Schoolhouse Rock Ch. 07


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"And that's just it: my life continues." I said. "Pete Feeley's did not. And every time I look at his Shield on my wall, or think of him buried here, I know that I am called to continue that fight. I would be dishonored before him if I did not. Pete Feeley inspires me to keep fighting, to destroy Evil, be it Marcie Harper's drug ring, the Consultant of Crime's brutality towards dogs and humans, or political Elitists that try to destroy our Individual Freedoms and my beloved U.S. Constitution. When I stand here before Pete Feeley, I resolve to endure the insults and the pain, however relentless they are and how hard it is to bear, and continue on."

"Like the true Guardian of Justice that you are." Teresa said. "I'm honored to share that battle with you, be it for Pete Feeley, for Amy and Alexis... or just for the sake of fighting it." I nodded.

"Okay, let's go get breakfast." Teresa said. "You've had a long night, totally fucking up a lot of bad guys, and I'm hungry after violating FAA regulations in the Whirlybat all night."

I allowed Teresa to lead me away from that honored place, where Corporal Feeley would continue his eternal overwatch as Teresa and I would continue ours...

Part 36 - Cleanup on Aisle '1'

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the lovely redheaded reporterette at 7:00am, Monday, February 4th. "Channel Two News is bringing you continuing coverage of the incredible drug bust in our County over the weekend!"

Bettina started: "The TCPD, Officers from several local jurisdictions, and the Federal DEA worked together to make dozens of arrests and confiscate several tons of cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl worth a street value of as much as 400 million dollars... yes, I said four hundred million dollars... making it the largest drug bust in our State's history and one of the biggest busts in our Nation's history! The bust took place at Al Sharpton Elementary School in our Town & County on Saturday night."

"Channel Two News has learned that the drug operation involved drop-offs at elementary schools around the State, the same schools where you send your children to be educated." said Bettina. "Codes for the delivery time, place, and amounts of the drugs were allegedly concealed in the popular Marcie Harper videos that are viewed by elementary school children every week. Marcie Harper was arrested Saturday night, and is being interrogated by local and Federal law enforcement agencies."

"And those Federal and local law enforcement entities are crediting TCPD Commander Donald Troy with detecting the huge State-wide drug operation," continued Bettina, "and with formulating and leading the operation to shut it down and arrest those involved. Praise for Commander Troy and his teams are pouring in from all corners of the State. Sarah Honeysuckle, spokesperson for the deeply unpopular Jared Administration said 'Governor Jared is grateful that Commander Donald Troy has taken hundreds of millions of dollars worth of drugs off our streets so that they'll never get into the hands of our children.'."

Bettina went on: "FBI Special Agent in Charge Jack Muscone issued a statement saying 'Commander Troy's leadership has once again brought criminals to justice and taken filthy drugs off our streets. On behalf of the FBI and the DEA, I congratulate and thank Commander Troy for this brilliant success.'..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Bettina's back." Teresa Croyle said as we watched in the Chief's Conference Room. "How'd she beat the rap?"

"Plea deal." I said. "Bettina had to sign a consent decree that she would obey all Police instructions and not accost Officers at crime scenes, fire scenes, or accident scenes; and she pled nolo contendere to the Assault on Police Officers charges, which the Judge accepted. In exchange, Judge Watts agreed to D.A. Miriam Walters's offer of a suspended sentence for Bettina and her cameraman. Also, and in exchange for KXTC not suing us, the TCPD and TCFD agreed to allow the Press access to crime scenes and fire scenes, though at 'reasonable' distances, which was stated in the agreement as 100 feet away."

"And I'm okay with that." said Chief Moynahan. "Commander Ross?"

"Sounds good to me," said Cindy, "as long as the Press respects us and lets us do our jobs."

"What about you, Crowbar?" asked Sheriff Griswold.

"I wasn't asked, sir." I said grumpily. "And that's all I'll say about it."

"Good soldier, son." said Griswold. He knew I would never have agreed to that if it had been up to me. Cindy didn't say anything, but I could tell she was working hard to keep her face emotionless. The rift was not healed.

"The good news izzzzz," drawled the Chief, "someone has made our Police Force great again. That drug bust was truly an magnificent job, Commander."

"Thank you, Chief." I said. "I had a lot of help, especially from my Angels that caught Marcie Harper trying to sneak out of Town."

