Sean's Next Adventure Ch. 03

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Sean and Mika plus Anne make three.
4.8k words

Part 3 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/15/2022
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Saturday arrived and Sean was up early. He stopped by Dunkin and grabbed a couple dozen donuts and half of a cambro of coffee. He wasn't sure how many people Mika had lined up to help her move so he wanted to make sure there was plenty for the morning.

He pulled onto her street and saw the U-Haul truck backed into the driveway, he double checked the address. He saw a silver Lexus parked next to the truck. He parked along the street and made his way up the driveway to the door. As he started to knock he heard shouts from inside. He heard glass breaking and a male hurling insults. "My parents were right, you fucking gold digging bitch, I should have never married you" was the mildest of the insults. Sean opened the door and walked into the house.

The man Sean guessed was Mika's soon to be ex husband, Dr. Dejav Malhotra. He stood just a few inches taller than the 5'2" Mika and was not much wider. He had backed Nika to the refrigerator, dishes were scattered and broken. Mika was crying. Dejav never heard Sean come in. As Sean set the coffee and donuts on the counter Dr. Malhotra slammed his open hand against the freezer door right next to Dr. Matsuda's head. She looked over his shoulder and saw Sean standing a few feet away with his arms folded across his chest.

"What the fuck are you looking at you stupid whore?" Dejav shouted, "Just like when I was fucking you and you just stared into space you nip cunt!" Mika continued to look into Sean's eyes, she saw a strength she had not noticed before as the young man with the square jaw and sparkling eyes looked back at her.

She kept her eyes on Sean as Dejav shouted, "I swear bitch, if you are staring into space I'm going to fuck you one last time just to remind you who the fucking boss is." Dejav turned and saw Sean. He took a step towards him.

"What are you looking at, asshole? This bitch is mine until the court says otherwise!" Dejav screamed. "What are you, one of her fucking students here to fuck her for a grade? You look dumb enough to need help passing one of her classes!" Sean never moved, just stood like a rock with his arms across his chest staring down and the raging doctor.

"I'm fucking talking to you, or are you too stupid to answer?!" Still Sean never moved and never said a word. He just stared and his Dejav began to see that he had vastly over calculated his position. Sean tilted his head to slightly the side as his mouth turned into a little smirk. His eyes twinkled as he unfolded his arms and let them drop to his side.

Dajev turned and started to back away from Mika and Sean, "I'm under a lot of pressure, I lost my composure. It won't happen again, please."

Sean took one step towards him, "Empty your wallet, pay for the damage you have caused."

Mika looked at Dejav, "Keep your fucking money, get out of the house. I will see you in court."

Dejav turned and ran out of the house slamming the front door behind him as he ran to his car, and started the engine. Sean and Mika heard his tires squeal as he backed out of the driveway and roared down the road.

Sean turned to Mika, "I should have been here sooner."

She looked up at him and began to take her loose sweatshirt over her head. "I need you to fuck me, now. I need your amazing cock" she hissed as she walked to him and started to pull down his shorts. She dropped to her knees. She started jerking and sucking his cock like she was starving. When she would pause to take a breath she would murmur about him saving her, being her hero.

When his cock was hard she stood and slid down her sweats and hopped led Sean with her hand on his cock to the kitchen counter. Sean understood the assignment and lifted her onto the counter. She leaned back as he moved her legs over his shoulders. Her hand still on his cock she rubbed it up and down her slit. She bit her lip and looked up at him, "Fill me Gaijin, fuck your Jap pussy."

She kept her hand in place, wrapped around the base of his cock. He pushed in until her fist was touching both of them. She groaned, "Gaijin, this is more than that limp dick Mahout gave me and I still have my fist around you." Sean pulled his cock out and she moved her hand. She looked up at Sean, "Make me your slut,"

Sean rammed his cock into her causing her to yelp, as he slowly pulled out she bit her lip and whispered, "More, God more." Again he drove into her, she felt his cock stretch her walls and slam against her cervix. The ridge of his cock teasing her Anterior and her G spot as he slowly pulled out only to slam in again causing her to yelp. Each stroke was a little faster, each one causing a small whimper from Mika.

