Secrets in the Attic


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I couldn't deny it; she knew me, and now she knew one of my most depraved desires. Also, the tone of the conversation had significantly changed; my secret was out in the open, and she hadn't seemed to mind. "Well, yeah, of course."

Her smirk had not faded, and she squinted her eyes, as if deciding how willing she was to go down this rabbit hole with me.

Finally, she smiled, and just said "okay, let's look!" The implications of her acceptance were astounding to me. She was now practically encouraging one of my deepest and most shameful fantasies. Was there a reason to hide any of my secret desires from her, anymore? Could she even bear the knowledge that I thought about her when I stayed up at night? Maybe she'd even enjoy that knowledge?

I couldn't answer those questions, yet, but barriers were definitely starting to come down. We started digging through more magazines, looking for any hint of amateur photography. I still enjoyed the professional ones, as well. One in particular depicted an underwater scene of a bare-chested woman otherwise dressed as a mermaid. I thought briefly about Hannah's skinny dipping lie.

"So you mentioned never skinny dipping in front of anybody else before... does that mean that you've skinny dipped alone?" She paused her search for a moment, likely deciding how to answer.

"Well... yeah... I mean who hasn't just kinda," she wiggled her hips and moved her hands down her legs, like she was taking off her bottoms, "slipped it off when nobody's looking?" I smiled. She noticed. "Have you?" she asked.

At this point, I had nothing to hide. Confessing that I enjoyed skinny dipping was nothing compared to revealing that my aunt makes me horny. "Yeah, just about every chance I get to," I answered, honestly. "Before I moved away for college, as soon as my parents left the house, my clothes came off, I ran outside, and I got in the pool, butt naked. And since I moved, I found a nice empty stretch of creek by campus where I can head to for a dip and some sun."

Hannah hummed delightedly, "Mmmm, that sounds so nice."

"It is," I confirmed.

"But when you're home, you even leave your house naked? You're not worried a neighbor is gonna see you, or something?" I grinned. "Honestly, after a certain point, the risk of that happening is just kinda part of it. I used to go out in my swimsuit, take it off once I was in the pool, then do a few laps naked, but after a while of that, I kinda almost wanted to get caught, you know? It's hard to describe why, exactly."

"Dude, you have no idea how much I get that, though," Hannah said excitedly. "I mean, I envy your boldness. I'm way too scared to actually get out of the pool like that, but whenever I swim naked, the thought that somebody could be watching me, but probably isn't, just really does it for me. I don't think that anybody has ever actually seen me do it, and to be honest, I hope nobody has, but the risk of it happening is what's so goddamn exciting."

I looked at her plainly. "I've never agreed with somebody so much in my whole goddamn life."

She laughed that sweet, wonderful laugh. "Thanks! I thought I was so weird for liking it!" It seemed we had much more in common than I had originally thought. She seemed eager to continue this conversation, "So have you had the pleasure of skinny dipping with other people, then? I wonder sometimes if it'd still be arousing, or if having other people around would just make it feel normal," she asked.

"No, I haven't, but I'd be more than willing to try," I replied with a smile. She glanced at me and smiled back, coyly. Was that flirting? Is this what flirting with Hannah was like?

"So you're a bit of an exhibitionist, and you have a thing for aunts, I guess. I'm learning all kinds of things about you today." I felt my face turn a bit red.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, it really feels good to actually talk about this kinda stuff with somebody else"

"I can tell," she responded, gesturing towards my hardness that I was now making no effort to obscure. And she did so nonchalantly, like its presence had no negative connotations whatsoever. Her level of comfort just made me want her more.

"Yeah, kinda difficult to deny that, I guess." I looked down at it, and then held it through my nylon shorts between my thumb and forefinger, as if inspecting it. Hannah giggled at the gesture. What the fuck? Was she actually fine with this? I was literally touching my penis, and she seemed particularly undistressed. I wanted nothing more than to just start rubbing it and see how she reacted, but this interaction had already been so weird and wonderful that I couldn't dare risk my luck.

But I would dare to keep the confessions flowing. At the rate we were going, it was hard for me to believe that she wasn't enjoying them as well. "Honestly, at this point, I feel like I could tell you anything. Ask me any question and I can honestly give you the true answer."

