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"Now," repeated Carol while Maria reached behind her back and removed her bra again. Carol began to unbutton her blouse.

"What are you doing?" I asked Carol.

"I'm part of this too," she told me. "It's Maria's idea.

Maria nodded and smiled while she removed her towel.

"A threesome?" I asked.

Carol continued to disrobe while she answered. "Not really. More like a couple with a guidance councilor."

By that time both of the women were naked. "How does that work?" I asked.

"I have no idea," admitted Carol. "I'm playing it by ear. I guess it depends on how worked up I get."

Maria put out her hand, inviting me to stand up. I stood in front of her and she gently removed my towel revealing an erection approaching my all-time best effort. She held my erection in one hand and looked at Carol.

"Why do I want to kiss it?" she asked.

"It's a natural feeling," informed Carol.

"I've never felt like that before," confessed Maria.

"You can go further than a simple kiss," explained Carol.

"I've never done that before either," Maria said.

"You're about to do lots of things you've never done before," explained Carol. "Don't over think it. Just do it."

Maria bent over to kiss the head of my penis. She was a little off balance and ended up on her knees in front of me, my erection perfectly aligned with her lips. She looked up at Carol. Carol nodded and Maria kissed my erection. There was a slight dollop of fluid on the tip that transferred to her lips during the kiss. She licked her lips.

"That tastes interesting," she said.

"There's more where that came from," informed Carol.

Maria wrapped her fingers around my member and slid her hand upward. Additional fluid escaped from my meatus. Maria licked it off and savored the flavor. Unhesitatingly, she engulfed the head of my erection with her mouth. Apparently, she discovered pleasure in using her mouth on my erection. She stroked my erection with both her hand and mouth until I was approaching a massive release.

"Gently, Maria," said Carol. "He's nearing an orgasm."

"I feel it," admitted Maria. "What happens if I keep going?"

"He'll cum in your mouth," said Carol. "If you like it, you can swallow it," she added. "Otherwise, you can spit it out."

"What then?" asked Maria.

"Then we wait for him to recover," said Carol.


"Yeah. His erection will deflate and it will take fifteen or twenty minutes to return," explained Carol. "You could continue with oral stimulation while you wait or he might return the favor."

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"He could bring you to orgasm with his mouth and tongue," said Carol.

"Oh. Is that fun?"

"It might be the most fun you've ever had," smiled Carol.

"And if I stop now?" asked Maria.

"You could proceed immediately to fucking him."

"It's a difficult decision," admitted Maria.

"Either way is perfect. Given enough time it will all happen, just in a different order," said Carol.

"Then I get to fuck him either way?" asked Maria.

"You do," encouraged Carol.

"Then ..." said Maria and she returned to sucking on my erection with increased intensity.

The result was predictable. I pulsed several times into her mouth. She swallowed everything I produced and cleaned me with her tongue and lips when I was finished.

I looked at Carol. She was holding her hands tightly between her legs. "Are you all right?" I asked.

"Fuck," she said. "I had an orgasm just watching you."

"I can't wait to see what happens when I fuck her," I said.

"Neither can I," laughed Carol.

Maria was gently holding my limp penis. "This is how Antonio looks all the time," she observed.

"Forget Antonio," counseled Carol. "Joe isn't like Antonio."

I reached down, touched Maria's shoulders and helped her to stand in front of me. "That was special," I said and kissed her. She seemed resistant to kissing me. I probed with my tongue until her lips parted and I tasted myself in her mouth.

"Wow," I commented. "I taste pretty good."

"Really?" asked Maria. "I was afraid it would offend you."

"Not a chance," I said and kissed her again. "You know what else I think would taste pretty good too?"


"You," I answered.

She looked somewhat surprised and confused. I led her to the bed and lay her across it. Carol lay next to her. I knelt on the floor, spread her legs and began to kiss up her calves and thighs. I sensed her tenseness. So did Carol. Carol leaned over Maria, turned her head and kissed her. Although she was surprised, Maria returned the kiss. I continued up her thigh and kissed her clitoris.

"Oh!" she reacted, breaking the kiss with Carol.

I drew her clitoris between my lips and sucked gently. "Fuck," she cried and her body contracted away from me. I held her gently and probed her clitoris with my tongue. I slipped two fingers into her vagina and pressed her clitoris between my fingers and my tongue.