"Which you sent us to make happen." said Teresa. "How you saw that one coming, I'll never know."

"It's not completely over, yet." I said. "They're still processing the files with the school employees's names. In fact, we have a bust to make this morning..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Show excitement,

Or emotion.

They're generally set apart from a sentence

By an exclamation point,

Or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong. "

--- Schoolhouse Rock, 'Interjections'

The first graders of Eastside Elementary sat on the floor of the library in front of the big-screen monitor... all of the first graders. As the new librarian started the video, I noticed Carole, Marie, and Jameis right up front and center. Not far away, I got my first good observations of Shawn Redmond. He looked bored, his eyes shifty. Yep, Carole was right, I thought to myself; that boy is going to be trouble one day...

The video began: "Hello, I'm Yvonne Newton, and I'll be doing the video lessons for the rest of the year." said Yvonne as she appeared on the screen. The children cheered. Principal Butler, standing off to one side, looked unhappy.

Principal Butler had stormed into the library when he found out that I'd come in without checking into the Office first. "Commander Troy, this abuse of our rules has got to stop. What kind of example are you setting for our children?"

"Yes, the abuse of the rules must stop." I said. "And I'm setting a great example of that today. But first, let's let the kids watch the new Marcie Harper video."

"There is no new video. She was arrested." Principal Butler said. Then the children started coming in and taking their places on the floor.

There were no fade-outs on the screen, no codes on the chalkboard. The set was different; Marcie's entire set had been taken into evidence by the Midtown PD, in cooperation with the TCPD and Federal DEA. At the end of the lesson, a screen came up and a voice said "This video brought to you by the State Public School System, with a grant from BOW Enterprises Corporation."

Yes, I'd arranged for Yvonne to replace Marcie, and Todd wanted to sponsor the videos. The children of the State would continue to get excellent lessons, like I remember getting from 'Schoolhouse Rock' segments on televisions when I was growing up. And all of the State's children would get them, regardless of any school's ability to pay.

"Kids," I said after the video was over, as I went to stand in front of them, "I have another surprise. All of the first-grade kids of Eastside Elementary have been invited to the State Capitol tomorrow, to see the State of the State address."

"YAYYYYYY!" cheered the kids, showing excitement and emotion.

"Who..." started Principal Butler, who then said "who authorized that? I don't know anything about that!" His feelings were not as strong.

"I'll explain outside." I said, gently leading the principal outside while the kids got instructions on what to wear (nice clothes) for the big day in Midtown, and the buses they'd be riding on.

Once outside, Principal Butler was about to light into me. "What is this about?" he started, then noticed several Police Officers, led by Lt. Irwin.

"What this is about, Butler," I said, "is that you are under arrest, for conspiracy to distribute drugs via the use of your school's building. Yes, Mr. Butler, the abuse of the rules must stop, and I'm stopping that abuse right now."

Lt. Irwin affixed the cuffs and two Uniformed Officers led him away, protesting his innocence. Not that I hadn't figured it out, but Principal Butler's name had been one of those on Marcie's 'naughty' list of bad, bad school employees that were working with her...

Part 37 - Paying Some HOA Dues

11:00am, Monday, February 4th. Gus Bradshaw was collected and brought to Interrogation-1. Jennifer Martin was collected and brought to Interrogation-2. Their lawyers had been called, and were present with their clients.

"Okay, it's time to end the criminal portion of this charade." I growled to my MCD Detectives, who I'd collected and brought to MCD if they weren't already there. "Teachable moment: I want each of you to tell me what you'd do in this situation.

"Tell them both that only one deal is on the table." said Joanne Warner. "And whoever takes it first and throws the other under the bus gets the deal."

"You gonna let one go scot-free to get the other?" I asked.

"Uhh..." Joanne said, then faltered.

"Better be sure." said Captain Croyle. "I don't want either of these losers to just walk."

"Me neither." I said.

"So we'll offer limited immunity, reduced sentence?" Jerome Davis tried.

"Why should they take that?" I replied. "Where's the incentive?"

When I looked at Julia Rodriguez, she shrugged her shoulders. At least she was being honest in indicting she had no idea.

"Teddy?" I asked, my eyes boring into Detective Parker.

"I have one idea, sir." said Teddy. "It's not the morally right thing to do, but it might be Iron Wolf approved." He stated his idea.

