Second Night as a Nude Dancer

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Her second day and our discussion afterward.
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The next few days were some of those I remember best.

The morning after her first night as a nude dancer I awoke to an empty bed. I was still groggy when I noticed her moving around the room already getting dressed. She was wearing short heels and underwear and was topless as she slipped into the shortest jean shorts she had. She noticed me awake and looking at her and so she turned to pose with her hands on her hips, all long legs, flat stomach, medium sized tits. And sex appeal. She stuck her hands in her pockets and stood about 6 feet tall in her heels. "You like?" she asked sounding a bit shy, a bit embarrassed, but knowing the answer. The impact on me, combined with the memories of last night were still fresh made me instantly hard.

She smiled at me leaned down to kiss my cheek and reached under the covers to feel my painfully hard penis. She smiled mischievously as she gave it a squeeze and said, "is somebody still horny?" When I tried to pull her toward me down into bed she laughingly pulled away.

"Come back to bed," I said. "I want to fuck you." She continued to dress, hunting through her dresser looking for a shirt. As I looked at her I was still filled with mixed emotions from her revelations of the night's activities: lust, excitement, worry, shame, and no small amount of humiliation. But it was really no contest, lust was winning out handily.

"I'm still turned on about last night," I confessed.

She turned to smile at me, finally finding a shirt that she liked, a paid, pastel sleeveless button up thing. "I'm glad you feel that way because I'm going to work right now."

"In the morning?" I asked, not quite believing she was serious.

"Albert asked me to work the day shift. He said not many girls want to work days because the money is slower, but that I could work it if I wanted to." She tied the shirt so her stomach was plainly visible. She looked very overexposed and more than a bit trampy with the little heels and the short shorts and the shirt tied like that. She admired her reflection and asked, "How do I look? Does this look sexy enough?" The shirt tied like it was made her look like a country girl who lived in a trailer. I thought for a moment how you couldn't really tell it was Ralph Lauren. We'd bought it at a Store called Fletcher Canty in Tallahassee. The heels, the short shorts, her toned stomach showing - She looked like a cheap slut.

" were just there. Can't you wait until tonight at least? I wanted to spend the day with you." What I really wanted was to fuck my young wife, four or five times during the day, but my wife had other ideas.

She leaned over quickly and kissed me on the cheek and said, "Aww. That's so sweet honey, but no." And looking at her watch she said, "I really have to get going. Ricardo said it's important for me to be on time." Ricardo was, as I may have said, ostensibly the security guard. He was in actuality the very trusted eyes and ears of the owner.

She slung a bag over her shoulder and started to head for the door, then stopped. She took her bikini out of her bag from last night and threw it next to me on the bed saying, "I'm going to buy a few outfits today. They have a costume lady who comes in sells them to the girls." And with that she was rapidly headed out the door. I followed and caught up to her as she walked out the front door and was unlocking her car.

"But when will you be home?" I asked lamely. And then another thought occurred. "What will you wear until the costume lady gets there?" This question made her smile.

"I guess I'll be naked." She looked a little embarrassed and suddenly a bit nervous. I looked around to see if any neighbors were nearby being treated to this surreal conversation. Something in my expression must have made her realize that unlike her I was having some very mixed feelings about all this. She stood next to the car her father bought her for college, dressed like a tramp and again I looked around to see if any neighbors were seeing her.

"You're just gonna walk around naked? Even when you aren't on stage?"

She came over to me, standing perhaps 6 inches taller than me and bent down to give me a hug and kissed me on my cheek. "Some of the girls say it's a good way to get private dances....." and then "I'll buy something as soon as the costume lady comes in, I promise. But its all about getting their attention" She stepped back from me and, quickly, because she was in a hurry, turned a quick circle for me to admire. "How do I look? The guys say you have to make an impression when you walk in the door." I don't think I was hard at that point. At that point, worry and shame were in control and I wanted badly for her to say the night before was a one time thing and that she simply couldn't do it any more.

