Sean's Next Adventure Ch. 01

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Sean moves on to his next adventure. Mika gets found out.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/15/2022
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The Prologue

As Sean lined up for a routine field goal during the team's last regular season game he was being watched. Mark Thomas sat with his wife Hannah, his daughter Courtney, his son Scott and Scott's fiance Tiffani in their den. Little did Sean know there was someone else watching. A 6 ft 4 inch 275 pound third team tight end with little future in the game. The large man was coming off the edge on Sean's blindside.

Sean went through his pre kick routine, the game meant nothing win or lose other than pride. Tech had their bowl game bid accepted and their opponent was going nowhere. Sean judged the wind, visualized the kick and nodded to his holder. The snap game spiraled back perfectly from Seth in a perfect spiral, Jace caught the ball, turned the laces as he placed it down. This was routine for the three of them. As the ball was set Sean took his steps, Left, Right, Plant, Kick.

Sean never saw if the kick was good as the large man dove head first into the back of Sean's helmet. The last thing Sean remembers was the rage of the home team crowd and Jace screaming for the trainer.

The team doc and trainer ran onto the field as penalty flags flew and players started to scuffle. The television broadcast went to commercial as the Thomas family watched. Mark smirked, it was the best $25,000 he had ever spent. As Sean had found out over the summer, Mark had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years to pay for his kink. This was just a small "investment" to get revenge on the piece of shit that had tormented his family.

Sean's head felt like hell as he laid on the turf. It was his first real injury other than a few times he had to shake cobwebs after being blocked on a kick off. He laid there as the 65,000 people looked on.

"Sean," look at me, said his trainer, "Look at me and don't look at anything else. You're going to be okay."

Sean rolled his head to the side and proceeded to throw up.

As the team neurosurgeon had trainers sit Sean up it was obvious that Sean had no idea where he was. His eyes were open but there was nobody home. The doctor looked to the head trainer as Jace and Seth went to help Sean up. As Sean stood he moaned in pain as his left ankle buckled. As the teams went into their locker rooms at halftime Sean was deep in the heart of the stadium getting an X-Ray.

The trainer that worked with the Special Team unit looked at Sean as Sean looked down at his black and blue ankle. He was still foggy. The trainer said, "Doc doesn't think anything is broken, but we are going to take you over to get an MRI to see how bad it is."

Sean nodded, "Kacey, after the game."

"Sean," Kacey started.

"After the game," Sean demanded.

Kacey smiled, her blue eyes sparkling, "Damn football players, fine after the game."

Sean smiled, "I need crutches."

She shook her head, "You are going back out there to watch?"

People like Kacey would never fully understand a man like Sean. Abandoned by his father, ridiculed all through school, never accepted by his high school teammates. Being a part of something bigger than himself, being accepted as part of a team meant everything to Sean. Sean winked at her and smiled his crooked grin showing one dimple on his right cheek, "Yes, ma'am."

Kacey said, "Fine, but I will need to wrap and ice. Plus no crutches with your concussion. Can you get dressed?"

Sean nodded as two of the student managers loaded him up into a golf cart and gave him a ride back to the home locker room. The managers got out and had Sean put his arms over their shoulders as he hopped to his locker. They waited, "Kacey can give me a ride back to the field, I'm good, go take care of the guys." They nodded and got back into the golf cart and drove down the tunnel to the field.

Sean wasn't as good as he thought. It took him a bit longer to hobble around his locker and put on his maroon tracksuit than was usual. Kacey walked into the locker room while Sean had not yet managed to get his pants on.

The athletic trainer laughed, "Uh huh. You got this, dude."

Sean shrugged as she walked across the room towards him. She bent down and started to pull his pants up. "Damn, she smelled good," is the only thought that rushed to his head. His cock started to grow and was well outlined by his compression shorts. When Kacey looked up there was no mistaking the outline of his cock. Standing made Sean dizzy, he reached out instinctively to balance himself on Kacey's shoulders. This caused Kacey to come face to face with Sean's cock. Sean blushed and shrugged, "Sorry Kacey."

Kacey blushed as well, "Nothing to apologize for. Impressed that it still works with the pain from that ankle and the scrambled brain." She helped him get his pants up and handed him his crutches. "Let's get you on the table and get some ice and wrapped, that air cast won't help if it keeps swelling."