As Sean picked up pace Mika began to cum in a way she had never experienced. She couldn't tell when one orgasm stopped and the next started, the rolled over her like waves at the beach. Her tits were bouncing wildly and she didn't care. She was focused on one thing, Sean fucking the fear out of her. She had never seen Dejav so angry, she was genuinely afraid until she saw Sean. Sean, one of her students who now had his big white cock pounding her pussy into submission, pounding her to submit. The thoughts racing through her head caused her to cum even harder.

Unknown to Sean and Mika when Dejav ran out of the house and slammed the door it hadn't latched. It had actually bounced open just a crack. As Anne and her husband John walked up to the door they heard Mika grunting and groaning along with the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin.

John looked to his wife, "It sounds like Mika is having sex."

Anne looked at him bewildered, "No John, Mika is getting fucked."

John started to pull the door closed and Anne stopped him, she looked at her husband, "You can go to the car if you want, I'm going to enjoy the show."

John looked at his wife, "What the fuck Anne? That's sick."

Anne shrugged as she opened the door and walked in, John just behind her. Anne saw the muscles of Sean's ass and thighs clench as he drove his cock into her best friend. Hearing Mika describe it the other day did not do it justice. Sean looked like he was carved from granite. His shoulders defined, his lat spread looked amazing holding Mika's legs over his shoulder, his torso narrowed to tight hips and an amazing ass and thighs.

Anne whimpered loud enough for John to hear her. He whispered, "Jesus Christ Anne, this is wrong. I'm going to the car, come get me when they are done."

Anne grabbed his arm and whispered back, "You are going to stay right here and fucking take lessons on how to fuck a woman's brains out. Look at that, listen. My God she's had more orgasms in the 2 minutes we've been here than you give me in a year."

Mika rolled into a long and loud orgasm, breathing rapid and out of control. She felt Sean's cock flare and knew he was close. She focused on squeezing her pussy encouraging her young lover to cum. "Fill me Gaijin, fuck me like your whore," she groaned.

As wrong as this felt John felt his cock harden, he had to admit in 17 years of marriage he had never fucked Anne like this "kid" was doing to Mika. Sean grunted and drove deep into her one last time causing Mika to shake so violently she used her hand to brace herself against the fridge. The power of her orgasm caused the fridge to rattle. Anne remembered that Sean had video of she and Mika with someone other than John and had promised her that he was going to fuck her too. The thought of the this beast stud fucking her made words like blackmail and extortion seem like a win for her.

Sean finished his orgasm and Mika's breathing returned to normal. She looked and saw Anne and John watching, at this point she truly didn't care. She put her hand on Sean's chest and he slowly backed away. Mika turned Sean as she lowered herself from the counter so that he was at an angle that he wouldn't see her friends, but they would have a nice side view of what was going to happen next.

Anne and John watch as their petite, large breasted Japanese American friend slipped from the counter onto her knees. Anne marveled at how natural it looked to see Mika like that. She looked like a true Geisha. Her hips over her heels as she knelt. Her hands folded in her lap she leaned in and opened her mouth as Sean's semi hard cock slipped between her lips.

John blushed seeing that his young cock while semi hard was larger than his at full erection. Mika gently and lovingly sucked his cock and each testicle until they were all free of their combined moisture. Instinctively she reached for a towel that was hanging on the handle of the refrigerator and wiped his cock and balls clean. She looked up at him, "Thank you, Gaijin. May your girl get dressed as her friends are here?"

Sean looked at Mika a bit shocked as she smiled, "Do not worry Gaijin, I am sure they enjoyed the show."

Sean turned and saw John and Anne for the first time. It was obvious that John had enjoyed the show as his erection was showing in his shorts. John blushed a deep red. Sean did not seem phased in the least. Mika stood effortlessly from her kneeling position as she first picked up Sean's T-Shirt and shorts. "These are yours, Gaijin." She bowed to him, "Would you like me to help you dress?"

Sean smiled at her and shook his head 'No' as Anne said, "I'll help him."

John scolded his wife, "Anne, what the fuck?"

Anne patted his hard on through his shorts. "Oh, quit fucking pretending John, from the looks of it you'd help him too."

John blushed again as Sean finally spoke, "I think I'm capable of dressing myself." He nodded towards the far counter, "Coffee and Donuts are on the counter. Help yourself."

Anne muttered, "More than fucking capable and I wish I could help myself."

John had never seen his wife like this and scolded her again, "Anne, what has gotten into you."

She looked at her husband then at Sean and growled, "Nothing.... Yet."