Maria began to shake uncontrollably and, seconds later, her orgasm overtook her. Carol continued to kiss her as she recovered. I moved up, turned her face toward me and kissed her myself. Maria threw her arms around my neck and returned my kiss with an intensity I didn't expect.

"How do you taste?" I asked.

"Amazing," she responded.

"Are you ready for what you started in the sauna?" I asked.

"I want to be on top," Maria insisted.

I lay on the bed. My erection had returned with attitude. Maria straddled my hips. "Hold my tits," she ordered.

Maria leaned forward and I held one of her breasts in each hand. Carol gripped my erection and began to slide it between Maria's labia before lodging it between her inner labia and the entrance to her vagina. "Don't move," Maria instructed as she slowly began to lower herself on my erection.

I felt her lips part as my glans entered her. She paused experiencing only the second cock ever to enter her body. She closed her eyes and slid further down until her pubic bones were against mine. She rested with her eyes closed. I could feel her rapid pulse in the walls of her vagina surrounding my erection.

Carol leaned in to kiss her. Maria's eyes opened with the contact but she closed them again and I could feel her body throbbing against my erection.

I reached over, touched Carol on her thigh and indicated she should straddle my head while kissing Maria. Carol immediately understood my meaning and quickly responded. Maria leaned up to accommodate Carol and they kissed again. I took Carol's hips in my hands and brought her genitals down to my lips. She was as aroused as I'd ever experienced her.

I teased and tormented Carol's clitoris while Maria shifted back and forth and up and down on my erection and the women kissed and fondled each other's breasts. The entire scene was surreal and the emotions over charged.

I don't know who orgasmed first. Maria's powerful orgasm flooded my groin with fluids at the same time Carol did the same to my face. My orgasm pulsed for over a half dozen times and filled Maria with more semen than I could remember donating.

We lay on the bed, tangled and sticky while we recovered.

"Is it always like this?" asked Maria.

"We've never had three of us like this before," answered Carol.

Maria noticed the clock on the dresser. It was almost midnight. "Shit," she exclaimed. "Antonio is going berserk wondering where I am."

"Forget Antonio," Carol suggested.

"I can't. I'm still married to him," Maria stated. "But I'm afraid to go home now. He'll be crazy wanting to know where I've been and, given the state I'm in, it won't take him long to figure it out."

"Let me go talk to him," suggested Carol.

"What?" reacted Maria. "What could you do that won't make it worse."

"I could appeal to his inner maleness," said Carol.

"What does that mean?" asked Maria.

"How would Antonio react to a half naked woman at his door?" asked Carol.

"I have no idea," said Maria.

"Why don't I go downstairs and find out?" asked Carol.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" I asked.

"It's the only idea I have," said Carol. "He's a man. In spite of what Maria's told us, he thinks with his dick and his wife's not around."

"What if you're right and he wants to fuck you?" I asked. Maria gasped at the comment.

"I won't do anything you haven't done with his wife," promised Carol.

I didn't have an answer for that. It wasn't quite sharing or swapping but it was fair. I looked at Maria.

"I'm good with that if you are," she said to me.

Carol started for the door. "Wait," I called after her. "Don't you think you should put something on?"

"Why?" Carol asked.

"You're going to take the elevator naked?" I asked.

"It's a short trip and who's going to see me at this hour?" Carol explained.

"I think you should be at least a little modest and you did say half naked," I responded.

"Okay," she agreed. "Only to make you more comfortable."

Carol went to my dresser, extracted a white t-shirt of mine and put it on. It was an older one and the fabric was worn thin from washing. Her breasts and nipples were hardly obscured and the bottom of the t-shirt only covered the top half of her pussy. She turned so Maria and I could see the result.

"Not quite what I thought," I said. "But it will work for now. You do realize that the business end of your party favor is visible?"

Carol looked in the mirror and tried to adjust the t-shirt without success. "Hell. Works for me," she said and headed for the door.

When we heard the door to the apartment close, Maria turned to me and asked, "Do you think she'll fuck Antonio?"

"A better question is, "Do you think Antonio will fuck Carol?" I suggested.

