Secret Beach


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"Tonight we have the privilege to hear from our founder Dr Viijay Gupta." He continued. "Dr Gupta will be reviewing our product, Novacim, the trials we've run, and the success we've had in lab studies."

At that point Dr Gupta stood and walked to the lectern with several sheets of paper and began speaking.

He didn't have the charisma of Vasguez but clearly there was a lot more substance. I had to listen closely to understand what he was saying, he had a slight accent.

I had to admit what he said was interesting. But there were still several steep hurdles. I also noted that the most promising data he discussed was several years old and I was not convinced of the veracity of all he said.

Eventually Dr Gupta concluded and it seemed like he'd gotten his point across to the potential investors.

And then Vasguez began.

It was a bit of a dog and pony show. Dr Gupta provided the technical information and then Vasguez put the hard sell on.

He talked about the current valuation. He talked about the future growth of the product as soon as it was approved. He let us know he had contingent purchase orders for many millions from several national chain drug stores. And then he laid out the opportunities.

"The valuation of Novacim is increasing rapidly. Those that invested, even earlier this year, have seen fantastic growth," he continued, his natural enthusiasm adding to the momentum of his presentation.

I couldn't help it, at one point I became excited by the opportunity. And then my normal conservative sense kicked in.

It reminded me of a timeshare sales pitch Ali and I attended early in our marriage. There was some type of discounted travel package to fly to Cabo and stay in a nice resort for a few days. All we had to do was give them ninety minutes to hear their 'marketing presentation'.

The 'marketing presentation' turned out to be an old fashioned high pressure sales pitch. I do remember at one point actually considering buying in, until my good sense kicked in. I had the same feeling sitting in this meeting room.

At the conclusion Vasguez handed out prospectuses to the guests and then rushed up to Ali and I. Smiling and still excited about his presentation.

"Michael!" He gushed, shaking my hand and slapping me on the back.

"Ali," he greeted her and moved in for his hug.

I noticed as they hugged their embrace seemed quite natural. In fact, too natural, as if they had done this many times before. My thoughts for the moment on this subject were interrupted by Vasguez.

"Michael, come here," he said while grabbing my arm and moving back to the front of the room, "I'd like to introduce you to Dr Viijay Gupta."

I met Dr Gupta and he seemed like an intelligent quiet man. He was pleasant, certainly not like Vasquez's smooth enthusiastic personality. Far more down to earth.

On the drive home Ali was quite animated about the opportunity with Novacim. I had other issues to discuss with her. I couldn't come right out and accuse her of anything, there were no facts. But I could warn her about the smoothness of Vasguez.

"Ali," I began after a moment, "I understand about the excitement of these types of opportunities, but we've got to be careful. I've seen potential new products before in my business, but it is a long and risky pathway to success. A lot of people have lost a lot of money on these speculative new products."

"Furthermore," I continued, "we need to be careful with a guy like Adrian. I know he has charisma, and it's easy to be taken in by his charm, but there is a lot at stake and we need to keep our eyes wide open when dealing with people like that."

"What are you saying?" She asked me, a note of alarm in her voice.

"Just be cautious, we need to be careful," I explained and I hope she understood.

My warning had a twofold message. Be careful about the get-rich-quick idea and be careful of the smooth, handsome, young guy, who had actually already seen you nearly naked.

The rest of the car ride was quiet and fairly comfortable, at least for me. I had honored my wife's wishes and sat through the evening with Vasguez. I had given her my opinion and advice while avoiding an argument that could have potentially erupted. In my mind, it was a mission accomplished.

Ali sat silently staring out the side window for the rest of the ride home.

The following few weeks were uneventful but there was a slight lack of intimacy in our lives during this time. I couldn't really put my finger on the cause. I knew I was busy with my new job and getting Gail up to speed.

The good news was that Gail was doing well, the clients seemed to like her, I was getting good feedback. She and I traveled the territory several times and I really began to like her as a person. Even though I was completely ethical in my interactions with her, I could not help but notice her looks.

