. After 30 minutes or so, she stretched and opened her eyes, and immediately smiled. "I think I like waking up like this."

"Me, too."

"You're still worried, aren't you? About the age difference, right?"

"How can you tell?"

"Oh, you can't be in love for as long as I have without knowing what's worrying your man."

"In love?"

"I think so. I know it's quick, and I know you're scared, but I can't help it, Matthew. I love you."

He brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. "I think I'm falling in love with you, too. That's why the age thing scares me."

"None of us know how long we're going to live. But think about it this way, you're in really good health, right? You're only 52. You can easily live another 40 or more years. That's a long time for us to be together and maybe raise a family. Please, just give us a chance."

"Paige, sweetheart, I can tell you that you've brought me more joy and happiness over the last couple of days than I've had over the last few years. After Mary's death, I've been living for my grandkids and very little else. You've made me hope again that there might be something more."

"So, Matthew, honey, what are we going to do today?"

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"Other than staying here in bed making love to you?"

"Yes, other than that."

"I'm not sure I can think beyond that at this point."

"How about this? We make love again, then I'll head back to my house for a little while so that I can get some papers graded. Late afternoon, I'll pick you up for an early dinner. Afterwards, we can go to the Garden Glow at the botanical garden."

"That sounds good, but I want to make a counter-proposal. We'll make love, take a shower, I'll change clothes, and pack an overnight bag. Then we'll go to your place, and you'll grade papers while I study. Then we'll go to an early dinner, go to the garden, and head back to your house, where we'll go to sleep in each other's arms again. Sunday, you can grade more papers, and I'll do more studying." She smiled her devious smile again. "The major benefit to my plan is we get to spend a lot more time together. Now that I've got you, I don't to be without you."

"I love you, too, sweetie. I've always believed that true love is manifested in the little things, like spending time together doing other things -- like grading and studying." He paused and sighed. "I do need to tell you. Mary and I lived together there for over 20 years. I've cleaned out things like her clothes, but it's still clearly her house."

"That's okay, honey, I know you loved her deeply. I'll never be jealous of that. I just hope that there's enough room in your heart for me, too."

"There is, sweetheart, there is."

Thirty minutes later, they took a quick shower, got dressed, and had a quick breakfast. Matthew did the dishes and straightened the kitchen a little while Paige went to pack a suitcase, and her books and laptop.

"Matthew, honey, should I drive my car, too?"

"Well, I hadn't really thought about that, but it might not be a bad idea. Most of the time, we'll be in the same car, but you might need to go to class, or get something else, and it would make sense to have your car for that." He smiled at her before continuing. "I assume you packed for more than one night."

"Is that bad of me?"

"Not at all. I was hoping you might be staying for a while."

"How about the rest of our lives?"

"Sounds good."

They packed her bags in Matthew's trunk, and he held her door for her again. He made sure she had his phone number and address in case they got separated. He lived out in one of the suburbs, so there was a good possibility they might not be together the entire drive.

When they got there, Paige was impressed. It wasn't a McMansion, but it was a nice four bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood.

"It was a nice place to raise our family."

"It's wonderful, Matthew."

"Let's put your suitcase in the bedroom, and then we'll work in the family room. I'll light a fire so we have a nice ambiance, and you can study while I grade."

And that's just what they did. Matthew showed her where she could put her clothes, and he changed into something more appropriate for lounging.

Their morning and afternoon was very pleasant. They both found themselves frequently distracted by looking at the other. And yet, at the same time, they both found they were motivated to work harder. The faster they finished studying and grading, the faster they could play together.

Around 4 they changed again for their night out. They had a very nice dinner together. When it was over, they both took a quick bathroom break before they headed to the garden. Matthew was finished first, so he took a quick moment to call his daughter to make sure it was okay if he brought Paige to dinner on Sunday.

To say Melinda was shocked would be an understatement. "Dad, what's going on?"

"Mel, I'm not sure what to tell you. Over the last couple of days, we've spent quite a bit a time together, and we think we've made a real connection. We've decided we want to spend more time together to see whether it's real or not. That also means we need to spend time with each other's families."

"Um, Dad?"

"I know what you're going to say. And yes, we've talked quite a bit about the age difference. I've probably got more concerns about it than you do."

"I don't know about that, Dad."

"Mel, sweetie, she makes me happy. I feel more whole than I have in years, since before your mom got sick the second time. I need to see if this is real."