She helped him to the trainers table as she filled an ice bag and started about wrapping his ankle. It was the first time Sean really looked at it. The ankle was blue and yellow and swollen, it looked like a softball. Kacey wanted him to wiggle his toes for her, it was really hard for him to do. The look on her face caused Sean to be scared for the first time.

Kacey saw the look on his face, "You'll be fine but it's going to take time."

Sean's spirit was crushed as she finished wrapping his ankle, she slapped him on the thigh, "Come on 2-Ball - let's get you back to the field."

Sean shook his head, 'I don't think I want to."

It was Kacey's turn to be forceful. "Doctor's orders 2-Ball. You need to let these people and your teammates see you."

Sean crutched his way to the cart and started the drive down the tunnel. He looked at the rock above the entry to the field. Kacey stopped the cart, and looked at Sean, "I'll help you 2-Ball."

She helped him stand, he wrapped an arm over her shoulder as he touched the stone. Some fans were looking down the tunnel and saw Sean touch the stone and soft applause started

He sat back in the golf cart and Kacey started the drive down the sideline. The soft applause followed him like a wave. His teammates turned to see him hobbling and wobbly. The defense came and gathered around him as he hobbled over to where the special teams hung out on the bench. Their safety, a huge hitter from Baton Rouge came over with their starting strong side linebacker, a monster who looked like a viking with long red hair and a beard from Minnesota walked over and rubbed Sean's head. The safety looked him in the eye. "Don't worry, kick, I got you. Number 83 don't want back on this field."

Sean hobbled over to his coach. Kickers were that weird commodity on a football team. The head coach rarely paid any attention to their kicker unless they fucked up. Sean was surprised when the coach took off his headset and put his arm around him. "Classes and Rehab, Rehab and Classes. Coach up the kid for the bowl game. I got you #2."

The ESPN cameras caught the exchange as the commentary team sent the broadcast to the field where the sideline reporter said, "Sean Little is in street clothes, looks like his night is over." Up in the booth the broadcast team commented on the dirty hit and how it's good news that he's on the sidelines. They showed the hit on him in again in slow motion. The announcer said, "That was one of the dirtiest plays I've seen in this game, there is no place for it."

The color commentator replied, "Here's hoping that young man is going to be okay, you can tell that he's feeling the concussion and the ankle. He will be lucky to kick in the bowl game."

Hundreds of miles away tears welled up in Courtney's eyes as her brother spoke, "Fucking kicker, even when he's not playing they make him sound like he's something special." Hannah didn't say anything, just looked at the evil smirk on her husband's face.

Sean's phone blew up that night as he went to the hospital. After the MRI the team doctor looked at him. "You're here for the night. I don't want you alone with that concussion. Dark, no texting, you know the protocol."

The special teams coach Matt and his wife Jen were there. Matt looked at him, "Listen to the doc. We will get that ankle right." Jen hugged him, "I'll check on you in the morning."

His grandparents called, friends checked in on him. He wanted to talk to his grandfather about something life changing but didn't think with the pain meds it was a good idea. Around midnight Sean was awakened by his phone ringing. He looked at the screen, "Courtney" it read. He turned his phone over and went back to sleep.

On Sunday Sean was sitting in his bed in the dark when the team orthopedic surgeon came in. The results of his MRI were back. Nothing was broken, nothing was torn. The rehab would be hell, said the team surgeon but Sean should be ready to go next fall.

Rehab was hell, missing the bowl game sucked but at least he got to travel with the team and enjoy all of the bowl festivities. Tech won 20-17 but the freshman backup missed an extra point and a field goal. Sean was suffering a bit from post concussion syndrome, headaches and some tinnitus would flare up from time to time but nothing horrible. He had changed his education focus after talking to his grandfather about coming home after graduation and taking over the family farm and actually growing it. He would continue in his Computer Engineering program, but take some extra classes in Agricultural Applied Econ as well.

The Beginning

Just after Christmas Sean was going stir crazy. Jace and Seth had decided to go home and the campus was empty. Sean couldn't bring himself to go home and deal with the Thomas clan. One cold morning he walked down to a local coffee shop to grab a bagel and coffee for breakfast. As he sat down he overheard a woman on the phone behind him.

