Saving the Catwoman


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"What's going on, Mason?"

His arms loosened his grip around her. He allowed her to step back.

"I'm tired of risking my neck for that damn cat."

"And this is supposed to help? How?"

"I've seen through your plan."

"What plan?"

"Your plan to catch my attention," Mason said.

Katie snorted. "I don't have any hidden agendas. You're delusional."

"Am I? It can hardly be a coincidence when I spent half my time saving you from that damn tree top."

"It's not that often."

"Well, you've caught me attention all right. Now I want to see those body parts that you didn't flaunt before me earlier."

Katie laughed.

"You've got it all wrong, Mason. It was just bad luck. Besides, they could have sent someone else to rescue me. Or simply ignored the request."

"Sure. And it happens only when I'm at work. Another coincidence, right?"

"I haven't thought about that."

"You didn't smell the sardines on the tree branch, did you?"

"What sardines? No. I was too busy being scared."

"Hmm, maybe you're not the only culprit then. Someone is playing tricks on us."

"You have a vivid imagination, Mason."

"I trust my nose in these things."

"Are you saying that someone puts cat food on the tree to lure the cat?"

"Seems like it."

"But who would do that? The tree is rotten, as you say. Any one of us can get injured."

"And if they do, we'll know who it is."

"Do you suggest, we lie in wait?"

"Nope. We have more important things to do. Come here."


"I want a kiss."

She wanted to pinch herself. Was she dreaming or had Mason actually said that?

"Pardon?" Katie asked.

"You enjoyed my kisses, didn't you? "

"Yes, sure," she said and tried to act worldly and calm while her insides felt more like an erupting volcano.

"You're really not boosting my ego right now," he complained.

"Your ego is already too big," Katie said.

"Nah, that's another part of me."

She snorted and started laughing. "Thanks for confirming my opinions about your ego," Katie said.

"Anytime. I would appreciate some help with some swollen body parts."

"I bet you do. And what did you have in mind?" Katie asked with a sugar-coated voice.

"A handjob or blowjob would help."


"Keep your mouth open, and I'll decide for you," Mason said and grinned.

"You seem to have some stupid idea that I owe you for saving me."

"Good idea. I like that. Why don't you repay me for every time I've helped you get down from that damn tree," Mason said.

She looked at him and saw his heated eyes. She could leave him right now. He was too presumptuous. Seeing interest, when there really shouldn't be any. Or, if she was perfectly honest with herself, there was definitely something between them.

She had always been on that high alertness whenever he came around. She had known him for a long time, but he had never looked at her this way, never really looked at her. Not until now. Maybe this was a one-time opportunity for her to do something about it, maybe her only chance?

Or the last chance to escape his clutches?

No way. She knew what she wanted. And for once she could choose a more interesting direction. She grabbed his hand and pulled Mason with her.

"Where's your bedroom?" She asked.

"Through there," he said and pointed to the door at the end of the hallway. They walked inside, and she closed the door behind them.

"Strip," she said.

Mason seemed surprised and just stared at her.

"Well, did you want a blowjob or not?" Katie asked and shrugged her shoulders.

She giggled when he started to undress so quickly he nearly ripped his costume. He stopped when only his boxers were left.

"Those as well," she said. And eyed the bulges hidden behind the thin fabric.

He gave a slight gasp, then collected his breath before he pulled off his boxers, breathing more easily as his cock jerked and rose upright again.

"Now what?" Mason asked.

"Lie down on the bed."

He did as she asked and lay down on his back. She sat down beside him on the bed and took in the sight of the beautiful and muscular man at her mercy. It was like a dream come true to watch him follow her instructions and waiting for her to touch him.

As though one of her fantasies had come true. Unless she'd wake up soon and realise that it had actually been too good to be true. She knew she needed to pinch herself. But instead, she placed both her hands on his thighs. She moved her hands down his legs and taking in all the male beauty of his body.

"Aren't you going to undress?" Mason asked.