My initial Impression of a tom-boy look had evolved. She was attractive, furthermore she was fit. An athletic body, and what I could see of her legs and ass were muscular. I think she tried to disguise her larger breast size with her clothing.

She was definitely attractive, but as her manager, it was strictly professional.

One night Ali and I found ourselves both home at dinner time, a rare situation these days. I suggested we have dinner at Leonetti's, a casual cafe not far from our house.

There was a lack of the slight tension I had observed, we both were relaxed and in good moods.

"What projects are you working on these days?" I asked, we had been so busy we had not talked much about our jobs.

She told me of a couple of things she was working on and then paused.

"But the big project is Adrian's new house in Sylvania." She exclaimed.

This irritated me, but really, as far as I knew, there was no reason to be concerned. She'd had other male clients before. I stayed silent.

She explained about the large home on acreage in Sylvania. She told me how it had been in disrepair all those years. She told me about the grounds, the beautiful swimming pool, and the outdoor entertainment area.

"So where is it?" I asked. And she gave me a rough idea where the house was located. I thought I knew the general area.

We moved on to other subjects but the idea of the two of them alone in that big house out in the country bugged me. As I have said, Ali had given me no reason to doubt her, but the hugs, the encounter on the beach were things I had observed. What I also had observed was this type of charming guy like Vasguez, I knew the type.

We were struggling through another gray winter that was lasting well into the spring in the Pacific Northwest. That day at work I received some good news. We were heading back to Hawaii for our year-end sales conference. I recalled with vivid pleasure how fun Ali and my trip to Kauai had been after the last meeting. I planned on repeating that plan again and vacationing for a week after the conference.

That night I told Ali about the sales conference in Hawaii and she was as excited as I was. We discussed where to stay, should we explore other islands, and what we would do. It was a great night for both of us, both our moods buoyed by the thoughts of another trip to Hawaii. I planned on getting our flights as soon as possible to get the best fare.

By mid week the weather had begun to turn and all of a sudden it was supposed to be in the 80's by the weekend. What a relief. I was able to get outside that weekend and get a lot of outdoor projects done. Things that had not gotten done through the cold wet winter. By Sunday evening, it seemed odd to think, I suddenly was becoming uncomfortably warm.

The warm weather was forecast to stay around for a while and though I preferred it over the cold and wet, it was on the verge of being a little too warm.

This week was my last week of training with Gail. She really didn't need much more guidance from me but I was following the Pinkus manual. Friday we had one last sales trip west, and then she was on her own. She was doing great.

Thursday afternoon I received a call from Ali.

"Michael, Adrian had invited us to an afternoon pool party at his place in Sylvania this Friday," she told me, "it's from 4 - 7, you'll love his place. It's just going to be a small gathering".

It sounded fun and if it had been anywhere but Vasgez's house I would have been more upbeat about it.

"I'm training that day," I told her, "I'm not sure how soon I could get there".

"Okay," she said, "I'll meet you there. I'll text you the address."

We talked about it a little more that night at home. I was trying to have a good attitude about this 'party' but my radar was up on anything related to Vasguez. The whole shtick on his miracle drug and the smooth way he presented had a false ring to it.

The next day was the last day of training with Gail. We had to go to the coast. Her clients were spread out so we left early to get a good start. I told Gail I needed to be back sooner than normal because of the event at Vasquez's.

It was a beautiful day, cooler along the coast but still bright and sunny. Gail was received quite well by her clients and I could tell she'd begun the process of establishing good business relationships with her customers. That was key.

By early afternoon we were done. We'd had a quick lunch, and by my calculation we should be back in town by around four o clock. It had been a good day. I felt positive about how well Gail was doing and I was looking forward to the weekend.

About ten miles into the journey home we came around a bend and we were met with a long line of brake lights from the cars in front of us. There was some type of traffic jam ahead of us.

We came to a stop and sat there for several minutes. I noted that no traffic was coming in the westbound lane either. That meant the entire highway was stopped both ways. Not good. We sat for a few more minutes and Gail brought up a traffic app on her phone.

"Major collision at milepost 17," she said as she studied the screen on her phone, "sheriff en route but no ambulance or tow truck there yet." She took a deep breath, "We could be here for a while."