She slid into her car and then said, "Oh I almost forgot. Here's money for the power bill, plus a bit more." And seeing the shame in my face as she handed me the bills she said, "honey I'm just gonna do this for a little while until we are caught up." She looked at her watch. "I really have to go. I don't want Albert or Ricardo to be mad at me for being late. They don't like their girls to be late."

She began to back the car up and again I followed her to the street asking, "But what time will you be home?"

At this question she seemed a bit annoyed. She'd been almost manically cheerful all morning, but my attempt to exercise the slightest control over her was not welcome." Day shift ends at 5, but I'll be home when I'm done working." She drove away without another word and I watched her go, dressed like a cheap whore.

I went back inside. I was worried about her. I was worried about us. I was afraid for her safety and convinced in my gut that this was a genuinely bad idea. I was not aroused now. I was thinking, god I have to get a good job and quick. I went back into the bedroom to change and it was then that I spied her bikini from the night before. I realized she had chosen to be naked until she bought a new costume. There was no reason to leave the bikini there. I picked it up the top and I could I could smell the very strong smell of cheap perfume and cigarettes. It blended together into this unique aroma that I would come to think of as stripper smell. I was more than a little upset, but the smell of the night before, the perfume, the cigarettes, somehow forced me to picture her nude in that place, nude on stage. I realized I was painfully erect and so I lay down on my back and jacked off. I came in less than a minute.

I spent the day obsessed. I seemed trapped in a cycle between anger and shame and arousal. I jacked off again about a half hour after she left. I knew that she was most likely completely nude now. Walking around in the club in nothing but heels, waiting for her turn on stage. Was the place crowded? Was she doing private dances? I had no idea, but I knew she was there. Naked, but for heels, her tits and pussy on display. After I'd cum there was no contest. Shame would win out, crashing over me with such ferocity that I'd resolve to get in my car and go put a stop to this...this...fucking crazy idea that my wife was a nude dancer. But for some reason just didn't.

Instead I waited for her to come home. I watched the clock. I tried to watch TV, but in truth my mind's eye was always fixed on the Tanga Lounge. Was she on stage now? Was she giving a "private dance?" What a euphemism I thought. From what she'd described the women there did so much more than dance for them. Was she being pawed at? Was she playing by the rules? Of course she was, I thought. She's a good girl and this is all a huge stretch for her that will probably be over by this afternoon when she'll return and tell me that this was a mistake. Would she be angry with me for not stopping her in the first place? These were the thoughts that occupied me throughout the day. I honestly can't recall how many more times I jerked off. It was a few, that much I'm sure of. I was not, however, jerking off when the phone rang. It was now almost 7pm and I expected her home any minute since her shift should have ended around 5pm.

"Hi honey!" She was sort of shouting over loud music.

"Hi," I said, "I was expecting you home by now."

"I decided to work a double," she said. Before I could object she continued, "The money is great and they don't have enough girls for the night shift so Albert and Ricardo asked me if I wanted to work a double."

She sounded a bit drunk and I couldn't stop myself from asking her, "have you been drinking?"

"We went out for break," she said. "The other girls are so nice and I went next door with them. That nice old guy I told you about came too. Everyone is so nice here!"

"'re going out for drinks with customers? Are you fucking kidding me?" I was angry now and didn't bother to hide it, but this didn't seem to bother her.

"No silly. It was a group of us. I didn't go with customers. I went with a few girls and the manager. We were right next door." I honestly can't remember the name of the place. I think maybe it was Whiskey Joes. Nevertheless, she was clearly a bit buzzed. "I have to get back to work. I bought an outfit and the guys really seem to like it." And then, she added proudly, "honey I'm getting so many private dances. Maybe because I'm new, but they all really seem to like me. Sometimes I have another guy waiting while I'm dancing with one guy."

Dancing, I thought. You aren't fucking dancing. You are grinding on them naked. "But what time will you be home?"

"I don't know, but don't wait up. Try to get some sleep tonight. " And then she added, "I Love you so much honey. Thank you so much for letting me do this." I heard laughter from one of the girls next to her. My wife tried to cover the phone, but I heard part of it, "really? He's waiting for me?" She uncovered the receiver and said to me quickly, "I'm sorry honey, but I have to go. Bye."

"But...." Without waiting for my reply, she hung up.

