Saving Our Mardi Gras Plans

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Lousy weather does not foil plans to show off wife.
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This is the first story about my efforts to broaden the sexual horizons of my beautiful and sexy wife, Michelle.

Michelle and l had been friends in High School, but had never dated... actually she had never dated anyone, while I had several "successful" relationships with some of the most desirable girls in school. As Quarterback of the football team, Captain of the baseball team, starting guard of the basketball team, and student council president, I never had any trouble getting dates.

Michelle was shy and did not realize how pretty she was, so she had no self confidence, dressed very conservatively and, basically did not let anyone notice that she was really very pretty with a killer body.

We met through chemistry class where we were lab partners and I had a chance to look past her dowdy facade and see what a beauty she was.

I asked her for a date during one of the graduation functions and she shyly accepted.

We dated during the summer after graduation and after a number of disappointingly platonic dates , I was finally able to experience her amazing sexual passion that seemed to explode once I got her past a certain point of arousal.

In spite of my continuing efforts to get her to loosen up, she remained a very shy and conservative person in public. She refused my every effort to get her to wear revealing clothes or to expose herself in any way to anyone. I did get her to go to a nude beach once, but she refused to take off even her top.

That was a huge disappointment for me because she would have been the #1 attraction even if I had only gotten her to go topless. Michelle is 5'8 with a slender athletic body. She has long sexy legs, a narrow waist, and the world's most perfect breasts. She has full C Cup breasts (exactly the right size as far as I am concerned) with incredible nipples that stand out like pencil erasers when she is aroused. At 23, there is absolutely no sag anywhere, and the few times when I can get her to go braless are like trips to erotic heaven for me.

After a series of failed or only moderately successful efforts to get her to show off her body (I may write about the better ones in the future), I came up with one that seemed like a sure thing.

My new idea was to get her to flash for beads at Mardi Gras, where a woman's breasts on display is considered fairly routine.

I made several mentions of Mardi Gras and showed her a lot of information about it as a fun vacation for us, always making sure that she saw references to girls flashing their breasts to get beads, but never mentioning how much I wanted her to do it.

We were out to dinner in April 2013 with a couple about our age, Jeff and Joan, and when I mentioned that I was thinking Mardi Gras would be fun, Joan blushed and Jeff grinned. When I pressed them about their reaction Jeff looked at Joan and asked if he could tell us. She smiled and looked down at the table and said ok after a long pause. Jeff explained that they had just gone to Mardi Gras and Joan had been shy about flashing for beads, but once she tried it she really got into the spirit. Jeff pulled out his iphone and showed us a picture of Jean who was clearly topless in the photo, but her breasts were well covered by a huge array of beads strung around her neck. Joan shyly admitted that she had found flashing for beads exciting and she had gotten all those beads by flashing at several parades on 3 different days. She admitted that she let Jeff show the photo to friends because it gave her a thrill to show evidence that she had exposed herself to strangers. I watched Michelle during the whole discussion and she seemed to be in deep thought.

Later that night I asked he what she thought about Joan's story and she said she didn't know what to think. She had mixed feelings about it being naughty and silly, but admitted that it was pretty harmless. I knew from that answer that I might have a chance to get her to flash for beads if I played my cards very carefully

I surprised her with an Anniversary gift of a week in New Orleans for Mardi Gras 2014. Michelle surprised me in return with her initial reaction.

"I was hoping we would go on that cruise I have been telling you about."

She had been bugging me for some time about a cruise to Nassau, the Bahamas, St Croix, etc etc. It stops in every port and one of the main activities is shopping... I hate shopping and I am not crazy about being cooped up in a boat, even a big boat, with a lot of old, overweight, boring people. I told her that she knew how I felt about the cruise and changed the subject back to Mardi Gras. I was careful at first to only mention how much fun New Orleans would be with Gala Balls, Parades, Cajun Food, etc. Nothing about flashing.

