Sarah's First Gangbang


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"You are not so bad yourself." I replied instead, with a weak smile.

"No, it's not just that." He continued. "You are not some old slapper we dragged in off the street, you've got class and you're fucking beautiful! Why the hell do you do this sort of thing?"

That was one of the strangest backhanded compliments I have ever received!

"Because I want to and because I can I suppose." Was my simple and honest answer.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I just know that if you were mine, I would not share you with anyone!"

I smiled at his clumsy attempt to complement me again.

"Thank you David. You are very sweet but you've got a lot to learn."

I heard laughter coming from the kitchen and I looked up. The Kitchen door was open and I could see a naked guy pouring more drinks. I had not seen him before and I panicked slightly thinking that the guys had invited a few more friends over!

"Who on earth is that?" I asked Dave.

He followed my eyes and smiled as he said. "Oh that's just Scott our other house mate. You've already met."

"I'm afraid I haven't." I knew for a fact that I had not seen Scott before, either here or at the party.

"Oh yes you have!" He carried on smiling. "Scott's the guy who came in your mouth a few minutes ago! He came home while we were really going at it and jumped straight in."

Even by my own questionable standards I was shocked. I had sucked a man's cock dry, coaxing every last drop of his seed out of him, gleefully swallowing it all down and I had loved every moment of it! Now I realised I had just drank this stranger's semen when I had not even seen his face! Not that it should matter to me considering all that I had done, but somehow it didn't seem quite right. I like to know who I am letting abuse me!

The guys returned from the kitchen and Dave reluctantly pulled his softening but still surprisingly large cock out of me and sat up. Tony handed me a refreshed vodka and lemonade and Scott finally introduced himself.

I was lying self-consciously among four naked men as they sat around me on the floor. I could not move, as rivers of come would have poured out of every orifice if I did, but Tony came to my rescue, gently lifting my shoulders and resting my head on his lap in between his massive legs. He placed his huge hands protectively on my chest and looking down said.

"Are you alright girl?"

"Yes. Thanks." I replied, as I smiled up at him.

"Kevin's just out washing his knob. He'll be back in a minute." He said in his blunt but honest manner.

As I took a sip out of my drink I thought how nice these guys were behaving. Okay they had all fucked me senseless, but they were treating me with the greatest of curtesy and not at all like I expected them to be once they had finished with me.

"I think you are all really sweet." I said, voicing my thoughts. And then Laughing said. "And all very, very bad!"

"Hah!" Peter came back. "Look who's talking!"

We all started to laugh as Kevin rejoined us.

"Have you lot lived together long?" He asked as he sat down.

That started the conversation going and pretty soon we were all talking freely. They were fascinated to learn more about me and fired question after question at me. They asked me what I did for a living and were surprised to learn that I was a partner in a successful business. I think they were all quite pleased with themselves knowing that they had not just shagged some 'desperate old tart', but a woman who had taken life by the scruff of the neck and was doing quite well for herself.

Tony told me that he was part of the British bodybuilding team and went on to tell me about all the competitions he had won.

"I'm not surprised." I said smiling. "If they could have seen you from the angle that I did earlier, they would give you the world title without a second thought!"

I answered all their questions as honestly as I was able and as I was asked, tried to explain my relationship with Kevin. Tony, Peter and Scott had no trouble understanding my explanation. Either that or they were not really bothered one way or the other. But Dave could not seem to grasp the fact you can love someone and yet share that person with others for sex. I managed to shuffle over and sat directly in front of him, my legs locked firmly together but curled under me and to one side. Dave encircled me with his own legs and we caressed each other gently as we spoke.

I eventually got him to understand how Kevin and myself shared something that went beyond just sex. I told him that the simple fact that we loved each other as much as we did enabled us to go beyond the boundaries that most people set for themselves and to be able to come out of it unscathed.

"Okay Sarah, I can see where you're coming from, but I still find it difficult to understand why you personally go through with it."