"If he does," said Maria, "it will make everything he's told me about sex and abstinence since we've been married, bullshit."

"I think everything about your life and relationship with Antonio is about to change," I predicted. "Carol can be incredibly convincing and she's had the same fantasies as I have. Meanwhile, what should we do while we're waiting?"

"I have a wonderful idea," said Maria. She took my hand and led me to the bed.

Downstairs, Carol was knocking on Antonio's door. She heard noises from inside the apartment and a man's voice calling, "I'm coming. I'm coming. Hold your horses."

When the door opened, Carol saw a five foot six, better than average looking man with messy black hair and wearing a wife beater t-shirt and boxer shorts. "Why didn't you use your ...," he started to say. "Who the hell are you?" he completed his thought.

His eyes wandered from Carol's eyes, down her body to her hips and stayed there.

"I'm looking for Antonio," she said.

"That's me," he said without lifting his eyes. Everything about his body language and demeanor told Carol that he was glad he was who she was looking for. His mind seemed to be racing to catch up with the speed his erection was growing in his boxers. "This is going to be too easy," she thought.

Carol took a step toward him. He backed up, she entered the apartment and closed the door behind her. "I'm Carol," she said. "I was with your wife, Maria, and she realized that she had been gone much longer than expected and she sent me down her to ease your concern about her safety."

"Where is she?" asked Antonio.

"Don't worry about her," counseled Carol. "She's safe and, when I left she was very happy."

"But where?"

"She's with my husband. He's a remarkable man, sensitive and very accommodating. She couldn't be in safer hands. The better question is, "Are you a sensitive and accommodating man?"

"What?" uttered Antonio.

"Let me try a different approach," said Carol. "Do you like sex?"

"Hunh?" managed Antonio, his eyes never drifting above Carol's breasts.

"Antonio! Up here," she said pointing to her eyes.

Grudgingly, Antonio looked up. "Is how I'm dressed distracting you?" Carol asked.

"Distracting? Me?" mumbled Antonio.

"Let me help," offered Carol. She grabbed the hem of Joe's t-shirt, pulled it up and off and tossed it on the floor behind her.

She almost laughed out loud. Antonio convulsed and almost passed out. She watched his knees buckle, stepped closer to him and grabbed his testicles in her right hand through his shorts.

Antonio started to collapse in slow motion to the floor. Carol managed to get his shorts down around his ankles before he sat. He sat on the floor back on his arms for support. She finished removing his shorts and knelt in front of him. "Antonio," she said. "I think you love sex. How could you not with equipment like yours. Maria's a lucky woman to have you in her bed every day. I'll bet she can't get enough of you. I'm envious. I only have a couple of hours."

"What?" said Antonio.

Carol stood up and offered Antonio a hand to help him stand. She led him to the bedroom, his erection bobbing in the air as he walked. "Where are we going?" asked Antonio.

"Into the bedroom," Carol informed him.


"So you can fuck me," she said matter of factly. "And the bed is much more comfortable than the living room floor.

"I'm going to fuck you?" Antonio asked.

She stopped and turned around to face him. "Tell me you don't want to fuck me," she insisted.

Antonio had a tear in his eye. "I want to fuck you," he admitted. "But I'm married."

"So am I," agreed Carol. "We're not going to make babies. We're just going to fuck. For the fun of it."


"Yes, fun," confirmed Carol. "Fucking is the most fun two people can have together."

In the bedroom, the bed looked as if Antonio had been sleeping in it when she knocked on the door. She pulled the covers away, lay on the bed and spread her legs.

"Come on, Antonio. Fuck me. I'm your playground. Come play with me. I'm a playpen without the baby. I want to feel you inside me."

She reached out, held his erection and led him to her and between her legs. He knelt on the bed between her legs. Carol pulled him closer until his erection was in position between her inner labia. She grabbed his hips and pulled. Antonio's erection slipped inside her.

"Oooh," moaned Carol.

"Ahhh," moaned Antonio.

Almost in a daze and relying on muscle memory, Antonio began to stroke into her. With each stroke, he gained confidence. With each stroke he focused on giving both him and Carol the most pleasure and he discovered he was having fun.

Carol did her best to encourage him. Repeatedly, she complemented him and encouraged him to even greater effort. It worked better than she expected. Her orgasm snuck up on her and she doubled over as Antonio pulsed his saved-up semen inside her.

