Saying Yes


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"Oh. Do you want that?"

"More than you can imagine."

"You know, dad, I have a feeling in my heart right now. I feel strong, like I could take on the world. Do you know why?"

"No, why?"

"Because I was so afraid of making love to you. So afraid of letting you in this close. But I won over my fear, and that feels so good. The stuff you talk about. It's scary. Like the dentist. I know it's safe, because I do trust you. But it's still scary. I want to win over that fear too. So…here we go…yes. Yes, I will. You lead and I'll follow."

"But how far, baby? How far? What if I bring you a man, and leave the room? What if I bring you a woman? What if I turn you over for the night to several men? What if they're a band of big, hardened bikers or something?"


"And how rough can you take it, even from me? Can you take it tied down? Will you cry if I deep throat you? If I call you ugly names? If someone else does, someone who means it? Can you take a spanking? Can you take a whip? Excitement though degradation? Pleasure through pain?"

"Whoa, dad. I don't know…"

"…No, hush, listen to me. Look at me. Look into my eyes. Trust, remember? You have to trust me, sweetie. Always trust me to know what is good."

"Um…ok. I mean yes."

"You see. I don't want to only penetrate your body. I want to penetrate your soul. I don't want any part of you kept from me, Laurie. And no part of me will be kept from you. We will be one, bound forever together by our love and our secret. I need to explore your sex, both physically and mentally. To discover where your limits are, and rediscover my own. You mother and I did, but it was so long ago. I need to see how much of a sexual creature I can make you, just like I made her once, see what triggers the most intense reactions in you. Do you understand?"

"I think so."

"Do you?"

"Yes. Yes I understand."

"Then will you let me take you there? Will you obey me? Will you trust me to guide you? Will you let me shape you?"

"I…oh daddy, I..."

"That's not the word, Laurie. Say the word. Say it!"

"Yes! Yes, oh yes! Anything daddy. Anything at all."

"Oh, baby girl. I love you so."

"I love you too. Hey, dad?"


"You're, um, hard again."

"Why, I do believe you're right. And it's still deep in your sweet cunt, right where it belongs. Hold on to something, because I'll last much longer this time. Have you ever fingered your ass?"


"Then get ready for something new."

"Yes, daddy."

"Aah. 'Yes'. I love that word!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Saying NO!

The old sicko didn't love her - he loved himself.

I'm sorry I read it.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Loved it

can't waint for the next one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
What an interesting way to write....

For the fact that it is not easy to write in total dialogue, I give you the author some serious credit...although like other reviewers I did feel like the father was far too pushy and needed to have more tenderness in dealing with a hesitant the whole telling her that she would have to let him use her in every degrading way that he saw fit was just too unbelievable, especially since she's suppose to be this "really smart girl."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

It's something of a psychological thriller. I like your story, but I'd like you to eventually continue by describing their passionate feelings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Good Try!

I agree with WFeather. Difficult format to write but a commendable effort. The degradation part spoiled it at the end though...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
out right boreing

this story was as hot as dark side of the moon. the sex was boreing you never gave a describsion of the daughter. it took you almost the entire first page just to get, to get to any thing close to sex.

drsaltdrsaltabout 19 years ago
Not quite there

I give you a "B" for craft -- skillfully using nothing but dialog -- but only a "C-" for story.

"Daddy" seems a little too predatory to love her as much as he says he does. Laying all his fantasies on her at once, so early in their new relationship is too much.

Crystal GoddessCrystal Goddessabout 19 years ago
Sorry but..

This story had about as much heat as a dead fish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
like watching a ping-pong match

There was a story there, but it needed to be fleshed out a little and made more reader friendly.

WFEATHERWFEATHERabout 19 years ago
Great Effort with Difficult Format

I have read other stories that are composed of nothing but dialogue, and was sorely disappointed. Stories of this type of extremely difficult to write, but you have done quite well here, writing just enough "detail" into the dialogue to help guide the reader's imagination and interpretation of the events. The content is a bit disturbing, but that can also be a good thing; I only wish there had been a bit more of a "backstory" to the conversation seven months earlier... perhaps a prequel is required?

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