"What for? I can give you a blowjob even if I'm fully dressed."

"Doesn't seem fair."

"You saw me earlier."

"Not everything."

She slid her hands past his hip and over to his chest. She watched his arms and the powerful upper body. There was no doubt that he could easily carry her or any other person away from a burning house. The way he had carried earlier had proved to her that he was just as strong as he looked. He hadn't even broken into a sweat when he lifted her earlier.

She bent down and kissed his chest, moving her lips slowly around his left nipple, kissing and licking gently, before she sucked it between her lips. She could feel how he tensed beneath her. His entire body went rigid.

"Katie, please," he begged her.

Moving his hands over her thighs and further up to her breasts.

She sat watching him as she moved her hands to the zipper at the front of her catsuit. It was one whole piece of clothing, only held together by a long zipper down the front. She pulled it down to her breasts. Revealing the top of her cleavage, and pulling it so her breasts nearly spilt out. She could hear his breath catch, and he reached out to touch her. She leaned closer and kissed his mouth. He folded his arms around her back, sliding his hands up to her neck as he held her tight and kissed her.

She moaned into his mouth. Feeling her arousal mount inside her. He started pulling the zip further down, and soon she felt her breasts fall out of her costume.

"I'll be damned," Mason said as he kissed her full breasts and pulled her closer so he could push his face between her breasts.

Katie giggled and squealed as he sucked her right nipple into his mouth. Exquisite sensations flared from her nipple and travelled across her body.

"Can I see you?" Mason asked.

Katie nodded and sat up on his thigh. Looking at him for encouragement. When he nodded, she pulled the zipper all the way down to her belly button.

"Take it off," he said.

She rose from the bed and did as he requested. Standing before him as she pulled off the suit. Revealing that except for her panties her body was naked.

"Please," he said and pointed to the remaining item of clothing.

Katie shimmied her panties over her hips, down her legs and slid them off her feet. She stood before him naked for the first time, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"You're beautiful," Mason said. "Come here."

She leaned over him on the bed, and he grabbed her and pulled her down. Rolling her underneath him she gave a squeal of surprise. He bent down and kissed her, moving to her neck and her upper chest. Covering her with light butterfly kisses before turning his attention to her breasts and gave them the same treatment.

"I thought you wanted a blowjob?" Katie panted.

"Sure do. But I would much rather share the pleasure with you."


"But only if you would let me."

She nodded. "Yes. I want to."

He smiled broadly as if he had just received a large gift. Katie watched in awe as his eyes seem to tell her this meant something to him as well. More than the usual one-night stand. Wishful thinking perhaps, she thought. But she would take what she could.

Suddenly he bent down and started kissing his way from her chin, across her breasts and downwards. She giggled as he passed her bellybutton and went further down her thighs.

"It tickles," she said as she laughed.

The air felt colder against the parts of her skin where he had kissed her. At the same time, he pushed his hands underneath her ass and lifted her. She gasped as he kissed her mound and let his tongue tease her clit.

She tensed inside, struggling to accept the pleasurable feeling he caused while fighting the desire to tell him to stop. She felt vulnerable and open. Allowing him to see a part of her which she only ever showed to a few men, those who had been her boyfriend for a long time. Mason was more her dream lover than anyone she had known before.

Then he suckled her clit, and she felt a rush of warmth stream into her pussy and ignite every part of her.

"Oh my god. Mason," Katie screamed as he pushed her over the edge and into an orgasm.

He held her tight and kissed her stomach as wave after wave passed through her. She could feel the inner contractions, as though trying to keep a hard cock inside her. But she was empty, and she felt the sudden need to be filled. To ride out the pleasure with him lodged deep inside her.

"Come inside me," she begged him.

She heard him open a condom and soon after he moved further up, spreading her legs as he guided his hard cock inside her. She pulled down on him, wanting to feel him pleasure her insides as well as her outside. She took a deep breath as he pushed his way against her tight channel. Making her realise she hadn't quite understood how large he was until he tried to enter her.