"The divorce will be final in a couple of weeks. Best thing I could have ever done. Limp dicked piece of shit had the nerve to ask for alimony for working while I finished school. My attorney quickly reminded the judge that he was a medical doctor and made more than I did. We sold the house. Yeah, I'll be moving just about the time classes start." It was obvious to Sean she had Airpods in as he was only hearing one part of the conversation.

He tried to flip through TikTok to distract him from eavesdropping when he heard, "The sex was horrible, you know what they say about Asian men? Yeah, it's true. Tiny dicks and they don't know how to use them. God, I just want to be bent over and taken, treated like a fuckdoll by some big stud. I want to be his personal whore" Sean heard a laugh, "I know there are plenty of big football guys around her, but I'm a professor I can't do that."

Sean looked back to his phone as the woman got up and started to walk out. Sean was struck by this tiny Asian woman with long dark hair. She was wearing a black dress and black flats. "Jesus," he thought, "She is gorgeous."

Sean forgot about this gorgeous woman until he knocked on an office door in the econ department next week. He heard, 'Come"

Sean walked in and saw the same woman sitting behind a desk with her glasses pulled down on her nose. She looked up and smiled, "May I help you?"

"Dr. Matsuda?" Sean asked

"Yes, may I help you?"

"My name is Sean Little, I am going to be in your Applied Ag Econ class this spring."

She ruffled through some papers, "Ah yes, the football player. She looked up at him over her glasses. "You must have pulled some strings as the class was full."

Sean shrugged, "No ma'am, I can't speak for any of the academic advisors but I did no such thing."

She smiled, "It's not important. What is important is that this class is advanced and you don't have an econ background it says."

Sean smiled back, a smile that disarmed her, "No, but I will work my ass off. It's what I do."

She nodded, "So class doesn't start until the end of next week, back to my original question, "How may I help you?"

Sean looked at her, "I wanted to make sure you had the information from the doctor about PCS and to ask if there was any pre-class reading I could do to make sure I'm not too far behind when we start."

Mika Matsuda smiled, "I do have the information thank you. I wish I had reading material but I am in the process of a move. Moving offices as you can see, and moving to a new home."

Sean found his opening, "Do you need any help?"

She shook her head, "No thank you."

Sean smiled, "I missed the bowl game because of my ankle, my roommates are gone for the next week, the trainers are beating my ass, I mean butt..."

She smiled up at him with her dark eyes, "Ass is fine, I am not a prude."

Sean acknowledged, "beating my ass and I am bored. Something to do besides being in therapy or playing Play Station would be good for me."

Mika thought, she took her glasses off and stuck the tip of the earpiece in her mouth. "I could use the help, but this isn't for extra credit and I'm not paying for something I could do myself."

Sean shook his head, "None expected, I take what I want I don't expect it given to me, plus I'm on scholarship I can't take your money."

The way he looked at her and those words made her stomach tighten up. "You can help with the office and we will see about the house. Can you start in the morning?"

Sean shrugged, "I can, or I could start now."

Mika stood up. She was small, maybe 5'2, tiny hips, an amazing smile with eyes that tell their own story. What stood out though were her breasts. Large and full, her dress showed ample cleavage. Sean had to force himself to not stare. She walked by him and he caught a smell of her perfume, she smelled like jasmine. As she walked down the hall she commanded, "Follow me."

She talked about her promotion and her move to the new office but Sean didn't really hear anything as her ass wiggled back and forth in front of her. His mind raced back to the overheard conversation he had overheard about her wanting to be treated like a fuckdoll.

She went to the elevator and pushed the button. Sean stood next to her, this would be the perfect chance, he thought. The door opened and they stepped inside and the door closed. Mika was suddenly aware of Sean's size and his magnetism. She had to remind herself that she was a professor and he was a student.

She led him to the office and unlocked the door. "It's a mess, but it was home for years," she said as she waved her arm to the boxes and books. "Have fun."

Sean set his jaw, 'I'll have your office moved by morning."

Mika laughed, 'Yeah, and I'm going to be homecoming queen."

Sean shrugged and winked at her. "Bet. If it's not done I have to bring you coffee every class for the semester."

Mika paused and cocked her head, causing her pony tail to fall to her left side, "And if you can work miracles?"

He grinned a smile that Mika could have mistaken for flirty as his eyes twinkled, "If I win, then you take me out for coffee.

She flirted back, "I don't date students."