"Dad, I am happy for you. And I'll try to overlook the fact that she's a lot younger than me."

"That's all I ask. So, we'll see you tomorrow afternoon. And I know you're going to call your sister. Tell her the same thing. Give me time to see if this is right for me, okay."

"Okay, Dad. We do love you, you know that, right? We just want you to be happy."

"I love you, too, Mel. And I am happy. I really am."

Paige had seen him talking on the phone, so she stayed back to give him some privacy.

"Everything okay?"

"Just fine, sweetheart. We're going to dinner tomorrow at my daughter's house."

Paige suddenly stiffened with nervousness. "Do you think that's a good idea at this point?"

"Actually, I do. I love you, and I'm pursuing a relationship with you. I love my daughters as well, but they're not going to be there the same way you are. I'm happier with you than I have been in a long time. If they love me, they're going to be happy that I'm happy and in love."

Paige started to tear up at his loving words. "I really do love you, too."

She took his arm as they walked to his car. They drove to the garden, and had a very romantic stroll through the Christmas lights. At one point along the walk, there is a lighted gazebo with mistletoe hanging. It's the perfect place for couples to kiss, and take a romantic selfie.

"You know, Matthew, it's a good thing this is only our second date. If it was our third date, I'd be asking you to marry me right at this spot."

"Sweetheart, if it was our third date, I think I'd be accepting that proposal with no hesitation at all."

"Good to know." She took his arm again, and they continued their stroll.

By the time they got home, they both knew this was where they wanted to be. Something about it just felt right.

They made love again that night, and fell asleep spooning. Sunday was a repeat of Saturday. They made love, they ate a light breakfast, and then they settled into their chairs in front of the fireplace to grade papers and study. They had a light lunch, cuddled together for a short nap, worked for a couple more hours, and got ready to go to Melinda's house.

Paige was obviously nervous as they rode in the car. "I'm scared, Matthew."

"Don't worry, sweetheart, we're going to be fine. Strangely enough, I'm no longer worried or nervous at all. No matter what, you and I are going to be fine."

Matthew could see Paige's eyes mist up as she smiled. He took her hand and held on tight.

They parked on the street in front of Melinda's house. Molly and Josh's car was parked in the driveway. Matthew held Paige's hand as they walked up the sidewalk to the door. When they rang the doorbell, there was no mistaking Hannah's voice yelling, "I'll get it," even though it wasn't her house.

It really didn't matter. When the door opened, they were greeted by all seven people. The three kids all yelled "Grandpa." Hannah was the first to say something to Paige. "I know you. You're Santa's elf."

Paige immediately knelt down to be on Hannah's level. "That's right, and I'm a really good friend of your grandpa. Is that oaky?"

"Of course, it is." And she launched herself into Paige's arms. Paige didn't really have a chance to recover before Hailey and James where hugging her, too. After a few seconds, the kids were tugging on Paige to show her the Christmas tree set up in the living room.

Melinda followed along so she could take Paige's coat. "Sorry about that. I think they're a little excited to think they have a real elf in the house."

"It's okay really. I love kids. I work part-time at Children's, and I plan to become a pediatrician."

Matthew watched from the sidelines as Paige and Melinda talked about why they chose their respective fields of study. Paige explained about her sister, and Melinda described a similar experience watching the nurses care for her mother during her treatments.

Molly, Josh, and Dave didn't say anything. They just watched the interaction between Mel and Paige, and they watched Matthew. The love he felt for this young woman was obvious.

The discussion at dinner was very comfortable. Dave sat at the head of the table, while Melinda sat at the other end. After all, it was their home. James sat in his booster seat on one side next to Melinda. Molly and James sat on the same side. Hannah wanted to sit on the other side next to her grandfather. Hailey wanted to sit beside Paige. Molly tried to talk her out of it, but Paige insisted it would be fine. Paige and Matthew sat side by side between the two girls.

During the dinner, Melinda frequently helped James with his dinner, while Paige was helping Hailey. All of the adults were observing their interaction. It's been said many times that children can naturally see a person's moral character. Based on their kids' reactions to her, Paige was passing with flying colors.

After dinner, Paige insisted on helping Melinda and Molly clean up while the men watched the kids in the living room. Of course, they had to interrogate her a little more as well.

"I knew from the moment I met him, that he was going to be the one. In fact, I asked him out first. Of course, I also joked with him that I would ask him to marry me until our third date." She got that devious little smile on her face again. "In fact...." She walked over to look in the living room. "Hey, Matthew, it's our third date. Will you marry me?"