Dave took hold of my hands. I had noticed his penis getting harder as I caressed his legs and guess it was distracting him.

"I really thought Tony was winding me up at the party tonight when he told me he'd seen you at a sex club." He struggled to put his thoughts into words. "I mean, you were the prettiest girl there tonight. You looked so elegant and lady-like, I thought. No fucking way! I'm not winding you up Sarah, honestly. I couldn't believe it when Kevin came over and asked us if we fancied a gang bang with you!"

I looked across at Kevin, making a mental note to have a word with him about that later!

Dave continued. "See, what I don't understand is, you are a classy lady and you're beautiful. You don't need to do this shit!"

"The point you are missing Dave is that I want to do this!" I replied. "I am not being coerced into doing it by Kevin! I love sex and I am lucky enough to be in a relationship that gives me the freedom to get it, as often as I like and with whomever I want."

I looked into his eyes and could see he was struggling with something.

"I am not the sweet and innocent girl that I portray in public, in fact I'm quite the opposite!" I paused and took his hand.

"Look Dave, I have just had sex with five men tonight and I have enjoyed every second of it. My body is covered with Peter's semen and the rest of you have come in every hole I possess. I am so full of the stuff that I am having a great deal of trouble stopping it from pouring out of me!" The thing you are missing is that I love it! It really turns me on! I love being covered with come! I love the taste of it in my mouth and the thought of it mixing up inside me. When I leave here tonight I am not going to wash it off or out until I wake up in my hotel room tomorrow morning because it will make me feel more horny than you can imagine when I walk back into that posh hotel looking like a perfect lady on the outside while knowing that under my dress my body has been saturated inside and out with all your come! Why do you think I am going to so much trouble to keep it all from leaking out? I want it in there!"

I don't know why on earth I was telling Dave all this but for some reason I wanted him to understand what made me tick.

"You see Dave." I continued. "I choose to do this because I love it, I really am a kinky bitch! I don't often get the chance to be bad so when I do, I like to be really bad! In the real world I am seen as a successful business woman, I have to be a clean living, honest and decent person, even my very closest friends have no idea what I get up to, they all think that I am a perfectly normal girl. But that is only one side of me! The other side is what you see here, tonight. Sometimes I love being treated like a cheap slut and tonight you all gave me just what I needed!"

"I've never met anyone like you before." Dave replied. "I told you earlier that I thought you were a fucking amazing woman, now I know I was right!"

He paused and looked deeply into my eyes.

"Do you think I could see you again?"

"We'll see." I smiled. "Give me your phone number before I leave."

Dave let go of my hands and kissed me passionately, ignoring the fact that his friend had just come in my mouth. As he pulled me forward I took hold of his penis in both hands and began to stroke it. His cock went rock hard in an instant and I gently masturbated him as we kissed.

"I'm sorry to break this up guys." Kevin said as he stood over us. "But I think we should get going. Tony has offered to run us back to the hotel."

I pulled gently away from Dave's mouth but continued to rub on his large cock as I looked up at Kevin who was already half dressed.

"Okay darling." I smiled, and then turning back said. "Sorry David, but I suppose I had better get dressed."

Kevin as resourceful as ever produced a pair of knickers for me out of his pocket.

"I had a feeling that you might need these." He said with a grin, as he passed them over.

"Let me?" Dave said as he took them off of Kevin.

I lay down with my legs still closed tightly together and Dave worked the panties over my feet and pulled them up my legs. They were pretty black cotton knickers with a high cut leg and Dave pulled them all the way up to my hips so they fitted tightly around the mound of my pussy.

"That should keep most of us inside you." He said satisfied.

I thanked him and sat on the edge of a chair to pull my stockings on and fix them to my suspender belt. The other guys had already dressed themselves and were putting the cushions back onto the chairs and tidying up the blankets. I put my shoes on next and then slipping my dress over my head I asked Dave to lace me back into it. He was the only one left naked and his still fully erect penis was brushing against my lower back as he retied the laces.