I thought of the party at Vasguez's, I sent Ali a text.

'Traffic problem, I'll get there as soon as possible.'

After another ten minutes I followed the lead of some of the other cars. We turned around and decided to take the long way back. By my calculation we would now get into Portland closer to six o clock. My once relaxed mood became agitated. The only positive thing was Gail. She tried to cheer me up.

By the time we got back to 101, went south and then got on the slow way home it was nearly five o clock. There was no way I was going to get back to the office, and then turn around to get back to the party. I expressed these thoughts to Gail.

"Why don't we just stop at this party, sounds like it's on the way." She suggested. "If it's limited I can just wait in the car."

I thought about it. That made sense. We would be roughly heading back near Sylvania, and I was pretty sure I knew how to get Vazquez's place.

"That's a good idea," I said and smiled for the first time since the traffic jam. "And there is no way you're waiting in the car."

We took the Sylvania exit and then a mile or so later turned left down a narrower country lane. After another half mile I saw the long driveway with brick pillars on each side and an opened black wrought iron gate. We turned in.

The house was single level with lots of glass, redwood siding and an angled roof. I could see what it once was and it looked like Vasguez was planning to bring back the original charm.

I saw Ali's red BMW in the driveway but just one other car. Had we missed the party altogether I wondered? I checked my watch, six o' four. Huh, I thought.

"Just a small group I guess?" Gail asked.

"I guess." I replied.

We walked up to the door and rang the bell. No activity. We stood there for a moment or two and then Gail headed off to the right. A minute later she called out to me.

"Michael," she said, and then swung her arm in a 'come here' gesture.

I walked over to a gated fence. Looking over I saw the blue of a pool and heard voices. I unlatched the gate and followed a stone path across the grass to the pool area. To say I was surprised might be a bit of an understatement.

There sitting side by side on chaise lounges were my wife Allison and Vasguez, alone. They were the only people at the 'party'. I watched them talking and laughing together in the brief moment before they noticed Gail and I walking toward them.

"Michael!" Vasguez shouted as he bounced up from his chair and rushed to greet Gail and I.

As he approached I noted his attire. He was in a swimsuit, standard dress for a pool party, I guess, but it was the type of swimsuit that stood out, no pun intended. Not quite a speedo, but it was not much larger and was a tight fit. Anatomically, there were few secrets in this swimsuit style.

And as Gail and I walked forward I then noticed Alison's swim attire. Not the super skimpy bikini that she wore for me in Hawaii, but close. In fact I don't think I had seen this particular swimsuit before. And I'm sure I would've remembered it. Two blue triangles covering her nipples and a small part of her breasts, and then a slightly larger triangle on the bottom. Slightly.

An odd range of emotions passed through my brain. Curiosity on what was actually going on. Anger about what it looked like. Certainly jealousy to see my wife and Vasguez alone - both barely clad. But the other strange feeling I had was embarrassment.

I was embarrassed that my employee saw what I saw. As her manager I needed to control my emotions, be professional, and that perhaps was the only thing that kept me from blowing up.

Allison was standing and putting on some type of cover up. For an instant I reflected, who did she feel the need to cover up in front of?

"Michael," Allison said, "we didn't think you could make up. Wasn't there some kind of wreck on the highway?" She asked.

"Allison, Adrian," I began, ignoring her question about the wreck, "I'd like you to meet my co-worker Gail Beverley."

To say it was an uncomfortable moment would be an understatement. But, I have to say, Gail handled it politely and professionally. When Adrian, barely clad, rushed to her to give his customary effusive greeting, Gail thrust her hand out to shake, stopping the progress of his normal overly-close greeting habit.

Allison had at least the good grace to act embarrassed as we all stood there, her in her state of near undress in Vasquez's beautiful backyard. Our host was falling all over himself offering food, beverage, and a tour of the new house.

I was unhappy about the situation but because I was with my employee, I needed to keep my cool. Fortunately Gail came to the rescue.

"Unfortunately," Gail began, "I need to get going, you have a lovely place here Mr Vasguez,...."

