Satisfied With Love Ch. 02


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"What if I double your salary?"

Jeni said, "It's not just about money, Mr Strait, even though money is a good thing."

They giggle.

"It's more about a great job with a great leader. Just as important is the great relationship we share so I'm still not leaving this job."

Kristi said, "Same for me."

"Just as I thought. Thank you. Second question. Brad, do you frequently throw people in a pool if they forget to call you by your first name?"

Team Brad laughs and Brad said, "No, not exactly Larry. I have not done it yet so that day is still in the future. The pool thing started as an inside joke rather innocently and we, maybe myself actually, kinda carried it on ever since. It has given us several reasons to laugh."

"Do you threaten your staff with it?"

"No, Larry. I joke with them about it. You just heard them joke about throwing me in the pool a short time ago. We have a special name for it when we enjoy a little time off from work, and frequently, it occurs during work, as it just did. Ms Gilbert, can you refresh my memory please?"

"I believe we call them stress relievers, Mr Weber," she replies, grinning.

"Yes, that's it, stress relievers. Thank you Ms Gilbert," Brad said, giving her a hi-five. "It's all about having a little fun to break up the day because I am opposed to all work and no play."

"Most of the time, all eight of us are involved because we have a daily meeting where we talk about anything and everything that comes up. Sometimes the discussions get so funny we end up laughing more than talking, and we've had some doozies. Laughter is one of the best stress relievers I know," Brad said as grins break out on their faces.

Larry observes the grins on Brad and his staff and begins laughing.

"I understand now. I like it," he said as they all laugh with him.

"Based on your question, Larry, I will not say that anymore so thank you. I don't want to give people the wrong impression, and it sounds as if I did," Brad said.

Chuckling, Larry said, "I just want to be sure, Brad. Now, I'm really impressed with our new owner. I'm looking forward to more conversations with you about the relationship you have with your staff and even discuss it with your staff, if that is possible."

"All you need to do is to pick up the phone and we'll make it happen. We'll be back on the Island in eleven days and you can call anytime after that. But, I must warn you, Ms Miner is the one that taught me about relationships so I may refer you to her if it gets too tough for me," Brad said.

"Fair enough. This has been a remarkable yet unconventional introduction to our new owner. I am still embarrassed by what Little did and said, but, I am even more impressed with our new boss. I'm glad we met and look forward to future interactions with you and your sisters," Larry said.

"Thank you Larry. FYI, another name I would rather not be called is 'boss' because a team should not have a boss. A boss dictates and gives orders. A team should have a leader who listens, leads, guides and directs. These are things I believe you must do as the leader of a team," he explains. "Conversely, I use boss interchangeably myself, now and then because sometimes I get lazy."

"I'm sorry, Brad. I better remember that as well."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Apology accepted, but none required. It's not really that big a deal. Sometimes I let people get away with it as well, so no problems."

"And by the way," Brad continues, "my desire is to always default to calling people by their first name because I believe it to be more personable. It's what I chose to do a few years ago and because of that, my staff does not normally call me Mr Weber. But, they demand I allow them to do so in business situations such as this because they want to show me respect, and I am okay with that."

Kristi and Jeni nod and crack a smile in agreement.

"I don't normally call them Ms Miner and Ms Gilbert either. But, because I respect them, I want to be abnormally correct in the same situations because they feel good knowing I respect them, and I am okay with that as well."

Again, Kristi and Jeni nod and crack a smile in agreement.

"But, as their leader, I struggle to justify this because sometimes, you have to put your foot down and establish the line that will not be crossed, which I did. But, at the same time, you have to be smart enough to know when and if you should pull back, remove your foot and let them erase the line, just to keep 'em happy," Brad said, causing everyone to laugh hysterically.

He joins their laughter as Jeni and Kristi both gave him hi-fives. Larry and Helen add their hi-fives to the group celebration as well.

As Jeni got her laughter mostly under control, she said, "Mr Strait, you have witnessed several reasons why the Packard Empire is the best job," she said as she continues to laugh.