When he had finished I quickly nipped into the bathroom and touched up my make-up and hair to make myself look presentable.

I rejoined the boys in the lounge I gave them a quick pose. I looked almost as good as new as I stood there in my slinky black velvet cocktail dress. Peter gave me a wolf-whistle and I curtsied for them. I walked over and gave each of them a peck on the cheek as I thanked them and said goodnight.

David was still naked and still very erect as he stood by the kitchen door, I walked over to him and went to give him a peck on the cheek as I had the others but he pulled me against him and kissed me with a vengeance. His extremely hard manhood was pressing against my stomach and I could feel the urgency in him. Ignoring me completely he turned to Kevin and said.

"Can you wait ten minutes?"

"Of course Dave, I'm in no hurry, help yourself!" Kevin replied grinning.

Dave had obviously been listening to what I had said to him earlier and had taken on board the fact that I like to be treated like a tart. He had realised that tonight was one of those nights as he totally disregarded my feelings and pulled my dress up around my waist! He forced me backwards onto the dining room table and lifted me up onto the edge of it. I remained silent, letting him have his way with me and held him around the neck as he slipped his finger inside the edge of my knickers and pulled them to one side. Without a word he guided his cock in between my sex lips and easily finding the entrance to my sodden vagina pushed his engorged cock all the way in! OH GOD! That felt so nice!!!

I know I have said it before but Dave really did have a large cock and at this sort of angle he managed to force every single millimetre of it into me! My feet were not touching the floor and the table felt decidedly unstable as Dave pounded into me with an almost desperate urgency. So I held onto his neck for dear life and wrapped my legs around his waist. He whispered into my ear.

"Hold on."

I felt his hands slip underneath my buttocks and he lifted me off of the table. Taking a step backwards, he turned to the right and walked forward a few paces, and then lowering me down, he let go of me completely impaling me entirely onto his cock! He lifted his arms and braced himself against the wall and said.

"Now Sarah, you can fuck me!"

I was wrapped around Dave like a monkey on a tree! His great rock solid penis was embedded into me like I had grown around and become a part of it. His penis was taking the full weight of my body and I clung on to him for all I was worth while I readjusted my arms and legs to ride on his monster.

I began slowly at first until I felt more confident, but once I had found the knack of pulling my weight up and down I rode him harder and faster! The concentration and effort of sliding up and down Dave's great shaft this way was taking its toll on me though and I soon began to tire as my arms gave out. Sensing this Dave walked me back to the dining room table and lowered me down onto it. He pulled my dress up out of the way as I unhooked my legs from around his back and lifted them up and outwards. The table was the perfect hight for him and he placed his hands onto my hips to stop me sliding across it as he thrust his cock into me time and time again.

I had no idea what had come over Dave but he was fucking me like a man possessed! He was ramming himself into me so hard that I knew I would be sore and bruised tomorrow, but that didn't matter to me at the time. Nothing did but the exquisite feel of his giant cock smashing into me! I was building rapidly towards a climax but I wanted us to come together, so for once in my life I managed to control myself and concentrate on Dave. I waited until I felt him begin to tense up as his climax approached and then I let my body take over as I lost myself to him. I called out to him through clenched teeth.

"I want you to come inside me again! Please Dave!! Fill me with your come! Oh Dave! Pleeeease!!"

I did not think he could fuck me any harder than he was already, but boy was I wrong! He pulled his huge cock almost all the way out of me and then rammed it back in again, shoving it all the way to the hilt! The power of that thrust knocked the wind out of me and he did it over and over again! The pain he was causing in me was delightful but I knew I could not take much more. My vagina had taken too much punishment tonight and I was close to the point hurting myself. I called out to him again as I felt my orgasm begin it's inevitable rush through my system.

"Oh God! Dave! I'm... Going... To... Cuuuummmm... Ahhhhhhhhh... Fuuuuuck!!!"

I could not hold back the tide any longer and my body went into a massive spasm as the orgasm roared through my very sinews.