I was angry. I was hurt. My wife was at least a little drunk, naked or soon would be and hung up on me because he was waiting for her. Who was waiting for her? To do what? The answer was obvious. Some guy was waiting for a "private dance." An imagine of her lowering her bikini bottoms for him as he stared up at her flashed into my head. Then I realized this was wrong since she was probably still just walking around nude. Fuck it, I thought and went back into the bedroom, lowered my boxers and took my penis in my hand again.

I was asleep when she came home around 3 in the morning. She had crawled up on top of my and was kissing my lips lightly as I slept. I was surprised, but kissed her back immediately and then I remembered I was angry with her and opened my eyes and gently pushed her away. I saw my wife was already naked as she say astride me and she saw the surprise of this too register in my eyes and laughed. "I'm sorry to wake you honey. Were you having a good sleep?"

"Seems like you had a good night," I said not bothering to hide my anger.

In response she giggled and said, "oh I did have a good night honey." She dragged her tits across my face and asked, "do you want to hear about it?"

I was still so angry that I didn't answer her. She smiled at me and said, "Don't be mad honey, I'm doing this for us. " And as she said this she reached beneath the covers and felt my flaccid penis. I had jacked off countless times during the day and night and I was still upset. She made a pouting expression and then flopped on the bed next to me on top of the covers. "Oh well, I was going to tell you about it, but I guess you don't want to hear." I said nothing and stared at the ceiling.

I moment later, I noticed her right hand move toward her legs and she unashamedly began to rub her clit. She closed her eyes and her breathing rapidly began to grow more rapid. After about a minute she opened her eyes and looked over at me. "Please don't be mad at me OK?" The little bad girl tone was gone and now her voice was husky. "I just need to cum." I still said nothing so she continued, "You wouldn't believe that place. It'" She moaned a little bit..."dirty." She was close to cumming and finally this unusual display of lust overcame anger. I reached over to stop her hand so she couldn't cum before she told me about it. I thought her arousal would also give me a better chance at an honest accounting of her transgressions.

I quickly peeled down my boxers and prepared to move between her legs when she said, "No, just jack off next to me for now." I was perplexed, but again, I had an agenda which was almost as important as getting off. I wanted information, I wanted the truth.

"OK," I said. "Please tell me everything."

At this she giggled, "I will, but you have to promise not to get mad."

Fuck that I thought, but said, "I promise."

I still held her hand and she gently pulled it free and began to rub her clit again, briefly delving inside to grab some of the copious liquid forming there. "I was naked most of the night," she said. "I was pretty embarrassed at first because I'd forgotten to bring my bikini..." Forgot, I thought. Yeah right.

"I thought you were going to buy an outfit?" I asked.

"The costume lady didn't come in until the evening...." She was again breathing hard. "So I was naked for all of day shift." The image of her naked except for heels caused me a stab of jealousy. "But the men, well, the other girls were wearing outfits, sexy outfits....but I was naked and I guess it was because I was new."

She was now thrusting her hips so again I grabbed her hand and said, "Don't cum yet honey, please...not until I hear it all?"

She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and again said, "Ok, but Do Not get upset with me. You asked me to do this after all." What the fuck, I thought. I did not. I asked her not to.

"Of course, " I said. "Please just tell me." I was stroking my cock lightly now, slowly building toward an orgasm I'd have thought impossible after all those I'd had so recently.

"The men, a lot of the time you have to flirt with them to get them to buy private dances and well....I would just sit on a guy's lap and it was so easy. Most of the time they'd get hard right away and I'd know they would buy a dance. But some of them, they were so...forward. They'd feel my tits right out there in the main room." Her eyes were once again closed as she remembered. "Right out there in front of everyone, they just played with them."

"Is that allowed?" I asked.

"Sort of. Albert and Ricardo kindof have their favorites and they seem to be allowed to do more than other girls." She smiled a little bit as she said this and it was clear to me she thought of herself as one of these girls after only her second time working there. This thought both angered and aroused me.

"I want to fuck you now," I said.