"You're right Ms Gilbert.... That is indeed funny, and also true.... Well said, Brad. It's good to know," Larry said as he is getting his own laughter under control.

Kristi realizes her training with Brad is paying high dividends. Was this all her training? Of course not, but some of it was. Brad is a very intelligent individual, like his father. She is very proud of his performance and makes a special place for him in her heart, but is not fully aware she has done it. She feels good about him, not only as an owner, but also as a leader. He makes her very proud and happy today and she wants to let him know that, somehow, as soon as possible.

Because of how Brad praised his staff, Larry wants to do the same so he changes the subject, looking at Helen.

"Since Brad explained how he feels about his staff, I want to do the same with my staff.... Helen, you are the best executive secretary I have ever had so I really want you to continue your service with this company, even if I have to do some groveling," Larry said, smiling at Helen, who is blushing. "You are forbidden to resign, ever, even if I am an idiot. I am truly blessed to have you working for me and look forward to continuing that relationship."

Larry gave her a hug and a hi-five and they both look very happy.

"Larry, are you happy because of the hug you gave Helen?"

"That is definitely part of it Brad. I feel so invigorated right now its overwhelming.... Helen, what do you think?"

"The same Larry. What a difference a hug makes. It even affects your attitude. Of course, the kind words also help too."

Then Larry concludes the meeting and is still smiling when he invites them to move into the next meeting with his managers. After introductions, Team Brad has a warm reception by company management as they enjoy the meeting.

Then Larry announces, "There is an opening for Vice President and I will be promoting from within. Those wishing to apply should get their resume to Helen as soon as possible."

The managers also thank Brad for firing the VP.

Chuckie is still waiting for the police as the Packard team concludes their meeting with the management staff.


The last thing on Larry's agenda is to meet with company employees. They're all gathered in the large meeting room on the second floor. Helen opens the door and holds it as Larry, Brad, Kristi and Jeni enter the room. She remains by the door after she closes it.

Applause rings out for them as they enter. They took a position behind and to Larry's right side. Larry began speaking with applause ringing out. He stops and gestures to silence them.

"Good morning Packard Records.... First, I have to make a painful announcement. Chuck Little is no longer an employee at Packard Records and he will be charged with an attempted assault on Mr Weber," he says with a smile.

The response from that announcement is a huge round of applause and cheers.

Then someone asks, "Are you okay Mr Weber?"

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking. Because I left my foot print on his stomach, I'm sure Chuckie is glad I don't wear high heels," Brad replies and smiles.

More laughter broke out, especially Larry.

Larry continues, "That creates an opening for Vice President. If any of you are so inclined, I am promoting from within so get your resume to Helen as soon as possible," Larry said and smiles.

"Second, it is my honor and privilege to introduce all of you to one of the new owners of the Packard Empire. I have only met Mr Weber once prior to today, and that was at his father's funeral about a week ago. It was a very brief introduction, a hand shake and a greeting as he had many people to greet that day. But the speech he gave commemorating his father was nothing short of awesome. It was very respectful, yet contained some of his personal feelings and emotional pain. What the Wall Street Journal posted was completely inaccurate and I told them so. I even encouraged them to fire the writer of that story."

"Today, however, I've had an eye opening experience with Mr Weber and his performance has overwhelmingly impressed me, not only as an owner, but also as a business professional and especially as a leader of the Packard Empire. Awesome is the best way for me to describe our meetings this morning."

"The good news is, he has volunteered to say a few words to you. I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted," Larry said, then smiles.

More laughter came from the group, including Brad.

"So, Mr Bradley Weber, you will now greet the true people that make Packard Records the success it truly is," he said, smiling and motioning in the general direction of the employees with both arms.

Immediately, there's a standing ovation for Brad, and most continues to laugh, lasting a significant amount of time. Jeni and Kristi join in giving applause. Brad shook hands with Larry, gave him a hi-five, then steps to the podium as Larry went to stand by Kristi and Jeni and motioned for Helen to join him, which she did as she smiles. The applause and cheers continue until Brad motioned for them to quiet down.