Dave took one last thrust into me and he too erupted into another orgasm! His hot semen pumped into me for the second time. I could feel it pouring from his pulsating cock and filling me to overflowing once again! My agonised pussy screamed at me with the most wonderful sensations and I in turn screamed out at the world in general! I locked my legs around his back once more and pulled his groin into mine as I convulsed on the table and then using the strength of my legs alone I lifted my body up and flung my arms around his neck, kissing him with a rabid hunger!

Dave was holding onto me so tightly that I could hardly breathe and his cock inside me was making me whimper as we kissed oh so passionately! I could feel his body shaking and his penis throbbing, the adrenalin would just not seem to stop cascading around my body. Wave after wave of mind-blowing sensation kept coursing through my veins.

He took a few steps backward and leant against the wall for support until his legs gave out and he slid down onto the floor with me still clamped firmly to his torso. We rocked back and forth together as our passion slowly abated and while still kissing passionately we gingerly relaxed the death grip we had on each other.

Dave somehow climbed back to his feet with his penis still buried deep inside me and lay me back onto the table. As he slowly withdrew himself from me he quickly pulled my knickers back over my pussy to stop any more of his and everyone else's come from seeping out. He rubbed my pubic mound with his hand and kissed it.

"There you go Sarah. Now you really do have something to take back to the hotel with you!"

I looked up at the ceiling and smiled to myself, I felt sore and exhausted but very, very happy!

I stood up to adjust my stockings and rearrange my dress as I recovered from the umpteenth pounding I had just received, then looking up to Kevin and Tony's smiling faces as though nothing had happened said.

"Okay. Now I'm ready."

Dave pressed his phone number into my hand and begged me to call him, then lifting me off my feet he kissed me for the last time and I followed Kevin out of the door.

Tony made me give him a blow-job on the way back to the hotel as payment for the lift. I had trouble getting his wide cock into my mouth, but I eventually made him come and swallowed every drop, making sure not to get any on my dress.

My vagina and anus were so full of semen, and I was acutely aware of it squelching in my drenched knickers as I walked into the hotel reception! My breasts and stomach were sticky with it and Tony had just come fresh in my mouth! It all felt so good and I was extremely pleased with myself!

I knew that I looked perfectly respectable on the outside, so when we met a few of the friends we had mixed with at the party earlier, we happily joined them in the hotel bar for a nightcap.

"Have you had a good night Sarah?" Debbie asked.

"Lovely thanks!" I replied with a genuine smile. "It was more than I could have possibly wished for!"

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col_lovercol_loverover 3 years ago
Sarah is a very good slut wife

My Girlfriend will be so wet when she reads this story. She would love to trade places with you. 5 Guys come all over you is a 100% 5 * story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Wonderfully written. I was captivated! This takes the cake for erotic literature.

Keep writing.

MhoramIIIMhoramIIIalmost 13 years ago
Great story...

Thanks for the story. I would have loved to have participated or even just watched... enjoy your life!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
love it

i love the story with really make me horny n ready for complete sex!!!! i'm wet!!!!!n pussy is waiting!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Loved it

As a woman, I LOVED this, you're a fantastic writer and this is one of the best pieces I have read on this whole site. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Sarah, you're my

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
wanting so much more!

Nice!!!!!! I wish there was a sequel to this. Maybe Sarah can have a bigger gangbang next time?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
fantastic story

this has to be the best fantastic storys.ive read for a long time i was held on reading it from the start to the finish great sex the best you could almost be there in the room seeing this all going on and what a finish, hope there is a follow up to this story it was so so good,

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Great sex with a surprtise ending

Sarah's willlingness and physical capacity it breathtaking. Awonderfully well written story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

Sarah, you're writing is as delicious as your appearance. More so, because of the depth and variety -- though you can only ask so much from a photo on your bio page.

I'll move on to your other stories next.

I'm curious -- I've been to Cambridge, as a tourist, and it seems such a staid town. Where do you walk on the wild side?

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