Sapphire Lane - The Adoptee Pt. 09

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Rectal thermometers and outdoor spankings for Cassidy!
4.7k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 12/28/2022
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Author's note: This is a chapter in a series that will include themes of fauxcest (daughter with adoptive parents), mommydomme, and embarrassment. Please do not read if such themes offend you, or if you can't enjoy the silliness of the premise, and I'd advise you to start from the beginning if you haven't read the preceding chapters! All characters in this story are 18 or over.

This is part of the 'Sapphire Lane' universe which is a collection of various series all set on Sapphire Lane, each lesbian related but exploring different kinks.

Chapter 9

"Bébi, are you awake?"

Cassidy drowsily opened her eyes to find her adoptive mother sat on the side of her bed. It was Wednesday morning, the tenth day in her new family.

"Yes mommy, what time is it?" The eighteen year old yawned.

"After breakfast sweetie, normally you would have come down an hour ago so just thought I'd check you're okay."

Cassidy looked over at her alarm and realised she hadn't set it the night before, thinking the spanking from her mom, the aloe vera cream massage of her sore butt by her mommy, and the pillow humping orgasm had all caused it to completely slip her mind.

"Oh sorry, I overslept, is mom gone to work yet?" The teen asked, suddenly concerned as Sarah was accustomed to her coming down at breakfast to wish her a good day at work, so she didn't want the woman to think she was now snubbing her out of revenge for her spanking or something.

"No she's actually working from home today... I'm going to visit an old school friend in another city so will be leaving soon and shall be staying overnight but mom will look after you and it'll be a good opportunity for you two to bond some more without me."

Though Cassidy was relieved Sarah hadn't left for work so she could explain her absence at breakfast, she was a bit nervous at the news she would be left alone with the stern woman without her doting mommy there, thinking back to their last bit of mom and daughter bonding time where she was taken swimsuit shopping, and made to publicly try on several skimpy bikinis before having to agree to an embarrassingly girly Disney princess one-piece swimsuit. Then there was the spanking the evening before... but she was hopeful that, with her cooperation regarding both the swimsuit and the punishment to her rear end, she had ingratiated herself with the blonde.

"I'll just take your temperature in case you're poorly..."

"Oh don't worry, I just overslept because I forgot my alarm."

"No it's okay, we've better make sure. I'll fetch a thermometer." Zafira insisted and Cassidy waited in bed for the woman to return with the device as well as a little bottle of something. The teen opened her mouth ready to have the glass thermometer put inside but instead the woman told her to pull down her pyjama bottoms.

"Pull down my pants?" Cassidy asked confused.

"Oh I forget you Americans usually take temperature readings orally, but we do them rectally and it is a far more accurate method... just think of how your butthole is more of an internal orifice than your mouth so more likely to better reflect your body temperature. And it's not like you have any reason to be shy in front of me!" The Hungarian woman explained as she shook the thermometer until its measurement returned to zero.

The teen guessed she had no choice, though as she didn't believe she was ill, she thought that orally, even if less accurate, would be sufficient. Nevertheless she pulled down her pyjama bottoms and rolled onto her tummy so her mommy had a view of her plump teen butt, thinking after all there wasn't really any part of her that the woman hadn't seen by now, having even previously shaved her around her anus though she would rather not have anything, even the thin glass thermometer, inside her rear entrance.

"I'll use plenty of lube so it isn't uncomfortable..." Zafira said, squirting some onto her hand from the bottle and rubbing her palms together to warm the cool gel up before wiping some over the teen's wrinkled butthole, massaging it in which Cassidy couldn't deny felt kinda nice. She then wiped the rest over the tip of the glass thermometer so it was slick and lubricated before gently pressing it against the girl's asshole, tenderly pushing it against the tight speck of the teen's butthole before it slowly slide inside. Cassidy gasped at the strange feeling, her anus stretched around the thin glass tube of the thermometer which her mommy slowly pushed in a couple of inches so the tip passed through the girl's anal canal and into her rectum.

"How does that feel?" Zafira asked, leaving the thermometer inside of the girl, the glass tube sticking up from between her buttocks.

"Feels pretty weird." Cassidy said, not used to having her asshole stretched around an object, even one so slim as the thermometer.