"Thank you for that Mr Strait. I must admit, I wasn't expecting such a great introduction. It was so professional I probably should pay you for it.... But don't hold your breath," he said with a smile.

More laughter came from the employees.

"Wow.... So, what on earth was with the cheerful and warm welcome? Did Mr Strait feed all of you some Wheaties or something this morning?" he asks.

Laughing, several of them yell, "For firing the scary Chuckie!"

"Well, you are very welcome. Glad I could help," he told them smiling.

Someone in the back asks, "Why did you fire the Very Pitiful, sorry, Vice President?"

That got some laughs as well.

Not wanting to get into specifics, Brad smiles and replies, "To save all company employees from a little bit of hell."

It did just that and it got him more laughter, cheers and another round of applause.

"Is there any more like him in this company? I would like to meet them."

"He was, by far, the absolute worst," came the reply.

Another question came to his attention. It is from a young lady in her early twenties.

"Mr Weber, are you single?"

He laughs and replies, "You people get straight to the point, I see.... But to answer your question, yes, I am single, but I'm also in a relationship. Thank you for your interest though."

"Will you be making any changes in the near future and what would they be?" came from one in the crowd.

"Yes, there will be changes in the future. However, all we have right now is ideas about what we want to do. We need time to evaluate them and determine if it will be in the employee's and company's best interest and go from there. This will not likely be a short process so don't get impatient with me, please.... Excuse me for just a second."

Brad went to Larry and asks him about a question he wants to ask the group. Larry said it is fine with him so he returns to the podium.

"I know, I know, that was a long second, I know," he said, getting more laughs. "Okay guys and gals, I have a question for you. What can I, as an owner, do to help you do your job better, be happier to work here, be proud of your performance, be proud of your leaders and be proud of Packard Records?" Brad asks.

Jim stood to answer, saying, "Mr Weber, I would like to address that question and the rest of us can agree or disagree.... As far as I'm concerned, today is a new beginning for Packard Records. We have a new owner, a new CEO and got rid of the worst executive I've ever had to work for. I do not believe there is a single person here that liked Little, much less want to work for him."

"Personally, I like what Mr Strait has done so far, but he is struggling to get a handle on this company because of Chuckie. Now that he is gone, I will support Mr Strait and his effort to transform this company before we can even come close to answering your question. But, when we can answer it, we will discuss it with Mr Strait and he will pass the information up the ladder. Thank you for asking us Mr Weber. As far as I know, you are the only person to ask how you can help us," he said and sat back down.

Everyone applauds his answer, overwhelmingly.

"I am indeed impressed. You are a smart team. Very wise," Brad told them. "I will ask this question another time then."

Another question came from the crowd asking if he would introduce the two HOTTIES.

He turns his head to Larry and Helen and said, "Oh my god! I did not know your employees look at you and Helen as HOTTIES, Larry!"

Everyone burst out laughing hysterically.

He looks back to the group, shrugs his shoulders, holds out his arms, smiles and said, "Whaaat?"

Kristi and Jeni are laughing just as hard as the rest of the group. The employees told him they already know about those HOTTIES as Brad starts laughing. Helen's and Larry's faces turn several shades of red as they laugh and gave each other a hi-five. Then they change Brad's focus to the other two HOTTIES.

Brad turns and looks at Jeni and Kristi, then he went over and stood between them, putting his arms on their shoulders.

"You mean these HOTTIES?" he asks as they both turn a few shades of red.

Serious cheers and applause broke out. When it calms down, Brad continues.

"Okay.... I guess I can. Do you really want to know who they are?" he asks, teasing them.

"Yes, please. Introduce the HOTTIES under your arms this time," they order, being very specific this time.

"Okay. Just in case you are wondering, they are not my sisters. These two ladies are my staff assistants and their job is to make sure I don't screw up my job or make a fool of myself and so far, they've been pretty good at it, I think. Because of this, I'm considering keeping them on my team a while longer," he said as Kristi and Jeni elbow him in his ribs.

They cheer for them and laugh again, but they want to know their names.

"Oh. Why didn't you say so? Under my right arm is Ms Kristi Miner and under my left is Ms Jeni Gilbert," he said smiling.