"Okay," she said, thoughtfully. "Well, if aunts get you all hot and bothered, are you into my mom, then?" She asked it so casually, as if this were also a normal topic of conversation, but it was really such a bizarre subject to talk about. I clammed up. At this point, I'd be lying if I said no, and I was a notoriously bad liar. But this was Hannah, the most dominant figure in my fantasies, and one of my best friends in real life. I couldn't just tell her that her mom had in fact entered my fantasies once or twice. I was walking on a razor thin edge.

"I mean, there are other things that turn me on more than aunts."

"That's not an answer," Hannah quipped. I paused, weighing my options.

"Well, let's just say she's not the first family member that comes to mind."

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on!"

"Well... to be perfectly honest, I prefer cousins," were the only words that came to my mind, and they had left my mouth before I could even stop to consider the ramifications of what I was saying. Hannah stopped what she was doing, and looked at me seriously.

"Oh, I see..." her tone was unchanged, but her face indicated trouble for me. There was no taking back what I had said, and no way to pack-pedal out of this situation. Hell, I couldn't even physically leave, with the way we were stuck in this tiny spot in the attic.

"Well then, who's you favorite cousin?" she asked. Her expression gave no indication as to which answer she expected, but with my naivete, her tone sounded genuinely curious. "Natalie?" she prodded. I also thought about Natalie often, she was our oldest cousin, and, in all honesty, had the finest ass of any of them, but she was not my favorite. I didn't have the same relationship with her as Hannah.

"No," I responded, curtly.

"Really? That's shocking, I almost have a thing for Natalie. Amy, then?"

There was no way around this. She was going to run out of cousins very soon. "No," I said at last. "It's you, Hannah."

I could have sworn she was trembling, but it might have just been my own anxiety. After a short silence that felt like an eternity, she said "That's so sweet..." I had no way of telling how she meant it. "How long have you liked me like that?"

I considered, then responded, "At this point, as long as I can remember. Probably as soon as I was old enough to realize how wonderful you are." It was the most honest answer I could give.

"God, that's so fucking cheesy," she teased.

"You seem surprisingly chill with this news," I observed aloud.

"Yeah, I mean..." she was definitely trembling now. "I've kinda got a thing for you, too... I think you were even my very first crush." I swelled with emotion. In that moment, I could have screamed to let the world know how wonderful I felt. This whole time, and she actually had been into me, too! I could hardly believe it. She continued, "I'm not gonna lie, I've fantasized about a conversation like this for a long ass time."

I agreed, "Me too."

There was a pause as we stared at each other. "So then," Hannah finally said, "what are we going to do about it?"

"Well," I started, and reached my hand around and onto her back, slowly sliding it down to her waistline.

She closed her eyes, "God, you have no idea how much I want you." Her words filled me with a passion I had never known. I started to turn, raising my hand to her cheek, but she stopped me. She asked, "but should we?"

These words hit me hard. I put my hands down. With all the emotion, I had almost forgotten the plain fact that we were, after all, related by blood.

"I'm not sure," I admitted, disappointingly. I looked down at the floor. She turned towards me, and lifted my face so that my eyes met hers. Tears were starting to form.

"Don't get me wrong. I want this more than anything, but... to be honest, biologically, it could get so fucked up, if we, you know... took it all the way." I never knew Hannah to be a pragmatist, but then again, I was learning a lot about her today.

"Yeah..." I let out, meekly. She put her hands on my chest and pressed her body up against mine. The sensation was heavenly.

"Maybe we should just..." she began to offer. I put my hands on her hips, desperate to feel as much of her as I could, but not wanting to step too quickly and put her off. "...jerk off?" she finished.

I chuckled. "I like the way you think," I said gently, "but first..." and I leaned my face down into hers for a kiss.

Her lips were warm and soft, and kissing her was the most natural and sensational kiss I had ever known. I slowly moved my right hand up her back to pull her in closer to me. My left hand eagerly moved over her supple ass and gave it a soft squeeze. She moaned.

Our movements became more passionate, more vigorous. My right hand continued up, onto the back of her neck, mingling with her soft black hair. My libido began to take control, giving her ass a forceful spank. She yelped and pulled away. "Hey!" she playfully exclaimed, looking towards the door. "Somebody could hear," she had started to whisper.

"I know," I replied confidently. She smirked at me and let her fingers fall along my torso, stopping just before my shorts, then falling away. She looked me up and down, biting her lower lip.