"Aww don't worry, I'm sure you'll get used to it after a few times..."

Cassidy hoped that the rectal temperature taking wouldn't be something that occurred often enough for her to get used to it, but then again she hadn't expected that simply oversleeping would lead to her mommy inserting something into her butthole.

"Hold it for three minutes now to ensure we get an accurate reading as if we remove it too quickly it'll give the wrong temperature." Zafira explained and they waited, Cassidy feeling that time seemed to pass very slowly while you were led on your belly with a device sticking out your butthole.

"I can't get over how cute your butt is!" The woman said, caressing her hand over one of her daughter's buttocks as they passed the three minutes, and Cassidy blushed, coming to enjoy the compliments but thinking she wasn't in the most dignified position to receive them.

"Your temperature is all normal, I think it must be all the excitement we've had in the past nine days that has just tired you out a little." The noirette said after having removed the thermometer and taken a reading.

Cassidy thought her mommy was probably right, after all there had been a lot of new experiences and drastic changes to her lifestyle since her adoption by the lesbian couple with a whole new routine to settle into of home schooling and chores, and the most loving attention she had ever experienced as well as a bit of discipline. There had been bath times, practically a whole new wardrobe for her ranging from her tennis skirts to the tooth fairy costume, her maid panties for cleaning and the dungarees for yard work, intimate photoshoots, full body massaging her mommy and foot massaging her mom as well as applying sun lotion to their bodies, shaving of her private parts, the 'nurturing' on her mommy's breast, being washed in a plastic dog bathtub outdoors, her mommy kissing the mole she had on the rim of her areola, the discovery of squirting orgasms, and the pet name bébi she was probably called more than Cassidy... and of course her new braces she was reminded up when she felt then on her teeth with her tongue.

"Now you stay there and I'll fetch you some breakfast in bed." Zafira said, leaving her adopted daughter to pull back up her pyjama pants and climb back under the bedsheets.

The woman returned holding a breakfast tray with half a grapefruit, some porridge, and a glass of juice. "Eat this then snooze for a little while longer as you might as well have a bit of a lie in this morning when you don't have home schooling. Mom will be in to check on you later."

"Okay thanks mommy. Have a good time away with your friend!"

"Aww thanks, I will bébi! Now, as I won't be here to give you a goodnight kiss, we'll make up for it now with an extra special one." Zafira said, kissing the girl on the forehead then both cheeks before moving to the lips. The kiss was tender and slow, with the teen finding herself kissing back though had to remind herself that it was just familial affection... perfectly normal for a mother and her daughter to share, even when the tip of the noirette's tongue traced over her lips before pushing sensually between them.

Cassidy's eyes widened, it being just the second time she had felt her mommy's tongue intrude between her lips during a kiss, the first time happening briefly at the photoshoot though this time it remained in her mouth longer, even licking against her own tongue. The kiss certainly was 'extra special', and though it felt a little strange to be kissing the woman open mouthed in a way she had seen lovers kiss in romance movies, it definitely felt nice as well as giving her the ashamed twinge between her legs she was guiltily becoming accustomed to whenever she did anything intimate with her stunning adoptive mother. She felt the woman's tongue flick over her front teeth, tracing her braces before the open mouthed kiss broke.

"I love you to bits Cassidy!" Zafira smiled down at her daughter, stroking the girl's cheek.

"I love you to bits too mommy! Sorry, I haven't cleaned by teeth yet so probably tasted a little funky..." The teen flushed in embarrassment.

"Aww no, you were lovely. Kissing my baby girl will never not be nice... now I better get going but will miss you!" The Hungarian woman kissed her fingers then pressed them against the brunette's cheek before leaving her in bed.

As she was left to eat breakfast, Cassidy couldn't help but be thankful that her mom hadn't witnessed the kiss as she felt the blonde would definitely consider it an instance of her forgetting her position as the family's daughter, even though it hadn't been her that initiated it, and would probably lead to some new embarrassing rule to ensure she remembered her place though the thought did weirdly excite her. She understood why intimacy with her mommy gave her a thrill, due to it feeling physically good and her inexperience causing her body to confuse it with something sexual, but she was confused why she found the discipline and acts of dominance from her authoritative mom exciting too, supposing it was simply due to her being a good daughter that liked to please her parents.