I brought home brochures about Mardi Gras and emailed her links to information about Mardi Gras, always making sure there was mention and photos of girls flashing for beads.

We went out with Jeff and Joan a few more times before they moved away and each time I made sure to bring up Mardi Gras. Either Jeff or Joan would kid Michelle about flashing for beads, each telling her that she would be the star of Mardi Gras with her body and looks. Michelle always said that she didn't plan to do any flashing, but not with enough conviction as might have been expected.

By November I had finally gotten her to say that she might try it, but only once, not like Joan.

After a lot of alcohol and partying on New Year's eve, she admitted to me that she was kind of looking forward to stepping outside her comfort zone in New Orleans. I made sure to seal the deal by getting her to give her word that she would go through with it... The spirit of the evening and, to a greater extent, the alcohol that I had gotten her to drink pushed her past her reluctance and she gave her word.

During the weeks before Mardi Gras, we talked often about plans for her flashing, and we both got more and more excited as it got closer and closer.

I suggested that we could pick out her outfits for flashing together. She said she could use any old pullover shirt, but when I told her she could get some other new clothes as well, she agreed, but initially insisting the flashing outfit would only be used IF she decided to flash.

She enjoyed shopping for clothes and after a few trips we had several outfits ... One was a halter top that was not overly revealing, but had a front clasp that made it easy for her to open it up. Others were scoop neck shirts that she could pull down to expose her breasts and a few short shirts that showed her belly and were easy to lift for flashing. She practiced for me, but always safely in our home with the shades carefully drawn, and several times tried to back out of the plan. I reminded her of what she said on New Years Eve and she bashfully agreed not to go back on her word

The week before we began to realize that the weather might mess up our well made plans as the forecast kept predicting colder and wetter weather as our trip got closer.

We were both bummed and kept holding out hope for a change in the forecast, but as you probably know, it was the coldest and wettest Mardi Gras ever. We were only able to go outside a little while we were there, and the weather did not allow Michelle to wear anything close to the outfits she had brought for flashing. Even if she had, there were precious few chances to get beads.

I managed to get her out to a parade in one of her "flashing outfits," a scoop necked blouse with no bra. She wore a heavy trench coat over it to fight the rain and cold, but she was only able to stay outside the hotel for a few minutes before her teeth began chattering so badly that we had to go back inside. What a shame because when I got her to take the trench coat off in the lobby, the cold, together with sexual excitement had made her nipples bigger and harder than I had ever seen them. I intentionally kept the trench coat from her as we walked through the lobby and she tried to cover the obvious nipple bumps to avoid some of the stares she was getting.

Out of frustration I suggested that she could flash the hotel staff and I was surprised that she only turned it down after thinking about it. She said she had agreed to flash, but she wasn't sure that doing it in the lobby was a good idea. I let it rest and suggested that go out for dinner. We stopped in the lobby bar for a few drinks and asked about recommendations for restaurants. We were totally surprised to learn that most restaurants were closed because of the parades.. even though most of the parades had been cancelled. It was also so nasty outside that getting from the hotel to any restaurant would be messy. So we decided to order room service and watch TV.

That was when I had my inspiration, I would get Michelle to flash the boy who delivered the meals to our room. I did not say anything at first, suggesting another round of drinks for us before we went upstairs. On an empty stomach, Michelle was quickly loosened up by the alcohol and I mentioned that it was a real shame that our plans and all of our preparation had been messed up by the weather. Michelle agreed with a kind of dreamy look in her eyes, possibly picturing the flashing we had planned for so long. I slid my chair closer to her, put my hand on her knee, and told her I was really disappointed.

She surprised me by saying "I am too, I finally got up the courage to expose myself to strangers and this happens."

I waited as we sipped our drinks and then said "We won't be here much longer, I hate to see all this go to waste. "I have an idea. I understand that you would not feel comfortable exposing yourself to the whole hotel staff in the lobby, but what if it was just one person in a safe place?"