"I like your style." Teresa replied when she heard it. "I do approve."

"Meets my criteria, too." I said. Remembering Jerome's evaluation of Parker as a potential interrogator, I said "Okay, Parker, you get the shot at the title."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Detective Teddy Parker strode into I-2, followed by Detective Julia Rodriguez. He sat down and re-read Jennifer Martin her Constitutional rights.

"Why are you wasting our time with this?" Gwen Munson said.

"Keeping things tidy." said Parker, his voice as flat as his eyes as he glared at Munson, then Martin.

"Mrs. Martin," said Parker, "you face some very serious crimes, as well as numerous lawsuits by residents of the Heritage Cloisters community. We can give you a reduced sentence, reduced financial restitution, and possibly a favorable settlement of the lawsuits... in exchange for your testimony against Gus Bradshaw and you giving Captain Croyle the HOA Board's Power of Attorney and calling for a new HOA Board election before resigning from it."

"I have no problem giving you what you need on Gus." said Jennifer, a bit craftily. "But I'm not doing a damn thing to help those bastard residents, especially Pascal and Croyle."

"Full immunity for my client, and she'll agree to those terms." asked Gwen Munson. When Jennifer looked over at her, she leaned in and whispered something. Jennifer looked dull and defeated, but nodded her head.

"All right." said Jennifer. "Full immunity, and you have a deal."

"That was not our offer." said Julia Rodriguez. "Our offer is a reduced sentence. Our Commander is a generous man, and he's willing to convince the ADA to give you 4 years, chance of parole in two years with good behavior, in exchange for your testimony and calling for an HOA Board election. He might even go lower on the time, but the fines would be a lot higher."

"You're not giving my client any incentive." said Gwen Munson. "By the time all this goes through the Courts, she might get time served... or she might be acquitted. I'm not convinced my client has even done anything actually illegal."

"I am convinced that she has." said Teddy Parker. "And the paper trail of the financial crimes is well established."

"I think we're done talking, here." said Gwen Munson. "Offer us something real, and we'll talk." She stood up, to indicate the interview was over.

"Okay, how's this?" Parker replied. He then bored in on Jennifer and said: "Mrs. Martin, have you given any thought to your children in all of this?"

"My mom's taking care of them." said Jennifer. "They're fine."

"Not for much longer." Parker said, allowing some menace to creep into his voice. "DFACS is going to be contacted. Your children will be taken away from you. They might be put into the system, and if they're lucky they'll be put in a decent home..."

"You son of a b---" Gwen started, but Parker held up his hand.

"Ah ah ah!" he said. "Don't insult my mother, Ms. Munson. And let me finish my statement. It's very possible that the children's father will be contacted. If he claims them, he'll get custody of them, especially while you're in prison----"

"NO!" shouted Jennifer. "You better keep my kids away from that god-damn bastard!"

"Not much we can do." said Parker.

"Stop intimidating my client!" yelled Gwen Munson. "I'm going to have your badges for this! This is harassment! It's Police brutality!---"

"You don't know the meaning of the word." said a voice in the doorway. It was Your Iron Crowbar, coming in. "And if you accuse my Officers of Police brutality again, you'll be sued, and you'll be before the State Bar like H.J. Lynch. I'm not brooking those accusations any more, not at all."

"As to your client," I said, bearing down on the still-standing Gwen Munson, who was much shorter than me even in her high heels, "those are just the facts. If your client doesn't come correct and take my very generous deal, which will include our petition to the Court to let your client's children remain with their maternal grandmother until their mother is paroled... then I'll be personally calling the children's father and his attorney, and inviting him to claim his children, and to take them out of the State, where their mother will never see them again."

Gwen Munson's face was a mask of furious hatred. Jennifer Martin was sobbing, breaking down.

"You can't threaten my client like that!" Munson snarled. "I'll see you in Court over this!"

"Be my guest." I said. "See you in the Courtroom. In the meantime, I have a phone call to make." I turned and left the room.

"You heard the man." Parker said. He stood up, and Rodriguez followed his example. "We're going to talk to Bradshaw now. He's desperate; he's begging for a deal." He turned to go.

"WAIT!" screamed Jennifer Martin. She was broken to our fist, to use a little falconry lingo...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"That was brutal." said Teresa, as she watched on the monitor Jennifer's sobbing confession of everything to Parker and ADA Paulina Patterson. "But after what Katherine Woodburn tried to do to Cindy and Betsy, I'm not feeling much remorse about it."