After Cassidy had finished breakfast, she did end up snoozing, feeling like the extra time in bed had done her good. She was just considering getting up when her mom entered.

"Morning Cassidy, how are you feeling?"

"Fine thanks, sorry I wasn't down at breakfast like usual... I was worried you'd think I was avoiding you or something after the spanking last night but just simply because I forgot to set my alarm!"

"Of course not darling, you're too much of a good girl to sulk after a little bit of deserved discipline..."

"Yes, I'd never sulk like that... I appreciate you took the time to give me a spanking." Cassidy said, hoping to please her stern mother she was sure would like to hear that she was thankful for the discipline, and it wasn't too far from the truth as she did find that the bare bottom spanking had meant she had felt absolved of her guilt from breaking the vase. "I was just about to get up."

"First let me check your temperature, as mommy wanted to ensure you were definitely all okay." Sarah said, picking up the glass thermometer from the bedside table where Zafira had left it resting on some tissue paper. Cassidy sighed to herself, not having thought she'd have to take the device in her butthole again, and a little embarrassed to have her mom administer it as though the woman was familiar with her buttocks, she hadn't really exposed her butthole to the blonde before.

However before Cassidy could react Sarah instead pushed the thermometer between her lips, making the girl's eyes widen as she felt the device, that not long ago had been inside her butthole, now inside her mouth, pushing against her tongue.

She supposed the woman, like herself, was accustomed to the American norm of taking temperature measurements orally rather than Zafira's European anal method, so hadn't realised her mistake. The girl wasn't going to admit the gross mishap to her mom, trying not to admit it to herself even, and did her best to ignore the twinge of unpleasant bitterness she could taste from the glass thermometer's tip as she waited the three minutes it took to give an accurate reading.

Cassidy instead focused on counting the seconds, distracting herself from the vague taste and knowledge of where the thing in her mouth had been, however when she reached the third minute, Sarah still did not pull the thermometer out, seeming to keep it in for an unnecessary fourth minute before removing it.

"Yes, you seem all fine." Sarah said, reading the thermometer. "Okay, up you get. I think I'll finish work early today so we can go out for lunch then spend the afternoon together... after all you still owe me that full body massage!"

"That sounds great mom!" Cassidy smiled, always enjoying eating out as it wasn't something she had got to do often in the orphanage, and she was also quite excited to give the woman a massage, thinking of the blonde's athletic body naked for her to caress. However at the present she just wanted to hurry to the bathroom and gargle mouth wash after tasting the gross thermometer.

"Good... I think we can go one day without you doing chores so you may do whatever you like until lunchtime." Sarah said, and left the room to return to her work laptop. As soon as she was gone, Cassidy leaped out of bed and raced to the bathroom and the bottle of mouth wash...

After gargling mouth wash and examining her new braces she was still getting used to, the teen did her belated morning routine, cleaning her teeth, peeing, and taking a quick shower before dressing. She picked from her selection of soft triangle bras and matching cotton briefs, choosing the white ones with a pattern of strawberries then pulled on a pair of ankle socks, thinking that with her mommy away she was free to dress as maturely as her wardrobe allowed so avoided her cheerleader socks or the even longer over the knee ones.

She selected a white tennis skirt, again wishing she owned at least one pair of jeans though she was accustomed to the short skirts by now, and a black tee she thought went well with it, glad that at least she had been allowed to keep all her tops from the orphanage as she wasn't keen to find out what style her mommy would have picked to replace them. With Zafira gone away, she also decided to let her hair down out of the double Dutch braids, finding it felt nice to have her brown hair free from the girly plaits.

The teen spent the morning sat out in the garden, reading a book she had picked from the bookshelf at random. It was a strange psychological drama about a business woman being haunted by a supernatural presence, and she guessed that it was likely one of her mom's books rather than something her mommy would read.


Sarah drove them to a Neapolitan café for lunch where Cassidy had a focaccia sandwich, the bread being soft enough for her new braces as she still had to avoid 'hard' food for a few days. She had felt a little strange walking from the car into the café, but only identified why when ordering the food, realising it was because she had walked somewhere outdoors without holding her mommy's hand. She blushed to herself, thinking that something so mundane shouldn't feel unusual to a eighteen year old.

"I see you have your hair down, does mommy normally do your braids for you?"