"Please call me Adri...." he interrupted her.

"And it was nice to meet both of you," she interrupted him right back, "now Michael, if you don't mind, we should probably get going."

And with that we pivoted, and headed back to the gate we had just entered.

"Michael" Ali called to me in a pleading tone. A hint of guilt in her voice.

"I'll see you later," I called back to her without turning.

As we went around the corner Vasguez was still offering us chips and guacamole or something I think. We proceeded to the car. As we drove off I saw both Vasguez and Ali at the gate watching us drive away, he with a big smile, bright white teeth flashing, waving goodbye.

For a few minutes we said nothing as we headed back toward the office. I was angry and embarrassed that Gail, my employee, had seen that. I was also starting to get more concerned about the nature of my wife's relationship with this guy.

"That was a little odd," Gail said, breaking the silence. I nodded in agreement.

"I've heard of that guy. Didn't he use to work at Pinkus?" She asked. "And doesn't he have some new wonder drug, or something?"

I told her briefly of his history at Pinkus, and what I knew about Novacim and Dr Gupta. I then told her that Ali was working with Vasguez as an interior designer on his new house.

"Oh, okay," she said, nodding, "that's the connection."

We rode in silence until we were nearly at the office. as we pulled into the parking structure I turned to Gail.

"Hey," I began, "do me a favor. Please don't mention anything about that," and then I gestured back toward Vasquez's house, "to anyone."

"Nope, no one's business but yours," she said and then paused as she turned toward me, "but I got to tell you I got a vibe from that guy, I've seen that type before. I wouldn't trust him." She told me as she got out of the car.

Driving home I thought, yeah I got a vibe from Vasguez too. The problem was I was pretty sure Ali was not getting the same kind of vibe.

It was less than an hour after I returned home that her flashy red BMW pulled into the driveway.

Allison breezed in the house as if all were normal. She moved to kiss me hello and I countered moving away to address something in my office. She continued as if the 'party' incident had never happened.

Finally I said something.

"So how was the party?" I asked, curious at what her reply may be.

She hesitated, "it was kind of a flop," she finally said with a forced chuckle. "A few people got stuck in the same traffic because of the wreck you were delayed in and it ended up being just Adrian and me." She said.

"Are you hungry?" She asked, changing the subject.

I ignored her question.

"I don't think I've seen that swimsuit before," I said to her.

She began some long story about a big sale somewhere and that she had to send it back and get a different size, and how they discounted even more, and so on.

"Ali," I said, a more serious tone in my voice, "do you think there was anything wrong with you being dressed like that, alone with another man?"

"Of course not, it was a pool party," she said, anger creeping into her answer, "Adrian is a friend, I trust him, what are you implying!?"

Things went downhill quickly. Her accusing me of not trusting her, me telling her it was Vasguez that neither of us should trust. I knew that I should retreat to deescalate the situation, but I was mad.

"Do you realize how you embarrassed me in front of my employee?" I asked.

"Embarrassed you!" Her voice now several octaves above normal. "I embarrass you?" She was getting louder. "I don't question you spending all day with that hot new chick!"

Hot new chick I thought for a moment? I then refocused on our discussion. Okay by this point it was a full fledged argument.

It did not end well. My point was that I thought she was inappropriate, at least dressed inappropriately alone with a guy I did not trust. She kept claiming he was a good friend and that he was also a client of hers. Neither of us backed down.

Throughout the weekend there was a chill in our household despite the warm weather. We did not re-address the issue, I think it had turned into an agree to disagree situation. The problem was it really never got resolved. And I was partly at fault.

I knew if I brought it up again it could likely turn into another blow up. As things in our home thawed over the next few days I never did have the calm discussion we should have had to resolve our differences. Life just continued, I was busy at work, and the subject of Vasguez was not brought up again. By either of us.

I made the mistake of thinking that because we did not talk about him our lives had separated from him. Error on my part.

As I said, the hustle and bustle of normal life masked the fissures within our relationship. I was working hard in my new management role. I had pretty much blocked Adrian Vasguez out of my thoughts until one evening right before dinner.