"I hated doing it." I said. "I absolutely hated it. But it was time to wrap this up and put it to bed."

"Wouldn't DFACS have just given custody of the kids to the grandmother anyway?" asked Joanne Warner, who was totally shocked by what she had witnessed.

"Maybe. Maybe not." I said. "Anyway, Gus is next. What do we do to get his confession?"

Jerome Davis said "Once Jennifer turns on him, he's toast on the HOA Board stuff. I don't think we'll ever prove anything regarding the Burke house arson, and there's nothing we can offer by way of a reduced sentence, since the arson charges would put him away for life, pretty much no matter what."

"And we still get to sue them both." Teresa said.

"Probably not." I said. "Munson is good enough that she'll work some kind of settlement for Jennifer. Gus is going to jail; what does he care? He'll just declare bankruptcy..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Teresa walked with me as we went down the back hall towards our offices. "Something else that I hate about this: I'm not sure Gus is the worse of the two. And then there's Irene Allen, who is walking away scot-free... which is my fault."

"Oh well, lesson learned." I said. "I think there's a lot we all, myself included, can learn about case management from this whole thing... a lot." Teresa nodded vigorously in agreement.

Part 38 - An Iron-Hard Reward

Wednesday, February 6th. The director yelled "Cut!" and a bell rang. "That's it, that's a wrap!" said the director.

Yvonne Newton came over to me as I watched. She was wearing a blue blouse and white skirt that showed off her slender form to advantage, and white high heel pumps that showed off her shapely legs. I was wearing civilian clothes, with my badge on my belt and gun holstered under my shoulder.

"That's it for this session." Yvonne said. "I really appreciate you and Todd getting all this set up for me."

"This is all Todd's doing." I said. "I just recommended you as the new hostess with the mostest." Yvonne laughed, and I said "Why don't we go get some lunch? You deserve a reward for all the help you gave me."

"I have a better idea." she said flirtatiously, her eyes warm and inviting as they looked into mine. "Why don't you come to my apartment with me? And give me the 'reward' I really want from you..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yvonne knew what she wanted, and she was not holding back. Within a minute of us sitting down on her sofa, having taken off our coats and me putting my gun and badge under my jacket on a chair, I was sliding my tongue over hers as our mouths met in a warm, wet kiss. I began feeling her breasts through her blouse as her hand explored my crotch, running along the outline of my rapidly hardening cock.

Yvonne then stood up, so that she could straddle me. As she settled onto me, grinding her clothed loins into mine, our mouths met again in a tongue-twining kiss. My hands began deftly opening her blouse and taking it off of her, then removing her bra. She moaned into my mouth as I massaged her ample breasts, tweaking her hard nipples.

Then she slid off of me and onto her knees on the floor in front of me. Her eyes sparkled as she undid my belt and opened my pants. Her hands reached inside and pulled out my cock, freeing my iron-hard weapon of lust from the confines of the pants and my underwear.

"Mmmm, it really is that hard." she murmured. Before I could say a word, she opened her mouth and engulfed my throbbing meat into her hot wet mouth. I groaned as the pleasure flooded my loins, and I just watched as her black-haired head bobbed up and down as fellated me as if she were starved for cock, sucking hard as her lips slid up and down my taut shaft.

Yvonne began fondling my balls as she voraciously sucked my cock. The pleasure was building in my loins, and we both sensed it as I moaned. Yvonne let my prick slide out of her mouth, then she stood up and began taking off her skirt and panties. I took the opportunity to slide my trousers down my legs into a puddle on the floor.

Yvonne sat down on me again, and I reached down and slid a finger into her pussy. She was sopping wet, more than ready to be impaled on my hard male meat. She raised up and gripped my cockshaft, and guided the helmeted head into her labes. We both groaned as she lowered herself down onto me, taking my inches into her tight womanhood.

"Oh my God, that is so good." Yvonne moaned. "It feels like an iron bar inside me, so hard..."

I sucked and fondled Yvonne's nipples as she rode me, moving her hips back and forth as my cock churned her cunt into a lather. Then she gasped and her cunt clutched hard at me as she orgasmed. Her slender body began shivering as her hands clutched my shoulders. When it was over, I pulled her mouth to mine and aggressively French-kissed her.