Second Chances


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He smiled and said, "I should have listened to my own thoughts on the matter. Your mother pushed me to have this talk with you. Whatever you two decide going forward you two have my backing."

"Dad look at our society in general. A lifelong democrat more in line with one of the greatest president's this country has ever had 'JFK" renounces his memberships runs for the same office as a republican and wins. In the next election, the most conservative members in congress refuse to run again. What's left in the republicans is those more inclined with the views of what "JFK had. Yet the mass media fills the airwaves with hate, propaganda and lies making him a trader to the democratic values he always had. He has not changed but the views of those looking at him have. He is still a 'JFK' democrat. Now they are trying to convict him for something he says he hasn't done and remove him from office. At the same time, they're trying to elect to the same office a man who claims to have done what they're accusing the president of doing."

"What's the point of that statement," My father asked?"

"They have the same view on truth, honesty, conduct, and morality as my soon to be ex-wife does. Those who are not the new democrats are nothing but pieces of shit they need to flush out of society. Truth, honesty and good conduct mean nothing to them unless they are convicted and in jail. Then they falsely claim that they're so sorry."

My dad laughed and responded, "People need to learn to flush 100 percent of the 'Truths" they see via the mass media and social media down the toilet. It's hard enough to find honesty in real life for anybody. Yet the majority are too stupid to realize it. It amazes me to finally see that we have nothing but two versions of democrats fighting each other. That simple truth explains so much without saying a thing."

"On top of that with all the achievements he has accomplished with everyone against him I have to wonder if it's because of their hate or because of how incompetent his achievements make them look," I said. "Most of them running for reelection have years of experience of accomplishing nothing but getting reelected again."

"Dam Clint, that's a hell of a thing to say," My dad said. "That just proves how effective the mass media is as a propaganda machine."


On Monday while I was in my office a detective came to see about the ongoing problem Michael Truscott was having. It took me about an hour to explain to him what I knew and the list of the number of women whose spouse's had just found out about his affairs with their wives.

"Officer I suggest that you go see Brenda Ferguson and ask her for the list," I said. "It's been over six weeks since I learned of their affair. Louise Michael's wife called me to inform me what the two had planned. Four weeks at least since they went on their romantic trip. I met his wife for the first time while he was in New York screwing my wife. Since that time because of what was going on with our spouses that his soon to be ex-wife and I have grown closer and are now in a relationship that was still trying to figure itself out."

"That definitely paints a different picture," The Detective said. "Michael Truscott has his own reasons for pointing the finger directly at you. It looks like he is blaming you for the breakup of his marriage and not his own conduct. I'm starting to believe he's one of those types who can't take responsibility for anything and blames someone else."

After he left, I called Brenda and informed her what had just happened. She had expected that kind of thing to come up. Michael was a backstabbing type of person and she believed he was behind her being terminated from the firm. Brenda then informed me that my wife had finally got herself a lawyer.

I learned when I got home to my parent's house that it had been my mother's email that forced Chasity to give in. Until then she still felt there was a way for the two of us to work it out once I got over my anger about the situation. I realized that Chasity had to believe that I had sent the email in revenge.

On Wednesday Julie and I took Louise and her daughters out for dinner at Olive Garden where my sons joined us. During the meal, I revealed that Chasity had finally hired a lawyer to work out the terms of the divorce. Both Louise's daughter seemed excited about Julie for some reason and Julie ate the attention up. All in all, Louise and I thought the dinner had been a success.


It had been two months since the family had gotten together. On a Friday afternoon, I was sitting beside Brenda Ferguson waiting to be called up by Judge Donald McDonald. My soon to be ex-wife and her lawyer a divorce lawyer from the same firm sat across the room.

We had agreed to terms as to the division of marital assets and since the house had no mortgage it was basically straight forward. Chasity had agreed to buy out my share in the house based on a current appraisal and to give me half of our joint savings.

When we got called up by the Judge, we each had to verify that we had agreed to everything. One we had done that it was over the divorce was granted.

Chasity stopped me on the front steps as I headed down to the parking lot and said, "I did it to myself. I finally admitted my conduct to our sons. Julie refuses to speak to me still because she feels what I did was deliberate. I just wish I had seen the message I had been sending."