She slid her right hand down the front of her shorts, and started rubbing, slowly at first, but quickly getting more vigorous. Her head fell backwards in ecstasy. I admired the visual for a moment, then swiftly dropped my shorts to the floor, my erect penis flopping out as they fell. Hannah looked down and moaned, her hand moving faster.

Normally when I masturbate, I like to start out slow, teasing myself and preparing myself for a long session of edging. And I tried to do so in that moment, giving myself some slow playful tugs, but my dick was already dripping with precum, and watching Hannah enjoy herself compelled my instincts. I threw my routine out the window, pulled off my shirt, threw it onto the floor, and went to town on myself, naked in front of my still fully-clothed, masturbating cousin.

With her free hand, Hannah started rubbing my bare torso as my own velocity increased. To be honest, I was already seconds away from cumming right on her shirt. As if that were my only motivation, I stopped, and pulled up on her top, revealing her navel. Hannah quickly took the hint and pulled it off over her head, sending it flying across the room. What was left was a beautiful black lacy bra, supporting the same full breasts I'd been stealing glances at for years. The cleavage they formed was entirely perfect. She unhooked her bra as I returned my hand to my penis, appreciating her curves. The bra fell and her boobs separated, but remained firmly high on her chest, despite their size. I instinctively reached for a handful with my free hand, and it was the softest skin I had ever felt. I lightly pinched her small pink nipple between my thumb and forefinger and her mouth opened in delighted surprise. Her hands went to her hips, and her bottoms fell in one swift motion. I looked down her perfectly curving figure to see her feet stepping out of pink cotton panties. That settled that dispute. Hannah quickly returned her right palm over her light bush, her fingers curling around herself, and she began again, rubbing with intensity. Her free hand went to her other breast, tugging at it, as her head fell back again in pleasure.

And there we were, two naked cousins pleasing ourselves in each other's company. Our free hands wandered over each other's bodies, exploring each other to our respective delights. Our skin was collectively soft and inviting, our flesh trembling with each motion we made. We kissed frequently and passionately. I bit her lip as I rubbed my cock, feeling myself ready explode all over her-

Then suddenly, we heard a noise.

The door handle to the attic storage space started to turn, and Hannah stopped and grabbed my arms in a panic. She looked up at me with wide eyes. "Get down!" I whispered as quietly as I could without losing the urgency. We fell to the floor, myself on top of her, our bodies a jumbled mess of bare parts against each other.

We heard the door open, and a voice said "Wow, sure is humid in here." I pulled myself closer to Hannah, trying get our heads as low as possible in the cramped space. They hadn't immediately noticed us, so the piles of junk must have been hiding us sufficiently.

Another voice answered the first, "Heat rises and all that, attics are always hot and humid."

Hannah's breathing was rapid and heavy, her body slick with sweat. Her breasts pressed tightly against my chest, and with the way we fell, I could feel my dick starting to leak against her inner thigh. The first voice said, "Right. It should be somewhere over here," and we started to hear the sound of various shifting objects as they supposedly began their search.

Hannah turned to me, her face inches a way from mine. She silently mouthed, "What the fuck do we do?!" As we quietly panicked, I was still acutely aware of my cock against her soft thigh. I looked down, eyeing what little of her body I could manage to see. I locked eyes with her and slowly thrust my pelvis against her, enjoying the sensation. She quickly wrapped her arm around me and pressed her hand against my ass to quell the motion. Her face expressed her shock, her eyes as wide as they could be. I bit my lower lip at her as I gave another slow thrust anyway, my hardness sliding along her skin, lubricated by my own precum. She looked away to the top of our hiding spot, presumably in an effort to increase her confidence in our security. Her face softened a little as her eyes returned to my face, looking me up and down.

The second voice spoke, apparently still unaware, "I'm telling you, I haven't seen that book in years, I'm sure they've sold it by now."

The hand on my ass started to push me slightly as Hannah shifted beneath me. I soon felt labia against the tip of my cock. Now I silently expressed my own shock at her, my eyes wide. "Are you sure?" I mouthed. She nodded excitedly and anxiously. She tried to push my pelvis down, beckoning me. Her expression was wild.

I slowly obliged, my penis sliding smoothly into her warm wetness. Her jaw dropped and her eyes seemed to roll into the back of her head. I could feel myself pushing against the walls inside her, and the feeling shook me to my core. It took every ounce of willpower I had to not cry out in pleasure. I carefully lifted my hips up and thrust myself into her again. In that moment, nothing else in the world mattered. Everything melted away and the only fact that remained in the universe was that I was having sex with my cousin.