They lay alongside each other as they recovered. Carol leaned over and kissed him. "Thank you," she said. "That was wonderful. You know how to please a woman. Maria is fortunate to have you inside her every day."

"Really?" asked Antonio.

"Really," confirmed Carol. "I'd love to be part of your fun with Maria every day."

"You want to do this again?" asked Antonio almost as if he couldn't believe her.

"Don't you?" asked Carol.

"What about Maria?" he asked. "She's my wife. She'll never agree."

"I don't think she'll have a problem," confided Carol. "After all, she has Joe."

"Your husband?" asked Antonio.

"My husband," confirmed Carol.

"And you don't mind?" asked Antonio.

"It seems to make him a better lover," Carol suggested. "I think he's concerned about a comparison so he goes to extremes to please me. As long as he's a better lover to me than to another woman, I'd be silly to raise artificial limits or restrictions."

She rolled on top of Antonio and encouraged his cock to another erection with her hands and mouth. She straddled him and they went over the hill together with mutual orgasms.

It was after four in the morning when Carol returned to the sixth-floor apartment. Maria and Joe were asleep, tangled together in the bed. She woke them gently and sent Maria home. Maria picked up her bikini top and bottom and her towel and walked unsteadily, naked toward the elevator.

Carol went back to the bedroom and fucked Joe's brains out.

Saturday got off to a slow start. Carol and I had breakfast well after noon. We were sitting at the kitchen table, nursing our third mugs of coffee when someone knocked on the door. Maria was at the door.

"Damn, woman," said Carol. "You look like death warmed over."

"I haven't been to sleep," answered Maria. "What did you do to Antonio?"

"Hopefully, I redirected his focus to wanting more sex with you," Carol explained.

"You were wildly successful," explained Maria. "All he wants to do is have sex. All night and all morning, he always wants to have more sex. I came up here to get a break."

"You don't want to have sex with Joe?" asked Carol.

"Heaven's no. At least not now," Maria admitted.

"Don't worry," said Carol. "He'll calm down and you'll settle into a frequent, and satisfying, sexual routine with him. Relax and let me go talk to him."

Carol left Maria in my care and went out to visit Antonio.

She came back two hours later. "What took you so long?" asked Maria.

"I had to instruct him in the way a woman wants to be loved," Carol said.

"You fucked him," stated Maria.

"I demonstrated how to maximize the fun of sex by optimizing the frequency of sex," defended Carol.

Maria laughed. "You fucked him," she concluded.

"What did you and Joe do while I was gone?" asked Carol.

"You're kidding, right?" stated Maria.

"You fucked him," said Carol.

"Just once," admitted Maria. "A sensitive and accommodating fun exchange."

It was Carol's turn to laugh. "Here's what I suggest. Let's give it a week and get together Friday night to evaluate where we are. I think we'll arrive at a sensitive, accommodating and fun arrangement."

"All four of us?" I asked.

"You don't sound convinced," said Carol.

"Antonio and I are fucking each other's wife and we haven't met. The result is unpredictable when we do. Yeah, I'm not convinced."

"That's why we need the week," insisted Carol. "By Friday, everything should have been confessed and the emotions smoothed over. By Friday, we can have an adult exchange of ideas."

"And bodily fluids," asked Maria.

"In front of each other," I asked.

"Possible and likely," suggested Carol.

Both Carol and I looked forward to next Friday. "Possible and likely" became my mantra for the rest of the week. I think Carol's mantra was something like "actually and absolutely."

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RNLubb17RNLubb175 months ago

Keep this one going.

DanDraperDanDraper10 months ago

Excellent story. 5-stars.

NudeInMaineNudeInMaine10 months ago

Nice story. What I really liked was the pool, showers, and sauna becoming totally clothing optional and mixed gender. Maybe nudity allowed on both sub-basement floors as well as on all the tenet floors and connecting elevators.

PrfsrPrfsr10 months ago

Story aside, I love the James Patterson comment.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf5710 months ago

Loved the story! Can't wait to see how it turns out! Five stars and a favorite point!

lc69hunterlc69hunter10 months ago

cute little story

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy10 months ago

Just being sociable!


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