"I would accept that explanation from our daughter because of her inexperience in life," I said. "Coming from a mature adult its sounds so self-serving and shallow."

Louise's divorce had already been granted. She had taken him to the cleaners. Michael had to pay a thousand a month in child support, five hundred for each until they turned eighteen and pay half of the cost of their post-secondary education. The house they owned would be sold and the profits split equally. Michael for some reason had resigned from the firm and relocated to another city miles away opening his own firm. I guess his ongoing problems of meeting fists when he least expected them got to him. With his equity share in the firm signed over to him he was set up for life.

My Mom and Dad had invited Louise and the girls over for dinner. What we did not know is that my parents had invited her parents too. With Louise's and my developing relationship, they thought that it was time to get to start to know her family just in case.

Brenda Ferguson was in discussion with the insurance company that was on the hook because of the liability insurance that the firm had with them. It appeared it was going to be settled out of court. With four of the firms, senior partners being divorced the insurance company got serious. After taking her thirty percent we, all would end up with more than three-quarters of a million dollars.

We were all sitting around mom's formal dining room that had been used for the first time in years. Just relaxing after a huge dinner. When I stood up, I pushed out my chair and got down on my knee.

Taking the ring box out of my pocket I said, "Louise will take a second chance and marry me?"

Louise in total shock said, "Yes!"

Well, that's when the real party started. Mom had to call Charles and Mary and my two boys about the good news. Within a half an hour they showed up. In all of the excitement, I noticed that Lori was crying so I slipped over to where she was sitting on the floor and sat down beside her. She instantly crawled into my lap.

What's the matter pumpkin," I asked softly.

"Nothing, I'm just happy that you're going to be my Dad," Lori said.

I looked up at Louise who had tears in her eyes. I guess she could see them in mine. I stood up while holding Lori and walked towards her mother. Everyone knew that this was a big bonding moment. Livia came and stood beside us.

"Dad," Livia said. "When Mom and you get married will we be taking your last name too?"

"As soon as the courts will allow it," Was my reply.

"Livia and Lori," my father said. "From now on were grandpa and grandma okay."

My only thought was how much my new daughter's time would be spent with my parents. Both of them loved the fact they had someone to spend time with on the farm. My dad would have them riding the horses in no time.

Later in private Louis asked how I was going to get Michael Truscott to agree to allow me to adopt his daughters and change their name legally to mine. I said leave that one to me. That was when for us the house hunting got serious. The plan was the Louise and girls would move into it until we got married.


I showed up at Michael Truscott's office unexpectedly about a month later. His receptionist told me to go right in. So, I did and closed the door behind me. His face was finally starting to heal but his appearance had sure changed a lot. He had been beaten up eight times. The Detective had interviewed all his former lover's spouses ad still had no solid lead. I was going to gamble that he believed it was me.

"I guess you heard that Louise and I are getting married," I said before he looked up.

Michael's face went white when he looked up. I guess he really did believe that I was the man who was responsible for the damage that had been done to his face.

"What do you want from me," He said fearfully.

"I need your permission in a legal document to adopt your daughters so that they can legally take my name. This is not my wish but Livia's who asked her mother and me if her sister and she could take my name. it will have to be written in such a way that legally recognizes both of us as their Dad and allow their last name to be changed to mine."

"Why should I consider doing that," he said.

"It will get me out of your life forever," I said. "If you don't go along you and I could be seeing mutual friends quite regularly."

It took him half an hour to type up and print out the item that I asked for. I knew he did not give a dam about his daughters because he had not been to see them since he had left for New York. He had his receptionist who was also a notary witness and apply her seal to it. According to Louise, he had only married her because she had got knocked up. When his side of the family found out about it, he was forced by their pressure to step up.

I made it to where Louise taught kindergarten just as she was releasing the class. I had to go into the office because I was not known at the school. I got one of the ladies to call her room and have her come to the office. She was surprised to see me.

"Louise, I made you a promise to your daughters on the day we got engaged," I said as I handed her the envelope that I took from the inside of my suit jacket. "I think this will allow us to give them what they want."

She took it and opened up and read the enclosed document.

"How," She said as her eyes filled up.?