She thought for a long time as she finished her drink and asked what I had in mind.

I told her that she could flash the room service delivery boy when he brought our dinner. It would be just one person and in the safety of our room with me right there.

She shook her head and said "that doesn't make any sense, he isn't going to give me any beads, I would feel like a fool.

I almost jumped up and shouted at her response... she was thinking the idea through. then I hit her with the clincher.

"How about this. You are taking a shower when he brings the food in. You don't realize he is in the room and step out of the shower with a towel around your waist and one around your head as you are drying your hair. The towel on your head keeps you from seeing that he is in the room until he has had a nice look at you topless."

Michelle thought for a minute, as though picturing the scene I had just described. She took another drink from her glass as I ordered her another and she said "He will be right there close to me"?

"Yes, but I will be right there too. Nothing will happen."

"I don't know. I was pretty excited about flashing my boobs, but this seems a little bit much." Michelle said as her new drink arrived and I got her to finish off the one she was working on.

After a couple of big sips from her new drink, she said "Well, I did give you my word that I would flash my boobs to strangers while we were here, and I guess the room service guy is a stranger, so I guess I will do it as she drained her glass."

I could not believe it!! She was really going to show off her tits to a stranger for me!!

We kissed and made out all the way to our room. I could tell that the alcohol had definitely fueled her courage because fo the way she let me grope her in the elevator and in the hall. I hoped it would not wear off too soon.

Once in our room, I pretended I was thinking about how to do it (even though I had it all worked out in my mind).

The room was laid out like a lot of typically medium to upper class hotel rooms. The door to the bathroom was just inside the door to the hotel hallway so that when you enter the room you pass the bathroom door and through a short inner hallway into the room.

I told Michelle that I would open the door for room service while she was in the bathroom and then signal her when to come out by saying, "I want to charge this to our room, where do I sign?"

Then she would come out, drying her hair, and he would see her. I told her to close the bathroom door behind her and not to go back in, but wait until he left before covering up, even after she "saw" that he was there. She was also not to cover herself up in any way until he left.

Michelle scowled at me and said "Hey, no way! I'm supposed to stand there and let him look until he decides to leave? No deal."

I begged and cajoled but she would not budge until I played my ace.

"OK, if you go through with this exactly as I have laid it out, we will go on that cruise you like as soon as we can fit it in or plans."

"Really? Soon?" She said and I could see that the wheels were turning in her head.

"Really. No Strings attached, and as soon as we can get a reservation... all the shopping you want, but you have to follow the plan here."

She screwed up her face as if thinking very hard. I suspect all the drinks I had gotten her weren't making it any easier to for her to sort it all out.

Finally she closed her eyes for a minute, nodded, and agreed to my terms.

I said "no covering anything up until he leaves, right?"

"OK, lets get on with it," she answered.

What she did not know was that I planned to ask him to put the tray on the far side of the room by the window. That meant that she would be between him and the door and in order to leave he would have to squeeze by her.

I called room service and placed the order, asking how long it would take. The voice told me that Thomas would deliver the food in 20 minutes.

I helped Michelle out of her clothes and sent her into the bathroom with just 2 towels... to make sure she did not cheat. Once she was inside the bathroom, I laid her clothes out on the bed so that it would be clear to Thomas that she must be in the shower.

Then I took the video camera which we had brought along to record our vacation and set it up on a table in the far corner of the room where we had been putting it along with other items like keys, wallets, glasses, etc. I pointed it to where Michelle was to stand when she came out of the bathroom and checked to make sure it had the right field of view. I put a very small pieces of black tape over the red light that shows when it is recording so that it would look like it was just sitting there as always. I put the remote for the camera in my pocket so I could begin recording at the right time.

After what seemed like an hour, there was a knock on the door and a male voice said "Room service."

I said, "Just a minute," pressed record on the remote and walked to the door.