Kristi and Jeni blush with embarrassment, as Brad gave them a shake. Then, he removes his arms from their shoulders, gives them a hi-five and returns to the podium.

Brad continues, smiling, "On behalf of my staff and myself, thank you everyone. We truly appreciate your warm welcome. It was just thirteen days ago when my life was turn upside down. Things have changed so much since then."

"This is just the beginning for me folks. I came here today to get an introduction to this company. I also expect to get my feet wet at several companies in this area in the coming days so I don't have a great deal I can tell you at this moment, other than things will be happening that you will appreciate. I do know that much. Don't expect it soon, however."

"I have recently learned that I can't snap my fingers and make things happen. Sometimes administration sucks, and sometimes it doesn't.... And sometimes, being an owner of a large corporation isn't all it's cracked up to be."

A little laughter erupts as Kristi's phone buzzes. She looks at the time and moves behind Brad to whisper in his ear they need to move on. Then she went back and stood beside Jeni.

"As you may guess, we are on a schedule and I've just been told we have to depart for our next appointment, however, that is not exactly what she said," he said, grinning as the crowd giggles.

"It is indeed sad that the fun side of business meetings never have enough time allocated to them. Thank you again and keep up the outstanding work all of you do here. It is appreciated and it is noticed. I know a lot about this company, but very little about the people that make it successful. One day, I hope to change that.... Thank you again everyone. We will be back to visit with you again and because you excel at what you do, I will bring my sisters with me.... And remember this, you are Packard Records and you are a Packard Empire company.... See you all soon," he said and left the podium.

Larry told the employees to remain here until he returns. More applause came as he escorts the Packard team out of the room.

Brad felt the employees deserve a break for tolerating the VP for so long so he asked Larry if the company would cater lunch for all employees or give them the rest of the day off with pay or some other accolade.

He also informs Larry the writer of the WSJ article was a former writer for Packard Publishing and was fired for making up stories. Larry acknowledges that and agrees to his other request as they are shown to their SUV. They shook Larry's hand and said their goodbyes amid the shouting reporters and paparazzi as the police arrive.

As they are getting into the SUV, Larry said, "Thank you for coming and I am looking forward to our next meeting."

Brad acknowledges that and the SUV sped away.

When Larry returns to the meeting room to face his employees, the employees get up and start to leave. After he displays a confusing look, he remembers what he told them to do, then begins laughing so hard he has tears in his eyes and has to take a seat. The employees also laugh with Larry as they return to their seats.

After he recovers enough to speak, he said, "I see Mr Weber has rubbed off on all of you as well," he said, laughing.

"Jim, was it you that orchestrated this?" Larry asks with a smile.

"Why would you possibly think that Mr Strait?" Jim replies with a smile.

"I just thought. That was a good one though. I laughed my ass off."

They all laugh as they sat back down and the room went quiet. Larry readies himself to speak and Helen uses her phone to record the event.

"I didn't plan on saying this today so please bear with me.... First, I want to apologize to each and every one of you for the time you were forced to deal with Chuck Little. I saw what he was very shortly after I arrived here."

"My plan was to eventually fire him if he was unwilling to change, but before I did, I wanted to get as much business information out of him as I possibly could. I was about a week away from completing that process."

"However, Little's presentation to Mr Weber this morning was far outside my professional tolerance and I was pleased Mr Weber fired him because if he didn't, I would have."

"I know there are numerous complaints about Little in his HR file dating back close to his hire date. I couldn't tell you all how I was going to handle him so I kept quiet. I thank all of you for sticking it out and I am grateful you did."

The employees applaud and thank him in return.

Larry continues, "Little's performance was an embarrassment to me both personally and professionally. The CEO is responsible for the actions of all company employees and that includes management and executives. I was not aware Little was going to do what he did, but part of my job is to know things like that. Because of his presentation, Little not only put his own job on the line, but also mine. That is the way it works in Corporate America folks. Because of what Little did, my professional etiquette forced me to offer my resignation to Mr Weber."