Mika and Sean got dressed as if Mika's friends had not just seen what they had seen. As they sat at the counter and had a donut and coffee Mika told Anne and John about Dejav's rage. Anne hugged her friend, "Thank God Sean showed up when he did."

As they talked John felt smaller and smaller next to this "kid" - Mika's phone rang, she stepped away to answer as Anne started to clean the broken dishes. John looked at Sean, "I feel like I know you from somewhere."

Sean smiled, "I get that a lot. He stuck out his hand, "I'm Sean, and I'm guessing that you are Anne's husband John."

John shook his hand, slightly intimidated by how large and strong Sean's hands were and a bit confused how Sean knew about him but he had heard nothing of Sean until he saw him rearranging Mika's guts just a few minutes ago.

Mika came back into the room, "Shit, shit, shit," she muttered.

Anne moved towards her friend, "What's wrong?" she asked.

Mika's frustration came roaring out. "I have to be moved out of here by tomorrow night and Amy just called. She and Mike and all three of the kids were coming to help. Mike tested positive for Covid this morning. The four of us can't do this all."

Anne spoke up, "Maybe we can get the Johnson's"

John shook his head, "Pete is having back surgery this week."

Sean looked around, "Give me two minutes. Mika, how many folks do you think we need?"

Mika shrugged as Sean texted. 2 minutes later he smiled, "I have 14 guys on their way, if we get the heavy stuff and y'all pack up anything else we will be done by supper."

Mika looked at this young man, "Sean... I can't."

Sean shook his head, "It's done, now clean and pack up everything that hasn't been packed. They will be here in 30 minutes."

Anne, Mika, and John started packing up the kitchen and the bathrooms. The only things that Mika had not already had in boxes. Sure enough in 30 minutes 4 car loads of young men showed up at Mika's house.

They gathered around Sean who had moved the truck forward in the driveway, lowered the ramp and opened the garage door. John stepped onto the porch as a herd of huge young men filed past him. Three of the guys moved to the bottom of the ramp. "Hey, 2-ball," one called out. "Have them just stage stuff in the garage whenever they get to it. We will load it in a good order."

Sean called back, "Sound good Duff, I'll let them know."

John then realized who was here, Sean was the placekicker and Duff was the young slot receiver. These were guys from the football team. He wondered, "What the fuck is a 40 year old professor doing getting her brains fucked out by a 20 year old kicker on the football team?"

With the help from the football team, the move went relatively smoothly. Mika finished packing up and moved to the new place and directed traffic as furniture and boxes were moved in. By supper time furniture was in place, boxes were in the right rooms, and things like the bed were put together. Mika ordered pizza for everyone and they sat around and talked. Finally, the football team left. John noticed that Sean stayed around to help unpack and put some things away.

It was going on 10 pm when John said to Anne loud enough for Sean to hear, "It's getting late hon, we should probably get going."

Anne kissed John on the cheek, "I'm going to stay here and help Mika unpack, you understand right?"

John looked at Sean, the gray t-shirt clinging soaked in sweat sticking to his back as he unpacked another box of books and put them on the shelf in her living room. "Well, I suppose we can stay a bit longer," John said.

Anne looked at her husband, "You're beat from trying to keep up with those young guys, go get a shower and some sleep. I'll stay here and help her unpack the kitchen and you can come back in the morning for breakfast," she purred.

He took another glance at Sean who seemed in no hurry to leave, "If you're sure," he said hesitantly.

Anne kissed his cheek again, "Of course I'm sure. I'm sure Sean will head out soon too. We will lock ourselves in. From what Mika said I'm pretty sure Dejav won't be back anytime soon. We are big girls, we can handle ourselves."

John thought, "Yeah, can you handle him though." Instead he urgently whispered, "What if they decide to have sex again?"

Anne smiled and this time she said loud enough for Sean to hear, "That wasn't sex honey, Sean fucked Mika's brains out and if they do, I'll just watch again." She laughed, "Or maybe they will invite me to join this time."

John didn't laugh, "Anne that is not funny," he said as he turned and walked out the door.

Sean just kept opening boxes and unloading books as he heard John's car drive down the street. He looked at Anne and she bit her lip. "So, are you going to invite me to join?"