She gasped loudly as she felt how he had to force his way, trying to loosen her muscles and allow him access.

"Sorry," he groaned as he held on to her hips and forced himself to retreat.

"It's been a while," she admitted.

"For me too. I'm usually not this impatient."

Katie looked into his eyes and pushed her lips out slightly inviting him to kiss her. He smiled and did as she requested. Bending down and kissing her deeply. She opened her mouth to him. Feeling how he invaded her mouth the same way he had filled her body. She felt her body sing his praises as she wrapped her legs behind his backside and pull him closer.

"Patience," he groaned as his lips let go of hers.

"I'm ready," she said.

"No, you're not," Mason said and smiled.

"Try me," she said and pushed her legs against his ass, trying to make him move deeper and faster.

"I'm trying to make you come one more time."

"No problem," Katie said and used her hands to hold on to his waist, as she tilted her hips and fucked herself on his shaft.

"Fuck," he groaned as she lifted herself up and pushing him deeper inside her.

She giggled and kept on her movement. Pleasuring herself while using him.

"You're too bossy."

"Fuck me, Mason," Katie said.

That seemed to destroy his willpower, all his attempts to take things slow and easy. He increased his movement, setting a faster pace, fucking her deeper, before pulling almost all the way out of her body. Then he slammed down again, pushing his body against her clit at the same time. She felt the deep arousal inside her. Knowing it was only a matter of minutes or even seconds before her body achieved its desires and convulsed underneath him.

He moved his hand to her clit and rubbed her with a movement that clearly bespoke of a man who knew exactly how to turn her on. She sucked in her breath and felt all her muscles tighten in anticipation. Then as he pushed his cock deep inside her, she couldn't hold back any longer. She moaned in relief as an intense climax washed over her. Making her lose her mind and just cling to the man that had made it possible.

"Mason," she groaned as she held on to him with all her strength.

That seemed to trigger him. Katie could feel how her orgasm opened the floodgates and made him let go of the iron control he had held over himself. She watched as his face contorted in pleasure, and he pushed even harder inside her. Faster and faster. He was no longer so careful, but she adored how he allowed himself to lose control. To take his pleasure and hang on to her as he made one last push inside and stayed there.

She could feel every muscle in his body tense and he went rigid. She knew he felt the same pleasure that she had just felt. Holding on to him as he collapsed on to his arms, barely holding his body from crashing down on hers. She moved her arms lowly across his back. Making soothing movements to settle him down.

After a while, he retreated from her and collapsed beside her. She rolled closer and lay her right arm across his chest. Feeling how he allowed her to use his arm as a pillow. They lay breathing beside each other. She felt all the tension eased, and she wanted to sleep beside him. Postponing the inevitable departure. He pulled up the duvet and covered them both. Dropping a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you," Mason murmured.

She tried to say the same, but she didn't make sense of her own words.

She wanted to say 'Love you'. But she hoped that wasn't what Mason heard. She was too tired to worry, and as she closed her eyes, her mind shut down completely.


Mason thought he had gone to heaven and stayed there. Had she really said she loved him?

Maybe there really was a god out there, he thought hastily. Maybe after all this time, he could finally have what he wanted.

Still, just having her in his bed, feeling her naked body orgasm underneath him, was definitely a new record. He had never been this close to having all his dreams fulfilled. Now, if only she would remain there and not try to flee first thing in the morning. He might have to use a few dirty tricks to keep her there, but he was not unfamiliar to that.

After all, since he'd stopped playing by the rules, he had a better result in a day than in the previous year. That had to account for something. And he wasn't giving up now.


Next morning

Katie heard her cell phone make a sound. She reached over for it and checked the display. There was an SMS from her best friend, Grace.

'Where are you?'

'In bed with a hot man.'

'Lucky girl! Who?'

Katie considered telling the truth. 'Your brother.' But then Grace would call her right away. She wanted to enjoy the moment a little longer. She felt Mason stir behind her, and he moved his left hand over her stomach.