Matthew was in the middle of talking to Josh and Dave about football, but didn't even hesitate. "Of course, sweetheart, whenever you want." He then went right back to talking about the Chiefs season.

Paige laughed a little, and turned back to the kitchen. "Well, that was easy."

Melinda and Molly looked dumbstruck, but then burst out laughing with her.

The family talked and interacted for a while longer. The kids, of course, wanted to play for a while with Paige. While that was happening, Molly and Melinda pulled their father back into the other room to talk.

Molly spoke first, "She's wonderful, Dad. And you're clearly happier than you've been in years. You need to see where this goes."

Melinda jumped in, "I know she was joking about marriage. Well, I think she was joking about marriage, but Molly is right. You need to pursue this."

"Thanks, girls, it means a lot to hear you say that. We really do think we have a true connection."

Melinda then got the strange smile. "If it does get serious enough for marriage, you do realize there's no way we're going to call her mom, right?"

Matthew chuckled. "Wow, I hadn't even thought about that."

Shortly after that, it was time for everyone to be home.

As time went on, their love grew even more. Once finals were finished, and all the papers were graded, Matthew helped Paige move her things into his house. The next weekend, they had dinner with Paige's family. It was noticeably colder, which probably wasn't a surprise considering Matthew was seven years older than Paige's parents. By the end of the evening, they accepted that Paige was an adult making her own choices in life, but it would be years before they came to agree that the couple was good for each other.

By Christmas, Matthew was sure. They had been together for less than a month, but his concerns were notably lessened. Under the tree was a small box for Paige. It wasn't really hidden, but it also wasn't very obvious. Matthew thought about the old trick of nesting several boxes together, but decided in the end to give this moment the seriousness it deserved. As Paige opened the box, he took a knee and asked her to marry him.

Through tears, and lots of nods, she managed to tell him yes.

They got married over spring break in a simple ceremony with just their immediate family. Paige finished her Bachelor of Science degree at the end of the summer. She started medical school immediately. By the end of her first year, their twin girls, Angela and Grace were born. Matthew took a sabbatical to be a stay at home dad the first year. After that, he often took the girls to class with him. He wasn't going to let Paige sacrifice her dreams of helping children. She did slow her studies a little so she could help with the girls, but she still devoted a lot of her time to her studies. Many evenings were spent in the family room with the girls playing or reading, Matthew grading, and Paige studying.

At times, her studies and practice were a challenge to their time together. But she also never forgot her promise that her work was to make life better for her family.

It would be a little over forty years before Matthew took his last breath. Paige was holding his hand, and his room was full of his children and their families. By that time, he had four daughters, four sons in law, ten grandchildren, five grandchildren in law, and six great grandchildren.

Life was good -- all because of Santa's elf and a Christmas miracle.

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Phxray54Phxray544 months ago

2nd read. 5 stars this time round.

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

Damn, you did well for just a 2 page story. At least they got to spend a little over forty years together loving each other and sharing life. Score? 5 BIG ASS FUCKING FLAMING NOVA STARS!

ausvirgoausvirgoover 3 years ago

Great story, but the romance was just a bit too quick at the beginning, even for a love-at-first-sight type romance.

Even if the physical and emotional aspects developed that quickly, I would expect them to treat it much more as "we'll see how it goes", even if each of them was sure, just out of respect for the possibility that the other person's feelings might not last.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Cute story, but (considering the name of this website) not very erotic. Early hints, such as how they check each other out, suggest they are going to enjoy being physical with each other, in detail. But all they do is “explore each other’s bodies” or “make love.”

Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
Is It Me....

... but I loved this and found it so loving and so moving. Cannot believe you crammed so much into 2 pages. Just checked it is 2 pages.

A wonderful writing style that carried you on and through it so effortlessly. 5 stars deformation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Sweet and wonderful

Definitely a 5.

Maybe it is just the romantic in me but it would be so wonderful to see more stories involving true love.

jntiquesjntiquesover 3 years ago

Dear Author, Lovely story. Thank you, jntiques/john

fritz51fritz51over 3 years ago

Merry Christmas!

chytownchytownover 3 years ago
Some Joyful Storytelling Hear🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅

Very enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing.🤶🤶🤶🤶🤶

BoldVultureBoldVultureover 3 years ago
Garden Glow, Lovely.

Just went with my family last weekend. And fun story too. Mabsls describes me too.,

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