Sean looked at her with a wicked grin and walked over to where she was standing. Anne was tall, about 5'10" with a runner's physique, slim and fit. Even at her height, Sean made her feel tiny. He kept walking towards her and she backed into the corner by the door. Sean put his hand around her throat and leaned in close to her and growled into her ear. "Remember, I have video, know your place, you aren't in control of a damn thing here. I am."

Anne was genuinely frightened. Seeing Mika and Sean today she thought it was all a game. She saw how sweet and caring he was all throughout the move. Seeing this side of him scared her. He went on, "This is not a game Anne, I can make your life a living hell. Keep playing and you will see just how serious I am." Mika saw the interaction and thought to herself that watching the primal Sean try to control the very in control Anne was going to be a treat, she was glad she had a front row seat.

He lowered his hand and turned to walk upstairs. He pulled his shirt over his head as he climbed the stairs. He called out to Mika and Anne. "I need a shower, I will see you both upstairs."

Anne fired back, "What if I don't want to?"

Sean turned and shot down the stairs. "Did I ask what you wanted, at the moment do you think I give two shits about what you want? You let John leave, you saw the cards had been dealt. He put his hand behind her head and grabbed her short hair, jerking her head back. You made your choice for this night and it is too fucking late to back out. Tonight, and until I decide to kick your bourgeois skinny ass to the curb you will do what I say, when I say and how I say. I have the power, not you. I have pictures, I have video, and if that's what I've already found I bet I could find a lot more if I just dug around."

Sean watched Anne's eyes go from defiant to something else, fear perhaps. He decided to push, "Is that it Mizz Carlesen, are there station managers or producers perhaps who have given you some auditions on the couch, or are you just a blowjob slut?"

Anne tried to slap him, "How dare you?"

Sean caught her hand, "Don't dare me, where I come from we take dare's very seriously. What are you going to do bitch, cry to your hubby? Maybe an expose on the Tech Kicker? Go for it. In today's world I am a poor student being taken advantage of by a professor and her best friend who has all the power at her feet. Try me, I dare you."

Anne tried to look away from his gaze. Sean pulled her head back to him. Mika lowers her gaze when I speak, she realizes who she is. You WILL look me in the eye when I speak to you, when I take from you whatever the fuck it is that I want. I want to see your eyes when I break you, I want you to look at me when you cum all over my cock, I want to see you when you are reduced to begging."

He guided her to the stairs, "I said I was going to the shower," he swatted her ass hard, "I suggest you get ready to give every ounce of attention to the one who owns your ass." Anne started up the stairs when Sean gave one last comment, "Maybe I'll find out in the shower why you are still local news, maybe you don't know how to pleasure a man with that boy you are married to or the pathetic dick of the dude in the video."

Anne turned and Sean smiled, "Like I said bitch, I dare you."

Mika heard the exchange and rushed out of the bedroom to her friends side, "I'm sorry Anne, I got us into this mess."

Anne put her arm around the smaller woman's shoulders as they walked into the bedroom and into the Master bath, "I am a big girl Mika, I knew the risks, I paid the game and I will pay my penance. He will not break me."

Mika smiled while thinking to herself, "That's what I thought too."

Mika started the shower in the big walk in shower. "Gaijin, do you wish for a warm or hot shower?"

Sean sighed, "It may take you two a while so you had better make it comfortable but warm, we may burn through the entire hot water heater."

He moved into the bedroom and looked at the petite Japanese woman and the tall Nordic blonde. They were completely different, Mika had large tits and had that Asian skin tone. Her hair was long and black. Anne was tall and thin with small tits and her hair was short and perky.

Sean looked at the two, "Anne, undress my Geisha."

There wasn't much to take off, Mika earlier retreated to the bedroom and changed into her short kimono. She let her hands brush across her friend's large tits, Mika smiled up at her as she did. Anne enjoyed the goosebumps that raised on Mika's flesh from the touch of her hand.

When Anne was undressed she took her kimono from Anne and gently hung it on a hook near the door. Sean nodded and Mika understood it was her turn. She put her hands on the bottom of Anne's T Shirt and lifted. Anne had to help her as she wasn't tall enough to get it over her arms. Anne started to lower her arms when Sean spoke, "Leave them up, I want to see what I own."

Mika moved behind her friend and unclasped her bra. Sean shook his head as Anne's tits became free. "At least they are perky, because they aren't much to look at." Anne had issues being small chested all of her career. She knew that anchors with cleavage got better ratings and better pay even though they weren't as good at their job as she was.