"No honey. I just want to do this for a while." She opened her eyes briefly and saw that I was masturbating alongside her. "Just play with yourself while I tell you about it." She closed her eyes again and continued, "They were so nice to me. So many men said yes when I asked them if they wanted private dances. "

"It's because you're beautiful and so damn sexy," I said.

"I'm not," she said, "but thank you for saying so. I'm not the sexiest in there by a long shot. But for some reason so many men seemed to want me to dance for them. Albert says the regulars are like that. They like the new girls. Not girls who are new to the club, but girls who are just starting to dance." She was quiet for a minute and then added shyly, "I was kindof breaking the rules, but I didn't know it."

"How did you break the rules?" I asked as I stroked myself alongside her.

"I kindof made out with this guy." She opened her eyes to look at me, but kept rubbing her pussy. "He was so cute and I guess I got a little excited..."

"What the fuck...seriously?" I was getting pissed, but I was also getting more aroused with each admission. "You kissed him?"

"Yes," she said. "and that's what got the other girls mad at me...well, mostly that. He also jacked off in front of me too. They aren't supposed to do that."

I didn't ask for permission. I moved between her legs and inserted my penis into her very wet pussy. She seemed annoyed and said, "honey can you just hold still if you want to be in me? I want to cum."

"While you remember a man jacking off while you kissed him?" I asked and pounded her a little. "While he was fingering your cunt? He was wasn't he? That was really what made the girls mad wasn't it?"

She answered me between gasps, "yes....oh god...he did.... He fingered my pussy." She continued to rub herself, but at a faster pace now, getting close. "He was soooo cute... He was kindof Asian or Hawaiian, I really don't know, but.......young....and cute...."

"Did you jack him off?" I asked as I slid inside my wife, near orgasm.


"Did you touch his cock?"

No answer.

"Did you? Did you feel his cock?"

"He just took it out of his pants," she said sounding like she was surprised by it. "He didn't ask or anything. He just took his dick out and said 'you have to shield me so they can't see, but I'm going to cum."'

"Was this before or after you kissed him?" The kissing made me angry, but also incredibly turned on. So intimate. My nude wife, kissing another man. I began to pound her with more than a little bit of anger.

"It....was....after," she said between thrusts. "He kissed me and then he started fingering me.....and then he said he needed to cum."

"And did he?" I asked?

"Yes...oh he came so much."

"Where did he cum?"

"He came mostly on himself, on his stomach. I lifted up his shirt when he said he was close."

"You didn't jack him off?"

"No." I was almost certain this was a lie.

"But you made him cum??"

"He made himself cum while we kissed."

"And you watched?" I couldn't believe all this was a true account, but still I asked the obvious. "So you saw his dick?"

She smiled at the memory, her eyes closed as I fucked her. "Yes, I saw it. He had it out a while before he came."

"And?" I asked.

"And what?" she was circling now, edging toward her finish.

"Did you like it?" I asked. "Did you want it inside you?" I asked the taboo question. And that question, god knows why, sent her over the edge.

Panting and thrusting and spreading her legs wide she said, "Oh honey is was such a nice cock." She came and I came shortly thereafter to visions of my wife, naked and locked in a deep French kiss with a stranger as she beheld his nude cock inches from her.

She gave me a blow by blow the next day of each man she made cum. Of particular interest was the tall, white guy in his mid 20s who wore soccer shorts and nothing else under them. She came telling me how she could feel his skin moving on his oversized cock. She still cums remembering that one.

That is how it happened, as best I can remember it.

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patilliepatillie2 months ago

Again, love how you journaled the arc from innocent upper class privilege to dirty dancing whore. Where are the rest of the stories.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Just another pump sending his wife out to make money for him. Not much of a man to do that. Wife not very bright either.

carvalho45carvalho45over 5 years ago
Good stories

Am likin’ all your accounts your wife’s adventures as a “dancer”.

I fantasize my wife being photographed partially clad then nude by men in a photo club, but this is way better. Now I am also imagining my sweet wife being ogled by horny men, & private dancing for them, what a turn on your stories are.