Sean put his hands up, "I didn't say date, you did."

Mika lowered her eyes, "Fair enough." She put out her small hand, Sean's hand completely covered her tiny hand. He smiled, but his eyes flashed his dominance, "Fair Enough."

Mika left and Sean started getting to work. A couple of texts and he was able to get some carts and a dolly from the football office. Sean started to work, packing and stacking boxes. He decided to work on the old office while Dr. Matsuda was in her new office. At lunch time he closed the door and went to grab a bite to eat.

He walked into a place close to the office and took a seat in a booth with large wooden seats. Again, he was pretty much hidden from view. As he ate he got lucky again as he heard who he now knew to be Mika Matsuda on the phone. "My God, he's gorgeous. Broad shouldered, narrow hips. Built like a fucking god. Anne, stop it, he's a student. But what a student he is. Fuck," she muttered, "At least I can have some eye candy and some toy fun this semester."

Sean decided to escalate, he stood up and walked over to Dr. Matsuda's table. She looked up and then immediately lowered her eyes. She knew that he had to hear what she had said, he knew that she knew that he heard. He smiled that disarming smile and said, 'Doc, I should have everything packed this afternoon. I will get it all moved tonight and I can help unpack tomorrow if that's okay."

She had that anxious energy in the pit of her stomach, a natural submissive all the good doctor could do was nod. As Sean walked away Mika whispered, "Oh shit, oh shit. Anne, he was sitting behind me, he heard everything."

Her friend on the other end of the call laughed, 'Maybe you'll get more than you hope for Mika."

Mika was mortified, "I have to go," she hung up the phone, sent a text to the department secretary that she wasn't feeling well and went home.Of course the home needed to be moved too. She was still living in the old house, but time was running out. Closing was coming soon and she needed to move.

As he predicted, Sean packed up everything in boxes and before he quit for the day had moved every box into Dr. Matsuda's new office. He went home, pleased with how the day had gone. Maybe things were looking up. As he ate he sat and did his therapy, his ankle was getting stronger every day. He also did his mental therapy, he still had an occasional moment of fog or a headache, but it seemed to be getting better.

The next morning he headed to the Econ office, actually arriving before Dr. Matsuda. He sat and waited, chatting with the grad assistant a bit, and actually gave her an autograph for her younger brother. When Mika Matsuda showed up she had regained her composure. "Sean," she said, "I don't think you need to help today."

Sean pushed past her, "Nonsense, I have nothing better to do and you need to have this done. Just tell me where you want the books and I'll make sure they are where you want them. I boxed them alphabetically by the Author's last name. I couldn't remember the old Dewey Decimal system so I hope this works."

Mika looked past Sean to her GA who was fanning herself. She mouthed, "I WANT THAT," causing Mika to blush. Sean caught her, "Are you okay?" he asked.

Mika lost her composure, "Wha.. Yes, I'm fine. Just distracted. Busy day. What were you saying? Oh, yes, the books. Alphabetically, that's fine. Just put them up."

Sean headed into the office, looking like an innocent school boy, but his mind was in a place that wasn't innocent at all. Sean worked quietly through the morning, busying himself unpacking and breaking down boxes. As lunch drew near Mika stood up with a file folder and turned, running square into Sean, the folder went flying and pictures went everywhere. The pictures showed Dr. Matsuda naked, they showed her blindfolded on a St. George's Cross, they showed her with a dick in one hand and one in her mouth. Both were very small. There was one picture though with Dr. Matsuda on her knees with a mid sized white cock in her mouth, her wedding ring clearly visible in all of the pictures.

Sean smiled as Dr. Matsuda froze in terror. Sean bent to pick them up. "Well, well, well what do we have here? It seems that the limp dick husband wasn't the only dick that you had around. I wonder what his divorce attorney would pay for these?"

Dr. Matsuda started to beg, "Sean, please. These were from a wild girls weekend in Vegas, a one time thing. It was a bachelorette weekend and things got out of control." She reached for the pictures.

Sean grabbed her hand, "Oh, I don't think so Mika, you don't mind if I call you Mika do you? Mika, what would your soon to be ex husband or his attorney say? What would the dean say? There is a personal conduct clause in your contract I am sure, just as there is one in my scholarship."

Mika was looking for any leverage she could find, "Give me the pictures Sean. I'll give you an A for the class."