Then my third thrust made an unwelcome, wet, fleshy noise and the illusion was shattered by reality. I stopped dead in my tracks as we waited with bated breath for a response from the other occupants of the room.

We were greeted with only the sound of shuffling books and papers. As such, I continued my thrusts, ever more careful and slow. Hannah's breath was hot against my skin as she clutched me close. The sensation of each motion washed over me like a wave as I inched closer and closer to orgasm.

My senses as we fucked were full of her and nothing but her. All I could hear was her breath. All I could see was her skin. All I could feel was her flesh.

With each deliberate motion, I knew the inevitable was quickly approaching, and I had no intention of risking the worst possible outcome. I put my lips to Hannah's ear as I whispered in the quietest voice I could manage, "I'm about to cum," and I started to lift myself out of her for the last time.

"No," she whispered back, forcefully. Her hand pushed me down and back inside her. "Don't you dare stop." I was in no position to argue. I managed two more careful thrusts before I felt true ecstasy starting to boil up.

"I'm going to cum," I urgently whispered again.

"I'm so close," she whispered back, her hand guiding me to continue.

One more thrust and it began. I no longer had the will to hold it back; I exploded. My body was suddenly awash with bliss. I exhaled deeply as cum shot out of me and into her. I soon felt her contract tightly around me as she let out a quiet whimper. I covered her mouth with my hand in an effort to silence her. Her body began to shake as she closed her eyes tight.

And then it was over. We shared our glorious release in a silence that we were both desperate to fill.

"Found it!" a faceless voice from the opposite side of the room finally exclaimed, to our surprise.

The other voice answered, "Oh, awesome!" Their footsteps began to retreat. "Now look at the inscription here, that's how you can tell..." their voices trailed off as they left the room and we heard the door shut behind them.

My eyes met Hannah's, and after a beat, we burst into a hysterical laughter. It subsided, for a moment, then we laughed again. I slowly reached my head up and thankfully saw the room empty of occupants and the door shut. I stood up and stretched the body parts that I had been twisted into ungodly positions on the floor. Hannah reached her arms up and I helped her to her feet.

"Ow, ow, ow," she let out as she stood.

"You good?" I asked.

"Yeah, definitely just had my leg bent in a way it's definitely not supposed to go." She laughed through the pain. I looked at her, admiring her beauty, truly seeing her body for the first time without any connotation; the kind of intimate gaze that can only occur after loving someone, and expressing that love physically.

"Well, that was..." I was at a loss for words.

"Yeah... it was," she agreed.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
You just let it stop!??!

You had something good going, and then let it just stop.

You might as well have thrown it in the trash!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Keeping this anonymous:

I met my second cousin when I was in my late 20's. I knew of her and that side of the family. But for what ever reason we ,as a family were not close . I don't ever remember a family gathering with them. So it was like just meeting a stranger. Almost like a blind date. We met at Burger King of all places . It's just where we agreed to meet. She was about 5'5" or so. Maybe 125-130 pounds with blond hair. After talking for a few hours she asked if we could hang out tomorrow since by chance we were both off from work that day. I had plans to drive to the beach and spend the day there. I mentioned that but said I could change my plans. She told me that if I don't mind she would be thrilled to go. It kind of put me on the spot because I was going to a clothing optional beach. I told her that. And she just smiled and said that it was fine. She's been there before. Jumping a head we spent the whole day there naked. What a body ! When we were leaving she just put on a pull over and nothing else. We never did make it home that night. We shared the cost of a room.

RockyMountainHighRockyMountainHighabout 4 years ago
Part Two?

There's gotta be a part 2 to this. They have been wanting this long enough, it can't stop at a one time thing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Please write more!

Thanks for this great story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very nice

This is the first story I've read on here and I'm extremely impressed

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
More please.

This was pretty fantastic. You balanced character, attraction, lust, and specific kinks incredibly well. I would love to see you continue this and maybe escalate it.

ud1234ud1234about 5 years ago
Well done!

Your first story? Well written, well paced. Nice use of language. Wish it had been longer and included the aunt. But, that is just me. Keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
more please

Natural dialogue, good plot. Continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

This is auch a well written story! The characters seem real and the action is honest. A very hot story! I cant wait to see what else yoi cum up with!

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