"Michael still believes I was the one causing his face to meet so many fists," I said. "I used his fear to my advantage to get us this. I thought we could work it out so that on the day that we got married Livia and Lori could legally take my name."

"Julie told me the night we got engaged that you always kept your word," Louise said. "Especially to a child. Do you think Brenda Ferguson would do the adoption paperwork and get it filed?"

"I'll give her office a call," I said as I took my cellphone out of my pocket. "The receptionist should be able to answer that question. If she can I will set up the appointment for a time that will allow you to come."

The office clerk a female couldn't help overhearing our conversation said, "Louise have you set a date?"

"No, I wanted to but Cint said not until he found a way to get Michael to agree to allow him to adopt my daughters," Louise said. "He felt if we were going to be family that the kids get their request filled when we said our vows."

We were able to get in to see Brenda that very same afternoon. She was thrilled for both of us. Within twenty minutes she had the papers required designed and printed. With the notaries' statement provided by me, it would be filed with the court by the end of the day.

It took about a week before we found out that my adoption and their name change would be approved. All they wanted was what the effective date would be. To decide that we had to have a family conference. We set it up for Sunday because the movers would still be moving Louise and the kid's stuff into our new house until the end of the week.

Louise and I were both at work the next morning when we visited by the Detective investigating the ongoing assaults against Michael Truscott to inform us that there had been two arrests made. One was another Senior partner in the firm that he had slept with and an African American who had been their boyfriend who still believed they were still in a relationship. Both of the people being charged were men.

My brother Charles and his wife opened the door to the four of us on Sunday we were the last to arrive. We arrived with a huge dish of Boston Baked Beans that Louise had made. It was a potluck brunch.

After greeting were done my future father in law asked, "what's up?"

"We wish to announce that in two weeks, six days before Christmas," I said. "If we can use our parent's small equipment barn. Two things will happen. First Louise and I will be saying our vowels, and second, the adoption of Livia and Lori will be complete. All three will take the Walker name."

"Our honeymoon will be taken next summer with our daughters," Louise said. "It will be spent at either Disney land or Disney world."

It was a madhouse but in a private moment Livia came over and sat on my knee and said, "Thank you, dad."

"For what?" I said.

"For loving us enough to keep your word." She replied. "Our other father never did."

I didn't say a word I couldn't I was two emotional because from the innocence of a ten-year-old came something so profound that there was no answer to. I just took her into my arms and hugged her tight.


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BlueEyd2BlueEyd21 day ago

In dire need of an editor and proof-reader. BTW the political nonsense only detracted from the story

kingcrimson1548kingcrimson15484 days ago

You had me until you got political. Your choice, but did not enhance the story.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 month ago

Really enjoyed the story and outcome. Thanks for your writing,

MwestohioMwestohio2 months ago

I have to wonder if your character name selections are intentional or typos,: Chasity vs Chastity or Charity, or Lyndia from another story vs Lynda or Lydia.

Q1000Q10004 months ago

They said their vowels? And what about their consonants?

Big_Tim99Big_Tim995 months ago

While I agree the political screed added nothing to the story, it wasn't a lie.

That said I do think it would be nice if two faithful spouses could find love again with each other, but it probably wouldn't work out in reality. It's a nice thought though.

FD45FD457 months ago

The grammar, misplaced homonyms, and erratic punctuation brought this down.

FluidswallowerFluidswallower7 months ago

Another well-written and engaging/uplifting read. Thanks.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman10 months ago

slightly above average about a cheating wife and repercussions on the extended families. The political nonsense about the Dems/Reps. and the so-called great President shows your political leanings, which I thought was totally irrelevant to this story. Ask the Kurds and moderate Afghanis. Illegal Immigrations have been overlooked by both parties for decades with nothing done by Congress.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades11 months ago

thanks for the writing. I enjoy your stories.

FreeAmericanPatriotFreeAmericanPatriot12 months ago

Great story sir. I think of my Dad every time I read one of your stories. He looked just like the Marlboro Man and he acted like him too. He smoked them from 16 until his death at 45. He died serving his country. Thank you for the stories.

wrangler61wrangler61over 1 year ago

I always say my vowels 2 weeks before Christmas

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