"Oh no, I do them myself but just fancied a change today..." Cassidy said.

"Your hair looks nice down." Sarah smirked, knowing that when her wife returned, the girl would likely be returning to her cute braids. The conversation for the rest of the meal was pleasant with Sarah telling Cassidy a little bit about what she did at work.

After lunch, Sarah said she just wanted to quickly buy something in a costume shop that was next door to the café, telling Cassidy to wait on a bench outside. The teen wondered what her mom was buying and why she had to wait outside rather than just go in with her, but didn't question the woman and just obediently sat down on the bench. She knew her lesbian parents had an active sex life, from all the times she heard moans of pleasure coming from their bedroom, so wondered if it perhaps could be a sexy costume to wear in the bedroom as she heard people sometimes dressed up as things like nurses during sex... that would explain why her mom was keeping it private from her.

In the shop, Sarah went to the back where they had the more sexy costumes, looking for something she remembered seeing in there before when she and Zafira had visited the store to search for outfits for a costume party. Sarah had ended up as a cop while Zafira went as a sexy jailbird, with the two staying in the costumes after the party for some sexy roleplay involving the handcuffs which were perfect for their bondage kink.

As she searched through costumes, she was becoming worried that the outfit she wanted was gone but eventually found it. It was a sleepsuit, pink with red hearts, that had a buttoned butt flap that the store probably stocked as a naughty novelty item but seemed to be nevertheless quite decent quality pyjamas. She was sure her wife wouldn't mind her replacing the pyjamas that Cassidy currently wore with the new pair, as, after the success of spanking her daughter the day before, she was planning to implement a new rule which the sleepsuit would synergise with...

The woman noticed there were more sleepsuits with the bum flap in different colours, and picked a sky blue one with a pattern of rainbows on, so Cassidy would have two pairs to pick from each night, taking both to the cashier.

Meanwhile outside, after sitting on the bench for a while waiting, Cassidy noticed the next store along was one selling precious stones so she thought she'll go in to have a quick look. Going into a store alone reminded her how she didn't have any money of her own, being entirely reliant on her parents to pay for things while she was out so wondered if she could perhaps ask for a bit of an allowance to let her be a bit more independent. She was still hoping to have a mobile phone too so thought that after another week perhaps, she'll ask her mommy about the two things...

After she had looked through the selection of precious stones, crystals, and fossils that the shop sold, she returned outside just as her mom was coming out the costume store holding a shopping bag.

"Cassidy." The woman said to her sternly and the teen wondered what she had done wrong.

"Yes mom?"

"What did I tell you?"

"To wait for you..." The girl said, still confused then realised her mistake. "...on the bench. Sorry, I only went to look around another store..."

"We could of gone in there next if you waited and asked me, rather than wandering off on your own when I told you to stay on the bench. Mommy would not be happy if I lost you!" Sarah said, trying not to smirk at how unreasonable she was being to her adoptive daughter, though it was important the girl remained disciplined so that she didn't become too spoilt with Zafira's doting approach, besides her wife enjoyed mothering the girl, so she should be allowed to enjoy discipling her.

"Sorry mom, I didn't think. I'll make sure I pay better attention to when you give me an instruction in the future." Cassidy said, annoyed with herself that she had inadvertently disobeyed an order from her mom even though she didn't understand why, as an a eighteen year old, going into a store by herself while waiting for her mom was such an issue.

"That's good, now this will help to serve as a little reminder..." Sarah said, sitting on the bench. "Bend over my knees."

Cassidy's eyes widened, not believing what was happening. Was her mom really serious about spanking her in a public place? "Sorry mom, but..."

"Are you arguing with me Cassidy?"

"No! I understand I should be spanked for disobeying you, but couldn't we please wait until we're back home?"

"No, it was here you misbehaved so it's here you shall be punished for it." Sarah said, patting her knee again and looking at the teen sternly. Cassidy remembered the first rule that Sarah had told her when she joined the family, 'good girls never disobey their parents', so despite her humiliation she reframed from arguing further, and accepted her fate by bending over the woman's knees. She hoped at least that the spanking will be quick before anyone saw them as thankfully they were currently alone with no one else on the pavement or in the parking lot, however there was several people in the Neapolitan café that could come out any moment.