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingover 10 years agoAuthor
Thanks - Yes -- Strong emotions


Yes, I always said, you experience strong emotions while your wife is nude in a building full of men who came there to admire her. They came there to get off and she went to try to get them off. I either felt intense jealousy or arousal. I was always intensely aware of all this while she was at work.

The Tanga Lounge was a very hands on place - in other words, she was getting felt up and feeling their cocks every night. So I couldnt just say oh well, shes nude. No big deal. I was always aware that she was being used as a toy for men each night as she tried to gain a larger share of their wallet to use a banking phrase.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great story

Very vivid explanation of how difficult it would be to accept your wife's need to dance. I hope you were able to accept her wish to dance, and it didn't end your relationship. Jealousy is such a waste of emotions. Thank you for sharing. And yes, my wife has also danced nude, and loved it. Consider yourself lucky to have such a fun wife.

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingover 10 years agoAuthor
logical order / Thank you for the feedback.


They were written in the order of the events happening.

It has been a wild ride. She still looks so damn good nude. She got a boob job which made her insanely sexy because she is so long and lean. She also took us further down the rabbit hole.. well, maybe I took us there, but she was a willing participant.

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124over 10 years ago
I wish you had logical order...

I first read the #3 account, but it mentioned earlier stories. So I followed the posting dates and scanned to find the proper order.

She started out as a friend then as an unsatisfied wife, but I came in when she was first night stripper. If the titles had some order with a common name, it would be easier to follow. I like to start at the beginning. It's like watching a series of movies, and watching Rambo III but you really need I and II to really know the story.

Don't worry about formatting. We can follow.

Only saw one spelling mistake.

But all in all a good story line. And if it is as you say is true, I can only imagine the emotions you felt as your wife goes from fucking a guy at work to complete exhibition at work.

4 stars

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingover 10 years agoAuthor
I wish you were correct

it would have been so hot if she'd made that jump from mere stripper to....something even dirtier...but alas, she had her limits re what she'd do for $$

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Cantbuymy is right: Whilst I was stripping EVERY Stripper, myself included, would fuck for money - Why not?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
it is plain enough

but it is completely incorrect

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

What I am saying us that all nude dancers are fucking whores who sell their body for sex and I dont mean just taking their clothes off. I mean getting paid to fuck and suck. If your wife is a nude dancer she is a whore too because she has men stick their cocks in her body for money! Is that plain enough for you?

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingabout 11 years agoAuthor
maybe you're saying all nude dancers

Not sure if you are asserting that nude dancing is itself prostitution, but I can tell you not all nude dancers are prostitutes. If you mean that they are whores in the sense that they are promiscuous, I'd tell you that is not really true either. I knew many of them that were quietly committed, but just showed their pussies on stage for a living.

my wife did not, to my knowledge, ever have sex with a customer for money...she did things for fun...and sometimes with me there, sometimes without...

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

All nude dancers are whores and every nude club is just a front for a whore house WAKE UP! Your wife is a whore.

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingabout 11 years agoAuthor
in answer to your question about club stepping up their role


the reality was that the club was very aware that some girls were doing "dates" but didn't openly encourage it and in fact if girls were seen leaving with men from the club they were fired. It was sort of silly, but they wanted to maintain appearances for the sake of law enforcement. My wife never did "a date" that I know of, but she did have dinner with a man while she was dancing in Ft. Lauderdale and at that time she suddenly decided to quit dancing, quit the marriage and move back home up north. I speculate that she did something that shamed her so much that she felt she needed out of the life immediately. To this day, she won't tell me about that evening except to say they had dinner. Her sudden departure, however, her emotional decision to simply leave the life, our life, etc...argues in favor of that evening having some event that greatly disturbed her.

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingabout 11 years agoAuthor
thank you for your feedbac

Hi, I'll try to pick up the thread in the near future.

ken philipsken philipsabout 11 years ago

I just love this story. I am so keen to see where it goes next. Hubby is torn But I think deep down wants her to keep going in the job. Will he come & watch her next? Will the club encourage her to step up her role perhaps with special customers? Great stuff.

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingabout 11 years agoAuthor
not perfect

Hi..wife is far from perfect. Very volatile personality.... terrible financial discipline.

