All Comments on 'Sarah & Christy'

by bogey102

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jessijessi34jessijessi34almost 20 years ago
Beautifully done!

Wonderful story... You share so much of Sarah with us before ever getting to the sex. This entire story should be a primer to those people (guys, usually!) who write bad lesbian stories. It made me wet, wet, wet!

The_DarknessThe_Darknessalmost 20 years ago
Hell yeah

A nice read. I particularly enjoyed the build of the encounter. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
Well Done

The play of the emotions combined with the sex works very nicely. The characters come across as people not sex toys. Keep it up.

FlyontheWall99FlyontheWall99over 19 years ago
Great first effort

A really strong sexy story with an excellent build up to the big finale. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for future stories written by you. :)


I love your stories and writing it refreshing after all the gandbang revenge stuff of most of the stories. Will there be a sequel to either of them? I hope so your characters are very realistic and wonderful

Helen1899Helen1899over 3 years ago

I loved the story, loved the characters, but it was spoilt knowing there was and never will be a chance to meet them again. I was so wet, more so than with any story in a while.

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I'm writer, hoping to improve my skills. Erotica is a fun and challenging way to do that. It allows me to choose story angles that are not part of my real life experience, and see if the community sees them as real and believable. Thanks for reading, and comments are warmly we...