I opened the door for Thomas and directed him to the farthest corner of the room. As he began to take the food off the cart, I took a position between him and the door with my back to the bathroom so that I would not know what was happening behind me (actually I had a perfect view in the mirror on the back wall next to the window)

I said my line loudly and as he reached for the check to hand it to me, I heard the bathroom door open behind me and then close with a click.

I watched Michelle in the mirror as she gave her only line..."I can't wait until room service comes, I am famished."

She looked magnificent. One towel was wrapped low around her waist, leaving several inches of bare skin below her navel. She was rubbing her hair vigorously with the other towel as she dried it. Her perfect breasts were incredible, with the nipples hardening as her body reacted to the situation. Between the towel and her hair, her eyes were pretty much fully covered as she turned and took a few steps into the room.

That is when we went "off script" big time.

I had told her that after drying her hair "blind" for a little while that she should do that thing women do with wet hair. Bend forward, take the towel off her hair and then swing the damp hair back over her head and put the towel on her head like a turban. Once the turban was in place she would officially be able to see who was in the room for the first time. That would be after 15 to 20 seconds of showing off her breasts to the stranger.

She did great, but just as she swung her head to get her hair behind her and began to use both hands to put the turban in place, the towel around her waist popped loose and dropped to the floor. With both hands busy on her head, she was not able to react in time to catch the towel.

So she found herself facing Thomas who was no more than a few feet away, with her hands on her head and all of her charms including her neatly trimmed bush, in full view.

Michelle panicked and momentarily froze, unable to move, as she and Thomas looked at each other - or I should say she looked and he stared.

She looked away from Thomas after a second or two and I caught her eye in the mirror. As she started to move her hands to cover herself up, I raised my eyebrows and gave her a questioning look. I saw the look of realization in her eyes that she was about to lose the cruise if she covered up... I had said not to cover up anything.

She stopped and slowly lowered her hands to her sides as Thomas stared. He looked like he was going to pass out.

I continued to pretend that because I had my back to Michelle, I did not know she was naked and tried to be nonchalant. I also extended the fantasy by telling Thomas that the pen was not working. I kept my back to Michelle, still allegedly unaware of her state of undress as I searched my pockets for a pen.

After stretching it out as long as I could, I signed the bill and gave it to him. He took it and walked to the door, brushing by Michelle's naked body, still frozen in place, on the way.

Michelle's was wide eyed with a blank look on her face. She almost appeared to be in shock

I walked past her, bolted the door and put the safety chain in place.

When I turned around Michelle had turned to face me, still stunned. Then suddenly her face lit up and she said "Wow!! Did I really do that?"

I said "So you enjoyed it?"

"I don't know if that is the word. I was terrified, excited, embarrassed, turned on... and mortified, all at once... wow!!"

"You are not sorry you let me talk you into it?"

"Does this answer your question?" she said coyly as she walked over to me, kneeled down and started to unbuckle my belt...

Oh my... the future looks very bright for more adventures...

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zooliciouszooliciousalmost 4 years ago

Your readers demand more of the amazing Michelle.

col_lovercol_loverover 4 years ago
A good time was had by all

Good Girl Michelle. You loved it.

BarbieKenBarbieKenover 6 years ago
Fun read

A real fun read. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
i was down there for Mardi Gra

The weather was indeed like he stated, we left on Tuesday morning worried about the roads being slick with the chance of freezing rain, and drove the first few hours in near freezing temps. All the way to Meridian, Ms. Sunday was the best day, I wished I could be there next year to catch this girl trying to earn her beads.

CuckyJimmyCuckyJimmyalmost 10 years ago

I love how it turned out for them. She too like my wife got hot and bothered by her own flashing. Nice! By the way, it is very strange to be cold in New Orleans. Better luck next time! Jimmy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

well written, the husband is a selfish bully and his wife should divorce as soon as possible, maybe in a follow-up,

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