In Answer to the previous... anger vs lust..vs.finanxial need... add in some shame and more than a bit of fun this led into. was hard tp give up... but I definitely wanted her to many times...and eventually she did...

cute35man1cute35man1about 11 years ago

wow..your wife sounds soooo perfect!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

How come you never did anything about the anger? Or did you? Did the arousal always overpower the anger so much that you always gave in? How did that make you feel? Does she always control the dynamic in your marriage. Does marriage work without balance? Do you ever stand your ground or always end up giving in? Does she purposely humiliate you? I'm not judging by asking the questions just curious now that I know it was how you truly lived.

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingabout 11 years agoAuthor
I did go to the club many times

I went to the club many times but not in disguise.. in reasonably sure I eventually got most ofbthe truth out of her about what transpired in the club but I may be wrong...

As to anger...I felt plenty and more than once demanded she find a regular job...which she sometimes did but usually for just a short while. We bought expensive cars and like many people overextended ourselves.... and she would say.. I'll just dance a few days and catch up...and then she'd be right back in.I have often theorized the chemical composition of anger and arousal must be quite similar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Not so good

I hate stories about wimpy, ineffectual men who allow their wife to abuse them and, inexplicaby, seem to get turned on by it instead of getting angry. The husband here seems to almost have a bit of backbone, once in a while, and then wimps out again. The amount of information provided to the reader concerning the wife's activities is inadequate. Maybe you should have the husband go to the club in disguise to see what is really going on. Or do a chapter from the wife's POV. Maybe the husband could have a PI, or a vice cop, go undercover, get a "private dance" that turns out to involve actual sex, record it as evidence, and then the husband could divorce the bitch, being sure to send her parents a copy of the video. If you continue the series, I hope you will have him truely grow some balls. But I doubt that will happen.

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingabout 11 years agoAuthor

by the way I fail to address your comment about reluctance or at least I don't think I addressed it but I completely agree that the reluctance is one of the sexiest aspects of the whole thing a good girl struggling against her sexuality is much sexier than a bad girl simply giving in to what she wants to do anyway

tangaloungedreamingtangaloungedreamingabout 11 years agoAuthor
in response to the last two comments

in response to the comment in which you noted that this story was in fact rushed that is absolutely true. I think I spent a grand total of maybe 30 minutes writing this.and I guess I am not nearly as concerned with editing and detail as I should be as I've said before I am actually doing this as a result of some sort of compulsion I would say to relive that time in my life. And I appreciate the comments which indicate editing would improve the readers experience and should I write additional stories I will try to take that to heart since most of the errors are mere typos rather than word choice. In response to the assertion that pulling a double on her second day is improbable and that the reluctace faded too fast I can only tell you.. things for the most part threw a bit more team because of the pressure from the other dancers to comply with rules like no kissing because if she were to continue that essentially is created pressure for all of them to do the same which they certainly did not want to do with every guy that came through the door... there were occasions where she like most of the girls broke the rule about in fact that actually she confessed later became the norm where girls would rub the guys over there pants the guys over their pants and it became sort of like speeding where everybody does it and it was really just a question of who was going to get caught by the managers and then fined twenty dollars. response to the comment about it being cheating I guess I understand your point and there were times when I was asking her to stop and she simply refused so at that time I believe I cannot disagree with your Premis...but for the most part she had my approval if not my willing approval my reluctant approval

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
.i feel your pain

As a man who's first wife cheated on him (and lets be honest. She is cheating not working) I feel your pain. When a dancing job turns into wanting sex with others, craving the touch of others, its no longer for the money. It is emoptional blackmail. It hurt just to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good work

Big fan of your stories, eagerly anticipate more. This one felt a little rushed and not as detailed. She pulls a double her second day sounds not as believeable, the reluctance is gone too quick. Keep the stories coming. She still hasn't had sex with anyone else?

MrsCanyonMrsCanyonabout 11 years ago
stripper wife also

I know what its like, my wife has been a stripper for many years now.

You must have known and expected for guys to touch and feel your wife up.

Its part of the job. Its part of making the money.

Loved the story. Gave it five stars.

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