"What are you doing?" Mason asked.

"Reassuring Grace that I'm still alive."


Katie texted her friend. 'Tell you later. I'm busy.'

'Tell Mason the cat is stuck in the tree again.'

'LOL. Will do.'

Katie laughed.

"What's so funny?" Mason asked.

"Grace wants me to tell you that the cat is stuck in the tree again."

"So much for keeping anything a secret," Mason groaned.

"The busybodies probably had a field day after that kiss you gave me."

"I had to emphasise my interest somehow. You're completely blind to subtle hints."

"I'm not."

"Oh, come on. Even my boss knows."

"Knows what?"

"That I'm head over heels in love with you. Why do you think I'm the one that is sent to rescue your ass every time you get into trouble?"


Mason snorted. "As if. You're giving me a heart attack every time you climb that damn tree."

"Then send someone else next time."

"Next time?" He pulled her tightly to his chest. "Which next time?"

"Well, he's stuck right now. I'm considering going to try and rescue him. I'm getting the hang of this climbing thing."

"Are you?"

"Mmm," she murmured.

"Have you forgotten what I told you last night?" Mason asked.

"Which part of it? I can only remember the 'please, a little faster' part," she turned and smiled at him.

"Is that all you remember?" Mason asked as he pushed his lower body closer to hers. She could clearly feel his hardened cock pressing against her ass.

Katie blushed.

"I think there was a naked man in the bed. But, I'm not too sure about the details," Katie teased him.

Mason sighed.

"That does it!" he said and rolled her underneath him. He lay between her legs and let her feel every part of him rub against her.

"What are you doing?" Katie giggled.

"Refreshing your memory. And if you even think about cats while I fuck you, I'm tying you to the bed frame."

She laughed heartily.

"Meow," Katie said and watched how he tried to hold back his laughter.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ended too abruptly

Ada StuartAda Stuartabout 2 years agoAuthor

To RomanceLives from Ada Stuart:

Absolutely :-) I just liked the characters so much that I couldn't let them go, so I wrote an extended version with the title 'Burn'. It's available on all the sites where I publish my ebooks.

The easiest is to check out my webpage where you can find excerpts and direct links to all the sites (you can find the link to my webpage on my Biography page here on Literotica or just send me Feedback and I can send you the link). Hope it works out, and sorry that I can't add the link here :-)

RomanceLivesRomanceLivesabout 2 years ago

I love this story. Is there really an alternate/extended story called "Burn"? Where can I read that?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Love it, please write more about these two.

TardieuxTardieuxover 3 years ago
Il y a un chat

Une bonne dose d'humour, de le sensualité et de l'érotisme. en plus il y a un chat! Merci Ada

Ada StuartAda Stuartover 3 years agoAuthor
To luv_romance from Ada Stuart

"Yes this is short and funny. You did it, now... I want more. Hehe."

- And your wish has been fulfilled, LOL. I've just published an extended (and completely rewritten) version of this story. It's titled "Burn" - well, I had to since Mason is a firefighter, 😁❤️

- And to all my readers who were kind enough to add comments and send me feedback: Thank you so much ❤️ The story became so much better thanks to you 😄

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Firemen don't go on cat calls

Old man was a fireman. Whenever he got a cat call he would ask: Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree? Ans: No That is because when they get hungry, the come down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A great story

Loved the way the love sean went but the bit about the condom spoiled it ,to lovers getting carried way with him cumming deep inside her would have been much better.

No babies on this site

luedonluedonover 3 years ago

Another one of Ada's that I liked


I did like the way our two danced tentatively towards each other, with neither wanting to make a really big move. It happens so often with each dancer scared that too big a move will frighten his/her partner dancer away. The reader knows, the characters know, but there's always the fear that somebody may make the wrong move and it will all come undone.


A nicely constructed romance.



TheDrunkenNebbishTheDrunkenNebbishover 3 years ago

It is refreshing to read a well constructed love story by an author that knows and understands the words she's using.

Ada StuartAda Stuartover 3 years agoAuthor
Comments on the comments (3)

"Anonymous: Wonderful!

This is such a wonderful and tender love story. It is long in coming, as your story hints that there is a strong romantic interest on both sides. Mason seems such a great neighbor, a fine fireman, and an eager and qualified lover. When she orders him to "strip," I thought he'd reveal a bit of a sexy hairy chest to display for her. She does kiss his his chest and suck at his nipples -- imagine if there is chest hair there that she can get wet with her saliva. It is sexy for them! He loves her and makes no bones about that.

Please let this be the beginning of a fine romance for the two of them. Katie tracing her fingers through his sexy chest hair, and perhaps sucking his cock at the same time -- breathtaking!"

- Cool! I love your ideas! And I'm so annoyed I didn't think of it sooner. Thank you so much for the wonderful advice 😁❤️ Now I just have to make a longer version, LOL

"Anonymous: Nice

Nice short story but, enjoyable."

- Aww, thanks 😁❤️ I'm so glad you liked it even if it's a lot shorter than what I usually deliver to a contest 😄

"Anonymous: Short & Sweet

A nice little tale.

Thank You


- Wow, thanks 😁❤️ This time I had to choose between posting a short story or not post at all. I have to admit that I'm astounded by all the votes and comments I've received. And I'm so inspired to write more stories. Thank you so much 😁❤️


Ada StuartAda Stuartover 3 years agoAuthor
Comments on the comments (2)


A very tender romance, with a nice edge of cheekiness.

Sex scene evocative of mutual hunger, but actual act was overly rushed and somewhat brutal, that disturbed the balance of the narrative.

Four stars"

- I'm not surprised. The short format often makes it difficult to work in all the details I like to include. I'm very intrigued about your comments about the sex scene. Thanks ❤️ I will have a look and make improvements on that one. I want to make a longer version of this story so I'm very curious to learn what works and what doesn't work so well. Anyway, thank you so much ❤️

"Tess (UK): Your talent shines through

What a fantastic sexy story. Absolutely love it!

Thank you for sharing

Tess (UK)"

- Haha, Tess 😁❤️ You are always much too kind to me, but I appreciate it as always ❤️

"jmmj5: Heartwarming.

Fun. Light. Enjoyable.

Thank you."

- You're most welcome ❤️ I did actually tried to write something darker and scarier this time, but I just couldn't. I'll leave that to the experts😁

"Anonymous: Charming and steamy read!

Fun characters, cute plot, great love scenes, thanks for a perfect quick read :)"

- Wow, thanks 😁❤️ But I still can't resist expanding it one day. I have so many hot scenes that I really wanted to include.... Uhm, well, next time 😁

Ada StuartAda Stuartover 3 years agoAuthor
Comments on the comments

"cf12: Quick fun and sexy story. Thanks!"

- You're most welcome - and thanks for the nice comment 😁❤️

"Anonymous: Cracking little tale!"

- Thanks ❤️ I had plenty of ideas for a long one (as usual), but I would never have finished if I didn't start over with this short one instead. But next time....😁 it will be a long one 😁

"Anonymous: condom from where?

If Mason and Katie are both naked where did this condom come from?"

- Oops - I think you found the first plothole 😁 Thanks ❤️ I'll fix it!

"Anonymous: My 2 cents

Loved your story, as always. Thanks for your time and imagination."

- Awww, thank you so much 😁❤️ I still wish I could have shown you a full-length story, but my mind has been occupied with my first full-length werewolf story for some reason. And I don't argue too much when my mind wants to go somewhere, LOL

"Ravey19: Lovely Short Story

Another great story Ada. Am a bit annoyed as I missed a couple of things reviewing it for you."

- Haha, always the editor, Ravey19! Don't worry - I always include plenty of errors so I'm very happy for all the others you caught for me ❤️

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